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11th DEXA 2000: London, UK
- Mohamed T. Ibrahim, Josef Küng, Norman Revell:
Database and Expert Systems Applications, 11th International Conference, DEXA 2000, London, UK, September 4-8, 2000, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1873, Springer 2000, ISBN 3-540-67978-2
Invited Talk
- Anthony Finkelstein:
A Foolish Consistency: Technical Challenges in Consistency Management. 1-5
Object Oriented, Object Relational I
- Sang Ho Lee, Sung Jin Kim, Won Kim:
The BORD Benchmark for Object-Relational Databases. 6-20 - Xiao Renguo, Tharam S. Dillon, J. Wenny Rahayu, Elizabeth Chang
, Narasimhaiah Gorla:
An Indexing Structure for Aggregation Relationship in OODB. 21-30 - Reda Alhajj:
Deciding on the Equivalence of a Relational Schema and and Object-Oriented Schema. 31-40
Multimedia Databases I
- Duc A. Tran
, Kien A. Hua, Khanh Vu:
Semantics Reasoning Based Video Database Systems. 41-50 - Iadh Ounis:
Toward a User-Centered Image Retrieval System. 51-64
Fundamentals for Applications I
- Mario Piattini, Antonio Martínez:
Measuring for Database Programs Maintainability. 65-78 - Takahiro Hara, Masahiko Tsukamoto, Shojiro Nishio:
Database Migration in WAN Environments: How Can It Earn Good Performance? 79-91 - Patrick Martin, Hoi-Ying Li, Min Zheng, Keri Romanufa, Wendy Powley:
Dynamic Reconfiguration Algorithm: Dynamically Tuning Multiple Buffer Pools. 92-101 - André de Korvin, Shohreh Hashemi, Gerald Quirchmayr, Robert M. Kleyle:
Assigning Tasks to Resource Pools: A Fuzzy Set Approach. 102-114
Object Oriented, Object Relational II
- Katsuya Tanaka, Makoto Takizawa:
Protocol for Taking Object-Based Checkpoints. 115-124 - Awais Rashid
, Elke Pulvermüller:
From Object-Oriented to Aspect-Oriented Databases. 125-134 - Olivier Caron, Bernard Carré, Laurent Debrauwer:
Contextualization of OODB Schemas in CROME. 135-149
Multimedia Databases II
- Naokazu Nemoto, Katsuya Tanaka, Makoto Takizawa:
Quality-Based Synchronization Methods of Multimedia Objects. 151-160 - Yang Pan, Wen-Chi Hou:
Utilizing Fragmented Bandwidth in a Staggered Striping Multimedia System. 161-170 - Yuichi Kobayashi, Toshikazu Kato:
Subjective Retrieval System for Texture Images Based on Interactions of Orientation and Color. 171-182
Fundamentals for Applications II
- Stéphane Coulondre:
Chasing Relational Database Constraints Backwards. 183-192 - Wilfred Ng:
Using an Ordered Key Attribute in Database Design. 193-202 - Günther Specht, Patrick Freiherr Harsdorf von Enderndorf, Thomas Kahabka, Franz Peterander:
Awareness in Interactive Database Applications. 203-211
- Juha Puustjärvi, Harri Laine:
WorkMan - A Transactional Workflow Prototype. 212-221 - Nihan Kesim Cicekli, Yakup Yildirim:
Formalizing Workflows Using the Event Calculus. 222-231 - Eleanna Kafeza
, Kamalakar Karlapalem:
Gaining Control over Time in Workflow Management Applications. 232-242 - Johann Eder, Wolfgang Gruber, Euthimios Panagos:
Temporal Modeling of Workflows with Conditional Execution Paths. 243-253
Security Aspects
- Yonglak Sohn, Songchun Moon:
Verified Order-Based Transaction Scheduling Scheme for Multilevel Secure Database Management Systems. 254-263 - Sejong Oh, Seog Park:
Task-Role Based Access Control (T-RBAC): An Improved Access Control Model for Enterprise Environment. 264-273 - Ryong Lee, Yahiko Kambayashi:
Data Security for Distributed Meeting Systems. 274-286 - Reind P. van de Riet, Wouter Janssen, Martin S. Olivier
, Radu Serban:
A Comparison of Two Architectures for Implementing Security and Privacy in Cyberspace. 287-301
Fundamentals for Applications III
- Lambèr M. M. Royakkers, Frank Dignum:
Organizations and Collective Obligations. 302-311 - Manuel Montes-y-Gómez, Aurelio López-López, Alexander F. Gelbukh
Information Retrieval with Conceptual Graph Matching. 312-321 - Manuel Vilares Ferro, Francisco J. Ribadas
, Victor M. Darriba
Approximate Pattern Matching in Shared-Forest. 322-333
- Toshiyuki Amagasa
, Masatoshi Yoshikawa, Shunsuke Uemura:
