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ISHS Acta Horticulturae 464: International Postharvest Science Conference Postharvest 96 PREFACE
Author:   I. Ferguson
DOI:   10.17660/ActaHortic.1998.464.0
This volume of Acta Horticulturae comprises oral papers and posters presented at PH96, the International Postharvest Science Conference held in Taupo, New Zealand, during August 4th to 9th, 1996. The Conference was held under the auspices of the International and New Zealand Societies for Horticultural Science. This meeting of postharvest researchers occurs every 4 years, being held in Davis, CA, USA in 1992 and moving to Israel in 2000.

Almost 300 researchers and postharvest industry personnel attended the meeting, from more than 35 countries. This attendance is indicative of the prime position of postharvest research in world horticulture. There has been a significant shift in recent years, in both developing and developed countries, away from research on crop production, to that on postharvest quality. In some systems, this may mean reduction in spoilage by simple techniques such as temperature control and care in handling, and in others, it might mean product differentiation or segregation of products according to specified quality characteristics.

These movements are as much a part of the horticultural industry in New Zealand as in any country. Accordingly, the Organising Committee, with the New Zealand postharvest community, were delighted to be hosting such an international meeting. The roar of the active volcano Ruapehu across Lake Taupo was perhaps an appropriate symbol for the energy apparent at the meeting.

These Proceedings are edited by Rod Bieleski, William Laing and Chris Clark, and we are grateful for their efforts. This is also an appropriate place to thank those on the Organising Committee, and in the Postharvest Group of HortResearch for their fine work in running the conference.

Ian Ferguson
Chairman, Organising Committee

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