Struct FLeapOptions

struct FLeapOptions

Public Members

TEnumAsByte<ELeapMode> Mode

Optimize for desktop facing upward or VR facing outward?

TEnumAsByte<ELeapTrackingFidelity> TrackingFidelity

Set your tracking fidelity from low latency to smooth. If not set to custom, some of the low level settings may be overwritten

TEnumAsByte<ELeapServiceLogLevel> LeapServiceLogLevel

Verbosity of additional log updates from the leap service

bool bUseTimeWarp

Should leap use Temporal warping to align HMD rotation with leap samples

bool bUseInterpolation

Whether leap should use frame interpolation for smooth tracking

bool bTransformOriginToHMD

Should all leap data be transported to HMD space?

float TimewarpOffset

Timewarp offset sampling in microseconds. The higher, the further back in time.

float TimewarpFactor

Linear factor, useful for inverting timewarp effects for certain platforms (e.g. Oculus)

float HandInterpFactor

Number of frames we should predict forward (positive) or back (negative) from right now for hands

float FingerInterpFactor

Number of frames we should predict forward (positive) or back (negative) from right now for fingers

FVector HMDPositionOffset

Fixed offset in leap space for all tracking data. Useful for setting Leap->HMD real world offset

FRotator HMDRotationOffset

Fixed offset in leap space for all tracking data. Useful for setting Leap->HMD real world offset

bool bUseFrameBasedGestureDetection

Enable or disable the use of frame based gesture detection (old system)

bool bUseOpenXRAsSource

Experimental: Pull tracking data from OpenXR instead of LeapC.dll. Note that Pinch and Grasp events and strength are not yet implemented