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Transforms represent the position, rotation, and scale of objects in the game. They are immutable, but new Transforms can be created when you want to change an object's Transform.


Constructor Name Return Type Description Tags
Transform.New() Transform Constructs a new identity Transform. None
Transform.New(Quaternion rotation, Vector3 position, Vector3 scale) Transform Constructs a new Transform with a Quaternion. None
Transform.New(Rotation rotation, Vector3 position, Vector3 scale) Transform Constructs a new Transform with a Rotation. None
Transform.New(Vector3 x_axis, Vector3 y_axis, Vector3 z_axis, Vector3 translation) Transform Constructs a new Transform from a Matrix. None
Transform.New(Transform transform) Transform Copies the given Transform. None


Constant Name Return Type Description Tags
Transform.IDENTITY Transform Constant identity Transform. None


Function Name Return Type Description Tags
GetPosition() Vector3 Returns a copy of the position component of the Transform. None
SetPosition(Vector3) None Sets the position component of the Transform. None
GetRotation() Rotation Returns a copy of the Rotation component of the Transform. None
SetRotation(Rotation) None Sets the rotation component of the Transform. None
GetQuaternion() Quaternion Returns a quaternion-based representation of the Rotation. None
SetQuaternion(Quaternion) None Sets the quaternion-based representation of the Rotation. None
GetScale() Vector3 Returns a copy of the scale component of the Transform. None
SetScale(Vector3) None Sets the scale component of the Transform. None
GetForwardVector() Vector3 Forward vector of the Transform. None
GetRightVector() Vector3 Right vector of the Transform. None
GetUpVector() Vector3 Up vector of the Transform. None
GetInverse() Transform Inverse of the Transform. None
TransformPosition(Vector3 position) Vector3 Applies the Transform to the given position in 3D space. None
TransformDirection(Vector3 direction) Vector3 Applies the Transform to the given directional Vector3. This will rotate and scale the Vector3, but does not apply the Transform's position. None


Operator Name Return Type Description Tags
Transform * Transform Transform Returns a new Transform composing the left and right Transforms. None
Transform * Quaternion Transform Returns a new Transform composing the left Transform then the right side rotation. None


Example using:


In this example we show that getting an object's rotation, position, and scale individually is the same as getting the object's entire transform.

local OBJ = script.parent

local rot = OBJ:GetRotation()
local pos = OBJ:GetPosition()
local sca = OBJ:GetScale()
local newTransform = Transform.New(rot, pos, sca)

if newTransform == OBJ:GetTransform() then
    print("Not equal")

See also: CoreObject.GetTransform

Example using:



In this example, we move an object up by 2 meters by modifying its transform. The script is placed as a child of the object and networking is enabled on the object. The same can be done for rotation and scale. Notice that, when manipulating Core Objects directly, their "world" position is most often changed. Whereas changes to a transform's properties are always in local space.

local OBJ = script.parent

-- Grab a copy of the transform
local t = OBJ:GetTransform()

-- Change its position up by 2 meters
local pos = t:GetPosition()
pos = pos + Vector3.New(0, 0, 200)

-- Apply the transform back to the object

See also: CoreObject.SetTransform | Vector3.New

Example using:



While many operations can be achieved by changing an object's position or rotation directly, some algorithms are best achieved with Transforms (matrices). In this example, we build an elaborate 3D spiral structure by spawning a series of cubes. This takes advantage of the composable nature of transforms, which can accumulate an indefinite series of position/rotation/scale, all while being highly efficient on the CPU.

-- Template of bottom-aligned cube that will be spawned
local TEMPLATE = script:GetCustomProperty("CubeBottomAligned")

-- Build the math structures only once
local T_OFFSET = Transform.New(Quaternion.IDENTITY, Vector3.UP * 100, Vector3.ONE)
local T_ARC = Transform.New(Rotation.New(5, 7, 0), Vector3.ZERO, Vector3.ONE)
local Q_TIGHTEN = Quaternion.New(Rotation.New(0.03, 0.06, -0.01))

-- Initial transform composition that will be applied to itself, over and over
local composition = T_ARC * T_OFFSET

t = script:GetTransform()

function SpawnOne()
    -- Slight rotation to tighten the spiral
    composition = composition * Q_TIGHTEN
    -- Iterate the composition
    t = composition * t
    -- Spawn the cube with the given transform
    local obj = World.SpawnAsset(TEMPLATE, {transform = t})

-- Loop over time. Spawn a cube every 30ms
function Tick()

See also: CoreObject.GetTransform | World.SpawnAsset | Rotation.New | Vector3.UP | Quaternion.IDENTITY | Task.Wait

Last update: February 2, 2022