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Interaction System


The Interaction System allows games to have unique systems of reacting to player input, both in the 2D UI layer and in the 3D game space that go beyond the keyboard inputs, triggers, and UI Buttons that are built into Core. Custom interactions are created by adding the included scripts to the Hierarchy and designating UI and mesh objects that players should interact with through their Custom Properties.

The Interaction System contains 4 different types of interactions, the Modules, each of which has 13 potential events that creators can use to change the way interaction works and get input from players. All Interaction System modules work on the Client Side, but they can also broadcast an event to the server.

The sample Components included in the Interaction System allow creators to do simple interactions without requiring any scripting, like showing a tooltip on a UI button, spawning an object, or changing an object's color.


The Interaction System works only in a Client Context, which means any change made or object spawned will only be visible to the player doing the interaction. To learn more, see the Networking reference.

Adding the Interaction System to a Project

Add the Interaction System Package

  1. In the Core Content window, open the Game Components section under GAME OBJECTS.
  2. Open the Interaction category to find the Interaction System Package template.
  3. Drag the Interaction System Template into the scene or Hierarchy to add the scripts and examples to the project.

Access the Interaction System Modules and Components

In the Project Content window left-side navigation, open the My Scripts section and open the Interaction System folder that was added with the package.

  • The Components folder contains examples of interactions which can be used as a way to create interaction without scripting.
  • The Examples folder contains dependencies for the examples. The examples themselves can be found in the My Templates section, detailed below.
  • The Modules folder contains the four different interaction modules.


The Interaction System creates folders both in My Scripts and My Templates. The My Templates section contains the examples, and all the components and modules of the Interaction System are available in My Scripts.

Find the Examples

Once the Interaction System Package has been added to your project, all the examples and component scripts can be found in the Project Content window.

  1. Open the Project Content window and find the My Templates section in the left-side navigation.
  2. Open the Interaction System folder in My Templates.
  3. Select the Examples folder to find the four interaction examples.
  4. Drag one of the examples into the game and press Play Play to test the interaction.


For all the examples, ability_primary is the default keybinding, and are therefore activated by clicking. This can be changed by changing the PressBinding property on the component scripts.

Interaction Settings

The Interaction System includes a template which will allow you to debug interactions, and change settings.

Add the Interaction Settings Template

  1. In Project Content, find the My Templates section.
  2. Select the Interaction System folder.
  3. Click and drag the Interaction Settings template into the Hierarchy.
  4. Select the Interaction Settings template in the Hierarchy, and open the Properties window.

Interaction Settings Properties

  • LookModule_Distance allows you to adjust the maximum distance between the player and the object to activate the Look Interaction.
  • TriggerModule_OnlyLocalPlayer keeps trigger overlaps only activating on the client of the player who enters the trigger. See the Trigger Interaction Module section below for more information.
  • ShowDebug spawn a pointer that shows the direction of different interactions.

Interaction System Modules

Cursor Interaction Module

The Cursor Interaction Module allows custom interactions with UI Buttons, including selecting multiple elements.


  • Hovering the mouse over the ? icon reveals a tooltip using the Toggle Tooltip Component.
  • Clicking and dragging on the outer part of the window will reposition it using the Draggable Object Component.
  • Each of the white boxes will change color when clicked using the Change Color Component, and add themselves to a selection set using the Selectable Component.

Look Interaction Module

The Look Interaction Example checks if a player's look direction is intersecting a specific object. By default, this will be the center of the screen, but as cameras adjust it will remain a raycast from the player's to the look direction.

Look Interaction Example

  • When the center of the screen is over the sphere, it should turn yellow using the Change Color Component, and show a ring on the floor using the Toggle Visibility Component.
  • When clicked, the sphere should change color to Blue, also from the Change Color Component.


Similar to the Cursor Interaction Module, the Pointer Interaction Module uses the position of the cursor, but for objects in the world, rather than UI. It has the added benefit of being able to detect the angle of intersection with the mouse and the surface of the target object.

