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A UIControl which provides an editable text input field. Inherits from UIControl.


Property Name Return Type Description Tags
text string The actual text string to show. Read-Write, Client-Only
promptText string Text to be displayed in the input box when text is empty. Read-Write
isInteractable boolean Returns whether the control can interact with the cursor (click, hover, etc). Read-Write
fontSize integer The font size of the control. Read-Write
justification TextJustify Determines the horizontal alignment of text. Possible values are: TextJustify.LEFT, TextJustify.RIGHT, and TextJustify.CENTER. Read-Write
verticalJustification TextVerticalJustify Determines the vertical alignment of text. Possible values are: TextVerticalJustify.TOP, TextVerticalJustify.BOTTOM, TextVerticalJustify.CENTER and TextVerticalJustify.BASELINE. Read-Write
isHittable boolean When set to true, this control can receive input from the cursor and blocks input to controls behind it. When set to false, the cursor ignores this control and can interact with controls behind it. Read-Write


Function Name Return Type Description Tags
GetFontColor() Color Returns the color of the Text. None
SetFontColor(Color) None Sets the color of the Text. None
GetBackgroundColor() Color Returns the color of the text's background image. None
SetBackgroundColor(Color) None Sets the color of the text's background image. None
GetHoveredColor() Color Returns the color of the text's background image when hovering over it. None
SetHoveredColor(Color) None Sets the color of the text's background image when hovering over it. None
GetFocusedColor() Color Returns the color of the text's background image when the text has focus. None
SetFocusedColor(Color) None Sets the color of the text's background image when the text has focus. None
GetDisabledColor() Color Returns the color of the text's background image when the control is disabled. None
SetDisabledColor(Color) None Sets the color of the text's background image when the control is disabled. None
GetFontSelectionColor() Color Returns the highlight color used when selecting text in the control. None
SetFontSelectionColor(Color) None Sets the highlight color used when selecting text in the control. None
SetFont(string fontId) None Sets the text to use the specified font asset. None
SetImage(string imageId) None Sets the image used as the background for the control. None
Focus() None Gives keyboard focus to the control. None
GetCurrentTouchIndex() integer Returns the touch index currently interacting with this control. Returns nil if the control is not currently being interacted with. Client-Only


Event Name Return Type Description Tags
textCommittedEvent Event<UITextEntry, string text> Fired when the control loses focus and text in the control is committed. Client-Only
textChangedEvent Event<UITextEntry, string text> Fired when text in the control is changed. Client-Only
touchStartedEvent Event<UITextEntry, Vector2 location, integer touchIndex> Fired when the player starts touching the control on a touch input device. Parameters are the screen location of the touch and a touch index used to distinguish between separate touches on a multitouch device. Client-Only
touchStoppedEvent Event<UITextEntry, Vector2 location, integer touchIndex> Fired when the player stops touching the control on a touch input device. Parameters are the screen location from which the touch was released and a touch index used to distinguish between separate touches on a multitouch device. Client-Only
tappedEvent Event<UITextEntry, Vector2 location, integer touchIndex> Fired when the player taps the control on a touch input device. Parameters are the screen location of the tap and the touch index with which the tap was performed. Client-Only
flickedEvent Event<UITextEntry, number angle> Fired when the player performs a quick flicking gesture on the control on a touch input device. The angle parameter indicates the direction of the flick. 0 indicates a flick to the right. Values increase in degrees counter-clockwise, so 90 indicates a flick straight up, 180 indicates a flick to the left, etc. Client-Only
pinchStartedEvent Event<UITextEntry> Fired when the player begins a pinching gesture on the control on a touch input device. Input.GetPinchValue() may be polled during the pinch gesture to determine how far the player has pinched. Client-Only
pinchStoppedEvent Event<UITextEntry> Fired when the player ends a pinching gesture on a touch input device. Client-Only
rotateStartedEvent Event<UITextEntry> Fired when the player begins a rotating gesture on the control on a touch input device. Input.GetRotateValue() may be polled during the rotate gesture to determine how far the player has rotated. Client-Only
rotateStoppedEvent Event<UITextEntry> Fired when the player ends a rotating gesture on a touch input device. Client-Only


Example using:



In this example, a text box entry has a maximum limit for the amount of characters that can be entered by the player. When that limit is reached, no more characters can be entered. This is a good way to restrict the length of a string that can be entered by the player. For example, limiting the length of a pet name so it doesn't exceed space in user intefaces or storage limits.

-- Client script

-- References to the Text Entry Box and Text counter.
local TEXT_ENTRY_BOX = script:GetCustomProperty("TextEntryBox"):WaitForObject()
local COUNTER = script:GetCustomProperty("Counter"):WaitForObject()

-- Max length allowed for this text entry box.
local maxLength = 20

-- Enable cursor interaction and make visible

-- Update the counter text counter
local function UpdateChars()
    COUNTER.text = string.format("%s/%s", string.len(TEXT_ENTRY_BOX.text), maxLength)

-- Check the length of the text when the text entry box is updated.
local function CheckLength(obj, text)
    local len = string.len(text)

    if len > maxLength then
        TEXT_ENTRY_BOX.text = string.sub(text, 1, maxLength)


-- Connect text entry events

See also: CoreObject.GetCustomProperty | CoreLua.print | UI.SetCursorVisible | UIText.text | UITextEntry.text


UI in Core

Dernière mise à jour: 10 février 2023