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 Perfect in Christ - Character and Attributes of God (8) 

STUDY - Character and Attributes of GOD 

I am the Almighty God, walk before Me and be perfect.
Genesis 17:1

Be perfect, as your heavenly Father.
Matthew 5:48

Submitted Life

When a life is submitted to His leading, He can produce the impossible. When a believer submits to His guidance, He conforms us into the perfect likeness of His dear Son. The perfect God-Man lived a perfect life. He lived the life God wants for each of us – here and now. He lived a life where the cruelty and brokenness of sin could never permeate. He came to address the ruinous nature of sin in the lives of His children. He came to heal and bind up, so that we could truly be perfect as He is perfect.

Our Pain

There is no past pain too deep that He cannot bind up. There is no wound too entrenched that he cannot heal. There is no ill-treatment you have received that cannot be lovingly restored. There is no fear too extreme that He cannot still. There is no one anxious worry, that He does not care about.

Our Circumstances

There is no circumstance in life so overwhelming that is beyond His control. There is no burden too heavy that He cannot carry. There is no emptiness so vast... so gaping that He cannot fill. There is no loneliness so extreme... so deep that is beyond His compassion.

Our Sin

There is no sin so gross that He cannot forgive. There is no life so ruined that He cannot make whole. There is no heart so broken and fragmented that He cannot restore. There is no deep desire of your heart that He can’t fulfil. There is no lack of anything which He cannot supply in full.

Our Calling

We are called to be perfect, even as our heavenly Father is perfect. To be perfect means to be whole; to be healthy; to be mature; to be complete... just as the Lord Jesus was perfect – the perfect God-Man, Who lived a perfect life. To be perfect does not mean to do things for God so as to please God. To be perfect means we give ourselves into His hands completely. To be perfect is to allow Him to address the ruinous nature of sin in the lives of His children – to let Him heal and bind up, so that we truly can be perfect as He is perfect.

Our Life

To be perfect means to let Him live His life through us.. to allow Him to make us whole and healthy – mature and complete in Him. To be perfect means to submit to His workings in our lives without reservation. To be perfect means to admit our lack and to confess His perfection. To humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God, and to be teachable and to accept His child-training in our lives. To allow Him to heal and lovingly restore, to bind up our hearts and to fill our emptiness. To let Him fill to the brim our void with Himself. To permit Him to mend the heart, broken by life’s cruel circumstances – to actually believe what God says.

Our Acceptance

You are now accepted "In the Beloved. You are accepted "In Christ. You are complete in Him, Who Himself is perfect" There is nothing anyone of us can do to make ourselves perfect, for He has done it all – and it is finished. And yet He is doing it all in us. He is perfecting us now. He makes us perfect even as our Father in heaven is perfect when we see Him as He is… when we look at our own imperfect lives we see nothing but ruin.

In Christ

But God sees you and God sees me through the lens of the beloved Lord Jesus. He sees you as complete in Him now, and He sees you as being completed In Him from this day forward. He sees you perfect in Him, now and forever. "Be perfect", is a command for today, not only a hope for the future. Only He can make us whole, and healthy, mature, and complete in Him. Only HE can make us perfect. Be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

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