The paper proposes SecureBiNN, a novel three-party secure computation framework for evaluating privacy-preserving binarized neural network (BiNN) in semi-honest adversary setting. In SecureBiNN, three participants hold input data and model parameters in secret sharing form, and execute secure computations to obtain secret shares of prediction result without disclosing their input data, model parameters and the prediction result. SecureBiNN performs linear operations in a computation-efficient and communication-free way. For non-linear operations, we provide novel secure methods for evaluating activation function, maxpooling layers, and batch normalization layers in BiNN. Communication overhead is significantly minimized comparing to previous work like XONN and Falcon. We implement SecureBiNN with tensorflow and the experiments show that using the Fitnet structure, SecureBiNN achieves on CIFAR-10 dataset an accuracy of 81.5%, with communication cost of 16.609MB and runtime of 0.527s/3.447s in the LAN/WAN settings. More evaluations on real-world datasets are also performed and other concrete comparisons with state-of-the-art are presented as well.
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- 1.
- 2.
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- 4.
The maxpooling operation comes on the heels of the activation layer, and can be achieved by changing the final output of the activation layer as in Algorithm 6.
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The work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61971192), Shanghai Municipal Education Commission (2021-01-07-00-08-E00101), and Shanghai Trusted Industry Internet Software Collaborative Innovation Center.
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The privacy-preserving neural network inference technology is mainly divided into two routes, one is based on HE, and another on SMC.
In the former route, one commonly used HE algorithm is CKKS [12], a computation-expensive leveled-FHE scheme with multiplication depth being kept within certain range. In 2016, Nathan et al. propose Cryptonets [12] using the CKKS algorithm. Since CKKS can only support addition and multiply operations, it is difficult to implement the Sigmoid or the ReLU activation functions, and only the square function can be used which makes low model accuracy.
A representative example in SMC-based route goes to SecureML [23] which uses Beaver’s Triplet [6] to realize multiplication. As it requires numerous multiplication triples, SecureML supports limited practicability. Subsequent schemes (e.g., ABY [13]) significantly reduce the running time and communication cost. Other frameworks including BiNN inference framework XONN [28] mainly rely on GC. Some 3PC frameworks (e.g., ABY3 [24] and Falcon [35]) use replicated secret sharing [14]. Therein, three parties can directly perform privacy-preserving multiplications locally according to the input to obtain the output and no interaction is required. Thus, these 3PC frameworks are generally more efficient and faster than those 2PC frameworks, an advantage meeting actual needs.
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Zhu, W., Wei, M., Li, X., Li, Q. (2022). SecureBiNN: 3-Party Secure Computation for Binarized Neural Network Inference. In: Atluri, V., Di Pietro, R., Jensen, C.D., Meng, W. (eds) Computer Security – ESORICS 2022. ESORICS 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13556. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-17143-7_14
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-17143-7_14
Publisher Name: Springer, Cham
Print ISBN: 978-3-031-17142-0
Online ISBN: 978-3-031-17143-7
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