Private set intersection reveals the intersection of two private sets, but many real-world applications require the parties to learn only partial information about the intersection. In this paper we introduce a new approach for computing arbitrary functions of the intersection, provided that it is safe to also reveal the cardinality of the intersection. In the most general case, our new protocol provides the participants with secret shares of the intersection, which can be fed into any generic 2PC protocol. Certain computations on the intersection can also be done even more directly and efficiently, avoiding this secret-sharing step. These cases include computing only the cardinality of intersection, or the “cardinality-sum” application proposed in Ion et al. (ePrint 2017). Compared to the state-of-the-art protocol for computing on intersection (Pinkas et al., Eurocrypt 2019), our protocol has about \(2.5-3\times \) less communication, and has faster running time on slower (50 Mbps) networks.
Our new techniques can also be used to privately compute the union of two sets as easily as computing the intersection. Our protocol concretely improves the leading private set union protocol (Kolesnikov et al., Asiacrypt 2020) by a factor of \(2-2.5\times \), depending on the network speed. We then show how private set union can be used in a simple way to realize the “Private-ID” functionality suggested by Buddhavarapu et al. (ePrint 2020). Our protocol is significantly faster than the prior Private-ID protocol, especially on fast networks.
All of our protocols are in the two-party setting and are secure against semi-honest adversaries.
Authors from Oregon State University - Partially supported by NSF award 1617197 and a Facebook research award.
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1 Introduction
In 2-party private set intersection (PSI), Alice’s input is a set of items X, Bob’s input is a set Y, and the output (given to one or both of them) is the entire contents of the intersection \(X \cap Y\). PSI protocols have become incredibly efficient over the last decade.
The fastest PSI protocols generally follow the rough approach of Pinkas et al. [PSZ14], which was the first special-purpose PSI protocols to be based on efficient OT (oblivious transfer) extension. Since then, the techniques have been considerably refined and improved for both semi-honest [PSSZ15, KKRT16, PRTY19, CM20] and malicious [DCW13, RR17a, RR17b, PRTY20] security. An entirely different approach to PSI requires public-key operations (e.g., key agreement or partially homomorphic encryption) linear in the size of the sets [Mea86, HFH99, FNP04, CT10, CT12, FHNP16]. Our focus in this work is on faster OT-extension-based PSI techniques.
Computing on the Intersection. Many real-world applications are closely related to PSI but in fact require only partial/aggregate information about the intersection to be revealed. In a notable real-world deployment of secure computation, Google is known to compute the cardinality of the intersection and the sum of values in the intersection [IKN+19, MPR+20]. More generally, we consider private computing on set intersection (PCSI): the problem of securely computing \(g(X\cap Y)\) for a (mostly) generic choice of function g.
There are several techniques for computing set intersections within generic 2PC, so that the intersection can be easily fed into another function. Huang, Katz and Evans [HEK12] gave an efficient sort-compare-shuffle circuit for use in either GMW or Yao’s protocol. Further combinatorial improvements to intersection circuits were proposed in [PSSZ15, PSWW18]. The current state of the art for PCSI is due to [PSTY19], using a special-purpose preprocessing phase before using general-purpose 2PC to perform the necessary comparisons.
Why the Performance Gap? Plain PSI and PCSI are clearly closely related problems, and yet the state-of-the-art protocols for these problems have significantly different efficiency. Semi-honest PCSI – even in the simplest possible cases, like cardinality of intersection – is concretely about 20\(\times \) slower and requires over 30\(\times \) more communication than semi-honest PSI. Why is this the case?
All PSI and PCSI protocols use various combinatorial techniques to reduce the problem to a series of private equality tests. A private equality test (PEqT) takes a private string from each party and reveals (only) whether the strings are identical.
In the case of PSI, each party is allowed to learn whether each of their input items is in the intersection or not. This fact leads PSI protocols to use efficient, special-purpose PEqT subprotocols, which reveal the output of the equality test directly to at least one of the parties. This approach doesn’t immediately work for PCSI, since in that case the participants should not learn whether a particular item is in the intersection or not. Instead, the outcome of the PEqT s should remain “inside the secure computation,” prompting PCSI protocols to implement PEqT s simply as circuits within a general-purpose 2PC protocol.
These divergent choices of PEqT s lead to the differences in performance between PSI and PCSI. A general-purpose PEqT on \(\ell \)-bit strings is a boolean circuit with \(\ell \) non-free gates, leading to \(O(\ell )\) cryptographic operations and \(O(\ell \kappa )\) bits of communication. The state-of-the-art for special-purpose PEqT s [KKRT16] has cost that is independent of \(\ell \): only \(O(\kappa )\) bits of communication and O(1) symmetric-key cryptographic operations per equality test.
One exception to this general rule is due to Ciampi and Orlandi [CO18]. They provide a special-purpose PEqT (actually a generalization where one party has m items and the other has 1) that produces outputs in “encrypted form” that can be subsequently fed into a generic 2PC. However, their approach still requires \(\varTheta (\kappa \ell )\) bits of communication per comparison. While their concrete constants are smaller than a circuit-based comparison, their approach is not an asymptotic improvement.
Other Related Work. Another body of work studies the special case of computing the cardinality of intersection [HFH99, VC05, CZ09, CGT12, EFG+15, BA12, KS05, DD15]. It is not clear how to extend such results for computing more general functions of the intersection. The work of [BA12, EFG+15, MRR19] is in the multi-party setting (\(n\ge 3\) parties) with an honest majority based on secret-sharing. As a result, no cryptographic operations are needed but the techniques are not applicable to the two-party setting.
1.1 Our Contribution
We describe a new approach for semi-honest PCSI, which leaks the cardinality \(|X \cap Y|\). Hence, our protocol works to compute \(g(X \cap Y)\) for any g that leaks the cardinality \(|X \cap Y|\).This class of g includes many applications of interest, discussed below.
The main idea is to obliviously permute all of the strings that will be used in the PEqT s, so that one party does not know which items are tested in which PEqT instance. We can then use the more efficient special-purpose PEqT s, giving output directly to the party who is oblivious to the permutation. This reveals only the cardinality of the intersection (i.e., how many PEqT s give output true).
