The goal of entity resolution is the identification of semantically equivalent objects within one data source or between different sources. In the context of Big Data, there is a growing need for large-scale entity resolution to find matching entities within very large and between many data sources. This requires effectively parallelizing entity resolution tasks within cluster environments.
Entity resolution (ER) is the task to identify semantically equivalent entities referring to the same real-word object (e.g., persons, products, publications, or movies) within one data source or between different sources. This task is also known as data deduplication, object matching, record linkage, or link discovery. ER is of core importance for data cleaning and data integration and has been addressed for a long time in practice and research (Rahm and Do 2000; Elmagarmid et al. 2007; Christen 2012).
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Saeedi A, Peukert E, Rahm E (2017) Comparative evaluation of distributed clustering schemes for multi-source entity resolution. In: Proceedings of the advances in databases and information systems, vol 10509. Springer LNCS, Nicosia
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Rahm, E., Peukert, E. (2018). Large Scale Entity Resolution. In: Sakr, S., Zomaya, A. (eds) Encyclopedia of Big Data Technologies. Springer, Cham.
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