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CoRR, October 2006
- Daisuke Okanohara, Kunihiko Sadakane:
Practical Entropy-Compressed Rank/Select Dictionary. - S. Aogaki, I. Moritani, T. Sugai, F. Takeutchi, F. M. Toyama:
Conditional Expressions for Blind Deconvolution: Derivative form. - Ittai Abraham, Yair Bartal, Ofer Neiman:
Embedding Metrics into Ultrametrics and Graphs into Spanning Trees with Constant Average Distortion. - Gérard Becher, Patrice Enjalbert, Estelle Fievé, Laurent Gosselin, François Lévy, Gérard Ligozat:
Rapport technique du projet OGRE. - Ran Ren:
Domain Wall Displacement Detection Technology Research Report. - Adrian Paschke:
A Typed Hybrid Description Logic Programming Language with Polymorphic Order-Sorted DL-Typed Unification for Semantic Web Type Systems. - Günther Eichhorn, Alberto Accomazzi, Carolyn Stern-Grant, Edwin A. Henneken, Donna M. Thompson, Michael J. Kurtz
, Stephen S. Murray:
Full Text Searching in the Astrophysics Data System. - Günther Eichhorn, Alberto Accomazzi, Carolyn Stern-Grant, Edwin A. Henneken, Donna M. Thompson, Michael J. Kurtz
, Stephen S. Murray:
Connectivity in the Astronomy Digital Library. - Pascal Koiran, Sylvain Perifel:
VPSPACE and a Transfer Theorem over the Reals. - Daniel Lemire, Owen Kaser:
One-Pass, One-Hash n-Gram Statistics Estimation. - Alberto Accomazzi, Günther Eichhorn, Michael J. Kurtz
, Carolyn Stern-Grant, Edwin A. Henneken, Markus Demleitner, Donna M. Thompson, Elizabeth Bohlen, Stephen S. Murray:
Creation and use of Citations in the ADS. - N. Rajesh Pillai, Yogesh Kumar:
On Shift Sequences for Interleaved Construction of Sequence Sets with Low Correlation. - Khaled Gaaloul, François Charoy, Claude Godart:
Cooperative Processes for Scientific Workflows. - Max Tuengerthal, Ralf Küsters, Mathieu Turuani:
Implementing a Unification Algorithm for Protocol Analysis with XOR. - Farid Nouioua:
Why did the accident happen? A norm-based reasoning approach. - Farid Nouioua:
Norm Based Causal Reasoning in Textual Corpus. - Maruti Satti:
A Quasigroup Based Cryptographic System. - Farid Nouioua:
Raisonnement stratifié à base de normes pour inférer les causes dans un corpus textuel. - Juan J. Samper, Pedro A. Castillo, Lourdes Araujo, Juan Julián Merelo Guervós:
NectaRSS, an RSS feed ranking system that implicitly learns user preferences. - William F. Gilreath:
XString: XML as a String. - Amir Bennatan, David Burshtein:
On the Fading Paper Achievable Region of the Fading MIMO Broadcast Channel. - Venkatesan Guruswami:
Iterative Decoding of Low-Density Parity Check Codes (A Survey). - Farid Nouioua, Daniel Kayser:
Une expérience de sémantique inférentielle. - Belynda Brahimi, Christophe Aubrun, Eric Rondeau:
Network calculus based FDI approach for switched Ethernet architecture. - M. Anand, P. Vijay Kumar:
Low Correlation Sequences over QAM and AM-PSK Constellations. - Leah Epstein, Rob van Stee:
Covering selfish machines. - Stéphane Demri, Ranko Lazic:
LTL with the Freeze Quantifier and Register Automata. - Olivier Zendra:
Memory and compiler optimizations for low-power and -energy. - Carolyn Stern-Grant, Alberto Accomazzi, Donna M. Thompson, Edwin A. Henneken, Günther Eichhorn, Michael J. Kurtz, Stephen S. Murray:
Data in the ADS -- Understanding How to Use it Better. - Donna M. Thompson, Alberto Accomazzi, Günther Eichhorn, Carolyn Stern-Grant, Edwin A. Henneken, Michael J. Kurtz, Elizabeth Bohlen, Stephen S. Murray:
Paper to Screen: Processing Historical Scans in the ADS. - Simeon Warner, Jeroen Bekaert, Carl Lagoze, Xiaoming Liu, Sandy Payette, Herbert Van de Sompel:
Pathways: Augmenting interoperability across scholarly repositories. - (Withdrawn) Pipelined Feed-Forward Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) Calculation.