Obliviously permuting n items incurs a \(\log n\) overhead. However, in return for this extra cost we are able to replace general-purpose PEqT s with special-purpose PEqT s, saving a factor of \(\ell \) (for strings of length \(\ell \)). In almost all situations, \(\log n \ll \ell \) and the tradeoff is an asymptotic as well as concrete improvement over the state of the art.
Extensions and Applications. Our protocol supports any symmetric function \(g(X \cap Y)\) that leaks \(|X \cap Y|\). Useful such functions include:
Computing the intersection; i.e., PSI (although our protocol is not competitive with the most efficient PSI-only protocols).
Computing only the cardinality of the intersection.
Computing secret shares of the items in the intersection.
The “intersection-sum” functionality proposed in [IKN+19], in which Alice has a set of keys \(\{x_1, \ldots , x_n\}\) and Bob has a set of key-value pairs \(\{ (y_1,v_1), \ldots , (y_n,v_n)\}\). Both parties learn the cardinality of \(\{x_1, \ldots , x_n\} \cap \{y_1, \ldots , y_n\}\) as well as the sum of values \(\sum _{i : y_i \in \{x_1, \ldots , x_n\}} v_i\). Although not strictly an instance of PCSI as we have defined it, our protocol is easily modified to realize this functionality.
For all of these cases except the plain-PSI case, our protocol gives the most concretely efficient solution to date.
We also show how to use our main techniques to also securely compute the union of the input sets. Our private set union protocol is concretely more efficient than the state-of-the-art protocol of [KRTW19].
Finally, we show how our techniques can be used to realize the “private ID” functionality proposed in [BKM+20]. In this functionality, both parties learn pseudorandom universal identifiers for the values in the union of their sets, as well as the identifiers corresponding to their own items. This functionality allows parties to locally sort their data sets according to these universal identifiers, and feed them into any general-purpose 2PC protocol for simplified processing. Our construction is the first instantiation of Private ID using OT-based techniques that are dominated by symmetric-key crypto operations.
We have implemented our protocols and give a full comparison to existing protocols.
2 Preliminaries
Security Model. We use the standard notion of security in the presence of semi-honest adversaries. Let \(\pi \) be a protocol for computing the function \(f(x_1,x_2)\), where party \(P_i\) has input \(x_i\). We define security in the following way.
For each party P, let \(\textsc {view}_{P}(1^\kappa , x_1,x_2)\) denote the view of party P during an honest execution of \(\pi \) on inputs \(x_1\) and \(x_2\). The view consists of P’s input, random tape, and all messages exchanged as part of the \(\pi \) protocol.
Definition 1
2-party protocol \(\pi \) securely realizes f in the presence of semi-honest adversaries if there exists a simulator \(\textsf {Sim}\) such that, for all inputs \(x_1, x_2\) and all \(i \in \{1,2\}\):
where \(\cong _\kappa \) denotes computational indistinguishability with respect to security parameter \(\kappa \).
Essentially, a protocol is secure if the view of a party leaks no more information than \(f(x_1,x_2)\).
3 Protocol Building Blocks
3.1 Oblivious Transfer
Oblivious Transfer (OT) is a fundamental cryptographic protocol widely used in secure computation, and initially introduced in [Rab05]. It allows a sender with two inputs \(m_0,m_1\) and a receiver with a bit b to engage in a protocol where the receiver learns \(m_b\), and neither party learns any additional information. A single OT requires public-key operations and hence is expensive. But a powerful technique called OT extension [IKNP03, KK13, ALSZ13] allows one to perform n OTs by only performing \(O(\kappa )\) public-key operations (where \(\kappa \) is a computational security parameter) and O(n) fast symmetric-key operations, allowing for faster and more scalable implementation when invoking many OTs. In Fig. 1 we formally define the ideal functionality for OT that provides n parallel instances of OT.
3.2 Oblivious Switching Network
An oblivious switching network works as follows. One party chooses a permutation \(\pi \) on n items, and the other party chooses a vector \(\varvec{x}\). The parties learn additive secret shares of \(\pi (\varvec{x})\) (i.e., \(\varvec{x}\) permuted according to \(\pi \)). The formal description of the functionality is given in Fig. 2.
Mohassel and Sadeghian [MS13] introduced oblivious switching and described a semi-honest oblivious switching protocol that is based on oblivious transfers. Briefly, the protocol works by considering a universal switching network (i.e., Waksman or Beneš network), which consists of \(O(n \log n)\) 2-input, 2-output switches. The receiver chooses programming of the switches (whether to swap the order of the inputs or not) based on their permutation \(\pi \). The sender chooses a random one-time pad for each wire of the network, and the invariant is that the receiver will learn the value on each wire but masked with the one-time pad of that wire. The parties use oblivious transfer to allow the receiver to select whether to learn the XOR of masks of input b and output b, or to learn the XOR of masks of input b and output \(1-b\). These XOR values suffice to preserve the invariant across the switches. At the output layer of the switching network, the sender holds a vector of one-time pads, and the receiver holds the permuted values masked by these one-time pads. We give more details in the full-version of our paper.
The total cost of the switching network is \(O(n \log n)\) oblivious transfers, one for every switch in the switching network. Each OT is on a pair of \(2\ell \)-bit strings (two masks).
We described the ideal functionality to allow the input vector \(\varvec{x}\) to be longer than the output (secret-shared) vectors, which leads to \(\pi \) being an injective function rather than a permutation. This can be accomplished by simply permuting the input vector so that the desired items are “in the front”, and then both parties truncating their vector of shares by the appropriate amount. In the full version of our paper we describe an optimization for injective functions that slightly improves over permuting-then-discarding.
3.3 Batch Oblivious PRF
Kolesnikov et al. [KKRT16] describe an efficient protocol for batched oblivious PRF (OPRF) based on OT extension. The protocol provides a batch of oblivious PRF instances in the following way. In the ith instance, the receiver has an input \(x_i\); the sender learns a PRF seed \(k_i\) and the receiver learns \(\textsf {PRF} (k_i,x_i)\). Note that the receiver learns the output of the PRF on only one value per key, and the sender does not learn which output the receiver learned. The batch OPRF functionality is described formally in Fig. 3.
The KKRT batch OPRF protocol is based on OT extension and extremely fast. Each OPRF instance requires roughly only \(4.5\kappa \) total bits of communication between the parties, and a few calls to a hash function. On a fast network, a million OPRF instances can be generated in just a few seconds.
