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C is for kids, real men code in assembly.

  • 2
    So are you a real man or a kid?
  • 4
    I am a real man and I like train too, just saying.
  • 14
    Nope, real men code using a magnetised needle.
  • 1
    @anuditverma trains are only awesome if they are coal powered (just kidding electric Ines aren't bad!) not many assembly programmers out there though. I think lay use assembly for risc
  • 4
    Alright, what about women?
  • 2
    @alyx well women are great at multi tasking, need less to say more.
  • 2
    And their dads - machine language. Yup 👍
  • 2
    So kids have super powers and real men don't?
  • 0
    @alyx do you code in assembly, just asking not being genderist

    Maybe the op should have said grown-ups rather men
  • 1
    @philcr I do not, though it's something I've been meaning to learn for ages.
  • 3
    @alyx I learned on AVR microcontrollers back in the late 90's it was good fun, I still code PIC's using assembler for certain stuff. I like how it makes you think.

    I don't know what's it's like for x86 though as I've only ever coded high level stuff for x86_64
  • 5
    So who realised that assembly just takes too long to code in and decided to create a higher level language to increase "productivity" ...

    Whoever it was, THANK YOU ;)
  • 3
    And who codes in both? Does it mean I'm a teenager?
  • 2
    Well then acc to you Linus Torvalds is a kid
  • 2
    Real men code with transistors and logic gates.
  • 1
    I am using assembly... I have to code an optimized softwace on an arduino, which just doesnt work in cpp...
  • 1
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