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POMDP Controllers with Optimal Budget

  • Conference paper
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Quantitative Evaluation of Systems (QEST 2022)


Parametric Markov chains (pMCs) have transitions labeled with functions over a fixed set of parameters. They are useful if the exact transition probabilities are uncertain, e.g., when checking a model for robustness. This paper presents a simple way to check whether the expected total reward until reaching a given target state is monotonic in (some of) the parameters. We exploit this monotonicity together with parameter lifting to find an \(\varepsilon \)-close bound on the optimal expected total reward. Our results are also useful to automatically synthesise controllers with a fixed memory structure for partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs), a popular model in AI planning. We experimentally show that our approach can successfully find \(\varepsilon \)-optimal controllers for optimal budget in such POMDPs.

Supported by DFG RTG 2236 “UnRAVeL” and DFG 1462/4-1 “PASYWI”.

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A Algorithm

In this section, we describe the algorithmic approach to obtain a sufficient reward order, which is used for monotonicity checking.

figure ab

Our algorithm takes as input an pMC and bounds for all states. It returns a set of annotated reward orders \((\mathcal {A}, \preceq ^{{\texttt {rew}}, \mathcal {A}})\), where \(\mathcal {A}\) is a set of assumptions of the form \(s \preceq ^{{\texttt {rew}}}_{}s'\). The algorithm iteratively computes a set of reward orders. At this stage, both the bounds and the assumptions are not relevant and not used.

Initially, we start with the trivial order for all \(s\in S\). The queue is initialised (l.1) with an empty set of assumptions, the trivial order and all non-target states in S. At each iteration, we pick an order from the queue. If all states are processed (l.5), we are done building the reward order. Otherwise, we pick a state s to process (l.7), and try to order this state based on the reasoning from Lemmas 2 and 3 in Algorithm 1. We pick this state in reversed topological order, as this increases the likelihood that all successor states are contained in the order. Once we processed s, we put the (possibl) extended order in the queue together with the set of assumptions and the states we still need to process (l.25). Note that, if the state reward is 0 (l.9–18), the algorithm is equivalent to Algorithm 1 extended for treating cycles as found in [39, Sect. 4.1 and 4.3]. As assumptions are not used, Algorithm 1 in fact computes a single reward order; it runs linear in the number of transitions. Note that this order is not necessarily sufficient for the pMC.

figure ad

Assumptions. To obtain a sufficient reward order, we consider assumptions, as described in Sect. 3.3. We exploit the annotations (called assumptions) that were ignored so far. Recall from Definition 6 that a reward order is not sufficient at a parametric state s, if its successors \(s_1\) and \(s_2\) are not totally ordered. To remain sound, we consider all possible orderings of \(s_1\) and \(s_2\). We add for each possible ordering a copy of the reward order to the queue, and continue as if the ordering of \(s_1\) and \(s_2\) is known. We extend Algorithm 1 with assumptions by adding the code of Algorithm 2 after lines 18 and 24.

Using Bounds. As creating assumptions might lead to an exponential explosion in the number of orders in the queue, we also consider the situation in which we have bounds \(L_R(s)\) and \(U_R(s)\) at our disposal satisfying

$$ L_R(s) \, \le \, \textrm{ER}^{s}_{\mathcal {M}[\vec {u}]}(\lozenge T) \, \le \, U_R(s) \quad \text {for all } \vec {u} \in R~. $$

As these bounds are a relatively cheap way to order states, we extend Algorithm 1 by adding Algorithm 3 directly after line 7. This algorithm uses Lemma 6 to order the successor states of s to obtain a sufficient order for s (l.1–5). Furthermore, it uses Lemmas 7 and 8, to order a state relative to its successor states (l. 10–15).

figure ae
Table 3. Overview of the found \(\varepsilon \)-optimal values

B Results

Table 3 shows the \(\varepsilon \)-optimal values for the integrated approach. It shows the results for \(\varepsilon =0.1\) and \(\varepsilon = 0.05\). For all entries the result for \(\varepsilon =0.1\) and \(\varepsilon = 0.05\) with heuristics is equal. This confirms that our initial guess for CurMax is a good one, even though we do need splitting of the region. The splitting is necessary as the bound found with parameter lifting is not yet tight enough to confirm that CurMax is indeed an \(\varepsilon \)-optimum. When maximizing the 4\(\,\times \,\)4 grid (2) we find with heuristics a value of 10685 and without heuristics 10679. This can be explained by the new way of updating CurMax.

