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Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, Volume 17
Volume 17, Number 1, January 2005
- Annett Schirmer
, Siu-Lam Tang, Trevor B. Penney, Thomas C. Gunter, Hsuan-Chih Chen:
Brain Responses to Segmentally and Tonally Induced Semantic Violations in Cantonese. 1-12 - Michael F. Green, David C. Glahn, Stephen A. Engel, Keith H. Nuechterlein, Fred Sabb, Magda Strojwas, Mark S. Cohen
Regional Brain Activity Associated with Visual Backward Masking. 13-23 - Katherine Podzebenko, Gary F. Egan
, John D. G. Watson
Real and Imaginary Rotary Motion Processing: Functional Parcellation of the Human Parietal Lobe Revealed by fMRI. 24-36 - Radouane El Yagoubi, Patrick Lemaire, Mireille Besson:
Effects of Aging on Arithmetic Problem-Solving: An Event-related Brain Potential Study. 37-50 - Michael Joshua Frank:
Dynamic Dopamine Modulation in the Basal Ganglia: A Neurocomputational Account of Cognitive Deficits in Medicated and Nonmedicated Parkinsonism. 51-72 - Russell A. Epstein, J. Stephen Higgins, Sharon L. Thompson-Schill:
Learning Places from Views: Variation in Scene Processing as a Function of Experience and Navigational Ability. 73-83 - Angela H. Gutchess
, Robert C. Welsh, Trey Hedden, Ashley S. Bangert
, Meredith Minear, Linda L. Liu, Denise C. Park:
Aging and the Neural Correlates of Successful Picture Encoding: Frontal Activations Compensate for Decreased Medial-Temporal Activity. 84-96 - Floris P. de Lange
, Peter Hagoort, Ivan Toni:
Neural Topography and Content of Movement Representations. 97-112 - Bruno Weber
, Valerie Treyer
, N. Oberholzer, T. Jaermann, Peter Boesiger, P. Brugger, M. Regard, Alfred Buck, Silvia Savazzi
, Carlo A. Marzi
Attention and Interhemispheric Transfer: A Behavioral and fMRI Study. 113-123 - Scott Glover, R. Chris Miall
, Matthew F. S. Rushworth
Parietal rTMS Disrupts the Initiation but not the Execution of On-line Adjustments to a Perturbation of Object Size. 124-136 - Horacio A. Barber
, Manuel Carreiras
Grammatical Gender and Number Agreement in Spanish: An ERP Comparison. 137-153 - Frédéric Isel, Kai Alter
, Angela D. Friederici:
Influence of Prosodic Information on the Processing of Split Particles: ERP Evidence from Spoken German. 154-167 - Donna Coch
, Giordana Grossi, Wendy Skendzel, Helen J. Neville:
ERP Nonword Rhyming Effects in Children and Adults. 168-182
Volume 17, Number 2, February 2005
- Motoaki Sugiura, Nadim Joni Shah
, Karl Zilles
, Gereon R. Fink
Cortical Representations of Personally Familiar Objects and Places: Functional Organization of the Human Posterior Cingulate Cortex. 183-198 - Markus Kiefer:
Repetition-priming Modulates Category-related Effects on Event-related Potentials: Further Evidence for Multiple Cortical Semantic Systems. 199-211 - Pier Francesco Ferrari, Stefano Rozzi
, Leonardo Fogassi
Mirror Neurons Responding to Observation of Actions Made with Tools in Monkey Ventral Premotor Cortex. 212-226 - Anke Hammer, Bernadette M. Jansma
, Monique Lamers, Thomas F. Münte:
Pronominal Reference in Sentences about Persons or Things: An Electrophysiological Approach. 227-239 - Anna-Lynne R. Adlam
, Faraneh Vargha-Khadem
, Mortimer Mishkin, Michelle de Haan:
Deferred Imitation of Action Sequences in Developmental Amnesia. 240-248 - Brad Duchaine, Ken Nakayama:
Dissociations of Face and Object Recognition in Developmental Prosopagnosia. 249-261 - Scott H. Frey, Margaret G. Funnell, Valerie E. Gerry, Michael S. Gazzaniga:
A Dissociation between the Representation of Tool-use Skills and Hand Dominance: Insights from Left- and Right-handed Callosotomy Patients. 262-272 - Marco Tettamanti
, Giovanni Buccino
, Maria Cristina Saccuman, Vittorio Gallese
, Massimo Danna, Paola Scifo, Ferruccio Fazio, Giacomo Rizzolatti, Stefano F. Cappa
, Daniela Perani:
Listening to Action-related Sentences Activates Fronto-parietal Motor Circuits. 273-281 - Bernhard Haslinger, Peter Erhard, Eckart Altenmüller, Ulrike Schroeder, Henning Boecker
, Andres O. Ceballos-Baumann:
Transmodal Sensorimotor Networks during Action Observation in Professional Pianists. 282-293 - Gustavo Deco, Edmund T. Rolls
Sequential Memory: A Putative Neural and Synaptic Dynamical Mechanism. 294-307 - Elizabeth H. Aylward, J. E. Park, K. M. Field, A. C. Parsons, Todd L. Richards, Steven C. Cramer, Andrew N. Meltzoff
Brain Activation during Face Perception: Evidence of a Developmental Change. 308-319 - István Winkler, István Czigler, Elyse Sussman, János Horváth, László Balázs:
Preattentive Binding of Auditory and Visual Stimulus Features. 320-339 - Sabira K. Mannan, Dominic J. Mort, Tim L. Hodgson, Jon Driver, Christopher Kennard, Masud Husain
Revisiting Previously Searched Locations in Visual Neglect: Role of Right Parietal and Frontal Lesions in Misjudging Old Locations as New. 340-354 - Harald Matthias Mohr, David E. J. Linden:
Separation of the Systems for Color and Spatial Manipulation in Working Memory Revealed by a Dual-task Procedure. 355-366
Volume 17, Number 3, March 2005
- Katharina von Kriegstein
, Andreas Kleinschmidt
, Philipp Sterzer
, Anne-Lise Giraud:
Interaction of Face and Voice Areas during Speaker Recognition. 367-376 - Nick E. Barraclough
, Dengke Xiao, Chris I. Baker
, Mike W. Oram, David I. Perrett
Integration of Visual and Auditory Information by Superior Temporal Sulcus Neurons Responsive to the Sight of Actions. 377-391 - Bruce Crosson, Anna Bacon Moore, Kaundinya S. Gopinath, Keith D. White
, Christina E. Wierenga, Megan E. Gaiefsky, Katherine S. Fabrizio, Kyung K. Peck, David A. Soltysik
, Christina Milsted, Richard W. Briggs, Tim W. Conway, Leslie Gonzalez-Rothi:
Role of the Right and Left Hemispheres in Recovery of Function during Treatment of Intention in Aphasia. 392-406 - Ann Pannekamp, Ulrike Toepel
, Kai Alter
, Anja Hahne
, Angela D. Friederici:
Prosody-driven Sentence Processing: An Event-related Brain Potential Study. 407-421 - Antoni Rodríguez-Fornells
, Arie H. van der Lugt, Michael Rotte, Belinda Britti, Hans-Jochen Heinze, Thomas F. Münte:
Second Language Interferes with Word Production in Fluent Bilinguals: Brain Potential and Functional Imaging Evidence. 422-433 - Timothy T. Rogers, Julia Hocking
, Andrea Mechelli, Karalyn Patterson, Cathy J. Price:
Fusiform Activation to Animals is Driven by the Process, Not the Stimulus. 434-445 - R. Shayna Rosenbaum, Fuqiang Gao, Brian Richards, Sandra E. Black
, Morris Moscovitch:
"Where to?" Remote Memory for Spatial Relations and Landmark Identity in Former Taxi Drivers with Alzheimer's Disease and Encephalitis. 446-462 - Michel Guerraz
, Brian L. Day:
Expectation and the Vestibular Control of Balance. 463-469 - M. N. Rajah, Anthony Randal McIntosh
Overlap in the Functional Neural Systems Involved in Semantic and Episodic Memory Retrieval. 470-482 - Peter Praamstra, Ellen Seiss:
The Neurophysiology of Response Competition: Motor Cortex Activation and Inhibition following Subliminal Response Priming. 483-493 - Seana Coulson
, Ying Choon Wu:
Right Hemisphere Activation of Joke-related Information: An Event-related Brain Potential Study. 494-506 - Adam Gazzaley, Jeffrey W. Cooney
, Kevin McEvoy, Robert T. Knight, Mark D'Esposito
Top-down Enhancement and Suppression of the Magnitude and Speed of Neural Activity. 507-517 - Emiliana R. Simon-Thomas, Kemi O. Role, Robert T. Knight:
Behavioral and Electrophysiological Evidence of a Right Hemisphere Bias for the Influence of Negative Emotion on Higher Cognition. 518-529 - Marcel C. M. Bastiaansen
, Marieke van der Linden, Mariken ter Keurs, Ton Dijkstra, Peter Hagoort:
Theta Responses Are Involved in Lexical - Semantic Retrieval during Language Processing. 530-541
Volume 17, Number 4, April 2005
- John Schwoebel
, H. Branch Coslett:
Evidence for Multiple, Distinct Representations of the Human Body. 543-553 - Marlene Behrmann
, Jonathan J. Marotta
, Isabel Gauthier
, Michael J. Tarr, Thomas J. McKeeff:
Behavioral Change and Its Neural Correlates in Visual Agnosia After Expertise Training. 554-568 - Anthony M. Norcia, Francesca Pei, Yoram S. Bonneh
, Chuan Hou, Vanitha Sampath, Mark W. Pettet:
Development of Sensitivity to Texture and Contour Information in the Human Infant. 569-579 - Alice J. O'Toole
, Fang Jiang, Hervé Abdi
, James V. Haxby:
Partially Distributed Representations of Objects and Faces in Ventral Temporal Cortex. 580-590 - Gaia Scerif, Annette Karmiloff-Smith, Ruth Campos
, Mayada Elsabbagh
, Jon Driver, Kim Cornish
To Look or Not to Look? Typical and Atypical Development of Oculomotor Control. 591-604 - Donna Coch
, Lisa D. Sanders
, Helen J. Neville:
An Event-related Potential Study of Selective Auditory Attention in Children and Adults. 605-622 - Jennifer Merva Stedron, Sarah Devi Sahni, Yuko Munakata
Common Mechanisms for Working Memory and Attention: The Case of Perseveration with Visible Solutions. 623-631 - Marc Himmelbach
, Hans-Otto Karnath:
Dorsal and Ventral Stream Interaction: Contributions from Optic Ataxia. 632-640 - Rhodri Cusack
The Intraparietal Sulcus and Perceptual Organization. 641-651 - Amélie M. Achim
, Martin D. Lepage:
Neural Correlates of Memory for Items and for Associations: An Event-related Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study. 652-667 - Joost C. Dessing, C. (Lieke) E. Peper, Daniel Bullock, Peter Jan Beek
How Position, Velocity, and Temporal Information Combine in the Prospective Control of Catching: Data and Model. 668-686 - Abigail A. Baird, Mary K. Colvin, John Darrell Van Horn, Souheil J. Inati
, Michael S. Gazzaniga:
Functional Connectivity: Integrating Behavioral, Diffusion Tensor Imaging, and Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data Sets. 687-693 - Daniele Schön
, Mireille Besson:
Visually Induced Auditory Expectancy in Music Reading: A Behavioral and Electrophysiological Study. 694-705
Volume 17, Number 5, May 2005
- W. Todd Maddox, Paul Aparicio, Natalie L. Marchant
, Richard B. Ivry:
Rule-Based Category Learning is Impaired in Patients with Parkinson's Disease but not in Patients with Cerebellar Disorders. 707-723 - Evelyn C. Ferstl
, Mike Rinck, D. Yves von Cramon:
Emotional and Temporal Aspects of Situation Model Processing during Text Comprehension: An Event-Related fMRI Study. 724-739 - Cyrille Magne, Corine Astésano, Anne Lacheret-Dujour, Michel Morel, Kai Alter
, Mireille Besson:
On-line Processing of "Pop-Out" Words in Spoken French Dialogues. 740-756 - Carrie A. Joyce, Marta Kutas:
Event-Related Potential Correlates of Long-Term Memory for Briefly Presented Faces. 757-767 - María Ruz
, Michael S. Worden, Pío Tudela, Bruce D. McCandliss:
Inattentional Amnesia to Words in a High Attentional Load Task. 768-776 - Jane E. Herron
, Edward L. Wilding
An Electrophysiological Investigation of Factors Facilitating Strategic Recollection. 777-787 - Radek Ptak
, Nathalie Valenza:
The Inferior Temporal Lobe Mediates Distracter-Resistant Visual Search of Patients with Spatial Neglect. 788-799 - Jason P. Mitchell, Chad S. Dodson
, Daniel L. Schacter
fMRI Evidence for the Role of Recollection in Suppressing Misattribution Errors: The Illusory Truth Effect. 800-810 - Claude Alain, Karen Reinke, Yu He, Chenghua Wang, Nancy J. Lobaugh:
Hearing Two Things at Once: Neurophysiological Indices of Speech Segregation and Identification. 811-818 - Stephen R. Arnott, Cheryl L. Grady, Stephanie J. Hevenor, Simon J. Graham, Claude Alain:
The Functional Organization of Auditory Working Memory as Revealed by fMRI. 819-831 - David M. Schnyer
, Lindsay Nicholls, Mieke Verfaellie
The Role of VMPC in Metamemorial Judgments of Content Retrievability. 832-846
Volume 17, Number 6, June 2005
- Anjan Chatterjee:
A Madness to the Methods in Cognitive Neuroscience? 847-849 - Lesley K. Fellows
, Andrea S. Heberlein, Dawn A. Morales, Geeta Shivde, Sara Waller, Denise H. Wu:
Method Matters: An Empirical Study of Impact in Cognitive Neuroscience. 850-858 - Árni Kristjánsson, Patrik Vuilleumier
, Paresh Malhotra
, Masud Husain
, Jon Driver:
Priming of Color and Position during Visual Search in Unilateral Spatial Neglect. 859-873 - Raffael Kalisch, Katja Wiech, Hugo D. Critchley
, Ben Seymour
, John P. O'Doherty, David A. Oakley, Philip Allen, Raymond J. Dolan
Anxiety Reduction through Detachment: Subjective, Physiological, and Neural Effects. 874-883 - Friedemann Pulvermüller
, Yury Shtyrov
, Risto J. Ilmoniemi
Brain Signatures of Meaning Access in Action Word Recognition. 884-892 - Ioan Opris, Andrei Barborica
, Vincent P. Ferrera
Microstimulation of the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex Biases Saccade Target Selection. 893-904 - Jeffrey R. Binder
, Chris F. Westbury, Kristen A. McKiernan, Edward T. Possing, David A. Medler:
Distinct Brain Systems for Processing Concrete and Abstract Concepts. 905-917 - Michael Rose
, Hilde Haider, Christian Büchel:
Unconscious Detection of Implicit Expectancies. 918-927 - Lisa Aziz-Zadeh, Luigi Cattaneo
, Magali Rochat
, Giacomo Rizzolatti:
Covert Speech Arrest Induced by rTMS over Both Motor and Nonmotor Left Hemisphere Frontal Sites. 928-938 - Deborah Ann Hall
, Clayton Fussell, Quentin Summerfield:
Reading Fluent Speech from Talking Faces: Typical Brain Networks and Individual Differences. 939-953 - Kimihiro Nakamura, Stanislas Dehaene, Antoinette Jobert, Denis Le Bihan, Sid Kouider:
Subliminal Convergence of Kanji and Kana Words: Further Evidence for Functional Parcellation of the Posterior Temporal Cortex in Visual Word Perception. 954-968 - Kim M. Dalton, Ned H. Kalin
, Thomas M. Grist
, Richard J. Davidson
Neural-Cardiac Coupling in Threat-Evoked Anxiety. 969-980