- Marco Cuturi, Jean-Philippe Vert, Øystein Birkenes, Tomoko Matsui:
A kernel for time series based on global alignments. - (Withdrawn) Postinal Determinacy of Games with Infinitely Many Priorities.
- Erich Grädel, Igor Walukiewicz:
Positional Determinacy of Games with Infinitely Many Priorities. - Koji Nuida, Manabu Hagiwara, Hajime Watanabe, Hideki Imai:
Optimal probabilistic fingerprinting codes using optimal finite random variables related to numerical quadrature. - Nan Liu, Sennur Ulukus:
The Capacity Region of a Class of Discrete Degraded Interference Channels. - Hannes Hutzelmeyer:
Church's thesis is questioned by new calculation paradigm. - Neil Rubens:
The Application of Fuzzy Logic to the Construction of the Ranking Function of Information Retrieval Systems. - Yun Deng, Tony T. Lee:
Crosstalk-free Conjugate Networks for Optical Multicast Switching. - Jérémy Fix, Julien Vitay, Nicolas P. Rougier:
A Computational Model of Spatial Memory Anticipation during Visual Search. - Sergey Gubin:
A Polynomial Time Algorithm for The Traveling Salesman Problem. - Zengyou He:
Farthest-Point Heuristic based Initialization Methods for K-Modes Clustering. - Thierry Turletti, Yongho Seok:
Mécanismes de Transmission Multipoint pour Réseaux Locaux Sans Fil IEEE 802.11. - Reza Rashidi Far, Tamer Oraby, Wlodzimierz Bryc, Roland Speicher:
Spectra of large block matrices. - Daniel Lemire:
Streaming Maximum-Minimum Filter Using No More than Three Comparisons per Element. - Haim H. Permuter
, Paul Cuff, Benjamin Van Roy, Tsachy Weissman:
Capacity of the Trapdoor Channel with Feedback. - Nathan Keller, Stephen D. Miller, Ilya Mironov, Ramarathnam Venkatesan:
MV3: A new word based stream cipher using rapid mixing and revolving buffers. - Edgar Morin:
Restricted Complexity, General Complexity. - Tony T. Lee:
The Mathematical Parallels Between Packet Switching and Information Transmission. - Mohab Safey El Din, Philippe Trebuchet:
Strong bi-homogeneous Bézout theorem and its use in effective real algebraic geometry. - Chih-Chun Wang, Sanjeev R. Kulkarni, H. Vincent Poor:
Finite-Dimensional Bounds on Zm and Binary LDPC Codes with Belief Propagation Decoders. - Henryk Gzyl, Enrique ter Horst, Samuel Malone:
Towards a Bayesian framework for option pricing. - Nachum Dershowitz, Mitchell A. Harris, Guan-Shieng Huang:
Enumeration Problems Related to Ground Horn Theories. - Yves Bertot:
Extending the Calculus of Constructions with Tarski's fix-point theorem. - Philipp Mayr:
Constructing experimental indicators for Open Access documents. - Pierre Loidreau:
Properties of codes in rank metric. - Alexander V. Smirnov, Tatiana Levashova, Mikhail Pashkin, Nikolay Shilov, Andrew Krizhanovsky, Alexey M. Kashevnik, A. S. Komarova:
Context-sensitive access to e-document corpus. - Claire Jonchery, Françoise Dibos, Georges Koepfler:
Camera motion estimation through planar deformation determination. - Mark Levene, Judit Bar-Ilan:
Comparing Typical Opening Move Choices Made by Humans and Chess Engines. - Gerhard Wunder, Thomas Michel:
The Delay-Limited Capacity Region of OFDM Broadcast Channels. - Frédéric Blanqui:
A type-based termination criterion for dependently-typed higher-order rewrite systems. - Frédéric Blanqui, Jean-Pierre Jouannaud, Mitsuhiro Okada:
The Calculus of Algebraic Constructions. - Frédéric Blanqui:
Termination and Confluence of Higher-Order Rewrite Systems. - Frédéric Blanqui:
Definitions by Rewriting in the Calculus of Constructions. - Frédéric Blanqui, Jean-Pierre Jouannaud, Mitsuhiro Okada:
Inductive-data-type Systems. - Walid S. Saba:
Language, logic and ontology: uncovering the structure of commonsense knowledge. - Frédéric Blanqui:
Type theory and rewriting. - Frédéric Blanqui:
An Isabelle formalization of protocol-independent secrecy with an application to e-commerce. - Frédéric Blanqui:
Inductive types in the Calculus of Algebraic Constructions. - Frédéric Blanqui:
Rewriting modulo in Deduction modulo. - Frédéric Blanqui:
Definitions by rewriting in the Calculus of Constructions. - Frédéric Blanqui:
Inductive types in the Calculus of Algebraic Constructions. - Georg Schmidt, Vladimir Sidorenko, Martin Bossert:
Collaborative Decoding of Interleaved Reed-Solomon Codes and Concatenated Code Designs. - Diederik Aerts, Marek Czachor, Bart De Moor:
On Geometric Algebra representation of Binary Spatter Codes. - Willy Valdivia Granda, William Perrizo, Edward Deckard, Francis Larson:
Peano Count Trees (P-Trees) and Rule Association Mining for Gene Expression Profiling of Microarray Data. - Niranjay Ravindran, Nihar Jindal:
MIMO Broadcast Channels with Block Diagonalization and Finite Rate Feedback. - Fehmi Ben Abdesslem, Luigi Iannone, Marcelo Dias de Amorim, Katia Obraczka, Ignacio Solis, Serge Fdida:
Rapid Prototyping over IEEE 802.11. - Shengtian Yang, Peiliang Qiu:
An Enhanced Covering Lemma for Multiterminal Source Coding. - Stéphane Le Roux, Martin Ziegler:
Computable Closed Euclidean Subsets with and without Computable Points. - Lars Birkedal, Noah Torp-Smith, Hongseok Yang:
Semantics of Separation-Logic Typing and Higher-order Frame Rules for Algol-like Languages. - Sander Stepanov, Ofer Hadar:
Theoretical analysis of network cranback protocols performance. - Sander Stepanov:
Estimation of the traffic in the binary channel for data networks. - Thomas Claveirole, Marcelo Dias de Amorim, Michel Abdalla, Yannis Viniotis:
Share and Disperse: How to Resist Against Aggregator Compromises in Sensor Networks. - Farn Wang:
Symbolic Simulation-Checking of Dense-Time Systems. - Stephen A. Fenner, Yong Zhang:
The central nature of the Hidden Subgroup problem. - Joud S. Khoury, Henry N. Jerez, Nicolas Nehme-Antoun, Chaouki T. Abdallah:
An Application of the Mobile Transient Internet Architecture to IP Mobility and Inter-Operability. - Amelia Carolina Sparavigna, Bartolomeo Montrucchio:
Vector field visualization with streamlines. - Himanshu Thapliyal, Mark Zwolinski:
Reversible Logic to Cryptographic Hardware: A New Paradigm. - Himanshu Thapliyal, Hamid R. Arabnia, A. Prasad Vinod:
Combined Integer and Floating Point Multiplication Architecture(CIFM) for FPGAs and Its Reversible Logic Implementation. - Ricardo Mansilla, E. Köppen, Germinal Cocho, Pedro Miramontes:
On the Behavior of Journal Impact Factor Rank-Order Distribution. - David Eppstein:
Happy endings for flip graphs. - Hans P. van Ditmarsch, Barteld P. Kooi:
Semantic results for ontic and epistemic change. - Ali Mesbah, Arie van Deursen:
Migrating Multi-page Web Applications to Single-page AJAX Interfaces. - Omer Giménez:
Solving planning domains with polytree causal graphs is NP-complete. - Sandrine Blazy:
Partial Evaluation for Program Comprehension. - Sandrine Blazy, Frédéric Gervais, Régine Laleau:
Reuse of Specification Patterns with the B Method. - Joseph Y. Halpern, Yoram Moses:
Characterizing Solution Concepts in Games Using Knowledge-Based Programs. - Maximilien Gadouleau, Zhiyuan Yan:
Properties of Codes with the Rank Metric. - Henry N. Jerez, Joud S. Khoury, Chaouki T. Abdallah:
A Mobile Transient Internet Architecture. - Diego de Falco, Dario Tamascelli:
Entropy generation in a model of reversible computation. - Arindam Mitra:
Quantum communication is possible with pure ensemble of entangled states. - Praveen Kumar Gopala, Lifeng Lai, Hesham El Gamal:
On the Secrecy Capacity of Fading Channels. - Young-Han Nam, Praveen Kumar Gopala, Hesham El Gamal:
ARQ Diversity in Fading Random Access Channels. - Arvind Narayanan, Vitaly Shmatikov:
How To Break Anonymity of the Netflix Prize Dataset. - Praveen Kumar Gopala, Young-Han Nam, Hesham El Gamal:
On the Error Exponents of ARQ Channels with Deadlines. - Jinhua Jiang, Yan Xin, Hari Krishna Garg:
Interference Channels with Common Information. - Mohand Lagha, Messaoud Bensebti:
Doppler Spectrum Estimation by Ramanujan Fourier Transforms. - Mohamed El Baker Nassar, Radu State, Olivier Festor:
Intrusion detection mechanisms for VoIP applications. - Marc Daumas, David R. Lester:
Stochastic Formal Methods for Rare Failure Events due to the Accumulation of Errors. - Kyomin Jung, Devavrat Shah:
Local approximate inference algorithms. - Shengtian Yang, Peiliang Qiu:
On the Performance of Lossless Joint Source-Channel Coding Based on Linear Codes. - Antonio Miguel Mora, Juan Julián Merelo Guervós, Cristian Millán, Juan Torrecillas, Juan Luis Jiménez Laredo:
CHAC. A MOACO Algorithm for Computation of Bi-Criteria Military Unit Path in the Battlefield. - Hans-Rudolf Thomann:
Instant Computing - A New Computation Paradigm. - (Withdrawn) An Achievable Rate Region for the Gaussian Interference Channel.
