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CSTST 2008: Cergy-Pontoise, France

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CLA: classification

FUZ: fuzzy applications

SEC: security

ROB & ANN: robotics and neural networks

MED: medical applications

ANS 1: architectures, network applications and services

ANS 2: architectures, network applications and services

DM 1: data mining

DM 2: data mining

ALG: algorithms

ISA: intelligent systems and applications

HCI: human-computer interaction

OPT: optimization problems

KM: knowledge management

COS: control and security

FiS: workshop fuzzy is scalable: managing huge databases using fuzzy methods

CIMI-I: workshop on computational intelligence in medical imaging

CIMI-II: workshop on computational intelligence in medical imaging

ASBS-I: workshop on autonomous & autonomic software-based systems

ASBS-II: workshop on autonomous & autonomic software-based systems

CAML-I: workshop on context-aware mobile learning

CAML-II: workshop on context-aware mobile learning

SW-I: workshop of doctoral students

SW-II: workshop of doctoral students

WAODS: workshop on applied ontologies in distributed systems

AASN: workshop on automated and autonomous sensor networks