Technically speaking, the KKRT protocol realizes OPRF instances where the keys \(k_i\) are related in some sense. However, the PRF that it instantiates has all the expected security properties, even in the presence of such related keys. For the sake of simplicity, we ignore this issue in our notation. For more details, see [KKRT16].
3.4 Private Equality Tests
A private equality test (PEqT) allows two parties to determine whether their two input strings are equal (while leaking nothing else about the inputs).
An oblivious PRF can be used to realize a secure equality test in a simple way. Suppose Alice has input x and Bob has input y, and they would like to learn whether \(x=y\). Alice acts as OPRF receiver with input x and learns \(\textsf {PRF} (k, x)\). Bob learns PRF seed k and sends the value \(\textsf {PRF} (k,y)\). If \(x \ne y\) then the PRF property ensures that Bob’s message looks random to Alice; otherwise the message is the PRF output that Alice already knows.
Using the batch OPRF protocol of [KKRT16], the parties can realize a large batch of equality tests in a natural way. The functionality \(\mathcal {F}_{\textsf {bEQ}} \) of Fig. 4 formalizes this batch equality testing. We take advantage of the fact that its output can be given to just one party.
3.5 Reducing PSI to O(n) Comparisons
The leading protocol for PCSI is due to Pinkas et al. [PSTY19]. One of their main contributions is to show how to interactively reduce a PSI computation to O(n) comparisons, using only a linear amount of communication.
The main idea behind the PSTY19 preprocessing is for Alice to use hash functions \(h_1,h_2,h_3\) to assign her items to m bins via Cuckoo hashing, so that each bin has at most one item. Bob assigns each of his items y to all of the bins \(h_1(y), h_2(y), h_3(y)\). The parties use the batch OPRF functionality \(\mathcal {F}_{\textsf {bOPRF}} \), with Alice acting as receiver. If she has placed item x in bin j, then she will receive output \(\textsf {PRF} (k_j, x)\), while Bob learns each \(k_j\).
Now, Bob chooses a random value \(s_j\) for each bin j. The goal is to arrange that if Alice and Bob have a matching item in the jth bin, then Alice will somehow learn that bin’s \(s_j\) value. Suppose for example that one of Bob’s items in bin #1 is \(y^*\). Then Bob needs to somehow communicate to Alice “if you have \(y^*\) in bin #1, then XOR your PRF output with \(\textsf {PRF} (k_1,y^*) \oplus s_1\)”. But he needs to do so without revealing \(y^*\) and the rest of his input items. He can do this by interpolating a polynomial P with the following property: if Bob has item y in bin j, then \(P(y\Vert j) = \textsf {PRF} (k_j, y) \oplus s_j\). Using the pseudorandomness of \(\textsf {PRF} \) and the randomness of the \(s_j\) values, it is possible to show that P is indistinguishable from a uniformly random polynomial, and hence it hides Bob’s y-values.
Alice therefore can take her \(\textsf {PRF} (k_j, x)\) values and XOR with \(P(y\Vert j)\). In the case that Bob also had this item x, then he would have assigned it to bin j (and to other bins as well), so Alice’s result is \(s_j\). If Bob did not have this x, then it is possible to show that Alice’s result matches \(s_j\) with negligible probability (assuming the polynomial is over a sufficiently large field).
Overall, Alice obtains a vector of values (call them \(t_1, \ldots , t_m\)) where \(t_j = s_j\) if and only if Alice’s item in the jth bin is in the intersection. Hence we have reduced the problem of intersection to the problem of \(m = O(n)\) string equality tests. These pairs of strings must be compared privately, since comparing them in the clear leaks information to both parties.
More Details. We write Cuckoo hashing with the following notation:
This expression means to hash the items of X into m bins using Cuckoo hashing on hash functions \(h_1,h_2,h_3: \{0,1\}^* \rightarrow [m]\). The output is \(\mathcal {C} = (C_1, \ldots , C_m)\), where for each \(x \in X\) there is some \(i \in \{1,2,3\}\) such that \(C_{h_i(x)} = x\Vert i\).Footnote 1 Some positions of \(\mathcal {C}\) will not matter, corresponding to empty bins.
Using this notation, the PSTY19 preprocessing is as follows:
Mega-Bin Optimization. The PSTY19 approach requires parties to interpolate and evaluate a polynomial of degree 3n, where n can be very large (e.g., \(n=2^{20}\)). The fastest algorithms for interpolating such a polynomial (and evaluating it on n points) runs in \(O(n \log ^2 n)\) time. The cost of such polynomial operations can be prohibitive, so the authors of PSTY19 propose an alternative way to encode the same information.
Call a mapping “\(y\Vert i \mapsto s_{h_i(y)} \,\oplus \, \textsf {PRF} (k_{h_i(y)} ,y\Vert i)\)” a hint. Bob must convey 3n such hints to Alice in the protocol. One way to do this is to make \(n' = n/\log n\) so-called mega-bins and assign each hint into a mega-bin using a hash function—i.e., assign the hint for \(y\Vert i\) to the mega-bin indexed \(H(y\Vert i)\) for a public random function \(H: \{0,1\}^* \rightarrow [n']\). With these parameters, all mega-bins hold fewer than \(O(\log n)\) items, with overwhelming probability. Bob adds dummy hints to each mega-bin so that all mega-bins contain the worst-case \(O(\log n)\) number of hints (since the number of “real” hints per mega-bin leaks information about his input set). In each mega-bin, Bob interpolates a polynomial over the hints in that bin, and sends all the polynomials to Alice. For each \(x\Vert i\) held by Alice, she can find the corresponding hint (if it exists) in the polynomial for the corresponding mega-bin.
The total communication cost is a degree-\(O(\log n)\) polynomial for each of \(n{/}\log n\) mega-bins; in other words, a constant-factor increase over sending a single degree-3n polynomial. However, the total computation cost is an interpolation of a degree-\(O(\log n)\) polynomial in each mega-bin, a total cost of \(O\Bigl ( (n / \log n) (\log n) (\log \log n)^2 \Bigr )= O( n (\log \log n)^2)\). In practice, the mega-bins are small enough that the asymptotically inferior quadratic polynomial interpolation algorithm is preferable, but this still leads to \(O(n \log n)\) computational cost overall.
