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- 1.
153 Well, at first sight, this may sound strange in the microelectronics business, where more chips might mean more money. At second sight, however, the challenge lies in the tremendous increase in complexity per chip. In that sense, this quote from the wooden times still holds perfectly in our silicon era.
- 2.
154 Not astonishingly for a man of deed, Saint-Exupéry considers getting his hands dirty to pave the path for future generations a necessary and honorable step.
- 3.
155 We did not investigate the actual design of analog scalable blocks, though we analyzed practical cases of existing analog/RF components. A paradigm shift to scalable analog block design is motivated in the section on future work.
- 4.
156 Acceptable design cost mainly refers to design complexity. This implies additional control complexity. Additional datapath complexity is very limited. Functional scalability is part of the specification: this would imply parallel selectable implementations when we compare with dedicated designs. Given the number of desired configurations, this becomes simply impossible.
- 5.
- 6.
158 We refer here to a model that is accurate with respect to the digital sampling process; i.e., we do not need to describe the behavior more accurate than seen by the analog-to-digital converter.
- 7.
159re + circare = to go around again and again.
- 8.
160 By the time of writing, announcements of MIMO chipset implementations, e.g., from AirGo Networks, swept the market. Yet, with the increased complexity of a MIMO solution, comparability of existing SISO and MIMO chipsets with respect to capacity and energy efficiency remained under heavy discussion [Mannion03].
- 9.
161 From [Weiser91]: “The most profound technologies are those that disappear. They weave themselves into the fabric of everyday life until they are undistinguishable from it.”
- 10.
162 From [Sperling03]: “Social interactions are the focus of our existence. We are social animals, and for any technology to be useful, it must eventually support socialization; otherwise it will not survive.”
- 11.
163 Citing [Colwell04]: “Insidiously, only the core architects and the project leaders could see the real culprit: the cost of complexity.”
- 12.
164 For HiperLAN/2, 2-ms MAC-frame length vs. 50-ns ADC sample duration results in a ratio of 40,000.
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(2008). Conclusions and Further Research. In: Wireless Transceiver Systems Design. Springer, Boston, MA.
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