nouvelles coupes de cheveux

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Mullets have made a strong comeback and show no signs of fading away anytime soon. Sam Villa ArTeam Member @rogermolinahair offers another fantastic breakdown, capturing the style's essence in his signature stop-motion technique coupled with traditional diagrams.⁠ ⁠ "FRINGE⁠ Elevate fringe to diagonal up elevation, cut vertically. OD to stationary guide in center.⁠ •⁠ FACE FRAME/SIDE⁠ Use guide from fringe and elevate diagonally down. Parallel to side of head. With diagonal finger angle, cut ...
Sam Villa ArTeam Member @rogermolinahair⁠ shows of the #FreeBird Mullet.⁠ ⁠ Tools Used:⁠ Sam Villa 6.0” CLASSIC SHEAR⁠ Sam Villa SLEEKR FLAT IRON⁠ Sam Villa LONG CUTTING COMB⁠ Sam Villa PRO IONIC DRYER⁠ ⁠ "FREE BIRD MULLET STOP MOTION REEL⁠ •⁠ A Mullet Variation haircut tutorial. The theme created itself with the shape looking like a striking eagle. 🦅 with @lynardskynardreal tunes… I had to.⁠ •⁠ Free Bird Reel Technical breakdown.⁠ •⁠ FRINGE⁠ Elevate fringe to diagonal up elevation, cut verti...
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