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SIET 2023: Badung, Bali, Indonesia
- Edita Rosana Widasari, Putra Pandu Adikara:
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Sustainable Information Engineering and Technology, SIET 2023, Badung, Bali, Indonesia, October 24-25, 2023. ACM 2023
Keynote Session
- Ivan Lee
Intelligent Sensor and Multimedia System for Food Science and AgTech. 1 - Keiko Okawa
Fostering Sustainable Futures through Collaborative Innovation: Lessons from the AI3/SOI-Asia Project. 2 - Riri Fitri Sari
Synergizing Sustainability in the Age of AI and Blockchain Technology. 3-4
Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning
- Raden Arief Setyawan
, Rizal Setya Perdana
, Made Wena Harilegawa
, Alan Stevrie Balantimuhe
, Achmad Basuki
AVIG: A Real-Time Visual Inspection for Guava Grading System Using Computer Vision and XGBoost. 5-15 - Tirana Noor Fatyanosa
, Mahendra Data
Hybrid Feature Selection Framework for Building Resource Efficient Intrusion Detection Systems Model in the Internet of Things. 16-22 - Youssef Alalawi
, Damon M. Chandler
, Nicko R. Caluya
A CNN-Based Arabic Diacritic Symbol Recognition System Using Domain Adaptation. 23-32 - Annisa Dea Rachmantya
, Uwe Serdült
, Victor V. Kryssanov
Comparing Sparse and Dense Optical Flow Methods to Detect Traffic Anomalies, Based on Orientation. 33-38 - Desta Sandya Prasvita
, Aniati Murni Arymurthy
, Dina Chahyati
Deep Learning Model for Automatic Detection of Oil Palm Trees in Indonesia with YOLO-V5. 39-44 - Agus Wahyu Widodo
, Alfita Rakhmandasari
, Wayan Firdaus Mahmudy
, Muh. Arif Rahman
, Diva Kurnianingtyas
Application of Data Augmentation on SSD Mobilenet for Detection of Kenaf Plant Disease and Pest. 45-50 - Riyandi Banovbi Putera Irsal
, Blessius Sheldo Putra Laksono
, Fitri Utaminingrum
Eye Direction Detection as Wheelchair Navigation Using Faster R-Cnn. 51-57 - Dwija Wisnu Brata
, Arif Djunaidy
, Daniel Oranova Siahaan
Comparison of Deep Learning Methods in Detecting Hate Speech in Indonesian Tweets. 58-63 - Mochamad Nizar Palefi Ma'ady
, Prita Meilanitasari
, Nisa Isrofi
, Iwan Vanany
Optimizing Clustering Techniques for Retail Industry: One-Dimensional Time Warping Method for Demand Uncertainty. 64-70 - Vinsensius Reza Bayu Kurniawan
, Trisna Yulianti
, Fransiska Hernina Puspitasari
Fuzzy Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory Model to Evaluate Key Factors Influencing Tourists' Decision in Choosing Tourist Spots in Indonesia. 71-75 - Dewa Gede Hendra Divayana
, Agus Adiarta
, P. Wayan Arta Suyasa
, I Made Sugiarta
, Gede Eka Budi Darmawan
Use of the TTA-DIVAYANA Concept to Improve the Weight of Decision Makers in the TOPSIS Method as an Effort to Optimize Evaluation Results. 76-82 - Hurriyatul Fitriyah
, Gibtha Fitri Laxmi
, Shidiq Al Hakim
, Siti Kania Kushadiani
, Foni Agus Setiawan
, Lindung Parningotan Manik
, Slamet Riyanto
, Al Hafiz Akbar Maulana Siagian
, Wawan Hendriawan Nur
, Sri Rahayu
, Niken Fitria Apriani
Hoya Species Plant Identification Based on Leaf and Flower Using Convolutional Neural Network Models. 83-89 - Deny Prasetia Taruma Wardana
, Riswan Septriayadi Sianturi
, Fatwa Ramdani
Detection of Oil Palm Trees Using Deep Learning Method with High-Resolution Aerial Image Data. 90-98 - Issam K. O. Jabari
, Shofiyah
, Pradiptya Kahvi Sugiharto
, Novi Nur Putriwijaya
, Novanto Yudistira
Learning-Augmented K-Means Clustering Using Dimensional Reduction. 99-106 - Candra Dewi
, Shiryu Ueno
, Kunihito Kato
Artificially Ripeness Identification of Indonesian Banana Cultivar Using Convolution Neural Network. 107-111 - Alfirsa Damasyifa Fauzulhaq
, Fitra Abdurrachman Bachtiar