A Data Model for Temporal XML Documents. 334-344 - Ernesto Damiani, Letizia Tanca:
Blind Queries to XML Data. 345-356 - Wolfram Wöß:
XML and Meta Data Based EDI for Small Enterprises. 357-365
Advanced Databases I
- Daesoo Cho, Bonghee Hong:
Optimal Page Ordering for Region Queries in Static Spatial Databases. 366-375 - Koichi Matsumoto, Kazutoshi Sumiya, Kuniaki Uehara:
A Multi-channel Dissemination System Based on Time-Series Clustering Mechanism for On-Line News Articles. 376-385
Query Aspects I
- Michael J. Maher, Junhu Wang:
Optimizing Queries in Extended Relational Databases. 386-396 - Ming-Hui Jin, Jorng-Tzong Horng, Hsiao-Kuang Wu, Baw-Jhiune Liu:
Reducing the Location Query Cost Based on Behavior-Based Strategy. 397-406 - Leonid José Tineo Rodríguez
Extending RDBMS for Allowing Fuzzy Quantified Queries. 407-416
Knowledge Aspects I
- John K. Debenham:
Knowledge Decay in a Normalised Knowledge Base. 417-426 - Abeer El-Korany, Ahmed A. Rafea, Hoda Baraka, Saad Eid:
A Structured Testing Methodology for Knowledge-Based Systems. 427-436 - Jaime Ramírez, Angélica de Antonio:
Semantic Verification of Rule-Based Systems with Arithmetic Constraints. 437-446
Data Warehouses I
- Shi Guang Qiu, Tok Wang Ling:
View Selection in OLAP Environment. 447-456 - Yinyan Cao, Ee-Peng Lim
, Wee Keong Ng:
Storage Management of a Historical Web Warehousing System. 457-466 - Hua-Gang Li, Tok Wang Ling, Sin Yeung Lee:
Range-Max/Min Query in OLAP Data Cube. 467-476
Advanced Databases II
- Mansik Park, Hans-Hermann Leinen:
Temporal Databases with Null Values. 477-487 - Inga Sitzmann, Peter J. Stuckey:
Improving Temporal Joins Using Histograms. 488-498 - Andreas Rauber, Dieter Merkl:
Providing Topically Sorted Access to Subsequently Releases Newspaper Editions or: How to Build Your Private Digital Library. 499-508
Query Aspects II
- Qiang Zhu, Satyanarayana Motheramgari, Yu Sun:
Cost Estimation for Large Queries via Fractional Analysis and Probabilistic Approach in Dynamic Multidatabase Environments. 509-525 - Alexander F. Gelbukh
Lazy Query Enrichment: A Method for Indexing Large Specialized Document Bases with Morphology and Concept Hierarchy. 526-535 - Jerome Robinson, Barry G. T. Lowden:
Extending the Re-use of Query Results at Remote Client Sites. 536-547
Knowledge Aspects II
- Abdel-Rahman H. Tawil
, W. A. Gray, Nick J. Fiddian:
Discovering and Representing InterSchema Semantic Knowledge in a Cooperative Multi-Information Server Environment. 548-562 - Mathieu Roger, Ana Simonet, Michel Simonet:
A Description Logics-Like Model for a Knowledge and Data Management System. 563-572 - Houria Mihoubi, Ana Simonet, Michel Simonet:
An Ontology Driven Approach to Ontology Translation. 573-582
Data Warehouses II
- Franck Ravat
, Olivier Teste
A Temporal Object-Oriented Data Warehouse Model. 583-592 - Beate List, Josef Schiefer, A Min Tjoa
Process-Oriented Requirement Analysis Supporting the Data Warehouse Design Process - A Use Case Driven Approach. 593-603 - Zdenek Kouba, Kamil Matousek, Petr Miksovský:
On Data Warehouse and GIS Integration. 604-613
Advanced Databases III
- Luigi Palopoli
, Domenico Saccà, Giorgio Terracina, Domenico Ursino:
Semi-automatic Extraction of Hyponymies and Overlappings from Heterogeneous Database Schemes. 614-623 - Hajime Kitakami, Mitsuko Nishimoto:
Constraint Satisfaction for Reconciling Heterogeneous Tree Databases. 624-633 - Tzone I. Wang:
A Mobile Agent Carrier Environment for Mobile Information Retrieval. 634-643
Query Aspects III
- Mostafa Bamha, Gaétan Hains
A Skew-insensitive Algorithm for Join and Multi-join Operations on Shared Nothing Machines. 644-653 - Grace SauLan Loo, Kok-Huat Lee:
An Interface to Databases for Flexible Query Answering: A Fuzzy-Set Approach. 654-663 - Sally Rice, John F. Roddick
Lattice-Structured Domains, Imperfect Data and Inductive Queries. 664-674
Analysis and Design
- Petr Kroha:
Preprocessing of Requirements Specification. 675-684 - P. R. Griffioen, P. I. Elsas, Reind P. van de Riet:
Analysing Enterprises: The Value Cycle Approach. 685-697 - Jacqueline Renée Reich:
