Normal Random Blood Sugar Levels

Normal random blood sugar levels fall within a standard range of between 70mg/dl to 150mg/dl. This variation can be attributed to various factors including the time, type, and volume of food consumed during previous meals.

When you eat foods that are high in carbohydrates, pancreatic secretions of glucagon and insulin regulate the glucose levels. However, the main problem arises when the pancreas does not secrete sufficient amounts of insulin to convert glucose into energy.

The condition of extremely high blood sugar is known as Hyperglycemia which can damage various organs resulting in kidney damage, nerve damage, loss of vision, and heart disease. The other extreme of low blood sugar is known as hypoglycemia and the patient might lose consciousness in case the blood sugar level is too low.

In case your blood sugar level does not fall within the normal range, appropriate action should be taken to diagnose the condition. Here are some tests to help diagnose diabetes and help diabetics ascertain how to manage the disease in the best way possible.

normal random blood sugar levels, normal blood sugar levels, normal random blood sugar levels, normal blood sugar levels,

  1. Random Blood Glucose Test

Normal random blood sugar levels

Random blood glucose tests are used to measure the amount of blood sugar or glucose circulating in your blood. Random blood sugar levels are used to determine whether you’re likely to have either type 1 or type 2 diabetes. However, other tests are usually necessary to confirm the diagnosis.

What is random blood sugar testing?

Random glucose tests measure the amount of blood glucose at any given time during the day. Many blood glucose tests involve either continuous or fasting monitoring, but a random blood sugar test does not. However, random tests are particularly useful for someone who needs a speedy diagnosis and medical attention.  Moreover, random blood sugar testing is an essential tool for diabetics because it helps determine how well the condition is being managed.

Reasons for random testing

Diabetes is a condition that affects the body’s ability to produce, release or use insulin once sugar is converted to glucose. Therefore, your doctor might recommend a random blood sugar test if you’re showing symptoms of diabetes. Early signs and symptoms of diabetes include:

  • Excessive thirst and urination
  • Blurred vision
  • Fatigue
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Slow healing of cuts, bruises, and wounds
  • Tingling in legs and arms (diabetic neuropathy as a result of uncontrolled diabetes)

Type 2 diabetes tends to develop slowly and symptoms can be hard to detect especially during the early stages.

Random glucose testing and diabetes management

what are normal random blood sugar levelswhat are normal random blood sugar levelsIn people without diabetes, blood sugar levels are controlled through the actions of insulin and the cells’ use of glucose for energy. Therefore, their random blood glucose test results would remain relatively stable over the course of the day. There are no significant changes even if they:

  • Experience stress
  • Eat at different times of the day
  • Vary their diet

However, if you have prediabetes or diabetes, your random blood sugar levels can vary significantly throughout the day, especially if the disease is not managed well.

Random blood sugar tests are performed outside the normal testing schedule. If you have normal random blood sugar levels, you may not be suffering from diabetes. However, as mentioned earlier, your doctor may recommend additional tests to confirm the diagnosis. On the other hand, if you have diabetes and your random blood sugar levels are within the acceptable range, your management plan is probably working.

Wide variations in your random blood sugar levels typically suggest the need to change your strategy. It is essential to ensure that your random blood sugar levels are within the normal or acceptable range to avoid the complications caused by consistently high blood sugar levels.

When to test

For people with diabetes, it’s very important to pay attention to the symptoms. If you’re experiencing any signs of low blood sugar, test immediately. Random blood sugar tests can help you detect hyperglycemia and reduce the risk of serious and potentially fatal complications.

If you have diabetes, testing your blood sugar levels at various different times over the course of the day is very important as it can help you manage your condition more effectively and lower the risk of serious diabetes complications.

