The abundance of mined, predicted and uncertain biological data warrant massive, efficient and scalable curation efforts. The human expertise required for any successful curation enterprise is often economically prohibitive, especially for speculative end user queries that ultimately may not bear fruit. So the challenge remains in devising a low cost engine capable of delivering fast but tentative annotation and curation of a set of data items that can later be authoritatively validated by experts demanding significantly smaller investment. The aim thus is to make a large volume of predicted data available for use as early as possible with an acceptable degree of confidence in their accuracy while the curation continues. In this paper, we present a novel approach to annotation and curation of biological database contents using crowd computing. The technical contribution is in the identification and management of trust of mechanical turks, and support for ad hoc declarative queries, both of which are leveraged to enable reliable analytics using noisy predicted interactions. While the proposed approach and the CrowdCure system are designed for literature mined protein-protein interaction data curation, they are amenable to substantial generalization.
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It is often believed biases also exist due to sparseness of data in high throughput PPI data collection techniques. For example, mass-spectrometry proteomics are known to be biased in detecting large, abundant or sticky proteins [56].
By no means we preclude the possibility of inserting ground data into the tables using traditional database operations such as INSERT or UPDATE for subsequent crowd curation.
The alternative choice is to separate mining from curation by decoupling the USING ON clause from SOURCE BEFORE clause. This alternate choice would allow importing data other sources and initiate curation as a distinct step.
Turks may opt out from any assignment even though they remain registered.
In the current edition of CrowdCure, we do not allow data queries to list the assigned curators or their votes (the source vector) for users to view, this can be enabled in a later version if there is a need. We are on the fence on this choice still.
Figure 13 shows a better annotation possibility using the EverMap annotator to which we currently do not have unrestricted access but we hope to offer in the future. Using its AutoBookmark plug-in for Acrobat, EverMap is able to highlight a large set of keywords with all distinct colors for better differentiation. However, we need an even improved annotator that can actually pinpoint the relevant sentences as shown in Fig. 10 and export only relevant parts of the document for provenance.
Available at http://www.jbc.org/content/278/4/2388.long.
Available at http://www.jbc.org/content/278/4/2388.full.pdf.
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The current prototype of CrowdCure has been implemented by Xin Mou and the authors gratefully acknowledge his contributions, and many of the investigations into tool choices he helped them with.
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Jamil, H.M., Sadri, F. Crowd enabled curation and querying of large and noisy text mined protein interaction data. Distrib Parallel Databases 36, 9–45 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10619-017-7209-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10619-017-7209-x