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An euler-based rotation around x, y, and z axes.


Constructor Name Return Type Description Tags
Rotation.New([number x, number y, number z]) Rotation Construct a rotation with the given values, defaults to (0, 0, 0). None
Rotation.New(Quaternion q) Rotation Construct a rotation using the given Quaternion. None
Rotation.New(Vector3 forward, Vector3 up) Rotation Construct a rotation that will rotate Vector3.FORWARD to point in the direction of the given forward vector, with the up vector as a reference. Returns (0, 0, 0) if forward and up point in the exact same (or opposite) direction, or if one of them is of length 0. None
Rotation.New(Rotation r) Rotation Copies the given Rotation. None


Constant Name Return Type Description Tags
Rotation.ZERO Rotation Constant Rotation of (0, 0, 0). None


Property Name Return Type Description Tags
x number The x component of the Rotation. Read-Write
y number The y component of the Rotation. Read-Write
z number The z component of the Rotation. Read-Write


Operator Name Return Type Description Tags
Rotation + Rotation Rotation Add two rotations together. Note that this adds the individual components together, and may not provide the same result as if the two rotations were applied in sequence. None
Rotation - Rotation Rotation Subtract a rotation. None
Rotation * Rotation Rotation Combines two rotations, with the result applying the right rotation first, then the left rotation second. None
Rotation * number Rotation Returns the scaled rotation. None
-Rotation Rotation Returns the inverse rotation. None
Rotation * Vector3 Vector3 Rotates the right-side vector and returns the result. None


Example using:



There are several different ways to create new Rotations.

-- Calling the constructor without arguments generates a zero rotation.
-- (Rotates by zero degrees, so no change.)
local zeroRotation = Rotation.New()

-- You can also describe a rotation by providing Euler angles:
-- This rotation will rotate something 90 degrees around the Z axis.
local rotation90z = Rotation.New(0, 0, 90)

-- Quaternions can be transformed into Rotations using constructors.
-- This will produce a 90 degree rotation. (From a 90 degree Quaternion)
local quatRotation = Rotation.New(Quaternion.New(Vector3.UP, 90))

-- You can also use the Rotation constructor to generate a rotation that would
-- transform Vector3.FORWARD (0, 1, 0) to point in the given direction.
-- (You also have to provide it with an up vector, to use as a reference.)
local vec1 = Vector3.New(3, 4, 5)
local vecRotation = Rotation.New(vec1, Vector3.UP)
local vec2 = vecRotation * Vector3.FORWARD
-- vec2 now points in the same direction as vec1.

-- The constructor can also be used to copy rotations:
local rotationCopy = Rotation.New(rotation90z)

-- Rotation.ZERO can be used to quickly generate a rotation of zero
-- degrees. (So it won't change anything.)
local newVec1 = Rotation.ZERO * vec1
-- newVec1 is still the same as vec1, because it hasn't rotated.

See also: Quaternion.New | Vector3.New | Rotation * Vector3

Example using:






You can add and subtract rotations from each other, scale them, and apply them to vectors via arithmetic operators.

local rotate90x = Rotation.New(90, 0, 0)
local rotate90y = Rotation.New(0, 90, 0)
local rotate90z = Rotation.New(0, 0, 90)

-- Add two rotations together to get their sum:
local rotate90xy = rotate90x + rotate90y
-- This is now (90, 90, 0)

-- Subtract a rotation from another to find the difference:
local new_rotate90x = rotate90xy - rotate90y
-- This is now (90, 0, 0)

-- You can scale a rotation by multiplying it by a number.
local rotate180x = rotate90x * 2
-- This is now (180, 0, 0)

-- Multiplying a rotation by a vector applies the rotation to the vector and returns
-- the rotated vector as a result.
local forwardVec = Vector3.New(10, 0, 0)
local rightVec = rotate90z * forwardVec
-- rightVec is now (0, 10, 0)

-- You can invert a rotation via the minus sign:
local rotate90x_negative = -rotate90x
-- This is now (-90, 0, 0)

See also: Rotation.New | Vector3.New

Example using:




The x, y, and z components of a rotation can be accessed directly. These numbers represent the number of degrees to rotate around their respective axis.

local newRotation = Rotation.New()
newRotation.x = 90
newRotation.y = 45
newRotation.z = 180
-- This creates a rotation of 90 degrees about the x axis, 45 degrees about the y axis, and
-- 180 degrees about the z axis.

See also: Rotation.New

Last update: March 1, 2021