For simplicity, we describe our protocol in terms of the simpler single-polynomial solution, while our implementations use the mega-bins optimization.
4 Protocol Overviews and Details
In this section we give the details of our protocols for PCSI and related problems.
4.1 Our Protocol Core: Permuted Characteristic
All of our protocols build on the same core, which roughly consists of: (1) the PSTY19 preprocessing, reducing the intersection computation to O(n) string equality tests; (2) an oblivious shuffle; (3) special-purpose equality tests.
We formalize this “protocol core” in terms of a permuted characteristic functionality \(\mathcal {F}_{\textsf {pc}} \) defined in Fig. 5. Roughly speaking, the sender Alice learns a permutation \(\pi \) of her items, and the receiver Bob learns a vector \(\varvec{e}\), where \(e_i = 1\) if Alice’s \(\pi (i)\)’th item is in Bob’s set. In other words, \(\varvec{e}\) is the characteristic vector of Alice’s (permuted) set with respect to the intersection.
Our protocol for permuted characteristic is given formally in Fig. 6.
Lemma 1
The protocol in Fig. 6 securely realizes \(\mathcal {F}_{\textsf {pc}}\) against semi-honest adversaries.
Alice’s view consists of her input, private randomness \(\widetilde{\pi }\), outputs from \(\mathcal {F}_{\textsf {bOPRF}}\) and \(\mathcal {F}_{\textsf {osn}}\), and protocol message P from Bob. The simulator for a corrupt Alice runs the protocol honestly with the following changes:
In step 2, it simulates uniform outputs \(f_j\) from \(\mathcal {F}_{\textsf {bOPRF}}\).
In step 4, it simulates a uniform polynomial P from Bob.
In step 6, it chooses \(\widetilde{\pi }\) so that \(x_{\pi (i)} = \mathcal {A}_{\widetilde{\pi }(i)}\), where \(\pi \) is the ideal output from \(\mathcal {F}_{\textsf {pc}}\).
We show that this simulation is correct via the sequence of hybrids:
Hybrid 0. The real interaction, in which Bob runs honestly with his input set Y.
Hybrid 1 The only change is that all terms of the form \(\textsf {PRF} (k_j, \cdot )\) are replaced with uniform values, including Alice’s outputs from the \(\mathcal {F}_{\textsf {bOPRF}}\) functionality in step 2. This change is indistinguishable by the pseudorandomness of \(\textsf {PRF} \).
Hybrid 2 The only change is that in step 4 the polynomial P is chosen uniformly at random. Previously, P was interpolated through points of the form \(s_{h_i(y)} \oplus \textsf {PRF} (k_{h_i(y)}, y\Vert i)\). If Alice didn’t have item y or didn’t place item y according to hash function i, then the \(\textsf {PRF} \)-output term has been replaced by a random term that is independent of her view, so this output of P is uniform. For all other outputs of P (corresponding to Alice’s placement of intersection items), the corresponding \(s_j\) values are uniform, making those P-outputs uniform as well. Overall, P is being interpolated to give only uniform outputs; hence P itself is distributed uniformly among polynomials of degree \(3n\). Hence this change in hybrids has no effect on Alice’s view.
Hybrid 3 In the previous hybrid, Alice first chooses injective function \(\tilde{\pi }\) and then uses it to compute permutation \(\pi \). This induces a uniform distribution on \(\pi \), so the same distribution can be obtained by first choosing uniform \(\pi \) and then computing the corresponding \(\tilde{\pi }\).
The final hybrid corresponds to the simulator as described above.
Bob’s view consists of his input, private randomness \(\{s_j\}_j\), outputs from \(\mathcal {F}_{\textsf {bOPRF}}\), \(\mathcal {F}_{\textsf {osn}}\), \(\mathcal {F}_{\textsf {bEQ}}\). Clearly the outputs \(k_i\) from \(\mathcal {F}_{\textsf {bOPRF}}\) are distributed independently of the honest party’s inputs. By definition, the output \(\varvec{b}\) from \(\mathcal {F}_{\textsf {osn}}\) is uniformly distributed, as a secret-share. This leaves only the output \(\varvec{e}\) of \(\mathcal {F}_{\textsf {bEQ}}\). It is a simple matter to check that \(\varvec{e}\) is distributed exactly as the ideal output of \(\mathcal {F}_{\textsf {pc}}\). Namely, it is a uniform bit-vector with exactly \(|X \cap Y|\) ones. Hence, all of Bob’s view can be trivially simulated given the ideal output \(\varvec{e}\) from \(\mathcal {F}_{\textsf {pc}}\).
4.2 Intersection and Union
Our protocol core (permuted characteristic) \(\mathcal {F}_{\textsf {pc}}\) can be used to realize plain private set intersection (PSI) and private set union (PSU) in a simple way. After \(\mathcal {F}_{\textsf {pc}}\), say Alice holds a permutation of her input set, and Bob holds the characteristic vector \(\varvec{e}\). If the characteristic vector is 0 in position i, this means that Alice’s ith item is in \(X {\setminus } Y\). If the characteristic vector is 1 in position i, then Alice’s ith item is in \(X \cap Y\).
For PSI, the parties can use \(n = |X|\) oblivious transfers to allow Bob to learn the items in \(X \cap Y\). If \(e_i=1\), Bob will choose to learn Alice’s ith item; otherwise he will choose to learn nothing.
Observe that PSU is equivalent to letting Bob learn \(X {\setminus } Y\): Given the ideal PSU output \(X \cup Y\) and Bob’s input Y, he can indeed compute \(X {\setminus } Y = (X \,\cup \, Y) {\setminus } Y\). Conversely, given \(X {\setminus } Y\) and Bob’s input Y, he can compute the PSU output \(X \cup Y = (X {\setminus }Y) \cup Y\). With that in mind, Bob can easily compute \(X {\setminus } Y\) by simply inverting his logic in the previous paragraph. If \(e_i=0\), Bob will choose to learn (via OT) Alice’s ith item; otherwise he will choose to learn nothing.
The formal details of these PSI/PSU protocols are given in Fig. 7. We remark that this approach for PSI is not competitive with the state-of-the-art special-purpose protocols for PSI. In particular, an oblivious shuffle is unnecessary for PSI. We include this PSI protocol merely for illustrative purposes. However, as we shall see, our approach for PSU is indeed competitive with the state of the art, and is useful as a stepping stone to another interesting application.
