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First Programming Language in Introductory Programming Courses, Role of

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Encyclopedia of Education and Information Technologies


Introductory programming language; Novice programming language


The Introduction to Programming is an important field and at least one course with this or a similar title exists in all Computer Science (CS) and Information and Communications Technology (ICT) bachelor studies (Moritz and Blank 2005). A programming language selected for such a course should provide a notion in which to express algorithms, techniques, and data structures and focus on teaching programming and acquiring programming skills (Goosen et al. 2007). Computer science is a theoretical, as well as a practical discipline, and usually it deals with the science of computation, art, and craft. So, it is extremely important to learn an appropriate programming language (PL) in the first course in computer science.

Different factors and concerns (Ali and Smith 2014) influence the choice of the first programming language (FPL) for CS and ICT studies, and it is extremely important to differentiate key...

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Xinogalos, S., Pitner, T., Savić, M., Ivanović, M. (2020). First Programming Language in Introductory Programming Courses, Role of. In: Tatnall, A. (eds) Encyclopedia of Education and Information Technologies. Springer, Cham.

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  • Publisher Name: Springer, Cham

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