Mutual Information for Learning Context Representation on RNN-Attention Based Models in Open Domain Generative Chatbot. 112-118 - Lin Xu
, Hurriyatul Fitriyah
, Craig A. Styan
, Ivan Lee
Efficient-YOLOv8: Multi-Scale ConvNet for Underwater Object Detection. 119-128 - John Joseph P. Castillo
, Adrian Angel Ragasa
, Rowell M. Hernandez
, Celinne A. Mendez
, Fatima Marie P. Agdon
Energy Consumption Forecasting for Smart Industry Using Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) and Vector Auto-Regression (VAR) Model. 129-136 - Rowell M. Hernandez
, John Joseph P. Castillo, Adrian Angel Ragasa
, Celinne A. Mendez
, Lloyd Macatangay
Enhanced Super-Resolution Generative Adversarial Networks (ESRGAN) on Melanoma Skin Cancer Detection. 137-142 - Rowell M. Hernandez
, Dana Kristine Sison
, Noe Christian Nolasco
, Jonnah Melo
, Ria C. Castillo
Application of Machine Learning on MRI Scans for Alzheimer's Disease Early Detection. 143-149 - Krisna Pinasthika
, Fitri Utaminingrum
Investigating ResNet Variants in U-Net to Obtain High-Quality Depth Maps in Indoor Scenes. 150-156 - M. Fadli Ridhani
, Wayan Firdaus Mahmudy
An Enhanced Backpropagation Neural Network for Fire Alarm Detection. 157-166 - Anasya Miftakus Sururi
, Eko Sakti Pramukantoro
, Kasyful Amron
, Viera Wardhani
, Putri Annisa Kamila
Comparison of Several Wavelet Transform Techniques for Inferring ECG Signal Classification. 167-172 - Sulthan Rafif
, Rizal Setya Perdana
Implementation of Domain Adaptation for Keyword Determination of Scientific Articles Based on Multilabel BERT. 173-180 - Rowell M. Hernandez
, Johnrey Manzanal
, Joseph Rizalde Guillo
, Shiel Marie Garcia
, Melvin Babol
DRIVEMATE: Empowering Safe Driving Through Real-Time Traffic Sign Detection and Speech Feedback on Mobile Devices Using YOLOv5 Algorithm and TensorFlow Lite. 181-189 - Krisna Pinasthika
, Erika Yussi Sofyanda
, Silfiatul Ulumiyah
, Lailil Muflikhah
Deep Learning Approach for High Recall Pneumonia Classification with Swin Transformer and L2 Regularization. 190-195 - Khusnul Novianingsih
A Heuristic Approach for Solving Flight Retiming Problems. 196-200 - Samuel Indra Gunawan Situmeang
, Raja Muda Gading Tulen Sihite
, Humasak Simanjuntak
, Junita Amalia
A Deep Learning-Based Regression Approach to Indonesian Short Answer Grading System. 201-209 - Sulthan Rafif
, Mohammad Faris Azhar
, Mochamad Arfan Ravy Wahyu Pratama
, Ahmad Mustafidul Ibad
, Novanto Yudistira
, Lailil Muflikhah
Hybrid of DiffStride and Spectral Pooling in Convolutional Neural Networks. 210-216 - Ahya Zhilalikbar Amin
, Fais Al Huda
, Novanto Yudistira
The Development of Insect Pest Classification Mobile Application from Images via MobileNet. 217-228 - Alfirsa Damasyifa Fauzulhaq
, Wahyu Parwitayasa
, Joseph A. Sugihdharma
, M. Fadli Ridhani
, Novanto Yudistira
MAMI: Multi-Attentional Mutual-Information for Long Sequence Neuron Captioning. 229-234 - Shofiyah
, Wayan Firdaus Mahmudy
Exploring Machine Learning Techniques for Male Infertility Prediction: A Review. 235-240 - Bryan Chandra
, Grace Oktaviani Kindy
, Kelvin Susanto Gunawan
, Gavin Putra Satria
, Ivan Sebastian Edbert
, Derwin Suhartono
Deep Learning Architectures for Facial Emotion Analysis. 241-249 - Mohammad Reza Faisal
, Dodon Turianto Nugrahadi
, Irwan Budiman
, Muliadi
, Mera Kartika Delimayanti
, Septyan Eka Prastya
, Muhammad Khairie
A Social Community Sensor for Natural Disaster Monitoring in Indonesia Using Hybrid 2D CNN LSTM. 250-258 - Elly Matul Imah
, Riskyana Dewi Intan Puspitasari
, Fadhilah Qalbi Annisa
, Hasanuddin Al Habib
A Comparative Study of Deep Transfer Learning Algorithm for Cheating Detection in the Exam Based on Surveillance Camera Recording. 259-265