Lemma 2
The PSI and PSU protocols of Fig. 8 securely realize \(\mathcal {F}_{\textsf {psi}}\) and \(\mathcal {F}_{\textsf {psu}}\), respectively, (Fig. 7) against semi-honest adversaries.
(Proof sketch) We focus on the security proof for PSI, as the proof for PSU is analagous. Security against a corrupt sender is trivial, since their view consists of only the output \(\pi \) from \(\mathcal {F}_{\textsf {pc}} \). For a corrupt receiver, their view consists of the vector \(\varvec{e}\) and OT outputs. If \(x_{\pi (i)} \in Y\), then \(e_i=1\) and the ith OT output is \(x_{\pi (i)}\). Otherwise, \(e_i=0\) and the ith OT outputs is \(\bot \). Furthermore, \(\pi \) is uniform, and therefore this distribution can be simulated given only ideal output \(X \cap Y\): Sample a uniform binary vector \(\varvec{e}\) containing \(|X \cap Y|\) 1s. Then choose a uniform assignment of elements of \(X \cap Y\) to OT instances i for which \(e_i=1\).
Our protocols give output only to one party (the receiver). In the semi-honest setting, the receiver can simply report the output to the sender in order to provide output to both parties.
4.3 PCSI: Computing on the Intersection
We now discuss PCSI: computing a function of the intersection. Our approach inherently leaks the cardinality, and we formalize this in the ideal functionality \(\mathcal {F}_{\textsf {pcsi+card}}\) of Fig. 9, which outputs the cardinality of the intersection along with a function g of the intersection.
Perhaps the most common instance of PCSI is to compute only the cardinality (i.e., g is empty). This special case can be obtained trivially by our \(\mathcal {F}_{\textsf {pc}}\) protocol core:
Proposition 1
If the parties run \(\mathcal {F}_{\textsf {pc}} \) on their inputs and the receiver outputs the hamming weight of \(\varvec{e}\), then the resulting protocol securely realizes \(\mathcal {F}_{\textsf {pcsi+card}} ^g\) for \(g = \bot \), against semi-honest adversaries.
(Proof sketch). Security against corrupt sender is trivial since the sender’s view consists only of a uniformly distributed permutation (i.e., independent of anyone’s inputs). Regarding a corrupt receiver: since \(\pi \) is uniformly chosen among permutations, the vector \(\varvec{e}\) is distributed as a uniform vector of length n with exactly \(|X \cap Y|\) ones. This distribution can therefore be simulated given only the ideal output \(|X \cap Y|\).
Note also that if the sizes of X and Y are public, then computing \(|X \cap Y|\) is equivalent to computing \(|X \cup Y|\), via the standard inclusion-exclusion formula.
Cardinality-Sum. If the function g is simple enough, then \(\mathcal {F}_{\textsf {pcsi+card}} ^g\) can be realized in a very simple way from \(\mathcal {F}_{\textsf {pc}}\). We illustrate with an example, which does not exactly fit into the definition of \(\mathcal {F}_{\textsf {pcsi+card}} \) since one party has a set of key-value pairs. Our example involves the cardinality-sum functionality proposed by Ion et al. [IKN+19]. The functionality is described formally in Fig. 10. It reveals the intersection of the cardinality as well as the sum of all values whose keys are in the intersection.
In Fig. 11 we describe a simple protocol realizing the cardinality-sum functionality. Similar to how we achieve PSI & PSU from \(\mathcal {F}_{\textsf {pc}}\), this protocol uses oblivious transfers to let the receiver learn things, based on the characteristic vector. In this case, instead of learning the sender’s items in the clear, the receiver learns either an additive secret share of 0 or a secret share of that item’s associated value. Then the receiver can compute the sum by locally adding the shares.
Lemma 3
The protocol of Fig. 11 securely realizes ideal functionality \(\mathcal {F}_{\textsf {card+sum}}\) (Fig. 10), against semi-honest adversaries.
(Proof sketch). Security against a corrupt sender is immediate. Relative to the cardinality protocol, the only addition to a corrupt receiver’s view are the outputs of the OTs. View these outputs as the vector \(\varvec{r} + \varvec{q}\), where \(\varvec{r}\) is uniform subject to having sum 0; and \(q_i=v_i\) if \(x_i \in Y\) and \(q_i=0\) otherwise. Since the \(r_i\)’s are a perfect additive secret share of 0, the distribution of \(\varvec{r} + \varvec{q}\) depends only on \(\sum _i q_i\), which is the ideal output s.
General Case. More generally, suppose the sender has a set of key-value pairs \((x_i, v_i)\), and the receiver has a set of keys Y. The parties can use parallel oblivious transfers to secret share a vector \(\varvec{q}\), where:
where \(\tilde{v}\) is some dummy/default value. In the case of cardinality-sum, \(\tilde{v} =0\).
With secret shares of such a vector, the parties can compute a function g that takes in a vector of inputs and ignores the dummy/default values in the input. In the case of cardinality-sum, g was simple addition and no interaction was required to compute it.
4.4 Secret-Shared Intersection
In some settings, it is more convenient for the parties to obtain secret shares of the items of the intersection, so that it can be fed into a generic 2PC.
To illustrate the challenges here, let’s first consider a very natural approach that doesn’t work. The parties run \(\mathcal {F}_{\textsf {pc}} \), so that Bob learns the indices of Alice’s intersection items, permuted according to the secret permutation \(\pi \). Whereas with PSI/PSU, Bob used OT to selectively learn the items of the intersection (or set-difference), we might be tempted to have Bob now learn secret-shares of the items in the intersection.
To see why this isn’t so straight forward, imagine that each party has 1 million items, and there are 10 in the intersection. Bob could indeed use OT to learn secret shares of those 10 items. But now it is time to run the 2PC to compute g on those 10 items. Alice prepared 1M additive shares, and she doesn’t know which 10 of them should be given to g! Bob knows which ones are the right ones, but he can’t tell Alice because she knows the secret permutation \(\pi \)—this would reveal the entire contents of the intersection to Alice!