- Tuomo Kakkonen:
DepAnn - An Annotation Tool for Dependency Treebanks. - Jeremy Avigad, Yimu Yin:
Quantifier elimination for the reals with a predicate for the powers of two. - Tuomo Kakkonen, Niko Myller, Erkki Sutinen:
Applying Part-of-Seech Enhanced LSA to Automatic Essay Grading. - Elad Hazan:
Approximate Convex Optimization by Online Game Playing. - Russell K. Standish, Duraid Madina:
Classdesc and Graphcode: support for scientific programming in C++. - Ryutaroh Matsumoto:
Construction algorithm for network error-correcting codes attaining the Singleton bound. - Philippe Langlois, Nicolas Louvet:
Faithful Polynomial Evaluation with Compensated Horner Algorithm. - Lutz Straßburger:
Proof Nets and the Identity of Proofs. - Tuomo Kakkonen:
Dependency Treebanks: Methods, Annotation Schemes and Tools. - Radoslaw Hofman:
Report on article: P=NP Linear programming formulation of the Traveling Salesman Problem. - Marcus Hutter, Shane Legg:
Fitness Uniform Optimization. - Serban E. Vlad:
The intersection and the union of the asynchronous systems. - Daniel Lemire, Owen Kaser:
Hierarchical Bin Buffering: Online Local Moments for Dynamic External Memory Arrays. - Ismail Gunes, Haluk Bingol:
Community Detection in Complex Networks Using Agents. - Evgueni A. Haroutunian:
On Bounds for $E$-capacity of DMC. - Loris Marchal, Veronika Rehn, Yves Robert, Frédéric Vivien:
Scheduling and data redistribution strategies on star platforms. - Kwankyu Lee, Michael E. O'Sullivan:
List Decoding of Hermitian Codes using Groebner Bases. - Thomas Silverston, Olivier Fourmaux
P2P IPTV Measurement: A Comparison Study. - Richard G. Clegg, Maurice Dodson:
A Markov Chain based method for generating long-range dependence. - Richard G. Clegg:
Markov-modulated on/off processes for long-range dependent internet traffic. - Jean-Guillaume Dumas
Bounds on the coefficients of the characteristic and minimal polynomials. - Lucia Acciai, Michele Boreale, Silvano Dal-Zilio:
A Concurrent Calculus with Atomic Transactions. - Anant Sahai:
Why block-length and delay are not the same thing. - Anant Sahai:
How to beat the sphere-packing bound with feedback. - Leonid Makarov, Peter Komarov:
Constant for associative patterns ensemble. - Anant Sahai:
Stabilization using both noisy and noiseless feedback. - Mukul Agarwal, Anant Sahai, Sanjoy K. Mitter:
Coding into a source: a direct inverse Rate-Distortion theorem. - Anant Sahai, Sanjoy K. Mitter:
Source coding and channel requirements for unstable processes. - Cheng Chang, Stark C. Draper, Anant Sahai:
Lossless coding for distributed streaming sources. - Peter Berlin, Baris Nakiboglu, Bixio Rimoldi, Emre Telatar:
A Simple Derivation of Burnashev's Reliability Function. - Anant Sahai, Sanjoy K. Mitter:
The necessity and sufficiency of anytime capacity for stabilization of a linear system over a noisy communication link, Part II: vector systems. - KunHong Liu, Yong Xu, De-Shuang Huang, Min Cheng:
Grooming of Dynamic Traffic in WDM Star and Tree Networks Using Genetic Algorithm. - Maximilien Gadouleau, Zhiyuan Yan:
Decoder Error Probability of MRD Codes. - Anna E. Frid:
Canonical decomposition of catenation of factorial languages. - Evgueni A. Haroutunian, Parandzem M. Hakobyan:
On LAO Testing of Multiple Hypotheses for Many Independent Objects. - Anant Sahai:
Anytime coding on the infinite bandwidth AWGN channel: A sequential semi-orthogonal optimal code. - Arindam Mitra:
An unbreakable cryptosystem for common people. - Cristian S. Calude, Michael Stay:
Most Programs Stop Quickly or Never Halt. - Johan Bollen, Herbert Van de Sompel:
Usage Impact Factor: the effects of sample characteristics on usage-based impact metrics. - Ping Li, Trevor Hastie, Kenneth Ward Church:
Nonlinear Estimators and Tail Bounds for Dimension Reduction in $l_1$ Using Cauchy Random Projections. - Mathieu d'Aquin, Fadi Badra, Sandrine Lafrogne, Jean Lieber, Amedeo Napoli, Laszlo Szathmary:
Adaptation Knowledge Discovery from a Case Base. - KunHong Liu, Yong Xu, De-Shuang Huang:
A Genetic Algorithm Approach to the Grooming of Dynamic Traffic in Tree and Star Networks with Bifurcation. - Babajide Afolabi, Odile Thiery:
Considering users' behaviours in improving the responses of an information base. - Vaneet Aggarwal, A. Robert Calderbank:
Boolean Functions, Projection Operators and Quantum Error Correcting Codes. - G. Susinder Rajan, B. Sundar Rajan:
A Non-Orthogonal Distributed Space-Time Coded Protocol Part II-Code Construction and DM-G Tradeoff. - G. Susinder Rajan, B. Sundar Rajan:
A Non-Orthogonal Distributed Space-Time Coded Protocol Part I: Signal Model and Design Criteria. - Sanjay Karmakar, B. Sundar Rajan:
Multigroup-Decodable STBCs from Clifford Algebras. - Rajiv Ranjan, Aaron Harwood, Rajkumar Buyya:
A Taxonomy of Peer-to-Peer Based Complex Queries: a Grid perspective. - Bageshri Karkare, Uday P. Khedker:
Complexity of Data Flow Analysis for Non-Separable Frameworks. - Fuchun Liu, Daowen Qiu, Hongyan Xing, Zhujun Fan:
Decentralized Failure Diagnosis of Stochastic Discrete Event Systems. - Thierry Cachat:
Tree Automata Make Ordinal Theory Easy. - Adrian Paschke:
ECA-RuleML: An Approach combining ECA Rules with temporal interval-based KR Event/Action Logics and Transactional Update Logics. - Dele Oluwade:
Presentation Theorems for Coded Character Sets. - Alireza Bayesteh, Amir K. Khandani:
On the User Selection for MIMO Broadcast Channels. - Istvan Szita, András Lörincz:
Low-complexity modular policies: learning to play Pac-Man and a new framework beyond MDPs. - Annalisa Marzuoli, Mario Rasetti:
Coupling of quantum angular momenta: an insight into analogic/discrete and local/global models of computation. - Daoshun Wang, Feng Yi, Xiaobo Li, Ping Luo, Yiqi Dai:
On the Analysis and Generalization of Extended Visual Cryptography Schemes. - Shi Xiao, Gaoxi Xiao:
On Degree-Based Decentralized Search in Complex Networks. - Marko Samer, Stefan Szeider:
A Fixed-Parameter Algorithm for #SAT with Parameter Incidence Treewidth. - Jean Dezert, Florentin Smarandache
DSmT: A new paradigm shift for information fusion. - Fatima Abu Salem, Kamal Khuri-Makdisi:
Fast Jacobian group operations for C_{3,4} curves over a large finite field. - T. Schreiber, Mathew D. Penrose, Joseph E. Yukich:
Gaussian limits for multidimensional random sequential packing at saturation (extended version). - Seung-Bae Cools, Carlos Gershenson, Bart D'Hooghe:
Self-organizing traffic lights: A realistic simulation. - Aaron Clauset, Cristopher Moore, Mark E. J. Newman:
Structural Inference of Hierarchies in Networks. - Naoto Morikawa:
Number sequence representation of protein structures based on the second derivative of a folded tetrahedron sequence. - Jean-Philippe Vert, Jian Qiu, William Stafford Noble:
Metric learning pairwise kernel for graph inference. - Salah A. Aly, Andreas Klappenecker, Pradeep Kiran Sarvepalli:
Subsystem Codes. - Erhan Bayraktar, Savas Dayanik, Ioannis Karatzas:
Adaptive Poisson disorder problem. - Nicolas Fressengeas
, Hervé Frezza-Buet:
Cellular Computing and Least Squares for partial differential problems parallel solving. - Narad Rampersad:
On the context-freeness of the set of words containing overlaps. - Tomoyuki Yamakami:
Quantum List Decoding of Classical Block Codes of Polynomially Small Rate from Quantumly Corrupted Codewords.
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