
1 Introduction

1.1 Background

Broadcasting and cable TV services encrypt content for the purpose of copyright protection before distributing it to subscribers. Each subscriber needs a decoder with a decryption module for decrypting the content. In Japan, a smart card or a LSI (card what it follows) is used as a security module, and a decryption key is generated in the card [32, 33]. Moreover, pay-TV services use the same card to control subscribers’ access to their content. The card holds a subscriber’s contract information, and the decryption keys are generated on the basis of the information in the card.

If the card were be able to be taken out of the TV set or set-top box, subscribers would be able to get identical services outside the home, but it is not easy to take the card out of the receivers, because manufacturers produce receivers, considering breakage of cards.

If the decryption key(s) could be removed electronically and stored in such devices as a mobile phone or tablet PC, the subscriber would not need to take the card out; this would improve quality of service.

Nowadays, there are hybrid systems, such as youview [38], HbbTV [36], Hulu [37], and Hybridcast [35], that offer broadcasting services through the air and network services through the Internet. These systems consider cooperation of receivers and mobile terminals, meaning that it is easy to transmit data from the receiver to the mobile terminal. However, when a third party who can access and use the data transmitted to the mobile terminal illegally use the system in a way that the copyright would be infringed, for example. Hence, in cases in which data can be transmitted to the mobile terminal, countermeasures against possible illegal use of that data should be taken.

Ogawa, Hanaoka, and Imai (OHI07) [26] proposed a method in which a decryption key is updated periodically and a temporal decryption key can be taken out, as a way of improving the currently offered services. That is, the subscriber can obtain identical services outside the home only during a limited period. In this case, even if the decryption key is leaked, the damage caused by the leakage will not extend beyond the valid period of the key. Ogawa, Tamura, and Hanaoka (OTH17) proposed another countermeasure in which an attribute-based encryption scheme (ABE) is used and the location and time are used as attributes. That is, the subscriber can obtain services outside only during a limited period and in restricted area. Even if the decryption key is leaked, the damage would not extend beyond the valid period and the restricted area.

1.2 Contributions

The services considered in this paper are the same as those in OTH17. First, we consider a situation in which subscribers bring the decryption keys with them and obtain identical services outside their homes. The situation corresponds to one of traveling on business or sightseeing. In such a situation, the location where the subscriber stays during the period is usually decided before leaving the home. Moreover, it would likely be a hotel or similar establishment where the subscriber would most want to obtain the services. Furthermore, the time during which the subscriber would obtain the services at the hotel would be limited. Then, by generating a decryption key that can be used at the hotel during the time of stay and storing the key in the mobile terminal electronically would make it possible for a subscriber outside the home to obtain identical services to those received at home when he or she wants them.

OTH17 uses ABE to control accesses to content, and the location and time are used as its attributes. In addition, a trusted third party (TTP) is needed to issue certain decryption keys, and private information, such as the place where the subscriber is and the period of the stay, is sent to the party in plaintext. That the TTP gets such information is not preferable from the viewpoint of privacy preserving. Moreover, if the party is untrusted, there is a risk that the subscriber’s private information will be disclosed. Such a system lacks versatility.

We propose a system that overcomes the above drawback. In order to reduce the risk, we add the multi-party computation protocol (MPC) [1, 7, 14, 24, 25, 29, 30] to OTH17. In MPC, it is impossible to recover original private data from the share provided to each party. Thus, MPC improves the OTH17 system into one that does not disclose any private information.

1.3 Related Works

The system we propose uses time and location data to control access to the content. As far as we know, there has not been any related proposal except for OHI07 and OTH17 regarding access control to pay-TV services. However, these systems do not consider privacy preservation. Although OHI07 cannot control the location at which the decryption key is used, OTH17 can do so, making it superior to OHI07 with regard to content copyright protection. However, OTH17 is still poor from the viewpoint of privacy preservation, because the user has to tell the place where he or she will use the decryption key.