If random glucose test results indicate that your blood glucose levels are higher than expected, the doctor usually orders follow-up tests to confirm the diagnosis. Follow-up diabetes tests usually include:

Fasting glucose test:

This blood sugar test measures the blood glucose level after staying for at least 8 hours without eating or drinking anything except water. The fasting blood sugar level for a healthy person ranges between 70 mg/dl and 100 mg/dl.  If the fasting glucose level exceeds 125 mg/dl for two consecutive tests, the person might be suffering from diabetes. Fasting glucose tests are usually performed in the morning before you’ve had breakfast.

OGTT (Oral Glucose Tolerance Test):

what are normal random blood sugar levels for diabeticswhat are normal random blood sugar levels for diabeticsSometimes, people with diabetes can demonstrate normal blood glucose results in the random test or fasting test yet still have diabetes.

If your doctor suspects that you have diabetes, they usually recommend an oral glucose tolerance test which also requires you not to drink or eat for at least 8 hours. After the doctor takes the first blood sample, you’ll drink a glucose solution and then the doctor will take more samples over the next 2 hours.

This test is usually used to evaluate the body’s response to sugar. The present blood sugar level is measured first after which a glucose solution (175 gm glucose) is given to the patient. After this, the blood glucose level should be measured at 30-minute intervals six times. For non-diabetics, the blood sugar level does not rise above 140 mg/dl at any time.

However, a blood glucose level of between 140 mg/dl and 199 mg/dl indicates that the person might be pre-diabetic. A blood glucose level of 200 mg/dl or more suggests that the person is suffering from full-blown diabetes. The main objective of a glucose tolerance test is to assess the reaction of your body to the sudden influx of glucose.

Glycated Hemoglobin Test:

Although the glycated hemoglobin test is not for the diagnosis of diabetic conditions, this test shows how well the patient has been managing diabetes for the past 3 months. These normal blood sugar levels should always be less than 7%. In case the level is above 7%, it is vital for the doctor to change your treatment plan.

Managing the blood glucose level  (and maintaining normal blood sugar levels) is a vital aspect of controlling various diabetic conditions. Moreover, you can test your blood sugar from anywhere by simply using the correct equipment and paying attention to directions. You should also keep a good record of your test results in order to identify potential problems.

Interpreting random blood sugar test results.

The amount of glucose in your blood is measured in milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL). Normal random blood sugar levels for a person without diabetes should be below 200 mg/dL.

According to one 2015 study, random glucose test results of over 100 mg/dL is a great risk factor for diabetes. A result of 200 mg/dl or more indicates that you may have diabetes. However, the doctor may repeat the random test on another day and recommend a different test for a reliable diagnosis.

Normal random blood sugar levelsNormal random blood sugar levelsHelp yourself to Maintain Normal Blood Sugar Levels!

You know a lot of diseases can be managed and even reversed, by regular exercise, a good healthy eating plan, (monitored carefully by your health care professional), keeping well hydrated, and getting plenty of rest. 

Normal random blood sugar levelsNormal random blood sugar levels

Read on here for more about Diabetes and Diet.

Normal Random Blood sugar LevelsNormal Random Blood sugar Levels

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Signs and Symptoms of Hyperglycemia

An Overview of the Symptoms of Hyperglycemia

Hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) is a condition that typically occurs when the amount of glucose in the blood is too high. Although hyperglycemia usually affects diabetics, it can also occur in people without diabetes or other underlying conditions.

Some of the main factors that can cause hyperglycemia in people with diabetes include illness, changes in physical activity and diet, not taking enough or skipping glucose-lowering drugs, or non-diabetes medication. Hyperglycemia needs immediate medical attention because if uncontrolled, it can easily lead to a wide range of life-threatening complications, including diabetes coma and complications affecting your kidneys, heart, nerves, and eyes.

There are two main kinds of hyperglycemia:

  • After-meal (Postprandial) hyperglycemia where the blood glucose is greater than 180 mg/dL two hours after eating.
  • Fasting hyperglycemia where the blood sugar is greater than 130 mg/dL after not drinking or eating for at least eight hours.

symptoms of hyperglycemiasymptoms of hyperglycemiaPeople living with type 1 diabetes are generally susceptible to ketoacidosis (a build-up of acids in the blood). Therefore, for people with type 1 diabetes and people who are at risk of it, hyperglycemia can lead to a deadly condition in which the body is unable to process glucose, known as HHNS (hyperglycemic hyperosmolar nonketotic syndrome). People with HHNS have darker pee and tend to urinate less often as they become more dehydrated.