C Proofs

1.1 C.1 Proof Sketch of Theorem 1

Theorem 1

$$\begin{aligned} \Big (\forall s \in S.\ \textsf{ER}^{s \rightarrow T}{}{\uparrow _{p}^{\ell }}\Big ) \ \text { implies } \ \textsf{ER}^{s_{ I } \rightarrow T}{}{\uparrow _{p}}. \end{aligned}$$


We sketch the proof of Theorem 1, which follows the lines of [39, Thm. 2]. First of all, we lift the notion of local monotonicity (Definition 4) to local monotonicity for n steps. Secondly, we claim that local monotonicity implies local monotonicity for n steps and from this global monotonicity follows.

We define the length of a finite path \(|\hat{\pi }| = n\) for \(\hat{\pi }= s_0 s_1 \ldots s_n\). Let \({ Paths}^{n}(s)\) be the set of all paths with length n starting from state \(s\in S\).

Definition 8

(Locally monotonic increasing for n steps).\(\textsf{ER}_{\mathcal {M}}^{s \rightarrow T}\) is locally monotonic increasing for n steps in parameter p (at s) on region R, denoted \(\textsf{ER}_{\mathcal {M}}^{s \rightarrow T}{\uparrow _{p}^{\ell , {n}, R}}\), iff for all \(\vec {u} \in R\):

$$\begin{aligned} \left( \sum \limits _{\hat{\pi }\in { Paths}^{n}(s)} \left( \dfrac{{\scriptstyle \partial }}{{\scriptstyle \partial p}}{\Pr (\hat{\pi })}\right) \cdot \left( r(\hat{\pi }, \lozenge T) + \textsf{ER}_{\mathcal {M}}^{\hat{\pi }_n \rightarrow T}\right) \right) (\vec {u})\ \ge \ 0. \end{aligned}$$

For \(n=1\), Definition 8 corresponds to Definition 4. The claim that local monotonicity implies local monotonicity for n steps (for all n) can be proven by induction over n. The claim that global monotonicity follows from this can be shown similar to the proof of [39, Theorem 2, Equation 2], with as main difference that no state \(s \in S\) exists for which \(\textsf{Pr}^{s \rightarrow T} = 0\), cf. Remark 1.

1.2 C.2 Proof of Lemma 7

Lemma 7

For any state s with \(\textsf {succ}(s) = \{ s_1, s_2 \}\), \(f = \mathcal {P}(s, s_1)\), region R and \(s_1 \preceq ^{{\texttt {rew}}}_{}s_2\): if for all \(\vec {u} \in R\)

  1. 1.

    \(r(s) \ge f(\vec {u}) \cdot \left( U_R(s_2) - L_R(s_1)\right) \ \text { then } \ s_2 \preceq ^{{\texttt {rew}}}_{}s \text {, and }\)

  2. 2.

    \( r(s) \le f(\vec {u}) \cdot \left( L_R(s_2) - U_R(s_1)\right) \ \text { then } \ s \preceq ^{{\texttt {rew}}}_{}s_2.\)


Let \(f' = \mathcal {P}(s, s_2) = 1{-}f\). For the first case, we derive for all \(\vec {u} \in R\):

$$\begin{aligned} r(s)&\ge {f(\vec {u})} \cdot \left( U_R(s_2) - L_R(s_1)\right) \\&\ge f(\vec {u}) \cdot \left( \textsf{ER}^{s_2 \rightarrow T} - \textsf{ER}^{s_1 \rightarrow T}\right) \\&= f(\vec {u}) \cdot \textsf{ER}^{s_2 \rightarrow T} - f(\vec {u}) \cdot \textsf{ER}^{s_1 \rightarrow T}\\&= (1{-}f'(\vec {u})) \cdot \textsf{ER}^{s_2 \rightarrow T} - f(\vec {u}) \cdot \textsf{ER}^{s_1 \rightarrow T}\\&= \textsf{ER}^{s_2 \rightarrow T} -f'(\vec {u}) \cdot \textsf{ER}^{s_2 \rightarrow T} - f(\vec {u}) \cdot \textsf{ER}^{s_1 \rightarrow T}. \end{aligned}$$

From this. it immediately follows for all \(\vec {u} \in R\):

$$\begin{aligned} \underbrace{r(s) + f(\vec {u}) \cdot \textsf{ER}^{s_1 \rightarrow T} + f'(\vec {u}) \cdot \textsf{ER}^{s_2 \rightarrow T}}_{= \textsf{ER}^{s \rightarrow T}} \ge \textsf{ER}^{s_2 \rightarrow T}, \end{aligned}$$

so \(s_2 \preceq ^{{\texttt {rew}}}_{}s\).

For the second case, the proof follows in a similar way.

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Spel, J., Stein, S., Katoen, JP. (2022). POMDP Controllers with Optimal Budget. In: Ábrahám, E., Paolieri, M. (eds) Quantitative Evaluation of Systems. QEST 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13479. Springer, Cham.

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  • Publisher Name: Springer, Cham

  • Print ISBN: 978-3-031-16335-7

  • Online ISBN: 978-3-031-16336-4

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