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Core Game Components

Basic Game State

Basic Game State Manager

Manages lobby and round game states and fires events to notify other game systems of state changes

Custom Properties:

  • LobbyHasDuration (bool)
  • LobbyDuration (float) RoundHasDuration (bool)
  • RoundDuration (float) RoundEndHasDuration (bool)
  • RoundEndDuration (float)

Events Sent:

  • (Server/Client) GameStateChanged(oldState (int), newState (int), stateHasDuration (bool), stateEndTime (float))
  • (Server/Client) Game.roundStartEvent
  • (Server/Client) Game.roundEndEvent

The game starts in the "Lobby" state, then proceeds through "Round" and "Round End" states before returning to "Lobby". This component can be configured to enable an automatic duration on each of the three states, as well as what those durations are.

APIBasicGameState.lua defines the various game states and a few functions that can be used to interact with the game state system.

Game State Display

Displays the current game state and the time remaining


HasEditableUI (UI Panel)

Custom Properties:

  • ShowStateName (bool)
  • ShowDuringLobby (bool)
  • ShowDuringRound (bool)
  • ShowDuringRoundEnd (bool)

Game State Geometry

Manages visibility of certain world objects based on the current game state


Custom Properties:

  • Geometry (Core Object Reference)
  • ExistsInLobby (bool)
  • ExistsInRound (bool)
  • ExistsInRoundEnd (bool)

This allows a creator to create geometry that only exists during certain game states. One example use is to have temporary walls that hold players in their spawn areas until the round begins.

Lobby Start Behavior

Lobby Start Respawn Players

Respawns every player at the beginning of the "Lobby" game state


Custom Properties:

  • Period (int) : respawn time period for spreading out server cost of mass respawn

This can be used in games where players don't respawn normally, but also functions alongside normal respawning. Living players will also be sent to a spawn point on starting the "Lobby" game state.

Lobby Start Reset KD

Resets every players' kills and deaths at the start of the "Lobby" game state


Lobby Start Reset Team Scores

Resets each teams' score at the start of the "Lobby" game state


Round End Conditions

Round Survivor Victory

Ends the round when either a single player or a single team has living players, depending on the properties.


Custom Properties:

  • ByTeam (bool) : consider teams when deciding to end the round

Events Sent:

  • (Server) PlayerVictory(winner (player))
  • (Server) TeamVictory(winningTeam (int))
  • (Server) TieVictory()

Round Team Score Limit

Ends the round when a team reaches the team score limit


Custom Properties:

  • TeamScoreLimit (int)

Events Sent:

  • (Server) PlayerVictory(winner (player))
  • (Server) TeamVictory(winningTeam (int))
  • (Server) TieVictory()

Round Kill Limit

Ends the round when a player reaches the kill limit


Custom Properties:

  • KillLimit (int)

Events Sent:

  • (Server) PlayerVictory(winner (player))
  • (Server) TeamVictory(winningTeam (int))
  • (Server) TieVictory()

Round Start Conditions

Lobby Required Players

Starts the round start countdown when the required number of players connect


Custom Properties:

  • RequiredPlayers (int)
  • CountdownTime (int) : optional countdown time before round start

Round Start Behavior

Round Start Sky Dive

Spawns a plane on a flyover path over a specified circular area that spawns players



Custom Properties:

  • PlaneTemplate (Core Object reference) : template will be spawned to drop players into the world
  • PlaneSpeed (float)
  • OffCenterFactor (float)
  • PreDropFactor (float) : distance as factor of radius to start path before entering the designated circle
  • PostDropFactor (float) : distance as factor of radius to end path after leaving the designated circle
  • JumpAbilityName (string) : name of ability attached to players to cause them to spawn and exit the plane

Events Sent:

  • (Server) SkydivePlaneSpawned(plane (CoreObject))
  • (Server) SkydivePlaneDespawned(plane (CoreObject))
  • (Server) PlayerBeganSkydive(player (player))
  • (Client) ClearPlaneCamera()

This spawns a battle-royale style plane (or any template) at the start of "Round", which flies across the map on a random path within a circle. Players choose where to drop by activating an ability binding.


Basic Door

Interactive door with several basic behaviors

HasEditableGeo (Geo_StaticContext)

Custom Properties:

  • AutoOpen (bool) : open when player is nearby
  • TimeOpen (float) : when using AutoOpen, duration with no nearby players before door automatically closes
  • OpenLabel (string) : interaction trigger label when door is closed
  • CloseLabel (string) : interaction trigger label when door is open
  • Speed (float) : rotational speed
  • ResetOnRoundStart (bool) : should reset on Game.onRoundStart

Events Sent:

  • (Server) DoorOpened(door (Core Object Reference))
  • (Server) DoorClosed(door (Core Object Reference))

This is a simple configurable door that can be set to open automatically when a player is near or require a prompt.

Kill Zone

Volume that kills any player that touches it

HasEditableGeo (KillTrigger)

Point Of Interest

Designates a location that may be noteworthy to a player

Custom Properties:

  • Name (string)
  • Icon (Asset Reference)

Other components (just Compass currently) will show UI or otherwise rely on points of interest. Points of interest may be spawned and removed during gameplay.

