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A four-component vector.


Constructor Name Return Type Description Tags
Vector4.New([number x, number y, number z, number w]) Vector4 Constructs a Vector4 with the given x, y, z, w values, defaults to (0, 0, 0, 0). None
Vector4.New(number v) Vector4 Constructs a Vector4 with x, y, z, w values all set to the given value. None
Vector4.New(Vector3 xyz, number w) Vector4 Constructs a Vector4 with x, y, z values from the given Vector3 and the given w value. None
Vector4.New(Vector4 v) Vector4 Constructs a Vector4 with x, y, z, w values from the given Vector4. None
Vector4.New(Vector2 xy, Vector2 zw) Vector4 Constructs a Vector4 with x, y values from the first Vector2 and z, w values from the second Vector2. None
Vector4.New(Color v) Vector4 Constructs a Vector4 with x, y, z, w values mapped from the given Color's r, g, b, a values. None


Constant Name Return Type Description Tags
Vector4.ZERO Vector4 (0, 0, 0, 0) None
Vector4.ONE Vector4 (1, 1, 1, 1) None


Property Name Return Type Description Tags
x number The x component of the Vector4. Read-Write
y number The y component of the Vector4. Read-Write
z number The z component of the Vector4. Read-Write
w number The w component of the Vector4. Read-Write
size number The magnitude of the Vector4. Read-Only
sizeSquared number The squared magnitude of the Vector4. Read-Only


Function Name Return Type Description Tags
GetNormalized() Vector4 Returns a new Vector4 with size 1, but still pointing in the same direction. Returns (0, 0, 0, 0) if the vector is too small to be normalized. None
GetAbs() Vector4 Returns a new Vector4 with each component the absolute value of the component from this Vector4. None

Class Functions

Class Function Name Return Type Description Tags
Vector4.Lerp(Vector4 from, Vector4 to, number progress) Vector4 Linearly interpolates between two vectors by the specified progress amount and returns the resultant Vector4. None


Operator Name Return Type Description Tags
Vector4 + Vector4 Vector4 Component-wise addition. None
Vector4 + number Vector4 Adds the right-side number to each of the components in the left side and returns the resulting Vector4. None
Vector4 - Vector4 Vector4 Component-wise subtraction. None
Vector4 - number Vector4 Subtracts the right-side number from each of the components in the left side and returns the resulting Vector4. None
Vector4 * Vector4 Vector4 Component-wise multiplication. None
Vector4 * number Vector4 Multiplies each component of the Vector4 by the right-side number. None
number * Vector4 Vector4 Multiplies each component of the Vector4 by the left-side number. None
Vector4 / Vector4 Vector4 Component-wise division. None
Vector4 / number Vector4 Divides each component of the Vector4 by the right-side number. None
-Vector4 Vector4 Returns the negation of the Vector4. None
Vector4 .. Vector4 number Returns the dot product of the Vector4s. None
Vector4 ^ Vector4 Vector4 Returns the cross product of the Vector4s. None


Example using:







This example shows how a Color can be converted into a Vector4, which opens the possibility of some math operations that are available to the latter.

function ColorToVector4(color)
    local v = Vector4.New()
    v.x = color.r
    v.y = color.g
    v.z = color.b
    v.w = color.a
    return v

function GetMagnitudeOfColor(color)
    local v = ColorToVector4(color)
    return v.size

See also: Color.r

Dernière mise à jour: 13 janvier 2022