A position based cryptography scheme (PBC) [6, 8,9,10, 16, 20, 28], which controls the decryption of a ciphertext according to the location the message sender specifies, and a time released encryption scheme (TRE) [3, 13, 15, 18, 19, 21, 22, 27, 31], which controls the decryption of a ciphertext according to the time the message sender specifies, can be used for the same purpose. However, the use of such schemes entails sending private data, such as the place and time of stay, in plaintext to certain parties; they too are not preferable from the viewpoint of privacy preservation. The use of PBC and TRE with homomorphic properties may make it possible to eliminate the above risk, but their use requires two encryptions or decryptions; moreover, homomorphic properties seem to raise computational costs.

2 Preliminary

2.1 Current Broadcasting System and OTH17

There are a lot of pay-TV services in North America, Europe, and Asia. The systems in North America and Europe vary from broadcaster to broadcaster, and their details are not disclosed. Although the Common Descrambling System of Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB-CSA) [34] is standardized in Europe, a non-disclosure agreement must be signed in order to see its details, and naturally, the details cannot be disclosed. On the other hand, the Japanese broadcasting system has been disclosed. Figure 1 shows the current broadcasting system used in Japan [32, 33].

The broadcaster encrypts the content M by using a scramble key \(k_s\). It broadcasts the encrypted content \(C_M=Enc(k_s,M)\). Enc(kM) denotes that the plaintext M is encrypted by using a key k. \(k_s\) is encrypted by using a work key \(k_w\), and the broadcaster generates an encrypted scramble key \(C_{k_s}=Enc(k_w,k_s)\). In addition, \(k_w\) is encrypted by using a master key \(k_m\), and the broadcaster generates an encrypted work key \(C_{k_w}=Enc(k_m,k_w)\). \(C_M\), \(C_{k_s}\), and \(C_{k_w}\) are multiplexed and transmitted to the subscribers.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Japanese Broadcasting System: \(k_s\) is the content (scramble) key, \(k_w\) is the work key, and \(k_m\) is the master key.

The Japanese system has multiple symmetric encryption schemes. That is, the scrambling scheme used for content encryption is different from the encryption scheme used for encrypting \(k_s\) and \(k_w\). This difference does not affect the proposed system. Hence, we will use the same notation \(Enc(\cdot ,\cdot )\) as in symmetric encryption.

Each receiver needs a smart card or LSI as a security module to hold a \(k_m\). Each security module has a distinct \(k_m\), and broadcasters can transmit private contract information to each subscriber (receiver) by using \(k_m\). \(C_M\), \(C_{k_s}\), and \(C_{k_w}\), which are transmitted through the air, are demultiplexed in the receiver. \(k_w\) is decrypted by using \(k_m\) in the security module as follows: \(k_w=Dec(k_m,C_{k_w})\). Dec(kC) denotes that a ciphertext C is decrypted by using a key k. \(k_s\) is decrypted by using \(k_w\): \(k_s=Dec(k_w,C_{k_s})\). \(k_s\) is sent to the receiver, and M is decrypted (descrambled) by using \(k_s\): \(M=Dec(k_s,C_M)\) in the receiver.

Since all the encryption schemes are symmetric, their encryption and decryption keys are identical. In the Japanese broadcasting system, the descrambling scheme used for content decryption is different from the scheme of decrypting \(k_w\) and \(k_s\), but this difference does not affect the proposed system. Hence, we will use the same notation \(Dec(\cdot ,\cdot )\).

Fig. 2.
figure 2

OTH17 system

OTH17 is constructed on the basis of the above Japanese system. Figure 2 shows this system. It introduces a new work key \(k_{w_t}\), and ABE is used to control accesses to broadcast content.

The broadcaster generates \(k_{w_t}\) and encrypts \(k_s\) by using \(k_{w_t}\). Receivers receive \(k_{w_t}\) from the mobile terminals and decrypt \(k_s\) by using \(k_{w_t}\). The key issuance center gets \(k_{w_t}\) from the broadcaster, sets up the ABE scheme, generates a decryption key \(sk_t\), encrypts \(k_{w_t}\), and generates \(C_{k_{w_t}}=\mathsf{ABE\_Enc}(pk,\beta ,k_{w_t})\). The mobile terminals need to store \(sk_t\) securely, obtain \(C_{k_{w_t}}\) from the key issuance center, and decrypt \(k_{w_t}=\mathsf{ABE\_Dec}(sk_t, C_{k_{w_t}})\).