Creators can also make their own points of interest from Lua by using functions defined in APIPointOfInterest.lua.

Capture Points

Capture points are used to draw players together to focus the action.

APIBasicCapturePoint.lua defines a handful of functions that can be used to make more complex logic or tie things to capture point behavior. They also broadcast the following custom events:

  • CapturePointOwnerChanged(string id, int oldOwner, int newOwner)
  • CapturePointEnabledStateChanged(string id, bool oldEnabled, bool newEnabled)

Capture Point Assault

Assault style capture point where one team defends and one team attacks


Game.onRoundStart Game.onRoundEnd

HasEditableGeo (GeoVisual) HasEditableCollision (GeoCollision)

Custom Properties:

  • Name (string)
  • CaptureTime (float)
  • DecaySpeed (float)
  • MultiplyWithPlayers (bool) : scale capture time with number of players present in capture area
  • ResetOnRoundEnd (bool)
  • EnabledByDefault (bool) : capture point starts enabled onRoundStart
  • ChangeColorWhenDisabled (bool)
  • DisabledColor (Color)
  • AttackingTeam (int)
  • Order (int) : for creating capture point sequences, specify the order of this capture point relative to other capture points

Events Sent:

  • (Server) CapturePointOwnerChanged(capturePointId (Core Object reference), owningTeam (int), newOwner (int))
  • (Server) CapturePointEnabledStateChanged(capturePointId (Core Object reference), oldEnabled (bool), enabled (bool))

When the attackers capture the point, it becomes disabled (locked). Supports two teams.

Capture Point Control

Control-style capture point that can be captured back and forth multiple times


  • Game.onRoundStart
  • Game.onRoundEnd

HasEditableGeo (GeoVisual) HasEditableCollision (GeoCollision)

Custom Properties:

  • Name (string)
  • CaptureThreshold (float) : ownership fraction required for capture
  • CaptureTime (float)
  • DecaySpeed (float)
  • TeamScoreRate (float)
  • MultiplyWithPlayers (bool) : scale capture time with number of players present in capture area
  • ResetOnRoundEnd (bool)
  • EnabledByDefault (bool) : capture point starts enabled onRoundStart
  • ChangeColorWhenDisabled (bool)
  • DisabledColor (Color)
  • Order (int) : for creating capture point sequences, specify the order of this capture point relative to other capture points

Events Sent:

  • (Server) CapturePointOwnerChanged(capturePointId (Core Object reference), owningTeam (int), newOwner (int))
  • (Server) CapturePointEnabledStateChanged(capturePointId (Core Object reference), oldEnabled (bool), enabled (bool))

Capture point begins in a neutral state. Supports more than two teams.

Local Capture Point Display

Shows the state of the capture point that the local player is currently standing on


Capture Point Assault / Capture Point Control

HasEditableUI (Panel)

Custom Properties:

  • ShowPointName (bool)
  • ShowThresholdMarkers (bool)
  • AlwaysShow (bool)
  • ContestedMessage (string)
  • FriendlyColor (Color)
  • NeutralColor (Color)
  • EnemyColor (Color)

Can be toggled to always show in a game that only features a single point.

Global Capture Point Display

Shows the state of all capture points


Capture Point Assault / Capture Point Control

HasEditableUI (Panel)

Custom Properties:

  • ShowCapturePointNames (bool)
  • HorizontalSpacing (float)
  • NeutralColor (Color)
  • DisabledColor (Color)

Constricting Play Zones

Constricting Play Zone

Battle royale-style play zone that shrinks and damages players outside the zone


  • Game.roundStartEvent
  • Game.roundEndEvent

HasEditableGeo (ZoneVisual) HasEditableCollider (InitialZone)

Custom Properties:

  • PhaseCount (int) : number of zone phases, not including the final 0-size phase
  • ZoneSizeRatio (float) : ratio of the zone's size from one phase to the last phase
  • StaticTime (float) : time spent before shrinking to the next phase
  • ClosingTime (float) : time spent actively shrinking between phases
  • BaseDamageRate (float) : damage per second applied to players outside the zone during the first phase
  • DamageMultiplier (float) : scales damage dealt per phase
  • UseRoundTiming (bool) : Game.roundStartEvent and Game.roundEndEvent control the zone
  • ActivationDelay (float) : delay after activation to begin first phase

Constricting Play Zone Display

Tells the player what phase zone is currently active and the remaining phase time


Constricting Play Zone

HasEditableUI (ShrinkTimerCanvas)

Named Locations

This system allows a game maker to associate names to certain areas of the map. They can then be used for UI or other purposes. The following custom events are broadcast:

  • LocationEntered(Player player, table locationProperties)
  • LocationExited(Player player, table locationProperties)

Named Location

Single location with an associated name

HasEditableGeo (ZoneTrigger)

Custom Properties:

  • Name (string)
  • TextColor (Color)
  • BackgroundColor (Color)

Events Sent:

(Client) LocationEntered(player, locationProperties (table))
    locationProperties :
        name (string)
        textColor (Color)
        backgroundColor (Color)
(Client) LocationExited(player, locationProperties (table))
    locationProperties :
        name (string)
        textColor (Color)
        backgroundColor (Color)

This component can be used to drive other behavior when players are in certain locations within your game. It is used by Named Location UI.