Ontological Design Patterns: Metadata of Molecular Biological Ontologies, Information and Knowledge. 698-709
Data Mining, Knowledge Discovery
- K. K. Loo, Chi Lap Yip, Ben Kao, David Wai-Lok Cheung:
Exploiting the Duality of Maximal Frequent Itemsets and Minimal Infrequent Itemsets for I/O Efficient Association Rule Mining. 710-719 - Meliha Yetisgen, Ismail H. Toroslu
Data Mining Using Query Flocks with Views. 720-729 - Kai Bartlmae, Carsten Lanquillon
A KDD Experience Factory: Using Textual CBR for Reusing Lessons Learned. 730-740 - Sadok Ben Yahia
, Khedija Arour, Ali Jaoua:
Completing Missing Values Using Discovered Formal Concepts. 741-751
Advanced Databases IV
- Mengchi Liu:
Extending Datalog with Deductive Databases. 752-763 - Xindong Li, Mengchi Liu:
Design and Implementation of the OLOG Deductive Object-Oriented Database Management System. 764-773
Query Aspects IV
- Walid G. Aref, Ibrahim Kamel:
On Multi-dimensional Sorting Orders. 774-783 - Ionel D. Stroe, Elke A. Rundensteiner, Matthew O. Ward:
Scalable Visual Hierarchy Exploration. 784-793 - Paolo Bresciani, Michele Nori, Nicola Pedot:
A Knowledge Based Paradigm for Querying Databases. 794-804
Using the Web I
- Yuanling Zhu, Kevin Lü:
Performance Analysis of Web Database Systems. 805-814 - Christian Sallaberry
, Eric Andonnof, Nicolas Belloir
WDBQS: A Unified Access to Distant Databases Via a Simple Web-Tool. 815-824 - Yi Li, Kevin Lü:
Performance Issues of a Web Database. 825-834
- Kurt Stockinger, Dirk Düllmann, Wolfgang Hoschek, Erich Schikuta:
Improving the Performance of High-Energy Physics Analysis through Bitmap Indices. 835-845 - Hisham Feelifl, Masaru Kitsuregawa, Beng Chin Ooi:
A Fast Convergence Technique for Online Heat-Balancing of Btree Indexed Database over Shared-Nothing Parallel Systems. 846-858 - Li-Cheng Wu, Jorng-Tzong Horng, Baw-Jhiune Liu, Chin-Yea Wang, Gwo-Dong Chen:
Indexing Semistructured Data Using PATRICIA Tree. 859-868
Applications I
- Ammar Benabdelkader, Hamideh Afsarmanesh, Louis O. Hertzberger:
MegaStore: Advanced Internet-Based E-Commerce Service for Music Industry. 869-878 - Sean Bechhofer, Nick Drummond, Carole A. Goble:
Supporting Public Browsing of an Art Gallery Collections Database. 879-888 - César Garita, Yasemin Ugur, Anne Frenkel, Hamideh Afsarmanesh, Louis O. Hertzberger:
DIMS: Implementation of a Federated Information Management System for PRODNET II. 889-898
Using the Web II
- Muhammad Younas, Barry Eaglestone, Robert Holton:
A Formal Treatment of the SACReD Protocol for Multidatabase Web Transactions. 899-908 - Jarogniew Rykowski
, Waldemar Wieczerzycki:
Generic Architecture of Web Servers Supporting Cooperative Work. 909-918 - Matthew Montebello, R. Ciappara:
Internet Search Technologies & XML. 919-928
Distributed Aspects
- Javier López, Antonio Mana
, Juan J. Ortega, José M. Troya:
Distributed Storage and Revocation in Digital Certificate Databases. 929-938 - Edgar R. Weippl, Wolfgang Eßmayr:
Fine Grained Replication in Distributed Databases: A Taxonomy and Practical Considerations. 939-948 - Laurent Deruelle, Mourad Bouneffa
, Nordine Melab, Henri Basson, Gilles Goncalves
, Jean-Christophe Nicolas:
A Change Impact Analysis Approach for CORBA-Based Federated Databases. 949-958
Applications II
- Thomas Bittner:
A Qualitative Formalization of Built Environments. 959-969 - Wijnand Derks, Sietse Dijkstra, H. D. Enting, Willem Jonker, Jeroen Wijnands:
Experimenting NUMA for Scalable CDR Processing. 970-980 - Andrew C. Jones, Xuebiao Xu, Nick Pittas, W. A. Gray, Nick J. Fiddian, Richard J. White, John S. Robinson, Frank A. Bisby, Sue M. Brandt:
SPICE: A Flexible Architecture for Integrating Autonomous Databases to Comprise a Distributed Catalogue of Life. 981-992
Multimedia Databases I - continuation
- Frédéric Andrès, Nicolas Dessaigne, José Martinez, Noureddine Mouaddib, Kinji Ono, Douglas C. Schmidt, Panrit Tosukhowong:
MISE: The MediaSys Image Search Engine. 993-1002
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