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Contains data pertaining to an impact or raycast.


Property Name Return Type Description Tags
other CoreObject or Player Reference to a CoreObject or Player impacted. Read-Only
socketName string If the hit was on a Player, socketName tells you which spot on the body was hit. Read-Only


Function Name Return Type Description Tags
GetImpactPosition() Vector3 The world position where the impact occurred. None
GetImpactNormal() Vector3 Normal direction of the surface which was impacted. None
GetShapePosition() Vector3 For HitResults returned by box casts and sphere casts, returns the world position of the center of the cast shape when the collision occurred. In the case of HitResults not related to a box cast or sphere cast, returns the world position where the impact occurred. None
GetTransform() Transform Returns a Transform composed of the position of the impact in world space, the rotation of the normal, and a uniform scale of 1. None
GetMaterialSlot() MaterialSlot For HitResults involving a CoreMesh, returns a MaterialSlot instance indicating which material on the mesh was impacted. For certain types of collisions, including when the impacted object is not a CoreMesh, a MaterialSlot is not available, and nil is returned. None


Example using:



This example shows the power of World.Raycast() which returns data in the form of a HitResult. The physics calculation starts from the center of the camera and shoots forward. If the player is looking at something, then a reflection vector is calculated as if a shot ricocheted from the surface. Debug information is drawn about the ray, the impact point and the reflection. This script must be placed under a Client Context and works best if the scene has objects or terrain.

function Tick()
    local player = Game.GetLocalPlayer()

    local rayStart = player:GetViewWorldPosition()
    local cameraForward = player:GetViewWorldRotation() * Vector3.FORWARD
    local rayEnd = rayStart + cameraForward * 10000

    local hitResult = World.Raycast(rayStart, rayEnd, {ignorePlayers = true})

    if hitResult then
        local hitPos = hitResult:GetImpactPosition()
        local normal = hitResult:GetImpactNormal()
        local mirror = cameraForward - 2 * (cameraForward .. normal) * normal
        -- The green line is the impact normal
        CoreDebug.DrawLine(hitPos, hitPos + normal * 100, {thickness = 3, color = Color.GREEN, duration = 0.03})
        -- The blue line connects the camera to the impact point
        CoreDebug.DrawLine(rayStart, hitPos, {thickness = 2, color = Color.BLUE, duration = 0.03})
        -- The magenta line represents the reflection off the surface
        CoreDebug.DrawLine(hitPos, hitPos + mirror * 1000, {thickness = 2, color = Color.MAGENTA, duration = 0.03})

See also: Game.GetLocalPlayer | Player.GetViewWorldPosition | World.Raycast | CoreDebug.DrawLine | Rotation * Vector3 | Vector3.FORWARD | Color.GREEN

Example using:


In some cases it's possible to detect which specific material on an object was impacted by a raycast. In this example, we add a script to a weapon that demonstrates two ways in which HitResult.GetMaterialSlot can be produced. Projectiles from weapons do not detect material hits. For this to work with a weapon's ImpactData it's property "is Hitscan" must be enabled.

local WEAPON = script:FindAncestorByType("Weapon")

function OnTargetImpacted(_, impactData)
    -- Approach using the weapon's own impact data
    -- Requires the weapon to have "is Hitscan" enabled
    local hitResult = impactData:GetHitResult()
    local materialSlot = hitResult:GetMaterialSlot()

    -- Alternative approach, using `World.Raycast`
    -- Raycasts can be called more broadly and don't depend on weapons
    local startRay = WEAPON:GetWorldPosition()
    local endRay = hitResult:GetImpactPosition()
    local direction = (endRay - startRay) / 2
    startRay = startRay + direction
    endRay = endRay + direction
    hitResult = World.Raycast(startRay, endRay)
    materialSlot = hitResult:GetMaterialSlot()


See also: Weapon.targetImpactedEvent | ImpactData.GetHitResult | World.Raycast

Example using:



HitResult can be the output of World.BoxCast() and World.SphereCast(). In these cases, the hit result's GetShapePosition() returns the center of the shape at point of impact. In this example, we cast a sphere starting at the position of the mouse cursor on screen. At the point of impact we draw a red circle, to indicate where the sphere ended, as well as a yellow dot, to indicate the collision point.

local RADIUS = 50
local PLAYER = Game.GetLocalPlayer()


function Tick()
    local viewPosition = PLAYER:GetViewWorldPosition()
    local viewForward = PLAYER:GetViewWorldRotation() * Vector3.FORWARD

    local cursorStart = UI.GetCursorPlaneIntersection(viewPosition + viewForward * 100, viewForward)
    if not cursorStart then return end

    local direction = UI.GetCursorPlaneIntersection(viewPosition + viewForward * 200, viewForward)
    direction = direction - cursorStart

    local hitResult = World.Spherecast(cursorStart, cursorStart + direction * 5000, RADIUS)

    if hitResult then
        local center = hitResult:GetShapePosition()
        -- Draw red sphere representing where the spherecast ended
        CoreDebug.DrawSphere(center, RADIUS, {color = Color.RED, thickness = 2})
        -- Draw yellow dot representing the point of impact of the spherecast with objects
        CoreDebug.DrawSphere(hitResult:GetImpactPosition(), 3, {color = Color.YELLOW, thickness = 4})

See also: Player.GetViewWorldPosition | UI.GetCursorPlaneIntersection | World.Spherecast | CoreDebug.DrawSphere | Vector3.FORWARD | Game.GetLocalPlayer

Example using:


HitResult is used by Weapons when attacks hit something. In this example, a custom template is spawned at the point of impact. The rotation of the new object is conveniently taken from the HitResult's transform data. This example assumes the script is placed as a child of a Weapon.

local impactTemplate = script:GetCustomProperty("ImpactObject")
local weapon = script.parent

function OnTargetImpacted(_, impactData)
    local hitResult = impactData:GetHitResult()
    if hitResult then
        local hitT = hitResult:GetTransform()
        World.SpawnAsset(impactTemplate, {position = hitT:GetPosition(), rotation = hitT:GetRotation()})


See also: CoreObject.GetCustomProperty | ImpactData.GetHitResult | World.SpawnAsset | Weapon.targetImpactedEvent | Transform.GetPosition | Event.Connect

Example using:



HitResult is used by Weapons to transmit data about the interaction. In this example, the other property is used in figuring out if the object hit was another player. If so, then the socketName property tells us exactly where on the player's body the hit occurred, allowing more detailed gameplay systems.

local weapon = script.parent

function OnTargetImpacted(_, impactData)
    local hitResult = impactData:GetHitResult()
    if hitResult and hitResult.other and hitResult.other:IsA("Player") then
        local playerName =
        local socketName = hitResult.socketName
        print("Player " .. playerName .. " was hit in the " .. socketName)


See also: CoreObject.parent | ImpactData.GetHitResult | other.IsA | | Weapon.targetImpactedEvent | CoreLua.print | Event.Connect

Last update: February 25, 2022