Named Location UI

Displays UI for a few seconds when the local player enters a named location


Named Location

HasEditableUI (Canvas Control)

Custom Properties:

  • PopupTextDuration (float) : duration to display UI when local player enters named location


Ability Binding Display

Displays information about a local player ability



HasEditableUI (Panel Control)

Custom Properties:

  • Binding (string) : name of the binding associated with the ability
  • BindingHint (string)
  • ShowAbilityName (bool)

Given a single binding string, this shows whenever the local player has an ability that uses that binding. It shows the cooldown when it is on cooldown, and that it is available otherwise.


Displays a compass showing the facing of the local player

HasEditableUI (Panel)

Custom Properties:

  • ShowPointsOfInterest (bool)
  • ShowDistanceToPOIs (bool)

This shows a compass at the top of the players screen that tells them which direction they are facing. It also shows Points of Interest.

Health Bar

Displays a fillable health bar showing the local player's current health

HasEditableUI (Canvas Control)

Custom Properties:

  • ShowNumber (bool) : display current health value number
  • ShowMaximum (bool) : display maximum health value number

Kill Feed

Displays a feed that reports player kills

HasEditableUI (Canvas) HasEditableUI (Helper_KillFeedLine)

Custom Properties:

  • ShowJoinAndLeave (bool) : optionally show player join and leave events
  • NumLines (int)
  • LineDuration (int)
  • TextColor (Color)
  • SelfTextColor (Color) : special color for kills involving local player

This shows a line announcing every time a player dies in the game. It optionally also shows when players join or leave the game.

Message Banner

Displays temporary announcement messages

HasEditableUI (BannerCanvas)

Custom Properties:

  • NameOfCustomProperty (type)

Events Received:

  • (Client) BannerMessage(message (string))
  • (Client) BannerMessage(message (string), duration (float))

This shows a temporary message to players, often in the center of their screen, in response to received "BannerMessage" events on the client.


Displays health bars and optional names over player heads

HasEditableUI (Helper_Nameplate)

Custom Properties:

  • ShowNames (bool)
  • ShowHealthbars (bool)
  • ShowOnSelf (bool)
  • ShowOnTeammates (bool)
  • MaxDistanceOnTeammates (float) : distance to teammate from local player view beyond which nameplates will be hidden
  • ShowOnEnemies (bool)
  • MaxDistanceOnEnemies (float) : distance to enemy from local player view beyond which nameplates will be hidden
  • ShowOnDeadPlayers (bool)
  • Scale (float)
  • ShowNumbers (bool)
  • AnimateChanges (bool)
  • ChangeAnimationTime (float)
  • FriendlyNameColor (Color)
  • EnemyNameColor (Color)
  • BorderColor (Color)
  • BackgroundColor (Color)
  • FriendlyHealthColor (Color)
  • EnemyHealthColor (Color)
  • DamageChangeColor (Color)
  • HealChangeColor (Color)
  • HealthNumbercolor (Color)

Player Count Display

Displays count of living players

HasEditableUI (Canvas Control)

Custom Properties:

  • ShowTotalPlayers (bool) : optionally display total player count


Displays a table of information about each player

HasEditableUI (Canvas)

Custom Properties:

  • Binding (string) : input binding that opens the Scoreboard ShowAtRoundEnd (bool)
  • RoundEndDuration (float)

This shows a simple name, kill, and death scoreboard when a binding is pressed. It optionally can be shown for a short time at the end of round as well.

Team Score UI

Displays the team score of a single team

HasEditableUI (TeamScoreCanvas)

Custom Properties:

  • Team (int) Label (string)
  • ShowMaxScore (bool)
  • MaxScore (int)

This shows how much score a single team has. A creator may want to put multiple of these in a game.

Victory Announcer

Displays a victory message


Message Banner


Events Received:

  • (Server) PlayerVictory(player (Player))
  • (Server) TeamVictory(team (int))
  • (Server) TieVictory()

Events Sent:

  • (Client) BannerMessage(arg1 (type)[, arg2 (type), …])

This listens to custom events that the Round End Conditions components broadcast, and then broadcasts events for the Message Banner that report the winner.


Kill Team Score

Updates team score when any player gets a kill

Custom Properties:

  • ScorePerKill (int)

This adds score to the player's team whenever a player gets a kill.

Static Player Equipment

Equips players with equipment when they join the game

Custom Properties:

  • EquipmentTemplate (Asset Reference) : equipment to spawn
  • Team (int) : if not zero, limit equipment to a specific team
  • ReplaceOnEachRespawn (bool) : equip a new copy of the equipment when a player respawns

This gives every player (or optionally just players on a specific team) a certain piece of equipment.

Dernière mise à jour: 15 août 2022