We address this challenge by simply doing another oblivious switching network. Alice holds a secret permutation of her items. Bob knows which indices in this permutation correspond to items in the intersection. He chooses an injective function \(\rho \) whose range covers exactly those intersection items. They use an oblivious switching network, so that both parties learn additive shares of only those items referenced by \(\rho \).
Details of this protocol are given in Fig. 13. Bear in mind that the input to g is necessarily given as an ordered vector. Most applications of PCSI will involve a function g that is symmetric, meaning that g is insensitive to the order of its inputs. However, note that the values that are fed into g are randomly permuted, from both parties’ perspective (Bob didn’t know \(\pi \) and Alice didn’t know \(\rho \)). Hence, our protocol is meaningful even if g is sensitive to the order of its input items. In that case, we still achieve the most natural security, where the items of the intersection are randomly shuffled before being given as input to g.
Lemma 4
The protocol of Fig. 13 securely realizes \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathsf{ss}\text {-}\mathsf{int}}\) (Fig. 12), against semi-honest adversaries.
Beyond the output of \(\mathcal {F}_{\textsf {pc}} \), the only thing added to parties’ views in Fig. 13 is the cardinality c and the secret shares output by \(\mathcal {F}_{\textsf {osn}}\). The former can be inferred by the ideal output of \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathsf{ss}\text {-}\mathsf{int}}\), and the latter coincides with the ideal output itself.
4.5 Private ID
Buddhavarapu et al. [BKM+20] proposed a useful functionality that they called private-ID. In this functionality, both parties provide a set of items. The functionality assigns to each item a truly random identifier (where identical items receive the same identifier). It then reveals to each party the identifiers corresponding to their own items, and also the entire set of all identifiers (i.e., the identifiers of the union of their input sets).
The advantage of Private ID is that both parties can sort their private data relative to the global set of identifiers. They can then proceed item-by-item, doing any desired private computation, being assured that identical items are aligned.
Our Approach. Our approach for private-ID builds on oblivious PRF and private set union. Roughly speaking, suppose the parties run an oblivious PRF twice: first, so that Alice learns \(k_A\) and Bob learns \(\textsf {PRF} (k_A, y_i)\) for each of his items \(y_i\); and second so that Bob learns \(k_B\) and Alice learns \(\textsf {PRF} (k_B, x_i)\) for each of her items \(x_i\). We will define the random identifier of an item x as
Note that after running the relevant OPRF protocols, both parties can compute R(x) for their own items. To complete the private-ID protocol, they must simply perform a private set union on their sets R(X) and R(Y).
This approach indeed leads to a fine private-ID protocol. In the full-version of our paper we present and prove secure an optimization we observe that a full-fledged OPRF is not needed and a so-called “sloppy OPRF” would suffice.
In particular, if Bob has an item \(y^*\) that is not held by Alice, then it doesn’t matter whether Bob learns the “correct” value \(\textsf {PRF} (k_A, y^*)\). Suppose that Bob instead learns some other value \(z^*\) instead. Then Bob will consider \(z^* \oplus \textsf {PRF} (k_B, y^*)\) to be the identifier of this item. Since Alice doesn’t know \(k_B\), this identifier looks random to Alice, which is the only property we need from private-ID for an item that is held by Bob and not Alice.
Hence we instantiate this general OPRF-based approach, but with a more efficient “sloppy OPRF” protocol. In a sloppy OPRF, Alice provides a set X; Bob provides a set Y; Alice learns \(k_A\) and Bob learns a list of output values \(z_1, \ldots , z_n\). For every \(y_i \in Y\), if \(y_i \in X\), then \(z_i = \textsf {PRF} (k_A, y_i)\), but for other \(z_i\) values there is no correctness guarantee.
We achieve a sloppy OPRF using the OPPRF idea that is also used in the PSTY19 pre-processing. Namely, Bob hashes his items into bins with Cuckoo hashing. They perform a batch-OPRF, where Bob will learn \(\textsf {PRF} (k_{h_i(y)}, y\Vert i)\) if he placed item y according to hash function \(h_i\). Alice chooses a random seed s for a different PRF \(\textsf {PRF} '\) and sends a polynomial P that satisfies \(P(x\Vert i) = \textsf {PRF} '(s,x) \oplus \textsf {PRF} (k_{h_i(y)}, y\Vert i)\) for all \(x \in X\) and all \(i \in \{1,2,3\}\). Bob will compute his final output as \(P(y\Vert i) \oplus \textsf {PRF} (k_{h_i(y)}, y\Vert i)\), which will equal \(\textsf {PRF} '(s,y)\) in the case that Alice held the item y.
Lemma 5
The protocol in Fig. 15 securely realizes the \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathsf{priv}\text {-}\mathsf{ID}}\) functionality Fig. 14 in the presence of semi-honest adversaries.
The protocol is symmetric with respect to the parties’ roles, so we focus on the case of a corrupt Alice.
Claim. In step 8, when Bob computes \(R^B\), it satisfies the property that if \(y \in X \cap Y\) then \(R^B(y) = \textsf {PRF} '(s^A, y) \oplus \textsf {PRF} '(s^B,y)\).
Proof. Suppose Bob placed item y into bin \(h_i(y)\) according to hash function i. Then Bob computed \(R^B(y)\) as \(R^B(y) = P^A(y\Vert i) \oplus \textsf {PRF} (k^B_{h_i(y)}, y\Vert i) \oplus \textsf {PRF} '(s^B,y)\). Since \(y \in X\) also, the polynomial \(P^A\) satisfies \(P^A(y\Vert i) = \textsf {PRF} (k^B_{h_i(y)}, y\Vert i) \oplus \textsf {PRF} '(s^A, y)\). Substituting, we see that indeed \(R^B(y) = \textsf {PRF} '(s^A,y) \oplus \textsf {PRF} '(s^B,x)\). This implies in particular that \(R^A(y) = R^B(y)\) for \(y \in X \cap Y\).
The simulator for corrupt Alice receives ideal output \((R^*, R(x_1), \ldots , R(x_n))\) and simulates Alice’s view as follows:
in step 2, uniform output \(f^A_j\) from \(\mathcal {F}_{\textsf {bOPRF}}\).
in step 4, a polynomial \(P^B\) satisfying \(P^B(x\Vert i) = f^A_{h_i(x)} \oplus R(x) \oplus \textsf {PRF} '(s^A,x)\) for every item \(x\in X\) placed according to hash function i, and uniform otherwise.
in step 6, uniform keys \(k^A_j\) from \(\mathcal {F}_{\textsf {bOPRF}}\).
in step 9, output \(U = R^*\) from \(\mathcal {F}_{\textsf {psu}}\).
