Business Process Management (BPM), Process Mining (PM), Workflow Management (WFM), and other approaches aimed at improving processes depend on process models. Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN), Event-driven Process Chains (EPCs), and UML activity diagrams all build on Petri nets and have semantics involving ‘playing the token game’. In addition, process analysis approaches ranging from verification and simulation to process discovery and compliance checking often depend on Petri net theory. For the casual user, there is no need to understand the underlying foundations. However, BPM/PM/WFM researchers and ‘process experts’ working in industry need to understand these foundational results. Unfortunately, the results of 50 years of Petri net research are not easy to digest. This tutorial paper provides, therefore, an entry point into the wonderful world of Petri nets.
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1 Petri Nets and Business Process Management
Since their inception in 1962, Petri nets have been used in a wide variety of application domains. A more recent development is the foundational role of Petri nets in Business Process Management (BPM) [8] and related fields such as Process Mining (PM) [2] and Workflow Management (WFM) [3]. Many WFM systems are based on Petri nets. In fact, the first prototypes developed in the late 1970-ties (e.g., Officetalk and SCOOP) already used Petri nets [1]. In today’s BPM/WFM systems, this is less visible. However, popular modeling languages such as Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN), Event-driven Process Chains (EPCs), and UML activity diagrams all borrow ideas from Petri nets (e.g., the ‘token game’ to describe semantics and to implement BPM/WFM engines and simulation tools) [5].
Petri nets also play a major role in the analysis of processes and event data. Many simulation tools are based on Petri nets [5]. Petri nets are also used for the verification of processes in WFM/BPM systems, e.g., to check soundness [4]. However, this possibility is not used much in practice. Conversely, Process Mining (PM) is much more widely used than simulation and verification. Petri nets are the most widely used representation in PM [2]. There are dozens of techniques that can discover a Petri net from event data. Moreover, almost all conformance checking techniques use Petri nets internally.
This short paper is based on a tutorial with the same name presented at the 17th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2019) in Vienna in September 2019. Here, we can only show a few of the ‘gems in Petri nets’ relevant for BPM, PM, and WFM.
2 Accepting Petri Nets
Figures 1 and 2 show two so-called accepting Petri nets. These Petri nets have an initial state and a final state. States in Petri nets are called markings that mark certain places (represented by circles) with tokens (represented by black dots). The accepting Petri net \(N_1\) in Fig. 1 has five places. In the initial marking, [p1, p2] two places are marked. Since a place may have multiple tokens, markings are represented by multisets. Transitions (represented by squares) are the active components able to move the Petri nets from one marking to another marking. \(N_1\) has four transitions. A transition is called enabled if each of the input places has a token. An enabled transition may fire (i.e., occur) thereby consuming a token from each input place and producing a token for each output places. In the marking showing in Fig. 1, both t1 and t2 are enabled. Firing t1 removes a token from p1 and adds a token to p3. Firing t2 removes a token from p2 and adds a token to p4. In the resulting marking [p3, p4] both t3 and t4 are enabled. Note that both transitions require both input places to be marked. However, only one of them can fire. Firing t3 (or t4) removes a token from both p3 and p4 and adds one token to p5. Transitions may be labeled, e.g., transitions t1, t2, t3, and t4 represent the activities “get goods”, “get payment”, “express delivery”, and “normal delivery” respectively. For simplicity, we ignore the transition labels and only use the short transition names.
The behavior of an accepting Petri net is described by all traces starting in the initial marking and ending in the final marking. \(\langle t1, t2, t3\rangle \) is one of the four traces of accepting Petri net \(N_1\). Figure 1 also shows the reachability graph of \(N_1\). The reachability graph shows all reachable markings and their connections. \(N_1\) has five reachable states.
Accepting Petri net \(N_2\) depicted in Fig. 2 also has five reachable states, but allows for infinitely many traces (due to the loop involving t1 and t2).
3 Petri Nets Are More Declarative Than You Think
Petri nets are typically considered ‘procedural’ (like an imperative program) and not ‘declarative’. However, an accepting Petri net without places allows for any trace involving the transitions in the net. Each place corresponds to a constraint. Consider for example the accepting Petri net \(N_3\) in Fig. 3. Place p1 models the constraint that t1 should occur precisely once. Place p2 models the constraint that t2 can only occur after t1 or t3. Each occurrence of t2 requires an earlier occurrence of t1 or t3 and, at the end, the number of occurrences of t2 is one less than the sum of t1 and t3. Place p3 models the constraint that each t4 occurrence should be preceded by a t2 occurrence and, at the end, the number of occurrences of both t2 and t4 need to be the same. Note that transition t5 is not constrained by one of the places and can occur at any point in time and an arbitrary number of times. Removing a place can only enable more traces, thus illustrating the declarative nature of Petri nets (anything is possible unless specified otherwise).
4 Structure Theory and the Marking Equation
Structure theory focuses on behavioral properties that can be derived from the structural properties of a Petri net [6, 7, 9]. It is impossible to go into details. Therefore, we restrict ourselves to the marking equation which nicely shows how linear algebra can be used to exploit the structure of a Petri net. To start, we represent the first two Petri nets as a matrix with a row for each place and a column for each transition. The so-called incidence matrix shows the ‘net effect’ of firing a transition (column) on each place (row).
