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Role of Soil Macrofauna in Phosphorus Cycling

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Phosphorus in Action

Part of the book series: Soil Biology ((SOILBIOL,volume 26))

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Soil macrofauna (invertebrates larger than 2mm) live all or part of their life below ground. The activities of soil macroinvertebrates regulate soil organic matter transformations and nutrient dynamics to a significant extent. The role of earthworms and termites in soil phosphorus (P) cycling has been frequently studied, especially in tropical ecosystems. They produce biogenic structures, mainly casts for earthworms and mounds for termites, in which P contents and forms differ from those of the surrounding soil. Their overall activity markedly changes P availability in soils where they are active while biogenic structures also impact P transfer by infiltration or runoff when eroded. However, these effects vary according to the feeding and construction behaviors of the dominant macroinvertebrate groups. Macrofauna-mediated changes in soil P cycling deserve further research that includes upscaling at population levels.

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Chapuis-Lardy, L., Le Bayon, RC., Brossard, M., López-Hernández, D., Blanchart, E. (2011). Role of Soil Macrofauna in Phosphorus Cycling. In: Bünemann, E., Oberson, A., Frossard, E. (eds) Phosphorus in Action. Soil Biology, vol 26. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

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