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On Sets and Graphs


This monograph revolves around the correspondences between sets and graphs and their applications to finite combinatorics, with an eye on proof methods and proof technology. Throughout, membership will be a nested relation. The restraint of using nothing but sets in the formation of sets does not in the least hinder generality, however disconcerting it may appear at first. The merits of nested usage of ∈ will be a recurrent theme in this book.

This introductory chapter supplies informal and quite elementary reasons motivating our exploration of the correspondences between sets and graphs. It also surveys some key ideas behind the correspondences that will be set forth.

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  1. 1.

    Notice that we normally write “Set Theory” with uppercase initials only when referring to the field of mathematics encompassing intuitive approaches to sets, besides the study of variant axiomatic systems about sets. No matter how important, the Zermelo-Fraenkel theory, which we are referring to here, is but one of the many axiomatic systems which Set Theory considers worth of study. Other systems expunge infinite sets or enrich the set-universe with the aggregates sometimes called “hypersets.”

  2. 2.

    Here we cannot pass under complete silence that a field named combinatorial set theory, boldly addressing infinite combinatorics, has been flourishing for decades.

  3. 3.

    In analogy with the above-traced distinction between Set Theory and set theories, we will distinguish between Graph Theory as a broad, largely semiformal field of study and the many graph theories formalizing multiple facets of the overall field.

  4. 4.

    Entities should not proliferate beyond necessity.

  5. 5.

    The precise extent of the set to which we are restricting membership will be clarified very soon, with the definition of \(\mathsf{trCl}\left (\cdot \right )\).

  6. 6.

    Throughout most of this book, the term graph means directed graph. However, in keeping with the standard graph-theoretic terminology, in Part II, we will use graphs for undirected graphs and digraphs for directed graphs.


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Omodeo, E.G., Policriti, A., Tomescu, A.I. (2017). Introduction. In: On Sets and Graphs. Springer, Cham.

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