2.2 Attribute-Based Encryption

ABE [2, 5, 12, 17] can prescribe the logic of encryption or decryption by embedding attributes or conditions of attributes into a ciphertext or a decryption key. Arbitrary functions, described as combinations of AND gates, OR gates, NOT gates, and threshold gates, are possible conditions.

Ciphertext-policy ABE is a kind of ABE that embeds attribute data into a decryption key and a policy (condition), such as Boolean formula, into a ciphertext. It consists of four algorithms \((\mathsf{ABE\_Setup},\mathsf{ABE\_Gen},\mathsf{ABE\_Enc},\mathsf{ABE\_Dec})\).

  • \(\mathsf{ABE\_Setup}(1^\lambda ) \rightarrow (msk,pk)\): The set-up algorithm takes a security parameter \(1^\lambda \) as input and outputs a master key msk and a public key pk.

  • \(\mathsf{ABE\_Gen}(msk,S)\rightarrow sk\): The decryption key generation algorithm takes msk and attributes of a decryption key S as inputs and outputs a decryption key sk.

  • \(\mathsf{ABE\_Enc}(pk,\beta ,M)\rightarrow C\): The encryption algorithm takes pk, attributes, and its condition \(\beta \), such as a Boolean function, and a message M as inputs and outputs a ciphertext C.

  • \(\mathsf{ABE\_Dec}(sk,C,\beta )\rightarrow M\): The decryption algorithm takes sk, C, and \(\beta \) as inputs and outputs M.

The proposed system uses the above ciphertext-policy ABE. More specifically, it employs the attribute-based encryption scheme proposed by Attrapadung et al. [2] that can assign an attribute with a range. Attrapadung et al.’s scheme can specify the range of an attribute by a direct expression \(\{a,b\}\) and can calculate condition equations by using a tree-based attribute label. The range is included in \(\beta \).

2.3 Multi-Party Computation

Multi-party computation (MPC) is a method in which multiple parties collaborate to calculate a function f() without disclosure of the secret shares (information) that each party holds. By using MPC, it is possible to modify an arbitrary algorithm (function) into an information-theoretically secure one under certain conditions [4, 11]. In MPC, a secret sharing algorithm makes secret shares from an input x to f, and multiple servers obtain distinct shares and execute some calculations. The user gets output shares from the servers and calculates the output \(y=f(x)\). The original input x cannot be revealed from any of the secret shares or from any of the information communicated between the servers.

Here, we will assume a semi-honest model. That is, all entities execute their roles without any error. The secret sharing scheme and client-aided client-server model [23, 24] used in this paper are described below.

Secret Sharing. A secret sharing scheme consists of two algorithms: Share and Reveal. Share takes as input x and outputs shares \(([\![x]\!] _1,\cdots ,[\![x]\!] _N)\), \(([\![x]\!] _1,\cdots ,[\![x]\!] _N)\leftarrow \mathsf{Share}(x)\), where N is the number of parties and \([\![x]\!] _i\) denotes a share for the i-th (\(i\in [1,N]\)) party. Reveal takes as input \(([\![x]\!] _1,\cdots ,[\![x]\!] _N)\) and outputs \([\![x]\!] \), \([\![x]\!] \leftarrow \mathsf{Reveal}([\![x]\!] _1,\cdots ,[\![x]\!] _N)\). In this paper, we set \(N=2\). That is, we will use the \({2\atopwithdelims ()2}\)-secret sharing scheme, where \(\mathsf{Share}\) generates two shares and \(\mathsf{REVEAL}\) takes input two shares.

Client-Aided Client-Server Model. We employ Morita and et al.’s secret-sharing based MPC in the client-aided client-server model [24]. Its procedure is as follows:

Suppose there are N servers and t clients.

  1. 1.

    Client-j(\(j\in [1,t]\)) takes input \(a_j\in {\mathbb A}\) and generates shares \([\![a_j]\!] =([\![a_j]\!] _1,\cdots ,[\![a_j]\!] _N) \leftarrow \mathsf{Share}(a_j)\) for N servers. Client-1 generates a set of aiding information (Beaver triple) \(BT_1, \cdots , BT_N\) that helps each server’s calculation.

  2. 2.

    Client-j sends \([\![a_j]\!] _i\) to Server-i and Client-1 sends \(BT_i\) to Server-i.

