If you've used a LoadBalancer service from a Cloud Provider, you'll know how convenient it is to have an EXTERNAL-IP assigned automatically. However, when using local Kubernetes, the default setting doesn't provide an EXTERNAL-IP. Building on our previous discussion, this guide will show you how to use cloud-provider-kind to assign an EXTERNAL-IP to your local LoadBalancer service.
First, make sure you've set up your local Kubernetes using Kind as outlined in my previous guide. This is necessary to proceed with the next steps.
Installing cloud-provider-kind
Since this is a Go package, you'll need to install Go first. Then, you can install the package with the following steps:
go install
Then execute command to use:
Keep in mind that you need to keep the terminal running while using Kubernetes to create the EXTERNAL-IP.
Testing with local EXTERNAL-IP
Create a deployment and expose a LoadBalancer service to check if the EXTERNAL-IP has been generated.
kubectl create deploy whoami --image traefik/whoami
kubectl expose deploy whoami --port 80 --type LoadBalancer
The results will be as follows:
You can access the EXTERNAL-IP to use it locally.
Using cloud-provider-kind as a service
If you're on Ubuntu, there's a way to automatically run cloud-provider-kind when you start your machine as a service, so you don't have to manually start it every time you want to use it.
First, navigate to the directory /etc/systemd/system and create a file called cloud-provider-kind.service with the following content:
cd /etc/systemd/system
touch cloud-provider-kind.service
Description = Your description
After = docker.service
Type = simple
ExecStart = {direction to cloud-provider-kind}
StandardOutput = journal
User = {user id}
Group = {group id}
- ExecStart: Use the command which cloud-provider-kind to replace your directory.
- User, Group: Use the command id to get the appropriate values.
To start the service:
sudo systemctl enable --now cloud-provider-kind
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