Computer Network
- Wahyu Parwitayasa
, Sabriansyah Rizqika Akbar
, Achmad Basuki
IPv4 Routing over IPv6 Routing Data Plane Using SRv6. 266-272 - Ari Kusyanti
, Nurudin Santoso
, Popong Effendrik
, Harin Puspa Ayu Catherina
, Anggi Dewi Eka Pertiwi
Itsy-Bitsy Risky URL: A User Behavior. 273-277 - Ana Balqis Sholehah
, Kasyful Amron
, Eko Sakti Pramukantoro
Optimization of Relay Node Placement in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) Using A-Star Algorithm for Random, Triangular and Rectangular Distribution Pattern. 278-286 - Gabrielle Evan Farrel
, Widhi Yahya
, Achmad Basuki
, Kasyful Amron
, Reza Andria Siregar
Scalable Edge Computing Cluster Using a Set of Raspberry Pi: A Framework. 287-296 - Mahendra Data
, Fariz Andri Bakhtiar
Resource Efficient Intrusion Detection Systems for Internet of Things Using Online Machine-Learning Models. 297-303 - Muhammad Fikri Ashari
, Adhitya Bhawiyuga
, Achmad Basuki
The Development of Hands-On Lab Platform Using Container-Based Virtualization Technology. 304-310 - Rosyida Salicha Rusdarto Putri
, Adhitya Bhawiyuga
, Sabriansyah Rizqika Akbar
, Nur Hazbiy Shaffan
, Kasyful Amron
, Achmad Basuki
Implementation of Fault-Tolerance Mechanism in Quorum-Based Blockchain Provisioning in Cloud Infrastructure Using Replication and Monitoring Protocols. 311-322 - Faldo Bigdjaja Limas
, Ari Kusyanti
, Rakhmadhany Primananda
The Implementaion of MICKEY Cipher in Securing Constrained Devices Based on LoRa. 323-331
Education Technology
- Nanang Yudi Setiawan
, Diah Priharsari
, Bondan Sapta Prakoso
, Yusi Tyroni Mursityo
The Two Types of Module Access Patterns in LMS and Their Correlation with the Students' Evaluation. 332-339 - Joseph A. Sugihdharma
, Fitra Abdurrachman Bachtiar
Engagement Classification in E-Learning Environments Through Eye Features Using Scaled Dot-Product Attention Convolutional Neural Network. 340-347 - Admaja Dwi Herlambang
, Nastiti Wijayanti
, Prima Zulvarina
Project-Based Learning Implementation Effect Comparison on the Students' Cognitive and Psychomotor Learning Outcomes at Indonesian Vocational High School Majoring in Information Technology. 348-353 - Admaja Dwi Herlambang
, Aditya Rachmadi
The Online Learning Interest and Learning Outcomes Through Mobile and Desktop Application Based on the Indonesian Information Technology Majoring Vocational High School Student's Perspective. 354-360 - Prisca Yulina Prameswari
, Anggita Dian Cahyani
Build Learning System to Increase Self-Efficacy: The Role of Self-Efficacy on Work Readiness of Vocational High School Graduates in DKI Jakarta. 361-364 - Muhamad Nanang Suprayogi
, Insyirah Shahab
The Role of Self-Control in Using TikTok Social Media on Student Academic Procrastination. 365-369 - Fajar Pradana
, Punaji Setyosari
, Saida Ulfa
, Tsukasa Hirashima
, Faizatul Amalia
The Effect of Gamification-Based Programming E-Learning Platform on Students' Achievement. 370-376 - Admaja Dwi Herlambang
, Andi Nila Nurul Mutmainnah
, Fajar Pradana
Web-Based Instructional Media Development on Computer Network Technology Trend Subject for Indonesian Information Technology Major Vocational High School. 377-385 - Admaja Dwi Herlambang
, Alfian Farisi
, Prima Zulvarina
The Relationship Level Between Students' Learning Interests, Learning Motivation, and Career Planning Awareness on the Indonesian Vocational High School Majoring in Information Technology. 386-392 - Uun Hariyanti
, Maurish Sofie Rahmi Batita
, Aswin Suharsono
Implementation of Summary-Connection-Prediction (SCP) Instructional Strategy in Flipped Classroom with Moodle: Investigate Preservice Teachers' Acceptance and Beliefs. 393-400 - Aryo Pinandito