  3. 3.

    Server-i calculates its output \([\![b_i]\!] \) from t inputs \(([\![a_1]\!] _i,\cdots ,[\![a_t]\!] _i)\), communicating with the other servers.

  4. 4.

    Server-i sends \([\![b_i]\!] \) to all clients.

  5. 5.

    Each client takes n inputs \(([\![b_1]\!] ,\cdots ,[\![b_N]\!] )\) and obtains \(b=f(a_1,\cdots ,a_t)\) by performing \(b\leftarrow \mathsf{Reveal}([\![b_1]\!] ,\cdots ,[\![b_N]\!] )\).

3 Proposal

OTH17 employs a trusted third party (TTP) and subscribers’ private information; e.g., the subscriber’s travel destination is disclosed to the TTP. In contrast, we construct a system that preserves subscribers’ private information while maintaining the other properties of OTH17.

Let us suppose that a subscriber carries keys and obtains services outside his or her home (at a hotel). Furthermore, the period of stay at the hotel is limited. Accordingly, a decryption key that can only be used during the stay at the hotel and that can be stored in the subscriber’s mobile terminal would make it possible to obtain the expected services.

From the viewpoint of privacy preservation, the data supplied by the subscriber should be kept secret from every other party. To ensure this, we employ the multi-party computation protocol (MPC). In particular, the calculation of TTP in OTH17 is divided up into multiple parts and each part is performed by a separate distinct party. The output of each party is sent to the subscriber. MPC is secure if the original data cannot be recovered from the share of any party. Hence, due to the MPC, no party can obtain original data from its share and the subscriber’s privacy is preserved.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Proposed System: pk and msk are public and master keys for ABE. MPC-ABE Enc. and Gen Dec. key for MPC-ABE are encryption and decryption-key generation functions of ABE using a multi-party computation. Gen. Shares for MPC-ABE Enc. is a share-generation function for MPC-ABE Enc. and Gen. Shares for MPC-ABE Dec. key is a share-generation function for Gen. Dec. key for MPC-ABE. Gen. Ciphertext for ABE and Gen. Dec. key for ABE are ciphertext-generation and decryption-key-generation functions for ABE.

3.1 System

Figure 3 shows the proposed system using MPC. There are four entities.

  • Mobile terminal: It belongs to a subscriber who has a contract with a broadcaster.

  • Broadcaster: It encrypts content and transmits it to all subscribers.

  • Server-1, 2: It plays the role of a key issuance center. It generates pk and msk of ABE and issues \(sk_t\) and \(C_{kw_t}\).

  • Outside receiver: It is a receiver at a hotel, for example.

The broadcaster encrypts \(k_s\) by using \(k_{w_t}\) and broadcasts the encrypted \(C_{k_s}=Enc(k_{w_t},k_s)\) through the air. \(k_{w_t}\) is also encrypted and sent to the outside receiver through communication channels. MPC is used for \(k_{w_t}\)’s encryption.

Before the subscriber gets \(k_{w_t}\), the decryption key \(sk_t\) of ABE is generated from the location and date attributes of where and when the subscriber plans to obtain the service. This key is generated by using MPC. That is, the subscriber generates multiple shares from his or her attributes (Gen. Shares for MPC-ABE Enc.) and sends each share to a distinct party. Each party generates an output share from its input and returns it to the subscriber. This algorithm (Gen. Dec. Key for MPC-ABE) is for generating \(sk_t\). The subscriber generates \(sk_t\) from the outputs of all parties. The subscriber stores \(sk_t\) in the mobile terminal and brings it to the travel destination.

A ciphertext of \(k_{w_t}\) is necessary at the hotel. The subscriber generates multiple shares from his or her attributes (Gen. Shares for MPC-ABE Enc.) and sends each share to a distinct party. Each party generates its output share from its input and transmits it through communication networks to the mobile terminal. The algorithm (MPC-ABE Enc.) is for generating the ciphertext. The terminal generates a ciphertext of \(k_{w_t}\) from the outputs of all parties. Finally, the subscriber gets the service at the hotel by using \(sk_t\) and the ciphertext of \(k_{w_t}\).

