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CNG-SFDA: Clean-and-Noisy Region Guided Online-Offline Source-Free Domain Adaptation

  • Conference paper
  • First Online:
Computer Vision – ACCV 2024 (ACCV 2024)

Part of the book series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science ((LNCS,volume 15479))

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  • 68 Accesses


Domain shift occurs when training (source) and test (target) data diverge in their distribution. Source-Free Domain Adaptation (SFDA) addresses this domain shift problem, aiming to adopt a trained model on the source domain to the target domain in a scenario where only a well-trained source model and unlabeled target data are available. In this scenario, handling false labels in the target domain is crucial because they negatively impact the model performance. To deal with this problem, we propose to update cluster prototypes (i.e., centroid of each sample cluster) and their structure in the target domain formulated by the source model in online manners. In the feature space, samples in different regions have different pseudo-label distribution characteristics affected by the cluster prototypes, and we adopt distinct training strategies for these samples by defining clean and noisy regions: we selectively train the target with clean pseudo-labels in the clean region, whereas we introduce mix-up inputs representing intermediate features between clean and noisy regions to increase the compactness of the cluster. We conducted extensive experiments on multiple datasets in online/offline SFDA settings, whose results demonstrate that our method, CNG-SFDA, achieves state-of-the-art for most cases. Code is available at

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This research was conducted with resources and endless support from VUNO Inc, and Won Hwa Kim was supported by Graduate School of AI at POSTECH (IITP-2019-0-01906).

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Cho, H., Park, C., Kim, DH., Kim, J., Kim, W.H. (2025). CNG-SFDA: Clean-and-Noisy Region Guided Online-Offline Source-Free Domain Adaptation. In: Cho, M., Laptev, I., Tran, D., Yao, A., Zha, H. (eds) Computer Vision – ACCV 2024. ACCV 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 15479. Springer, Singapore.

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