A 9.8–30.1 GHz CMOS low-noise amplifier (LNA) with a 3.2-dB minimum noise figure (NF) is presented. At the architecture level, a topology based on common-gate (CG) cascading with a common-source (CS) amplifier is proposed for simultaneous wideband input matching and relatively high gain. At the circuit level, multiple techniques are proposed to improve LNA performance. First, in the CG stage, loading effect is properly used instead of the conventional feedback technique, to enable simultaneous impedance and noise matching. Second, based on in-depth theoretical analysis, the inductor- and transformer-based gm-boosting techniques are employed for the CG and CS stages, respectively, to enhance the gain and reduce power consumption. Third, the floating-body method, which was originally proposed to lower NF in CS amplifiers, is adopted in the CG stage to further reduce NF. Fabricated in a 65-nm CMOS technology, the LNA chip occupies an area of only 0.2 mm2 and measures a maximum power gain of 10.9 dB with −3 dB bandwidth from 9.8 to 30.1 GHz. The NF exhibits a minimum value of 3.2 dB at 15 GHz and is below 5.7 dB across the entire bandwidth. The LNA consumes 15.6 mW from a 1.2-V supply.
随着第五代移动通信系统(5G)的到来,毫米波收发系统预期将陆续在世界范围内大规模商用部署。对于接收机来说,最关键的指标是要保持较高信噪比。因此,位于接收机前端的第一个有源模块——低噪声放大器——起着非常关键的作用。但是,当频率上升到毫米波段时,由于寄生效应影响变大,高性能的宽带低噪声放大器设计面临着诸多挑战。本文通过基于电感和变压器的跨导提升技术,研制一款宽带的高性能毫米波低噪声放大器。使用台积电(TSMC)65 nm CMOS工艺流片并测试,这款低噪声放大器最低噪声系数仅为3.2dB,带宽高达20.3GHz,适用于5G毫米波收发系统。
测试结果表明,低噪声放大器最大增益为10.9dB,3dB带宽从9.8 GHz到30.1 GHz,高达20.3 GHz,并且输入匹配良好。另外,噪声系数最低仅为3.2 dB,且在整个3 dB带宽内低于5.7dB。此外,整体功耗仅为15.6mW。
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Hongchen CHEN and Quan XUE designed the research, measured the chip, and drafted the manuscript. Haoshen ZHU helped with the chip measurement and revised the paper. Liang WU helped revise the paper. Wenquan CHE gave a lot of guidance and finalized the paper.
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Hongchen CHEN, Haoshen ZHU, Liang WU, Wenquan CHE, and Quan XUE declare that they have no conflict of interest.
Project supported by the National Key R&D Program of China (No. 2018YFB1802000), the Key-Area R&D Program of Guangdong Province, China (No. 2018B010115001), and the Guangdong Innovative and Entrepreneurial Research Team Program, China (No. 2017ZT07X032)
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Chen, H., Zhu, H., Wu, L. et al. A 9.8–30.1 GHz CMOS low-noise amplifier with a 3.2-dB noise figure using inductor- and transformer-based gm-boosting techniques. Front Inform Technol Electron Eng 22, 586–598 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1631/FITEE.2000510
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1631/FITEE.2000510