Wyvern Tattoo Ideas

30 Pins
Dragons are massive, flying reptiles which can breathe fire onto their enemies, rumored to have a strong connection to magic, later "proven" true when magic begins to return to the world after the birth of the first three in over two hundred years. Dragons possess awesome and terrible power, capable of laying waste to armies and burning entire cities to ashes. Men who were able to tame and ride dragons as beasts of war used them to burn their enemies and forge vast empires across the...
Tutorial - Dragons by Apsaravis on DeviantArt
Tutorial: Dragons by =Sheil || CHARACTER DESIGN REFERENCES | [or, Everything You Wanted to Know About... etc.]
Bat Wings Tutorial by joanniegoulet on DeviantArt
Bat Wings Tutorial by ~cactusart on deviantART ★ || CHARACTER DESIGN REFERENCES (www.facebook.com/CharacterDesignReferences & pinterest.com/characterdesigh) • Love Character Design? Join the Character Design Challenge (link→ www.facebook.com/groups/CharacterDesignChallenge) Share your unique vision of a theme every month, promote your art and make new friends in a community of over 25.000 artists! || ★
Dragon Sketch by TatianaMakeeva on DeviantArt
Dragon Sketch by TatianaMakeeva.deviantart.com on @DeviantArt
Smaug (DeviantArt -- artwork by Omar-E18)