We show the correctness of this simulation via a sequence of hybrids:
Hybrid 0: The real protocol interaction.
Hybrid 1: Replace all terms of the form \(\textsf {PRF} '(s^B,y)\) with random; this change is indistinguishable from the pseudorandomness property.
Hybrid 2: Replace all terms of the form \(\textsf {PRF} (k_j,x\Vert i)\) with random (including outputs \(f^A_j\) given to Alice); this change is indistinguishable from the security of \(\mathcal {F}_{\textsf {bOPRF}}\) and the pseudorandomness of \(\textsf {PRF} \).
Previously \(P^B\) was interpolated as \(P^B(y\Vert i) = \textsf {PRF} '(s^B,y) \oplus \textsf {PRF} (k_{h_i(y)}^B, y\Vert i)\). Now, if Alice did not have item y and placed it according to hash function i, then the \(\textsf {PRF} (k_{h_i(y)}^B, y\Vert i)\) term is now uniform and independent of her view, making this output of \(P^B\) random. For \(y\Vert i\) corresponding to Alice’s item placement, the y’s are distinct, and the \(\textsf {PRF} '(s^B,y)\) in those terms are now uniform, making this output of \(P^B\) random. In short, \(P^B\) is now a uniform polynomial.
Note also that \(R^B(y)\) is uniform for \(y \in Y {\setminus }X\), because of the fresh random \(\textsf {PRF} '(s^B,y)\) term in its definition.
Hybrid 3: Instead of computing \(R^A(x)\) as in step 4, where one of the terms \(P^B(x\Vert i)\) is a uniform value, we instead compute \(R^A(x)\) randomly and then interpolate \(P^B\) to go through the correct value (and be otherwise uniform), i.e.,
$$ P^B(x\Vert i) = R^A(x) \oplus f_{h_i(x)}^A \oplus \textsf {PRF} '(s^A,x) $$This change has no effect on Alice’s view distribution. Note that in this hybrid, every \(R^A(x)\) is random, and every \(R^B(y)\) is random subject to \(R^B(y)=R^A(y)\) in the case that \(y \in X \cap Y\).
This final hybrid corresponds to the final simulation, after some slight rearranging. First, a random R(z) is chosen for every \(z \in X \,\cap \, Y\). Then the polynomial \(P^B\) is interpolated according to \(\{ R(x) \mid x \in X\}\), via the expression in the simulator description. Finally, the output of \(\mathcal {F}_{\textsf {psu}}\) is \(\{ R(z) \mid z \in X \cap Y \}\).
5 Comparing Communication Costs
In this section we compare our new approach to existing protocols. The focus in this section is on quantitative differences and communication complexity. In Sect. 6 we report on the running time of the implemented protocols.
5.1 PSU
The state of the art PSU protocol is due to Kolesnikov et al. [KRTW19]. In that protocol, each party’s n items are hashed into \(m=O(n/\log n)\) bins. The expected number of items per bin is n/m, but the worst-case load among the bins is larger by a constant factor. In order to hide the true number of items per bin, each party must add dummy items up to this worst-case maximum.
Within each bin, the parties perform a subprotocol with linear number of OPRFs, linear number of OTs, and quadratic communication. Specifically, the additional communication for \(\beta \) items in a bin is \(\beta ^2 \sigma \), where \(\sigma = \lambda + 2\log n\) and \(\lambda \) is the statistical security parameter.
Let c be the constant factor expansion within a bin to accommodate the dummy items (i.e., n/m expected items in a bin, padded to cn/m including dummies). For usual set sizes, the constant is 3.2–3.6. Then the total communication cost for the protocol is:
Here \(\textsf {bOPRF}\) and \(\textsf {OT}\) refer to the communication costs for a single bOPRF and OT, respectively.
Our protocol requires the following: 1.27n OPRFs, sending one degree-3n polynomial (for the PSTY19 preprocessing), roughly \(1.27 n \log n\) OTs (for the switching network), and then n additional OTs (to selectively transfer the union). Note the constant bounding the size of the Beneš network is indeed 1. The total communication cost is therefore:
In comparings the protocols, the dominant term is the one containing \(O(n \log n)\). Our protocol is superior if \(1.27 \textsf {OT} < c^2 \sigma \). Indeed, the cost of an OT is \(\kappa + 2\ell \) (where \(\ell \) is the length of the item being transferred), which in our implementation is \(128+2.60=248\). Hence \(1.27\textsf {OT} \approx 315\). In [KRTW19], \(c^2 \sigma \) is at least \(10 \cdot 80 = 800\).
These pen-and-paper calculations match what we find empirically in Table 2 where our communication cost is half that of Kolesnikov et al. [KRTW19]. Our protocol is a significant constant factor better.
5.2 PCSI
For general-purpose PCSI, the leading protocol is due to Pinkas et al. [PSTY19] (PSTY19). Recall that our protocol builds on the first several steps of their protocol, which we call the PSTY19 preprocessing. We focus on the difference between the two approaches, after performing the common preprocessing. In [PSTY19], the authors report that the cost of preprocessing is roughly 4% of the total protocol cost; hence the differences we discuss in this section are reflective of the overall cost difference in the protocols.
In [PSTY19], the pre-processing is followed up with 1.27n private equality tests, which are performed inside generic MPC (e.g., garbled circuits). To compare \(\ell \)-bit items, the cost of such a private equality test is \(2\ell \kappa \) using the state-of-the-art garbled circuit construction [ZRE15]. Hence the total communication cost is \(2.54\ell \kappa n\).
In our protocol, the pre-processing is followed up by an oblivious switching network of roughly \(1.27 n \log n\) nodes, each requiring OT on strings of length \(2\ell \). The cost of each OT is \(\kappa + 4\ell \) bits, and our total communication cost is \(1.27 (n \log n) (\kappa + 4\ell )\).
