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Contains data about a material slot on a static or animated mesh.


Property Name Return Type Description Tags
slotName string The name of this slot. Read-Only
mesh CoreMesh The mesh this MaterialSlot is on. Read-Only
materialAssetName string The name of the material asset in this slot. Read-Only
materialAssetId string The material asset in this slot. Read-Write
isSmartMaterial boolean True if we are using this as a smart material. Read-Write


Function Name Return Type Description Tags
SetUVTiling(number u, number v) None Set the U and V tiling values. None
SetUVTiling(Vector2 uv) None Set the U and V tiling values. None
GetUVTiling() Vector2 Returns a Vector2 of the U and V tiling values. None
SetColor(Color) None Set the color for this slot. None
GetColor() Color Returns the color of this slot. None
ResetColor() None Resets the color of this slot to the original value. None
ResetUVTiling() None Resets the U and V tiling to their original values. None
ResetIsSmartMaterial() None Resets whether or not this is used as a smart material. None
ResetMaterialAssetId() None Resets this to the original material asset. None
GetCustomMaterial() CustomMaterial Get the custom material in this material slot. This errors if the slot does not have a custom material. Client-Only


Example using:


In this example, the texture of a cube will scroll horizontally. For this example to work, a custom material must be assigned to the first material slot of the cube

local CUBE = script.parent

-- The amount of time in seconds that has passed
local timePassed = 0

-- Get the first material slot of the "CUBE"
local FirstMaterialSlot = CUBE:GetMaterialSlots()[1]

-- Get the Custom Material applied to this material slot
local CustomMaterial = FirstMaterialSlot:GetCustomMaterial()

function Tick(deltaTime)
    -- Update the "timePassed" with the "deltaTime" to accurately reflect how many seconds have passed
    -- since this script has started running
    timePassed = timePassed + deltaTime

    -- If more than 1 second has passed, reset "timePassed" to 0.
    -- This is done because range of the "u_offset" property is between 0 and 1
    if timePassed > 1 then
        timePassed = 0

    -- Update the UV tiling property for the material slot
    CustomMaterial:SetProperty("u_offset", timePassed)  

See also: CustomMaterial.SetProperty | StaticMesh.GetMaterialSlots

Example using:


In this example, the material of a static mesh will repeatedly switch between the original static mesh material and a material assigned to the "CustomMaterial" property of this script.

-- Asset reference referring to a custom material
local MATERIAL = script:GetCustomProperty("CustomMaterial")

local STATIC_MESH = script.parent

-- Get the first material slot for the static mesh
local FirstMaterialSlot = STATIC_MESH:GetMaterialSlots()[1]

function SwitchMaterials()
    FirstMaterialSlot.materialAssetId = MATERIAL

-- Create a task that will switch the material of the "STATIC_MESH"
local switchMaterialTask = Task.Spawn(SwitchMaterials)

-- Force the "switchMaterialTask" task to repeat every 0.5 seconds
switchMaterialTask.repeatInterval = 0.5
-- Force the "switchMaterialTask" task to repeat indefinitely
switchMaterialTask.repeatCount = -1

See also: Task.Spawn

Example using:


In this example, a cube will flash multiple colors.

local CUBE = script.parent

-- The amount of time in seconds that has passed
local timePassed = 0

-- How quickly the "CUBE" will change color
local CHANGE_SPEED = 5

-- Get the first material slot of the "CUBE"
local FirstMaterialSlot = CUBE:GetMaterialSlots()[1]

function Tick(deltaTime)
    -- Update the "timePassed" with the "deltaTIme" to accurately reflect how many seconds have passed
    -- since this script has started running
    timePassed = timePassed + deltaTime

    -- Calculate the strength of the red, green, and blue channels using three sine waves that are 60 degrees
    -- out of phase with each other
    local redChannel = math.sin((timePassed) * CHANGE_SPEED)
    local greenChannel = math.sin((timePassed + math.pi * 1/3) * CHANGE_SPEED)
    local blueChannel = math.sin((timePassed + math.pi * 2/3) * CHANGE_SPEED)

    -- Create a new color using the red, green, and blue channels
    local newColor = Color.New(redChannel, greenChannel, blueChannel)

    -- Update the color of the first material slot

See also: StaticMesh.GetMaterialSlots | Color.New

Example using:







In this example, the materials from one object are copied onto another object. Different object types may have different material slot names, in which case it won't copy.

local STATIC_MESH_A = script:GetCustomProperty("StaticMeshA"):WaitForObject()
local STATIC_MESH_B = script:GetCustomProperty("StaticMeshB"):WaitForObject()

function CopyMaterialSlot(slotA, slotB)
    slotB.isSmartMaterial = slotA.isSmartMaterial
    slotB.materialAssetId = slotA.materialAssetId

function CopyMaterials(meshA, meshB)
    for _,slotA in ipairs(meshA:GetMaterialSlots()) do
        local slotB = meshB:GetMaterialSlot(slotA.slotName)
        if slotB then
            CopyMaterialSlot(slotA, slotB)


See also: CoreObject.GetMaterialSlot | CoreObjectReference.WaitForObject

Example using:


In this example the material of a static mesh will change during runtime by using the materialAssetId property of a material slot. This script must have an asset reference custom property named "CustomMaterial" that refers to a custom material you created.

-- Asset reference referring to a material
local MATERIAL = script:GetCustomProperty("CustomMaterial")

local STATIC_MESH = script.parent

-- Get the first material slot of the "STATIC_MESH"
local FirstMaterialSlot = STATIC_MESH:GetMaterialSlots()[1]

-- Set the material of the "FirstMaterialSlot" to the material referenced in the "CustomMaterial" custom property
FirstMaterialSlot.materialAssetId = MATERIAL

See also: StaticMesh.GetMaterialSlots

Example using:




In this example we scan an animated mesh and print out information about all its material slots.

local ANIM_MESH = script.parent

for i,slot in ipairs(ANIM_MESH:GetMaterialSlots()) do
    print("\nSlot "..i..":")
    print("Slot Name = "..slot.slotName)
    print("Material Name = "..slot.materialAssetName)
    print("Mesh Asset ID = "..slot.mesh.meshAssetId)

See also: AnimatedMesh.GetMaterialSlots | CoreMesh.meshAssetId

Dernière mise à jour: 4 avril 2022