Today’s enterprises are adopting multi-cloud strategies at an unprecedented pace. Here, a multi-cloud strategy specifies end-to-end connectivity between the multiple cloud providers (CPs) that an enterprise relies on to run its business. This adoption is fueled by the rapid build-out of global-scale private backbones by the large CPs, a rich private peering fabric that interconnects them, and the emergence of new third-party private connectivity providers (e.g., DataPipe, HopOne, etc.). However, little is known about the performance aspects, routing issues, and topological features associated with currently available multi-cloud connectivity options. To shed light on the tradeoffs between these available connectivity options, we take a cloud-to-cloud perspective and present in this paper the results of a cloud-centric measurement study of a coast-to-coast multi-cloud deployment that a typical modern enterprise located in the US may adopt. We deploy VMs in two regions (i.e., VA and CA) of each one of three large cloud providers (i.e., AWS, Azure, and GCP) and connect them using three different options: (i) transit provider-based best-effort public Internet (BEP), (ii) third-party provider-based private (TPP) connectivity, and (iii) CP-based private (CPP) connectivity. By performing active measurements in this real-world multi-cloud deployment, we provide new insights into variability in the performance of TPP, the stability in performance and topology of CPP, and the absence of transit providers for CPP.
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- 1.
This is different from hybrid cloud computing, where a direct connection exists between a public cloud and private on-premises enterprise server(s).
- 2.
See Sect. 3.4 for more details.
- 3.
In Sect. 5 we highlight that our inter-cloud measurements do not exit the source and destination CP’s network.
- 4.
Note that these price points do not take into consideration the additional charges that are incurred by CPs for establishing connectivity to their network.
- 5.
We do not have access to parameters such as TCP timeout delay and number of acknowledged packets by each ACK to use more elaborate TCP models (e.g., [54]).
- 6.
In an ideal setting, we should not experience any packet losses as we are limiting our probing rate at the source.
- 7.
In the absence of information regarding the physical fiber paths, we rely on latency as a proxy measure of path length.
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A Appendices
A Appendices
1.1 A.1 Representation of Results
Distributions in this paper are presented using letter-value plots [31]. Letter-value plots, similar to boxplots, are helpful for summarizing the distribution of data points but offer finer details beyond the quartiles. The median is shown using a dark horizontal line and the 1/2\(^i\) quantile is encoded using the box width, with the widest boxes surrounding the median representing the quartiles, the 2nd widest boxes corresponding to the octiles, etc. Distributions with low variance centered around a single value appear as a narrow horizontal bar while distributions with diverse values appear as vertical bars.
Throughout this paper we try to present full distributions of latency when it is illustrative. Furthermore, we compare latency characteristics of different paths using the median and variance measures and specifically refrain from relying on minimum latency as it does not capture the stability and dynamics of this measure across each path.
1.2 A.2 Preliminary results on E2C perspective
We emulate an enterprise leveraging multi-clouds by connecting a cloud router in the Phoenix, AZ region to a physical server hosted within a colocation facility in Phoenix, AZ.
TPP Routes Offer Better Latency than BEP Routes. Figure 6a shows the distribution of latency for our measured E2C paths. We observe that TPP routes consistently outperform their BEP counterparts by having a lower baseline of latency and also exhibiting less variation. We observe a median latency of 11 ms, 20 ms, and 21 ms for TPP routes towards GCP, AWS, and Azure VM instances in California, respectively. We also observe symmetric distributions on the reverse path but omit the results for brevity. In the case of our E2C paths, we always observe direct peerings between the upstream provider (e.g., Cox Communications (AS22773)) and the CP network. Relying on bdrmapIT to infer the peering points from the traceroutes associated with our E2C paths, we measure the latency on the peering hop. Figure 6b shows the distribution of the latency for the peering hop for E2C paths originated from the CPs’ instances in CA towards our enterprise server in AZ. While the routing policies of GCP and Azure for E2C paths are similar to our observations for C2C paths, Amazon seems to hand-off traffic near the destination which is unlike their hot-potato tendencies for C2C paths. We hypothesize that this change in AWS’ policy is to minimize the operational costs via their Transit Gateway service which provide finer control to customers and peering networks over the egress/ingress point of traffic to their network [6]. In addition, observing an equal or lower minimum latency for TPP routes as compared to BEP routes suggests that TPP routes are shorter than BEP pathsFootnote 7. We also find (not shown here) that the average loss rate on TPP routes is \(6*10^{-4}\) which is an order of magnitude lower than the loss rate experienced on BEP routes (\(1.6*10^{-3}\)).
TPP Offers Consistent Throughput for E2C Paths. Figure 6c depicts the distribution of throughput for E2C paths between our server in AZ and CP instances in CA via TPP and BEP routes, respectively. While we observe very consistent throughput values near the purchased link capacity for TPP paths, BEP paths exhibit higher variability which is expected given the best effort nature of public Internet paths. Similar to the latency characteristics, we attribute the better throughput of TPP routes to the lower loss rates and shorter fiber paths from the enterprise server to the CPs’ instances in CA. Moreover, compared to the CPs’ connect locations, the third-party providers are often present in additional, distinct colocation facilities closer to the edge and partially answers the question we posed earlier in Sect. 4.3.
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Yeganeh, B., Durairajan, R., Rejaie, R., Willinger, W. (2020). A First Comparative Characterization of Multi-cloud Connectivity in Today’s Internet. In: Sperotto, A., Dainotti, A., Stiller, B. (eds) Passive and Active Measurement. PAM 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 12048. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-44081-7_12
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-44081-7_12
Publisher Name: Springer, Cham
Print ISBN: 978-3-030-44080-0
Online ISBN: 978-3-030-44081-7
eBook Packages: Computer ScienceComputer Science (R0)