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Much like a facebook page - you need to first have a personal account through which you can login and manage the business page.

After creating a personal account, you will be directed to 'My Dive Shop' section where you can claim existing listing or create a new one.

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    Diving Atlantis (DivingTenerife) Diving Atlantis - Diving center in Tenerife. Wide range of dive sites in Tenerife. Highly experienced team of instructors. We speak En, Sp, Ge, Fr, Ru, Pl and Bu. 10% discount for reservations in our website. PADI EFR Instructor

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    Ricardas Kurpius (1308264042553447) PADI EFR Instructor

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    Eric Lee (Diveholic) Co-Founder of Diveholic (HK) Ltd. - A Travel Agency which specialise in organise dive tours for divers in HK and Macau. PADI Master Instructor. EFR Instructor Trainer. PADI EFR Instructor

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    Rodrigo Rodrigues (108417049716221746062) PADI MSDT-360036 PADI EFR Instructor

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    julie Ebacher (julieebacher) PADI EFR Instructor

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    Borja Vila (MonkeyDiver) PADI EFR Instructor

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    Jaedon Lawe (Lawe) I am a marine biologists and PADI Open water SCUBA Instructor. I live and work in Kingston, Jamaica. My company is YEC Ltd and our dive operation is called Yardie Divers! We do dive training and conduct dive excursions in the waters of the Port Royal cays and the Pedro Bank. PADI EFR Instructor

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    Makis Beriatos (MakisB) PADI EFR Instructor

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    Kerem BAYRI (UCANBALIK) PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer & EFR Instructor PADI EFR Instructor

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    Steve Fenton (AquaventureSteve) Learnt to dive in the Red Sea in Eilat Israel many moons ago. I am very lucky to have a 2nd home in Spain which allows me to teach in both S E Asian and Europe. Very proud to be involved with the re-birth of Aquaventure Reef Club and this has now become my 2nd home. PADI EFR Instructor


