Plant Identification

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Garden webshop - Tuinmaterialen, tuinaccessoires, tuinwinkel
Glycyrrhiza yunnanensis
Edelweiss Perennials
Primula 'Kinlough Beauty' ... the one at Gilmore Gardens?
Plant Profile for Francoa sonchifolia - Chilean Bridal Wreath Perennial
Francoa sonchifolia, Zone: 7-9, Chilean Bridal Wreath
Hydrophyllum virginianum
Hydrophyllum virginianum @ Havenwood
Tricyrtis ‘Sinonome’ – CAROLYN'S SHADE GARDENS
Heuchera villosa ‘Autumn Bride’.
Invasive Weeds Archives - IWA
Giant Hogweed in Spring... stop this invasive plant that chemically burns your skin!
USDA Plants Database
Anemone quinquefolia L. Wood anemone
USDA Plants Database
Houstonia caerulea L. Azure bluet
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Bulbine frutescens 'Hallmark', zone 8-11, native of South Africa, 12-18 inches tall, "Accepts full sun, but looks best with some afternoon shade in our area. Plants spread by rhizomes, creating wide spreading clumps. May occasionally need divided. Low water use once established. Makes a nice low border; works well in rock gardens or containers."