Volume 17, Number 7, July 2005
- Ardesheer Talati, Joy Hirsch
Functional Specialization within the Medial Frontal Gyrus for Perceptual Go/No-Go Decisions Based on "What, " "When, " and "Where" Related Information: An fMRI Study. 981-993 - Charan Ranganath, Michael X. Cohen, Craig J. Brozinsky:
Working Memory Maintenance Contributes to Long-term Memory Formation: Neural and Behavioral Evidence. 994-1010 - Ari Zvi Zivotofsky, Michael E. Goldberg, Keith D. Powell:
Rhesus Monkeys Behave As If They Perceive the Duncker Illusion. 1011-1017 - Cindy M. de Frias, Kristina Annerbrink, Lars Westberg, Elias Eriksson, Rolf Adolfsson
, Lars-Göran Nilsson:
Catechol O-Methyltransferase Val158Met Polymorphism is Associated with Cognitive Performance in Nondemented Adults. 1018-1025 - Agatha Lenartowicz
, Anthony Randal McIntosh
The Role of Anterior Cingulate Cortex in Working Memory is Shaped by Functional Connectivity. 1026-1042 - Gilles Pourtois
, Sophie Schwartz, Mohamed L. Seghier
, François Lazeyras, Patrik Vuilleumier
Portraits or People? Distinct Representations of Face Identity in the Human Visual Cortex. 1043-1057 - Richard N. A. Henson, Michael Hornberger
, Michael D. Rugg:
Further Dissociating the Processes Involved in Recognition Memory: An fMRI Study. 1058-1073 - Michele Miozzo, Peter Gordon:
Facts, Events, and Inflection: When Language and Memory Dissociate. 1074-1086 - C. E. Longworth, William D. Marslen-Wilson
, Billi Randall, Lorraine K. Tyler
Getting to the Meaning of the Regular Past Tense: Evidence from Neuropsychology. 1087-1097 - Durk Talsma
, Marty G. Woldorff
Selective Attention and Multisensory Integration: MultiplePhases of Effects on the Evoked Brain Activity. 1098-1114 - Michael E. Hasselmo
A Model of Prefrontal Cortical Mechanisms for Goal-directed Behavior. 1115-1129 - Marlene Behrmann
, Galia Avidan
, Jonathan J. Marotta
, Rutie Kimchi:
Detailed Exploration of Face-related Processing in Congenital Prosopagnosia: 1. Behavioral Findings. 1130-1149 - Galia Avidan
, Uri Hasson
, Rafael Malach, Marlene Behrmann
Detailed Exploration of Face-related Processing in Congenital Prosopagnosia: 2. Functional Neuroimaging Findings. 1150-1167 - Valerie L. Shafer
, Mara L. Morr, Hia Datta, Diane Kurtzberg, Richard G. Schwartz:
Neurophysiological Indexes of Speech Processing Deficits in Children with Specific Language Impairment. 1168-1180
Volume 17, Number 8, August 2005
- Andrew E. Budson, Daniel B. J. Droller, Chad S. Dodson
, Daniel L. Schacter
, Michael D. Rugg, Phillip J. Holcomb, Kirk R. Daffner:
Electrophysiological Dissociation of Picture Versus Word Encoding: The Distinctiveness Heuristic as a Retrieval Orientation. 1181-1193 - Mark Mennemeier, Christopher A. Pierce
, Anjan Chatterjee, Britt Anderson, George Jewell, Rachael Dowler, Adam J. Woods
, Tannahill Glen, Victor W. Mark:
Biases in Attentional Orientation and Magnitude Estimation Explain Crossover: Neglect is a Disorder of Both. 1194-1211 - Shiro Ojima
, Hiroki Nakata, Ryusuke Kakigi:
An ERP Study of Second Language Learning after Childhood: Effects of Proficiency. 1212-1228 - Jutta L. Mueller
, Anja Hahne
, Yugo Fujii, Angela D. Friederici:
Native and Nonnative Speakers' Processing of a Miniature Version of Japanese as Revealed by ERPs. 1229-1244 - Patrik Vuilleumier
, Sophie Schwartz, Stéphanie Duhoux, Raymond J. Dolan
, Jon Driver:
Selective Attention Modulates Neural Substrates of Repetition Priming and "Implicit" Visual Memory: Suppressions and Enhancements Revealed by fMRI. 1245-1260 - John R. Anderson, Mark V. Albert, Jon M. Fincham:
Tracing Problem Solving in Real Time: fMRI Analysis of the Subject-paced Tower of Hanoi. 1261-1274 - Fatima T. Husain, Thomas P. Lozito, Antonio Ulloa
, Barry Horwitz:
Investigating the Neural Basis of the Auditory Continuity Illusion. 1275-1292 - Daniel Tranel
, Thomas J. Grabowski, Jill Lyon, Hanna Damasio:
Naming the Same Entities from Visual or from Auditory Stimulation Engages Similar Regions of Left Inferotemporal Cortices. 1293-1305 - Jason P. Mitchell, Mahzarin R. Banaji, C. Neil Macrae:
The Link between Social Cognition and Self-referential Thought in the Medial Prefrontal Cortex. 1306-1315 - Marianne Latinus
, Margot J. Taylor:
Holistic Processing of Faces: Learning Effects with Mooney Faces. 1316-1327 - Teodora Gliga
, Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz
Structural Encoding of Body and Face in Human Infants and Adults. 1328-1340 - Joseph B. Hopfinger, Anthony J. Ries:
Automatic Versus Contingent Mechanisms of Sensory-Driven Neural Biasing and Reflexive Attention. 1341-1352
Volume 17, Number 9, September 2005
- Sheila E. Blumstein, Emily B. Myers, Jesse Rissman
The Perception of Voice Onset Time: An fMRI Investigation of Phonetic Category Structure. 1353-1366 - Marcel Brass
, Markus Ullsperger
, Thomas R. Knösche, D. Yves von Cramon, Natalie A. Phillips:
Who Comes First? The Role of the Prefrontal and Parietal Cortex in Cognitive Control. 1367-1375 - Yasuyo Minagawa-Kawai, Koichi Mori, Yutaka Sato:
Different Brain Strategies Underlie the Categorical Perception of Foreign and Native Phonemes. 1376-1385 - Jeffrey S. Maxwell, Alexander J. Shackman
, Richard J. Davidson
Unattended Facial Expressions Asymmetrically Bias the Concurrent Processing of Nonemotional Information. 1386-1395 - Wolfgang A. Teder-Sälejärvi, Francesco Di Russo
, John J. McDonald, Steven A. Hillyard:
Effects of Spatial Congruity on Audio-Visual Multimodal Integration. 1396-1409 - W. Philip Shaw, Jessica Bramham
, Emma J. Lawrence, R. Morris, Simon Baron-Cohen
, Anthony S. David
Differential Effects of Lesions of the Amygdala and Prefrontal Cortex on Recognizing Facial Expressions of Complex Emotions. 1410-1419 - Raffaella Ida Rumiati, Peter H. Weiss
, Alessia Tessari
, Ann Assmus, Karl Zilles
, Hans Herzog, Gereon R. Fink
Common and Differential Neural Mechanisms Supporting Imitation of Meaningful and Meaningless Actions. 1420-1431 - Michael E. Talkowski
, Mark S. Redfern, J. Richard Jennings, Joseph M. Furman:
Cognitive Requirements for Vestibular and Ocular Motor Processing in Healthy Adults and Patients with Unilateral Vestibular Lesions. 1432-1441 - Francesca Frassinetti
, Nadia Bolognini
, Davide Bottari
, Annalisa Bonora, Elisabetta Làdavas
Audiovisual Integration in Patients with Visual Deficit. 1442-1452 - Keith R. Laws
, Giuseppe Sartori
Category Deficits and Paradoxical Dissociations in Alzheimer's Disease and Herpes Simplex Encephalitis. 1453-1459 - Sophie Vangheluwe, Nicole Wenderoth, Stephan P. Swinnen
Learning and Transfer of an Ipsilateral Coordination Task: Evidence for a Dual-layer Movement Representation. 1460-1470 - Gordon W. Gifford III, Katherine A. MacLean, Marc D. Hauser, Yale E. Cohen:
The Neurophysiology of Functionally Meaningful Categories: Macaque Ventrolateral Prefrontal Cortex Plays a Critical Role in Spontaneous Categorization of Species-Specific Vocalizations. 1471-1482 - Stefan Everling
, Joseph F. X. DeSouza
Rule-dependent Activity for Prosaccades and Antisaccades in the Primate Prefrontal Cortex. 1483-1496
Volume 17, Number 10, October 2005
- Olivia L. Carter
, David C. Burr
, John D. Pettigrew, Guy M. Wallis
, Felix Hasler, Franz X. Vollenweider:
Using Psilocybin to Investigate the Relationship between Attention, Working Memory, and the Serotonin 1A and 2A Receptors. 1497-1508 - Hiroto Kawasaki
, Ralph Adolphs, Hiroyuki Oya
, Christopher K. Kovach
, Hanna Damasio, Olaf Kaufman, Matthew A. Howard III
Analysis of Single-Unit Responses to Emotional Scenes in Human Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex. 1509-1518 - Kerstin Sander, Henning Scheich:
Left Auditory Cortex and Amygdala, but Right Insula Dominance for Human Laughing and Crying. 1519-1531 - Urs Maurer
, Silvia Brem
, Kerstin Bucher, Daniel Brandeis:
Emerging Neurophysiological Specialization for Letter Strings. 1532-1552 - Marianne Maertens, Stefan Pollmann
fMRI Reveals a Common Neural Substrate of Illusory and Real Contours in V1 after Perceptual Learning. 1553-1564 - Stefan Koelsch, Thomas C. Gunter, Matthias Wittfoth, Daniela Sammler
Interaction between Syntax Processing in Language and in Music: An ERP Study. 1565-1577 - Takako Fujioka
, Laurel J. Trainor
, Bernhard Ross
, Ryusuke Kakigi, Christo Pantev:
Automatic Encoding of Polyphonic Melodies in Musicians and Nonmusicians. 1578-1592 - Kerrie E. Elston-Güttler, Silke Paulmann
, Sonja A. Kotz:
Who's in Control? Proficiency and L1 Influence on L2 Processing. 1593-1610 - Pamela M. Greenwood, John A. Fossella, Raja Parasuraman:
Specificity of the Effect of a Nicotinic Receptor Polymorphism on Individual Differences in Visuospatial Attention. 1611-1620 - Ione Fine
, Eva M. Finney, Geoffrey M. Boynton, Karen R. Dobkins:
Comparing the Effects of Auditory Deprivation and Sign Language within the Auditory and Visual Cortex. 1621-1637 - Francesca Figliozzi, Paola Guariglia, Massimo Silvetti
, Isabelle A. Siegler
, Fabrizio Doricchi:
Effects of Vestibular Rotatory Accelerations on Covert Attentional Orienting in Vision and Touch. 1638-1651 - Roberto Caldara
, Philippe G. Schyns
, Eugéne Mayer, Marie L. Smith, Frédéric Gosselin, Bruno Rossion
Does Prosopagnosia Take the Eyes Out of Face Representations? Evidence for a Defect in Representing Diagnostic Facial Information following Brain Damage. 1652-1666 - Regine Oberecker, Manuela Friedrich, Angela D. Friederici:
Neural Correlates of Syntactic Processing in Two-Year-Olds. 1667-1678
Volume 17, Number 11, November 2005
- Bradley R. Postle:
Delay-period Activity in the Prefrontal Cortex: One Function Is Sensory Gating. 1679-1690 - Aurélie Bidet-Caulet, Olivier Bertrand
Dynamics of a Temporo-Fronto-Parietal Network during Sustained Spatial or Spectral Auditory Processing. 1691-1703 - Thomas Jacobsen
, Erich Schröger
, István Winkler
, János Horváth
Familiarity Affects the Processing of Task-irrelevant Auditory Deviance. 1704-1713 - Jillian H. Fecteau, Douglas P. Munoz:
Correlates of Capture of Attention and Inhibition of Return across Stages of Visual Processing. 1714-1727 - F. Gregory Ashby, Shawn W. Ell, Vivian V. Valentin, Michael B. Casale:
FROST: A Distributed Neurocomputational Model of Working Memory Maintenance. 1728-1743 - James P. Morris, Kevin A. Pelphrey, Gregory McCarthy:
Regional Brain Activation Evoked When Approaching a Virtual Human on a Virtual Walk. 1744-1752 - Andrea Mechelli, Jennifer T. Crinion
, Steven Long, Karl J. Friston
, Matthew A. Lambon Ralph
, Karalyn Patterson, James L. McClelland, Cathy J. Price:
Dissociating Reading Processes on the Basis of Neuronal Interactions. 1753-1765 - Roi Cohen Kadosh
, Noam Sagiv
, David E. J. Linden, Lynn C. Robertson, Gali Elinger, Avishai Henik
When Blue is Larger than Red: Colors Influence Numerical Cognition in Synesthesia. 1766-1773 - Tobias Egner
, Joy Hirsch
Where Memory Meets Attention: Neural Substrates of Negative Priming. 1774-1784 - Manuela Friedrich, Angela D. Friederici:
Phonotactic Knowledge and Lexical-Semantic Processing in One-year-olds: Brain Responses to Words and Nonsense Words in Picture Contexts. 1785-1802 - Manuel Carreiras
, Marta Vergara
, Horacio A. Barber
Early Event-related Potential Effects of Syllabic Processing during Visual Word Recognition. 1803-1817
Volume 17, Number 12, December 2005
- Gunes Yucel, Christopher Petty, Gregory McCarthy, Aysenil Belger
Graded Visual Attention Modulates Brain Responses Evoked by Task-irrelevant Auditory Pitch Changes. 1819-1828 - Rob H. J. van der Lubbe
, Rutger O. Vogel, Albert Postma:
Different Effects of Exogenous Cues in a Visual Detection and Discrimination Task: Delayed Attention Withdrawal and/or Speeded Motor Inhibition? 1829-1840 - Brenda A. Kirchhoff, Melissa L. Schapiro, Randy L. Buckner:
Orthographic Distinctiveness and Semantic Elaboration Provide Separate Contributions to Memory. 1841-1854 - Joseph W. Kable, Irene P. Kan
, Ashley Wilson, Sharon L. Thompson-Schill, Anjan Chatterjee:
Conceptual Representations of Action in the Lateral Temporal Cortex. 1855-1870 - Thalia Wheatley, Jill Weisberg
, Michael S. Beauchamp
, Alex Martin:
Automatic Priming of Semantically Related Words Reduces Activity in the Fusiform Gyrus. 1871-1885 - Mathias Pessiglione, Virginie Czernecki, Bernard Pillon, Bruno Dubois, Michael Schüpbach
, Yves Agid, Léon Tremblay:
An Effect of Dopamine Depletion on Decision-making: The Temporal Coupling of Deliberation and Execution. 1886-1896 - Sterling C. Johnson
, Taylor W. Schmitz
, Tisha N. Kawahara-Baccus, Howard A. Rowley, Andrew L. Alexander, Jonghoon Lee, Richard J. Davidson
The Cerebral Response during Subjective Choice with and without Self-reference. 1897-1906 - Edward K. Vogel, Geoffrey F. Woodman, Steven J. Luck:
Pushing around the Locus of Selection: Evidence for the Flexible-selection Hypothesis. 1907-1922 - Melina R. Uncapher, Michael D. Rugg:
Effects of Divided Attention on fMRI Correlates of Memory Encoding. 1923-1935 - Todd C. Handy
, Wayne Khoe:
Attention and Sensory Gain Control: A Peripheral Visual Process? 1936-1949 - P. V. Rekkas, R. Todd Constable:
Evidence That Autobiographic Memory Retrieval Does Not Become Independent of the Hippocampus: An fMRI Study Contrasting Very Recent with Remote Events. 1950-1961 - Hiromitsu Tabata, Ken-ichiro Miura, Kenji Kawano:
Anticipatory Gain Modulation in Preparation for Smooth Pursuit Eye Movements. 1962-1968 - Chie Nakatani
, Junji Ito
, Andrey R. Nikolaev
, Pulin Gong
, Cees van Leeuwen
Phase Synchronization Analysis of EEG during Attentional Blink. 1969-1979
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