This system enables subscribers to enjoy enriched services without having to disclose any of their private information.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Service procedure

3.2 Service Procedure

Figure 4 shows the service procedure in the system.

  1. (1)

    The subscriber obtains a token \(\beta \) from the broadcaster after its authentication and saves it in the mobile terminal.

  2. (2)

    The subscriber inputs its private information, the place \((p_x, p_y)\) and time \(t_p\) at which the subscriber will obtain the service, to its mobile terminal.

  3. (3)

    The mobile terminal performs \({2\atopwithdelims ()2}\)-secret sharing protocol with \((p_x,p_y)\) and \(t_p\), generates shares \(([\![p_1]\!] ,[\![p_2]\!] )\leftarrow \mathsf{Share}(p_x||p_y||t_p||\beta )\), and sends \([\![p_i]\!] \) to the server-i(\(i\in \{1,2\}\)). In addition, aiding shares \(BT_1\) and \(BT_2\) are generated and \(BT_i\) is sent to server-i.

  4. (4)

    After receiving \([\![p_i]\!] \) from the mobile terminal, server-i generates a share \([\![sk_{t_i}]\!] \) to calculate a function \(f_{kg}(p_x||p_y||t_p||\beta ||\alpha )\) and returns it to the mobile terminal, where \(\alpha \) is secret data that all servers share.

  5. (5)

    After receiving \([\![sk_{t_1}]\!] \) and \([\![sk_{t_2}]\!] \) from the servers, the mobile terminal calculates a secret key \(sk_t\leftarrow \mathsf{Reveal}([\![sk_{t_1}]\!] ,[\![sk_{t_2}]\!] )\).

  6. (6)

    The broadcaster generates \(k_{w_t}\), and sends it to server-1 and 2.

  7. (7)

    At the destination, the mobile terminal generates shares of the current place \((p_{cx}, p_{cy})\) and time \(t_{cp}\) by performing \({2\atopwithdelims ()2}\)-secret sharing protocol \(([\![p_{c1}]\!] ,[\![p_{c2}]\!] )\leftarrow \mathsf{Share}(p_{cx}||p_{cy}||t_{cp}||\beta )\), and sends \([\![p_{ci}]\!] \)(\(i\in \{1,2\}\)) to server-i. In addition, the terminal generates shares \(BT_{c1}\) and \(BT_{c2}\), and sends \(BT_{ci}\)(\(i\in \{1,2\}\)) to server-i.

  8. (8)

    After receiving \(k_{w_t}\) from the broadcaster, \([\![p_{ci}]\!] \) and \([\![BT_{ci}]\!] \) from the mobile terminal, server-i generates a share \([\![c_i]\!] \) to calculate a function \(C_{k_{w_t}}=f_{cg}(p_{cx}||p_{cy}||t_{cp}||\beta ||\alpha ,k_{w_t})\) and returns it to the mobile terminal.

  9. (9)

    After receiving \([\![c_1]\!] \) and \([\![c_2]\!] \) from the servers, the mobile terminal reconstructs the encrypted temporal work key \(C_{k_{w_t}}\leftarrow \mathsf{Reveal}([\![c_1]\!] ,[\![c_2]\!] )\).

  10. (10)

    The mobile terminal decrypts the temporal work key \(k_{w_t}=Dec(sk_t,C_{k_{w_t}})\) and sends it to the outside receiver.

  11. (11)

    The outside receiver decrypts the scramble key \(k_s=Dec(k_{w_t},C_{k_s})\) and finally decrypts the content \(M=Dec(k_s,C_M)\).

As can be seen, the set \((p_{px},p_{py})\) at the subscriber’s home should be the same with \((p_{cx},p_{cy})\) obtained at the travel destination. If this is not the case, the subscriber cannot get the service.

Steps (8) to (11) of the mobile terminal are performed only once at the start of the service at the travel destination.

4 Conclusion

We proposed a method that enables the subscriber to obtain services at a travel destination. In the system, a secret key is generated on the basis of location and time information. That is, the place and time are used to control the subscriber’s access to the content. In addition, this system does not require a TTP and it preserves the subscriber’s private information; thus, the system can use an untrusted server. Moreover, there are some information-theoretically secure MPCs, and when the system uses such an information-theoretically secure MPC, it becomes secure against attacks from quantum computers.