The incidence matrix imposes an order on places (rows) and transitions (columns). For \(N_1\) and \(N_2\), the order is p1, p2, p3, p4, p5 and t1, t2, t3, t4. \(\mathbf {t}= (1,1,1,0)^T\) is an example of a transition column vector assigning value 1 to t1, t2, and t3 and value 0 to t4. \(\mathbf {p} = (1,1,0,0,0)^T\) is an example of a place column vector assigning value 1 to p1 and p2, and value 0 to p3, p4, and p5. Assume that \(\mathbf {p'}\) and \(\mathbf {p''}\) are two place column vectors representing the initial marking \(\mathbf {p'}\) and a target marking \(\mathbf {p''}\). If \(\mathbf {p''}\) is reachable from \(\mathbf {p'}\) in some Petri net having incidence matrix \(\mathbf {N}\), then the so-called marking equation
has a solution for some transition column vector \(\mathbf {t}\) with non-negative values.
Consider \(N_1\) in Fig. 1. We are interested in the different ways to get from the initial marking [p1, p2] to the final marking [p5]. Hence, \(\mathbf {p'}= (1,1,0,0,0)^T\) and \(\mathbf {p''}= (0,0,0,0,1)^T\), resulting in the following marking equation:
Hence, we can infer from the marking equation that \(t1 =1\), \(t2=1\), and \(t3+t4=1\). Since \(N_1\) allows for trace \(\langle t1, t2, t3\rangle \), we know that \(t1 = t2 = t3 = 1\) and \(t4 = 0\) should be a solution. Suppose we would like to know whether \(N_1\) allows for trace \(\langle t1, t3, t4\rangle \). Since \(t1 = t3 = t4 = 1\) and \(t2 = 0\) is not solution of the marking equation, we know that \(\langle t1, t3, t4\rangle \) is impossible without replaying the trace. For such a small example, this may seem insignificant. However, the marking equation provides a powerful ‘algebraic overapproximation’ of all possible traces. Note that the marking equation provides a necessary but not a sufficient condition. The algebraic overapproximation can be used to quickly prune search spaces in verification and conformance checking. For example, the marking equation can be used to guide the search for so-called optimal alignments in conformance checking [2].
The marking equation is related to place and transitions invariants. Any solution of the equation \(\mathbf {p} \cdot \mathbf {N} = \mathbf {0}\) is a place invariant. For net \(N_1\):
For example, \(\mathbf {p} = (p1,p2,p3,p4,p5)=(1,0,1,0,1)\) is the place invariant showing that the number of tokens in the places p1, p3, and p5 is constant. The so-called ‘weighted token sum’ is constant for any initial marking. Given the initial marking [p1, p2], the weighted token sum is 1. If the initial marking is \([p1^2,p3,p4^3,p5]\), the weighted token sum is \((2\times 1) + (0\times 0) + (1\times 1) + (3\times 0) + (1\times 1) =4\) and will not change. \(\mathbf {p} = (0,1,0,1,1)\), \(\mathbf {p} = (1,1,1,1,2)\), and \(\mathbf {p} = (1,-1,1,-1,0)\) are other place invariants since \(\mathbf {p} \cdot \mathbf {N_1} = \mathbf {0}\).
Any solution of the equation \( \mathbf {N} \cdot \mathbf {t} = \mathbf {0}^T\) is a transition invariant. For net \(N_2\):
Any non-negative solution points to firing sequences returning to the same state. For example, \(\mathbf {t} = (t1,t2,t3,t4)^T =(3,3,0,0)^T\) is the transition invariant showing that if we are able to execute t1 and t2 three times, we return to the initial state. Again this property is independent of the initial marking. Trace invariants can again be seen as an ‘algebraic overapproximation’ of all possible traces returning to the same state.
5 A Beautiful Subclass: Free-Choice Petri Nets
The three models shown in Figs. 1, 2 and 3 are all free-choice Petri nets. These nets satisfy the constraint that any two transitions having the same place as input place should have identical sets of input places. Formally, for any two transitions \(t1,t2 \in T\) such that \(\bullet t1 \cap \bullet t2 \ne \emptyset \): \(\bullet t1 = \bullet t2\). In Fig. 1, \(\bullet t3 \cap \bullet t4 \ne \emptyset \), but \(\bullet t3 = \bullet t4 = \{p3,p4\}\). The free-choice requirement implies that choice and synchronization are ‘separable’, i.e., choices are ‘free’ and not controlled by places that are not shared by all transitions involved in the choice. Free-choice Petri nets are very relevant for BPM, PM, and WFM, because most modeling languages have constructs (e.g., gateways in BPMN, control nodes in UML activity diagrams, and connectors in EPCs) modeling AND/XOR-splits/joins. As a result, choice (XOR-split) and synchronization (AND-join) are separated.
To exploit the properties of free-choice Petri nets, we often ‘short-circuit’ the accepting Petri net, i.e., we add a transition consuming tokens from the places in the final marking and producing tokens for the places in the initial marking. This implies that when reaching the final marking, it is possible to do a ‘reset’ and start again from the initial state.
We refer to [7] for the many results known for free-choice Petri nets, e.g., Commoner’s Theorem, the two Coverability Theorems, the Rank Theorem, the Synthesis Theorem, the Home Marking Theorem, the two Confluence Theorems, the Shortest Sequence Theorem, and the Blocking Marking Theorem.
6 Conclusion
This short paper should be considered as a ‘teaser’ for researchers and experts working on BPM, PM, and WFM. Although often not directly visible, many techniques and tools depend on Petri nets. See [5,6,7, 9] to learn more about the Petri net theory. For the use of Petri nets in BPM, PM, and WFM, see [1,2,3,4].
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We thank the Alexander von Humboldt (AvH) Stiftung for supporting our research.
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van der Aalst, W.M.P. (2019). Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Petri Nets, but Were Afraid to Ask. In: Hildebrandt, T., van Dongen, B., Röglinger, M., Mendling, J. (eds) Business Process Management. BPM 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 11675. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-26619-6_1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-26619-6_1
Publisher Name: Springer, Cham
Print ISBN: 978-3-030-26618-9
Online ISBN: 978-3-030-26619-6
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