Focusing on the asymptotically dominant term, our implementation is superior if the costs per items satisfy \(1.27 (\log n) (\kappa + 4\ell ) < 2.54\ell \kappa \). In our implementations, \(\ell = 60\) and \(\kappa = 128\). Hence our cost per item is \(1.27 \cdot 368 \cdot \log n = 467 \log n\) and theirs is \(2.54 \cdot 60 \cdot 128 \approx 19500\). We can see that for all reasonable values of n, our cost will be significantly less than their cost (the break-even point for these particular parameters is an unrealistic \(n = 2^{41}\)).
5.3 Cardinality-Sum, Private ID
For cardinality-sum, private-ID, and secret-shared intersection, our approach is the first based on efficient symmetric-key operations. The prior protocols of [IKN+19, MPR+20, BKM+20] are all based on public-key techniques (Diffie-Hellman and partially homomorphic encryption). As such, their protocols will have superior communication cost but significantly higher computation costs, due to their use of public-key operations linear in the size of the input sets.
6 Performance
In this section we discuss details of our implementation and report our performance in computing the following set operations: (1) card: cardinality of the intersection (permuted characteristic); (2) psu: union of the sets/psi: intersection of the sets; (3) priv-ID: computing a universal identifier for every item in the union; (4) card-sum sum of the associated values for every item in the intersection. We compare our work with the current fastest known protocol implementation for each functionality. To the best of our knowledge, there is no known implementation to compare our card-sum protocol and we leave it out of our comparison. Our run times for card-sum is almost equal to that of psu.
6.1 Experimental Setup
We ran all our protocols on a single Intel Xeon processor at 2.30 GHz with 256 GB RAM. We execute the protocol on a single thread and emulate the two network connections using Linux tc command. For the LAN setting, we set the network latency to 0.02 ms and bandwidth of 10 Gbps and for the WAN setting the latency is set to 80 ms and bandwidth 50 Mbps. We also use a tc sub-command to compute the communication complexity for all the protocols evaluated in the performance section. We stress that we used the same methodology and environment to compute all the reported costs in this section.
6.2 Implementation Details
For concrete analysis we set the computational security parameter \(\kappa = 128\) and the statistical security parameter \(\sigma = 40\). Our protocols are written in C++ and we use the following libraries in our implementation.
PSTY19 pre-processing phase. We re-use the implementation by the authors of the paper [PSTY19]. Found: https://github.com/encryptogroup/OPPRF-PSI.git
Private equality tests. We use the batch-OPRF construction of [KKRT16] implemented in \(\mathsf {libOTe}\) library to compute the string equality tests. Found: https://github.com/osu-crypto/libOTe.git
Oblivious transfers and switching. We generate many instances of oblivious transfer using the implementation of IKNP OT extension [IKNP03] from libOTe. Found: https://github.com/osu-crypto/libOTe.git
Recent advances in OT extension [BCG+19b, BCG+19a] provide better asymptotic performance, but we found the existing implementations to improve over IKNP only in the multi-threaded case, while we measure only single-threaded performance. We developed our own implementation of Beneš network programming/evaluation. We used the code base in https://github.com/elf11/benes_network_implementation as a starting point. We emphasize that we made many corrections, implemented the functions to evaluate the network, augment it to an oblivious switching network. Further, we implemented the generalized OSN that can process any choice of input size n as opposed input sizes that are powers of 2.
Additionally, we rely use the \(\mathsf {cryptoTools}\) library as the general framework to compute hash functions, PRNG calls, creating channels, sending 128-bit blocks and so on. Found: https://github.com/ladnir/cryptoTools.git
In Table 1 we present a breakdown run time of each step in our permuted characteristic protocol. Unsurprisingly, the oblivious switching network is the most expensive step in the WAN setting, as its communication scales as \(O(n \log n)\), while all other steps are linear.
6.3 Comparison Running Times
Now, we compare the run time of our protocol with the state-of-the-art for each of the functionalities. We analyse how our work compares to the previous best protocol and highlight the settings in which we beat their performance. For a fair comparison, we compiled and ran the comparison protocols and our protocol in the same hardware environment. We report the numbers for 3 input sizes \(n=\{2^{12},2^{16},2^{20}\}\) all executed over a single thread. We choose our LAN setting to have latency set to 0.02 ms and a bandwidth of 10 Gbps and our WAN setting to have latency set to 80 ms and bandwidth of 50 Mbps. For our protocol, we report the average run time over 5 iterations.
Private Set Union. From Table 2, we can see that the empirical communication cost of our protocol is roughly half the cost of [KRTW19]. This is consistent with our back-of-the-envelope estimates from Sect. 5. We highlight that our improvement over [KRTW19] increases with the size of the input set. This is because the run time is dominated by \(O(n \log n)\) term and this becomes more significant with increased input sizes.
Cardinality of Intersection. From Table 3 we can observe that the communication cost of our protocol is roughly a third of the cost of [PSTY19]. This contributes to our improved run time in the WAN setting. In the LAN setting, our cardinality protocol is comparable but does not beat the numbers of [PSTY19]. This can be attributed to the time-intensive programming of the switching network in the OSN step of our protocol.
Private-ID. The implementation in Table 4 relies on techniques from public-key cryptography which explains their significantly lower communication costs. In comparison, our OT-based implementation that largely relies on symmetric-key operations has better performance. This is more noticeable with larger input sets, where the number of public-key operations increases linearly for [BKM+20]. It’s consistent with this reasoning to see that our improvement in run times in more noticeable in the LAN setting. Unlike our Private-ID protocol, the run time of the protocol in [BKM+20] is a function of the intersection size. We sampled inputs where roughly half the elements were present in the intersection, for our experiments with both protocols. [BKM+20] implemented their protocol in Rust programming language with specific libraries that are tailored to be more efficient with elliptic curve operations speeding up their run time despite using public-key operations.
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Appending the index of the hash function is helpful for dealing with edge cases like \(h_1(x)=h_2(x)\), which happen with non-negligible probability.
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Garimella, G., Mohassel, P., Rosulek, M., Sadeghian, S., Singh, J. (2021). Private Set Operations from Oblivious Switching. In: Garay, J.A. (eds) Public-Key Cryptography – PKC 2021. PKC 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 12711. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-75248-4_21
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-75248-4_21
Publisher Name: Springer, Cham
Print ISBN: 978-3-030-75247-7
Online ISBN: 978-3-030-75248-4
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