Symptoms of hyperglycemia

Most people rarely notice any hyperglycemia symptoms until their blood sugar levels are significantly elevated – typically to levels above 180 mg/dL or 10 mmol/L. Hyperglycemia symptoms usually develop gradually over several days or even weeks and symptoms become worse the longer blood glucose levels stay high. However, it’s essential to keep in mind that some people who have type 2 diabetes for extended periods of time may not experience any symptoms despite having elevated blood glucose levels.

Early signs of hyperglycemia

It is essential to identify the early signs and symptoms of hyperglycemia in order to seek prompt medical attention. Some of the early signs and symptoms include:

Later Signs of hyperglycemia

  • Trouble concentrating
  • Weight loss
  • Tingling or numbness in the feet
  • Blood glucose level higher than 180mg/dL

If untreated, hyperglycemia can lead to the buildup of ketones (toxic acids) in the urine and blood (ketoacidosis). Later signs and symptoms include:

  • Shortness of breath what are the signs and symptoms of hyperglycemiawhat are the signs and symptoms of hyperglycemia
  • Confusion
  • Dry mouth
  • Fruity-smelling breath
  • Abdominal pain
  • General weakness
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Coma

Untreated hyperglycemia can cause other serious complications such as:

Causes of Hyperglycemia

During digestion, our bodies break down carbs from food – such as pasta, rice, and bread – into sugar molecules such as glucose. Glucose is normally absorbed directly into the bloodstream after eating; however, it requires insulin’s assistance to be absorbed by cells in tissues.

When your blood glucose level is high, the pancreas is stimulated to release insulin which is essential for the optimum functioning of cells.

Extra glucose is usually stored in the muscles and liver as glycogen. Due to this process, the amount of glucose in the bloodstream is lowered hence preventing it from rising to dangerously high levels.

Conditions such as diabetes lower the effects of insulin on the body. Consequently, glucose builds up in the bloodstream and may reach high levels (hyperglycemia) if left untreated.

Risk factors 

Some of the factors that can contribute to dangerously high blood sugar levels include:

  • Being inactive
  • Not using prescribed medication such as insulin
  • Having an infection or illness
  • Use of certain medications, including steroids
  • Using expired insulin
  • Having surgery or being injured
  • Emotional stress

Learn how to manage your diabetes HERE!

When should you see your doctor?

  • Seek medical assistance immediate medical attention if:
  • Your blood sugar levels are consistently above 13.3 mmol/L (240 mg/dL) and you have toxic acids (ketones) in your urine
  • You’re sick and are unable to keep any fluids or food down
  • You’re experiencing ongoing vomiting or diarrhea, but you are able to tolerate some drinks or foods
  • You have a persistent fever
  • You’re having trouble keeping your blood sugar levels within the recommended range

Maintaining your blood glucose levels within the recommended range plays a major role in preventing most diabetes-related complications such as kidney damage (diabetic neuropathy), cardiovascular disease, neuropathy (nerve damage), kidney failure, joint and bone problems, gum and teeth infections, and cataracts.

So what is considered high blood sugar?

symptoms of hyperglycemiasymptoms of hyperglycemia

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Lower Blood Sugar Fast

Lower Blood Sugar FastLower Blood Sugar Fast
Lower Blood Sugar Fast

The chief concern among diabetics and those who are running the risk of diabetes is high blood sugar and people are forever looking for new ways to lower blood sugar fast. The truth is that once blood sugar levels are raised the only way possible to lower them quickly is through the use of insulin. Without insulin the blood sugar levels will only drop very slowly as long as no other food is eaten and the body rids itself of excess glucose through other means, and this definitely will not lower blood sugar fast.

