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SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, Volume 23
Volume 23, Number 1, 2001
- Raz Kupferman:
A Central-Difference Scheme for a Pure Stream Function Formulation of Incompressible Viscous Flow. 1-18 - Eunok Jung, Charles S. Peskin:
Two-Dimensional Simulations of Valveless Pumping Using the Immersed Boundary Method. 19-45 - Bruno Costa, Lucia Dettori, David I. Gottlieb, Roger Temam:
Time Marching Multilevel Techniques for Evolutionary Dissipative Problems. 46-65 - Daniel Y. Le Roux:
A New Triangular Finite-Element with Optimum Constraint Ratio for Compressible Fluids. 66-80 - Leandro Farina:
Evaluation of Single Layer Potentials over Curved Surfaces. 81-91 - Francesca Rapetti, Andrea Toselli:
A FETI Preconditioner for Two Dimensional Edge Element Approximations of Maxwell's Equations on Nonmatching Grids. 92-108 - Jim E. Jones
, Panayot S. Vassilevski:
AMGE Based on Element Agglomeration. 109-133 - Patricia D. Hough, Tamara G. Kolda
, Virginia Torczon:
Asynchronous Parallel Pattern Search for Nonlinear Optimization. 134-156 - Piotr Krzyzanowski
On Block Preconditioners for Nonsymmetric Saddle Point Problems. 157-169 - K. W. Morton, Philip L. Roe:
Vorticity-Preserving Lax-Wendroff-Type Schemes for the System Wave Equation. 170-192 - Patrick M. Knupp:
Algebraic Mesh Quality Metrics. 193-218 - Amin Boumenir:
Sampling and Eigenvalues of Non-Self-Adjoint Sturm-Liouville Problems. 219-229 - David L. Chopp
Some Improvements of the Fast Marching Method. 230-244 - Stefano Micheletti
, Riccardo Sacco, Fausto Saleri:
On Some Mixed Finite Element Methods with Numerical Integration. 245-270 - Márcia A. Inda
, Rob H. Bisseling, David Keith Maslen:
On the Efficient Parallel Computation of Legendre Transforms. 271-303 - Hongyi Yu:
A Local Space-Time Adaptive Scheme in Solving Two-Dimensional Parabolic Problems Based on Domain Decomposition Methods. 304-322 - Charles Audet, Pierre Hansen, Brigitte Jaumard, Gilles Savard:
Enumeration of All Extreme Equilibria of Bimatrix Games. 323-338 - Zhilin Li
, Kazufumi Ito:
Maximum Principle Preserving Schemes for Interface Problems with Discontinuous Coefficients. 339-361
Volume 23, Number 2, 2001
- Henk A. van der Vorst:
Special Issue 2000 Copper Mountain Conference. - Daniel B. Szyld
, Judith A. Vogel:
FQMR: A Flexible Quasi-Minimal Residual Method with Inexact Preconditioning. 363-380 - Dana A. Knoll, W. B. VanderHeyden, V. A. Mousseau, Douglas B. Kothe:
On Preconditioning Newton-Krylov Methods in Solidifying Flow Applications. 381-397 - Michael Pernice, Michael D. Tocci:
A Multigrid-Preconditioned Newton-Krylov Method for the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations. 398-418 - Gérard Meurant:
On the Incomplete Cholesky Decomposition of a Class of Perturbed Matrices. 419-429 - Eleanor W. Jenkins, Christopher E. Kees
, Carl T. Kelley, Cass T. Miller
An Aggregation-Based Domain Decomposition Preconditioner for Groundwater Flow. 430-441 - Jason Frank, Cornelis Vuik
On the Construction of Deflation-Based Preconditioners. 442-462 - Robert Bridson, Wei-Pai Tang:
Multiresolution Approximate Inverse Preconditioners. 463-479 - David Day, Michael A. Heroux
Solving Complex-Valued Linear Systems via Equivalent Real Formulations. 480-498 - Peter N. Brown, Carol S. Woodward
Preconditioning Strategies for Fully Implicit Radiation Diffusion with Material-Energy Transfer. 499-516 - Andrew V. Knyazev