Pointer Interaction Example

Drag the Pointer Interaction Template from Project Content into the scene, and start a preview. The cursor will be visible, and the sphere can be interacted by moving the cursor over it, and by clicking.

  • Moving the mouse over the cube from any point should change its color using the Change Color Component.
  • Clicking the sphere will also change its color using the Change Color Component, but also spawns VFX Muzzle Flash that is rotated to show the direction of collision between the pointer and the object, using the Spawn Object Component with the UseInputNormal and UseInputPosition properties enabled.


The Trigger Interaction Module works much like a client-side interactable trigger, but allows for custom keybindings and has more events that can be accessed for that interaction.


This module will react to Trigger interactions by the local Player or all players depending on the Input Settings. By default the Trigger module will only react to the local Player in order to act like the other Interaction Modules. If the setting "TriggerLocally" is false then trigger inputs from all players will run. This can be a useful way to mimic networked play without using any actual networking but it could affect your interactions in unexpected ways.

Trigger Interaction Example

Drag the Trigger Interaction Template from Project Content into the scene, and start a preview. Interact with the cube by walking close enough to overlap its trigger, and then clicking.

Module Events

The Interaction Modules each have several events that can be used as points to broadcast to server scripts, spawn VFX or sound, or anything else that supports individualized design of in-game interactions.

Events for All Modules

  • HoverBegin(position, normal)
  • Hover(position, normal)
  • HoverEnd(position, normal)
  • PressBegin(binding, position, normal)
  • PressEnd(binding, position, normal, wasDragging)
  • Selected()
  • Deselected()
  • SetData(component, ...)

Events Only for Cursor Interaction Module

  • DragOverBegin()
  • DragOverEnd()
  • DragBegin(position, normal)
  • DragEnd(position, normal)
  • Dropped(position, normal, dropTargetId ...)


Adding a Component

All components can be found in the My Scripts section of Project Content. Open the Interaction System folder and then the Components folder.

  1. Place the objects that should be interacted with using the component in a group that will serve as the ComponentRoot and place that group in a Client Context folder.
  2. Drag the component from Project Content into the Client Context folder.
  3. Select the group created in step one, and drag it into the ComponentRoot custom property of the Component script in the Hierarchy.
  4. In Project Content, find the Modules folder in the Interaction System folder under My Scripts. Choose the type of interaction, and drag the corresponding Module script into the APIInteractionModule custom property of the Component script.
  5. If there are multiple objects that could potentially be interactable: multiple triggers, buttons or objects with collision, drag the one that should be used into the SubTarget custom property of the Component script.
  6. Change the PressBinding custom property to a different keybinding to make the interaction happen with a key other than left click. See the list of all available keybindings here.
  7. Configuring the remaining custom properties, like Colors for the Change Color Component or a template for the Spawn Template Component.

List of All Components and their Functions

Component Description Notes
BroadcastEventComponentClient Broadcasts an event when configured interactions occur. Optional event data can be sent with the event through Custom Property configuration or through the lua API.
ChangeColorComponentClient Changes the color of an object when configured interactions occur.
DraggableObjectComponentClient Allows an UI element to be moved around by the player when the configured interactions occur. Cursor Module only
DropTargetComponentClient Designates a UI element where a UI element with the DraggableObjectComponentClient can be placed. Cursor Module only
SelectableComponentClient Adds or removes the object from a selection set when configured interactions occur.
SpawnObjectComponentClient Spawns a template when configured interactions occur.
ToggleEffectsComponentClient Plays or stops Audio or Vfx when configured interactions occur.
ToggleTooltipComponentClient Shows a UI tooltip with specified text when configured interactions occur.
ToggleVisibilityComponentClient Shows or hides the object when configured interactions occur.

Learn More

Trigger Reference | UI Reference Game Components | Keybindings

Last update: April 15, 2022