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VIAL: a unified process for visual interactive labeling

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The assignment of labels to data instances is a fundamental prerequisite for many machine learning tasks. Moreover, labeling is a frequently applied process in visual interactive analysis approaches and visual analytics. However, the strategies for creating labels usually differ between these two fields. This raises the question whether synergies between the different approaches can be attained. In this paper, we study the process of labeling data instances with the user in the loop, from both the machine learning and visual interactive perspective. Based on a review of differences and commonalities, we propose the “visual interactive labeling” (VIAL) process that unifies both approaches. We describe the six major steps of the process and discuss their specific challenges. Additionally, we present two heterogeneous usage scenarios from the novel VIAL perspective, one on metric distance learning and one on object detection in videos. Finally, we discuss general challenges to VIAL and point out necessary work for the realization of future VIAL approaches.

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This work is an extended version of a previous EuroVA paper [20] entitled “ A Unified Process for Visual Interactive Labeling.” This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Project No. I 2850, Lead Agency Verfahren (DACH) “Visual Segmentation and Labeling of Multivariate Time Series (VISSECT),” the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG), Project Nos. 7179681, 7189193, the Austrian Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology under the initiative “ICT of the future” via the project “VALiD” (Project No. 845598), the Austrian Research Fund (FWF) via the projects “KAVA-Time” (Project No. P25489-N23), and “VisOnFire” (Project No. P27975-NBL), as well as by the Lower Austrian Research and Education Company and the Provincial Government of Lower Austria (NFB), Department of Science and Research via the project “IntelliGait” (Project No. LSC14-005).

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Bernard, J., Zeppelzauer, M., Sedlmair, M. et al. VIAL: a unified process for visual interactive labeling. Vis Comput 34, 1189–1207 (2018).

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