Toward the Optimal Preconditioned Eigensolver: Locally Optimal Block Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Method. 517-541 - Zhaojun Bai, Roland W. Freund:
A Symmetric Band Lanczos Process Based on Coupled Recurrences and Some Applications. 542-562 - Chao Yang, Barry W. Peyton, Donald W. Noid, Bobby G. Sumpter
, Robert E. Tuzun:
Large-Scale Normal Coordinate Analysis for Molecular Structures. 563-582 - Mark Embree, Lloyd N. Trefethen:
Generalizing Eigenvalue Theorems to Pseudospectra Theorems. 583-590 - Thomas G. Wright, Lloyd N. Trefethen:
Large-Scale Computation of Pseudospectra Using ARPACK and Eigs. 591-605 - Michiel E. Hochstenbach
A Jacobi-Davidson Type SVD Method. 606-628 - Van Emden Henson, Panayot S. Vassilevski:
Element-Free AMGe: General Algorithms for Computing Interpolation Weights in AMG. 629-650 - Roman Wienands, Cornelis W. Oosterlee
On Three-Grid Fourier Analysis for Multigrid. 651-671 - Zhiqiang Cai, Seokchan Kim, Byeong Chun Shin:
Solution Methods for the Poisson Equation with Corner Singularities: Numerical Results. 672-682
Volume 23, Number 3, 2001
- Garry H. Rodrigue, Daniel A. White
A Vector Finite Element Time-Domain Method for Solving Maxwell's Equations on Unstructured Hexahedral Grids. 683-706 - Alexander Kurganov
, Sebastian Noelle, Guergana Petrova:
Semidiscrete Central-Upwind Schemes for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws and Hamilton-Jacobi Equations. 707-740 - J. Frank Ethridge, Leslie Greengard
A New Fast-Multipole Accelerated Poisson Solver in Two Dimensions. 741-760 - Misha E. Kilmer, Eric L. Miller
, Carey M. Rappaport:
QMR-Based Projection Techniques for the Solution of Non-Hermitian Systems with Multiple Right-Hand Sides. 761-780 - Wolfgang Dahmen, Siegfried Müller, Thomas Schlinkmann:
On an Adaptive Multigrid Solver for Convection-Dominated Problems. 781-804 - Guillaume Chiavassa, Rosa Donat
Point Value Multiscale Algorithms for 2D Compressible Flows. 805-823 - Nejib Smaoui
A Model for the Unstable Manifold of the Bursting Behavior in the 2D Navier-Stokes Flow. 824-839 - Yongxin Li, Jianxin Zhou:
A Minimax Method for Finding Multiple Critical Points and Its Applications to Semilinear PDEs. 840-865 - Tetsuya Misawa:
A Lie Algebraic Approach to Numerical Integration of Stochastic Differential Equations. 866-890 - N. B. Petrovskaya:
Modification of A Finite Volume Scheme for Laplace's Equation. 891-909 - Arne Barinka, Titus Barsch, Philippe Charton, Albert Cohen, Stephan Dahlke, Wolfgang Dahmen, Karsten Urban
Adaptive Wavelet Schemes for Elliptic Problems - Implementation and Numerical Experiments. 910-939 - Stefania Bellavia
, Benedetta Morini
A Globally Convergent Newton-GMRES Subspace Method for Systems of Nonlinear Equations. 940-960 - Jean-Paul Berrut, Hans D. Mittelmann:
The Linear Rational Pseudospectral Method with Iteratively Optimized Poles for Two-Point Boundary Value Problems. 961-975 - Patrice Coorevits
, Patrick Hild, Mohammed Hjiaj:
A Posteriori Error Control of Finite Element Approximations for Coulomb's Frictional Contact. 976-999 - Weizhu Bao
, Shi Jin:
The Random Projection Method for Stiff Detonation Capturing. 1000-1026 - R. Michael Porter:
An Interpolating Polynomial Method for Numerical Conformal Mapping. 1027-1041 - Gaobiao Xiao
, Ken'ichiro Yashiro, Ning Guan, Sumio Ohkawa:
Application of an Inverse Problem for Symmetric Periodic Potentials. 1042-1049 - Ilse C. F. Ipsen
A Note on Preconditioning Nonsymmetric Matrices. 1050-1051
Volume 23, Number 4, 2001
- Din-Kow Sun, Jin-Fa Lee, Zoltan Cendes:
Construction of Nearly Orthogonal Nedelec Bases for Rapid Convergence with Multilevel Preconditioned Solvers. 1053-1076 - Stefan Henn, Kristian Witsch:
Iterative Multigrid Regularization Techniques for Image Matching. 1077-1093 - Ghislaine Godinaud, Marie Noëlle Le Roux, Alain Yves Le Roux:
A Lagrange Scheme for a Mathematical Model of Powder Compression. 1094-1112 - Kossi D. Edoh, Jens Lorenz:
Computation of Lyapunov-Type Numbers for Invariant Curves of Planar Maps. 1113-1134 - Dan Stefanica:
A Numerical Study of FETI Algorithms for Mortar Finite Element Methods. 1135-1160 - Dianne P. O'Leary:
Near-Optimal Parameters for Tikhonov and Other Regularization Methods. 1161-1171 - Robert D. Skeel, David J. Hardy:
Practical Construction of Modified Hamiltonians. 1172-1188 - Giancarlo Benettin, Anna Maria Cherubini
, Francesco Fassò:
A Changing-Chart Symplectic Algorithm for Rigid Bodies and Other Hamiltonian Systems on Manifolds. 1189-1203 - Ricardo Cortez
The Method of Regularized Stokeslets. 1204-1225 - Paul Houston
, Endre Süli
hp-Adaptive Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Methods for First-Order Hyperbolic Problems. 1226-1252 - Lorenzo Pareschi
, Giovanni Russo
Time Relaxed Monte Carlo Methods for the Boltzmann Equation. 1253-1273 - Olga V. Ushakova
Conditions of Nondegeneracy of Three-Dimensional Cells. A Formula of a Volume of Cells. 1274-1290 - Howard C. Elman, Oliver G. Ernst
, Dianne P. O'Leary:
A Multigrid Method Enhanced by Krylov Subspace Iteration for Discrete Helmholtz Equations. 1291-1315 - Juan José García-Ripoll
, Víctor M. Pérez-García
Optimizing Schrödinger Functionals Using Sobolev Gradients: Applications to Quantum Mechanics and Nonlinear Optics. 1316-1334 - Richard E. Ewing, Oleg P. Iliev
, Raytcho D. Lazarov
A Modified Finite Volume Approximation of Second-Order Elliptic Equations with Discontinuous Coefficients. 1335-1351 - Yifan Hu, Jennifer A. Scott:
A Multilevel Algorithm for Wavefront Reduction. 1352-1375 - Nicholas I. M. Gould
, Mary E. Hribar, Jorge Nocedal:
On the Solution of Equality Constrained Quadratic Programming Problems Arising in Optimization. 1376-1395 - Oliver Bröker, Marcus J. Grote
, Carsten Mayer, Arnold Reusken:
Robust Parallel Smoothing for Multigrid Via Sparse Approximate Inverses. 1396-1417 - Hong Wang, Jiangguo Liu:
Development of CFL-Free, Explicit Schemes for Multidimensional Advection-Reaction Equations. 1418-1438
Volume 23, Number 5, 2002
- Thorsten Grahs, Andreas Meister, Thomas Sonar
Image Processing for Numerical Approximations of Conservation Laws: Nonlinear Anisotropic Artificial Dissipation. 1439-1455 - Songhe Song, Mao-Zhang Chen:
Third Order Accurate Large-Particle Finite Volume Method on Unstructured Triangular Meshes. 1456-1463 - Ahmed Khamayseh, Andrew P. Kuprat
Hybrid Curve Point Distribution Algorithms. 1464-1484 - M. J. Baines, Stephen J. Leary, Matthew E. Hubbard:
Multidimensional Least Squares Fluctuation Distribution Schemes with Adaptive Mesh Movement for Steady Hyperbolic Equations. 1485-1502 - Jörg Liesen, Miroslav Rozlozník
, Zdenek Strakos
Least Squares Residuals and Minimal Residual Methods. 1503-1525 - Anita T. Layton, Harold E. Layton:
A Semi-Lagrangian Semi-Implicit Numerical Method for Models of the Urine Concentrating Mechanism. 1526-1548 - Jon B. Cherrie, Richard K. Beatson, Garry N. Newsam
Fast Evaluation of Radial Basis Functions: Methods for Generalized Multiquadrics in Rn. 1549-1571 - Randolph E. Bank, R. Kent Smith:
An Algebraic Multilevel Multigraph Algorithm. 1572-1592 - Marián Slodicka:
A Robust and Efficient Linearization Scheme for Doubly Nonlinear and Degenerate Parabolic Problems Arising in Flow in Porous Media. 1593-1614 - W. H. Hui, S. Koudriakov:
Computation of the Shallow Water Equations Using the Unified Coordinates. 1615-1654 - Michael Griebel, Marc Alexander Schweitzer:
A Particle-Partition of Unity Method-Part II: Efficient Cover Construction and Reliable Integration. 1655-1682 - Maxim A. Olshanskii
, Arnold Reusken:
Navier-Stokes Equations in Rotation Form: A Robust Multigrid Solver for the Velocity Problem. 1683-1706 - Nail K. Yamaleev:
Optimal Two-Dimensional Finite Difference Grids Providing Superconvergence. 1707-1730 - Natasha Flyer, Paul N. Swarztrauber:
The Convergence of Spectral and Finite Difference Methods for Initial-Boundary Value Problems. 1731-1751 - Robert Scheichl
Decoupling Three-Dimensional Mixed Problems Using Divergence-Free Finite Elements. 1752-1776 - Lars Ferm, Per Lötstedt:
Adaptive Error Control for Steady State Solutions of Inviscid Flow. 1777-1798 - William W. Hager:
Minimizing the Profile of a Symmetric Matrix. 1799-1816
Volume 23, Number 6, 2002
- Randolph E. Bank, Peter K. Jimack
, Sarfraz Ahmad Nadeem, Sergey V. Nepomnyaschikh:
A Weakly Overlapping Domain Decomposition Preconditioner for the Finite Element Solution of Elliptic Partial Differential Equations. 1817-1841 - Marielba Rojas, Danny C. Sorensen:
A Trust-Region Approach to the Regularization of Large-Scale Discrete Forms of Ill-Posed Problems. 1842-1860 - John E. Tolsma, Paul I. Barton:
Hidden Discontinuities and Parametric Sensitivity Calculations. 1861-1874 - Valeria Simoncini, Federico Perotti:
On the Numerical Solution of (λ2 A + λ B + C), x = b and Application to Structural Dynamics. 1875-1897 - Christopher C. Paige, Zdenek Strakos
Residual and Backward Error Bounds in Minimum Residual Krylov Subspace Methods. 1898-1923 - S. S. Ravindran
Adaptive Reduced-Order Controllers for a Thermal Flow System Using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition. 1924-1942 - D. O. Gunter, Hans G. Kaper, Gary K. Leaf:
Implicit Integration of the Time-Dependent Ginzburg-Landau Equations of Superconductivity. 1943-1958 - Alfio Quarteroni
, Alessandro Veneziani, Paolo Zunino
A Domain Decomposition Method for Advection-Diffusion Processes with Application to Blood Solutes. 1959-1980 - John T. Betts, Neil Biehn, Stephen L. Campbell
Convergence of Nonconvergent IRK Discretizations of Optimal Control Problems with State Inequality Constraints. 1981-2007 - Andrew V. Knyazev
, Merico E. Argentati:
Principal Angles between Subspaces in an A-Based Scalar Product: Algorithms and Perturbation Estimates. 2008-2040 - Assyr Abdulle:
Fourth Order Chebyshev Methods with Recurrence Relation. 2041-2054 - Philippe Hoch, Michel Rascle:
Hamilton-Jacobi Equations on a Manifold and Applications to Grid Generation or Refinement. 2055-2073 - Arnold D. Kim, Miguel Moscoso
Chebyshev Spectral Methods for Radiative Transfer. 2074-2094 - Peter A. Forsyth, Kenneth R. Vetzal:
Quadratic Convergence for Valuing American Options Using a Penalty Method. 2095-2122 - Cédric Chauvière:
A New Method for Micro-Macro Simulations of Viscoelastic Flows. 2123-2140 - Ralf Hiptmair, Klaus Neymeyr
Multilevel Method for Mixed Eigenproblems. 2141-2164 - Andreas Stathopoulos
, Kesheng Wu
A Block Orthogonalization Procedure with Constant Synchronization Requirements. 2165-2182
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