, Agi Putra Kharisma
, Muhammad Aminul Akbar
Improving Route-Finding Performance of Dijkstra Algorithm and Maintaining Path Visual Cue Using Douglas-Peucker Algorithm. 401-408 - Neyla Nuril Fauziyah
, Diah Priharsari
, Budi Darma Setiawan
, Aryo Pinandito
Optimizing Work-From-Anywhere Employee Productivity: A Comprehensive Investigation of the Most Influential Factors Using Factor Analysis and Analytical Hierarchy Process Method. 409-416
Information System
- Shandra Elvyra Sudarsono Putri
, Mochamad Chandra Saputra
, Aryo Pinandito
The Effect of Social Media Overload, Exhaustion, and Technostress on Student's Learning Productivity Using Stressor-Strain-Outcome Model. 417-423 - Irtiyah Izzaty Mindiasari
, Budi Darma Setiawan
The Influence of IT Affordances and Emotional Response for Purchase Intention Through Live-Streaming Shopping: Literature Review and Conceptual Model Development. 424-430 - Riswan Septriayadi Sianturi
, Ismiarta Aknuranda
, Andi Reza Perdanakusuma
Estimating Heat Vulnerability Index (HVI) in Indonesia. 431-438 - Diana Diana
, Mochamad Chandra Saputra
, Aryo Pinandito
The Impact of Platform Differences on System Use in Accounting Information System. 439-445 - Jitender Madaan
, Gulshan Kumar Gaur
, Sachin Kumar Mangla
, Sanjeev Gupta
MCDM Approach for Prioritizing Barriers to Improve Performance of Sustainability-Focused Packaging Supply Chain. 446-453 - Rani Fitri
, Sharlin L
Gratitude and Hope as Conditions for the Psychological Well-Being of Social Media Users. 454-461 - Bernand Firmansyah
, Markus Jonathan
, Jose Andreas
, Samuel Philip
, Hidayaturrahman
Application of UI/UX in Tourism Information Service Problems: A Review. 462-472 - Zubairi Yahya
, Mohammad Reza Faisal
, Radityo Adi Nugroho
, Dodon Turianto Nugrahadi
, Andi Farmadi
, Rudy Herteno
, Vina Yulia Anhar
Design of Application Framework for Vital Sign Monitoring and Remote Doctor Consultation. 473-480 - Achmad Arwan
, Siti Rochimah
, Chastine Fatichah
Feature Location Using Extraction of Code Documentation. 481-488 - Sharfina Febbi Handayani
, Lolanda Hamim Annisa
, Nanda Kurnia Wardati
, Rachmah Agus Putri
Correlation Between Social Media and Non-Technical Business Process Management in Small and Medium Enterprises. 489-497 - Hurriyatul Fitriyah
, Niken Fitria Apriani
, Slamet Riyanto
, Chandra Wijaya
, Lestari Octavia
, Fitrianingsih
, Al Hafiz Akbar Maulana Siagian
, Siti Kania Kushadiani
, Shidiq Al Hakim
, Devi Ayu Lestari
, Konstan Damai Telaumbanua
, Muhammad Arya Nurarif
SobatGizi App for Suggesting Adequate Meal Portions. 498-505 - Pankaj Khatiwada
, Muhammad Ali Fauzi
, Bian Yang
, Prosper Kandabongee Yeng
, Jia-Chun Lin
, Luyi Sun
Threats and Risk on Using Digital Technologies for Remote Health Care Process. 506-522 - Luyi Sun
, Prosper Kandabongee Yeng
, Muhammad Ali Fauzi
, Pankaj Khatiwada
, Bian Yang
Multi-Party Privacy Policy Management in the Context of Health Monitoring: An Exploratory Study. 523-528 - Filip Holík
, Prosper Kandabongee Yeng
, Muhammad Ali Fauzi
A Comparative Assessment of Threat Identification Methods in EHR Systems. 529-537 - Prosper Kandabongee Yeng
, Muhammad Ali Fauzi
, Bian Yang
, John-Bosco Diekuu
, Peter Nimbe
, Filip Holík
, Pankaj Khatiwada
, Akbar Fahmi
, Luyi Sun
SecHealth: Enhancing EHR Security in Digital Health Transformation. 538-544
Robotics, Embedded System, IoT
- Farhan Chandra Mahadika
, Barlian Henryranu Prasetio
Gaussian Model Approach for Identifying Car Engine Malfunctions Based on Embedded Sound System. 545-550 - Muhammad Zulkifli Nawfal
, Barlian Henryranu Prasetio:
Face Emotion Recognition System of Customer Service Using CNN Based on Embedded System. 551-555 - Syahrul Budi Rahmadan