When sugars and carbohydrates are ingested the body converts these into glucose, and while glucose is used by the cells of the body for energy, if healthy blood glucose levels are not maintained damage can be done to many of the body’s systems.

Glucose, once in the blood can only be used by the cells when insulin is present. It is the insulin which causes the glucose to be able to enter the cells where it is used for energy, and without insulin or in cases of insulin resistance the glucose can build to unhealthy levels in the blood and without insulin it is impossible to lower blood sugar fast.

The healthy blood glucose levels for normal people is between 60 and 100, and any glucose level higher or lower then this may signify the development of diabetes. In most cases the onset of diabetes will be accompanied with increased thirst, increased urination and incessant hunger.

If you have experienced these symptoms for any length of time it may be a good idea to visit your doctor for a simple glucose tolerance test which will determine if your body is regulating glucose correctly. If you are diagnosed with diabetes and you carefully manage your treatment you can still live a long, normal, and active life as long as you carefully maintain healthy blood glucose levels by keeping tabs on your eating habits and medication usage and remember, once its elevated there’s no way to lower your blood sugar fast.

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The Normal Fasting Glucose Level

normal fasting glucose levelnormal fasting glucose level
normal fasting glucose level

Not long ago, a normal fasting glucose level was never a chief concern for very many people, as the main health worries of the day were heart disease, cancer, and high blood pressure.

Sure there have always been diabetics, but in recent times the number of people diagnosed with diabetes has skyrocketed, even as the number of people diagnosed with heart disease, hypertension, and many forms of cancer have begun to decrease. If the current trend continues, diabetes and diabetes related issues may well become the most important health care concerns of the new millennia. This means that for a growing number of people, having a normal fasting glucose level is more important than ever.

The symptoms to watch for in cases where diabetes may be developing include increased thirst, increased hunger, increased urination, increased fatigue, blurred vision, and lightheadedness. If a person is experiencing two or more of these symptoms it may be time to schedule a test with their physician to determine if they are maintaining a normal fasting glucose level. This is especially true if there is anyone else in their family that has diabetes.

The most common glucose tolerance test is the oral glucose tolerance test, or OGTT. For the OGTT the patient is usually asked to fast for 8 to 10 hours. After the fasting blood glucose level is determined, the patient is given a solution to drink which contains a known quantity of glucose. The blood glucose of the patient is them measured at intervals to determine if their body is correctly metabolizing the glucose which has been ingested. The normal fasting glucose level is usually considered to be between 70 and 99 mg/dl and any reading outside this range may mean that more tests should be run and a possible diagnosis of diabetes.

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The Average Blood Glucose Level

average blood glucose levelaverage blood glucose level
average blood glucose level

Not long ago very few people ever had any concerns as to the average blood glucose level. In those days people rose early, drank coffee, ate eggs, biscuits, gravy, home fries, and any other high calorie, high cholesterol thing they could find, then went off to work with nary a though.

Those same people worked hard all day, smoked cigarettes by the pack, drank heavily and usually lived to the ripe old age of fifty or sixty before dying of heart disease, stroke, cancer, or diabetic complications. In modern times most people are a little more health conscious that their ancestors, and when you couple this with modern medicine this has led to an increase in life span and quality of life.

These days’ death and disability from heart disease, stroke, and cancer are on the decline, yet the number of people diagnosed with diabetes continues to climb each year. The average blood glucose level is becoming a chief concern of a growing number of people.

The average blood glucose level of a normal, healthy person is generally between 60 and 110. This isn’t a hard and fast rule however, as the average blood glucose level for the individual can vary according to age, weight, and other existing health problems, as well as time since the last meal was eaten. If you have a family history of diabetes and you start to experience increased thirst, increased appetite, and increased urination it may be time to be concerned with your average blood glucose level. If you experience these symptoms it is time to go see your doctor for a glucose tolerance test. Your doctor can tell you exactly what your average blood glucose level should be, and if you are diagnosed with diabetes your doctor can put you on track to knowing how to maintain your average blood glucose level.

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