3D Internet technologies are becoming essential enablers in many application areas including games, education, collaboration, navigation and social networking. The use of 3D Internet applications with mobile devices provides location-independent access and richer use context, but also performance issues. Therefore, one of the important challenges facing 3D Internet applications is the deployment of 3D graphics on mobile devices. In this article, we present an extensive survey on optimization techniques for 3D graphics deployment on mobile devices and qualitatively analyze the applicability of each technique from the standpoints of visual quality, performance and energy consumption. The analysis focuses on optimization techniques related to data-driven 3D graphics deployment, because it supports off-line use, multi-user interaction, user-created 3D graphics and creation of arbitrary 3D graphics. The outcome of the analysis facilitates the development and deployment of 3D Internet applications on mobile devices and provides guidelines for future research.
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The authors would like to thank the staff at Center for Internet Excellence for their help and assistance. This work has been carried out in the CADIST3D Project funded by the Academy of Finland and the Chiru Project funded by the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation (Tekes).
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Koskela, T., Vatjus-Anttila, J. Optimization Techniques for 3D Graphics Deployment on Mobile Devices. 3D Res 6, 8 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13319-015-0040-0
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13319-015-0040-0