, Barlian Henryranu Prasetio
Embedded Asian Singer Gender Identification System Based on Singing Voice. 556-561 - M. Syakhisk Naufal Adani
, Edita Rosana Widasari
, Eko Setiawan
Developing a Low-Cost Prosthetic Hand with Real-Time Machine Learning Capabilities. 562-569 - Worapan Kusakunniran
, Kunthorn Phongluelert
, Chanathip Sirisangpaival
, Osh Narayan
, Kittikhun Thongkanchorn
, Anuwat Wiratsudakul
Cattle AutoID: Biometric for Cattle Identification: Cattle AutoID. 570-574 - Weerachaya Jarupreechachan
, Thattapon Surasak
, Kotcharat Kitchat
, Phanthika Trakunsathitman
Mobilizing Health and Work: Investigating the Role of Mobile Instant Messaging (MIM) as a Community Medium for Health Information Acquisition Among Thai Low-Income Workers. 575-580 - Dodon Turianto Nugrahadi
, Mohammad Reza Faisal
, Rudy Herteno
, Irwan Budiman
, Friska Abadi
, Indrajani Sutedja
An Effective Preprocessing Data on Performance of Machine Learning for ECG-Based Personal Authentication. 581-588 - Heru Nurwarsito
, Handy Kurniawan Ponco Widagdo
Comparative Analysis of Load Balancing with Shortest Delay and Least Connection Methods on Software Defined Network. 589-598 - Barlian Henryranu Prasetio
, Muhammad Nabil Aljufri
, Dahnial Syauqy
, Edita Rosana Widasari
Stressed Speech Recognition Using Smartphone and Embedded Device Integration. 599-607 - Mohammad Fikri Prasetya
, Agung Setia Budi
, Sabriansyah Rizqika Akbar
Time Synchronization on ESP-NOW Based Wireless Sensor Network Using Flooding Time Synchronization Protocol. 608-611 - Eko Sakti Pramukantoro
, Kasyful Amron
, Viera Wardhani
, Putri Annisa Kamila
Comparative Analysis of Classification Features for ECG Signal Classification on Raspberry Pi Using Wearable Sensor Data. 612-618 - Blessius Sheldo Putra Laksono
, Barlian Henryranu Prasetio
Speaker Recognition on Low Power Device Using Fully Convolutional QuartzNet. 619-624 - Yuli Asmi Rahman
, Khairil Anwar
, Ahsan Mardjudo
, Muhammad Din
Electric Lighting on the Fishery Boat Lift Net of Tomini Bay Using a Portable PV-Generator System. 625-630
Software Engineering, Mobile, UI/UX
- Rizky Bagus Paramadani
, Muhammad Aminul Akbar
, Aryo Pinandito
User Interface Rendering Time in Android Applications: Revealing the Effects of Design Patterns. 631-636 - Multohadi Hamzaturrazak
, Eriq Muhammad Adams Jonemaro
, Aryo Pinandito
Performance Analysis of 3D Rendering Method on Web-Based Augmented Reality Application Using WebGL and OpenGL Shading Language. 637-643 - Dany Muhammad
, Herman Tolle
, Barlian Henryranu Prasetio
A Study of Voice Control Implementation in a Web-Based VR Tourism Application. 644-650 - Muhammad Yasir Anshari Haq
, Riswan Septriayadi Sianturi
, Aryo Pinandito
Enhancing the Efficiency of Navigation Systems: Dijkstra Algorithm Optimization Through Integration of Douglas-Peucker Line Simplification Technique. 651-656 - Ardiyan Nur Pratama
, Muhammad Aminul Akbar
, Aryo Pinandito
Improving Information Delivery Effectiveness and Efficiency Using WebVR Technology. 657-663 - Mahardeka Tri Ananta
, Syahshiyah Rohidah
, Komang Candra Brata
, Zainul Abidin
Mobile Crowdsourcing App Design: Managing Waste Through Waste Bank in Rural Area of Indonesia. 664-672 - Herman Tolle
, Komang Candra Brata
, Sukir Maryanto
, Nuzulul Athaya
Design of School Watching Mobile Application with Geotagging and Context Aware for Schools Reporting and Monitoring in Mount Semeru Disaster Area. 673-678 - Dimas Dani Zaini
, Howsen Vincensius
, Kevin Aurelian Nathanielle Untung Widjaja
, Nurhasanah
, Alif Tri Handoyo
Implementing Welsh-Powell Algorithm on Coloring the Map of West Java. 679-684
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