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SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, Volume 33
Volume 33, Number 1, 2019
- Sean Kafer, Kanstantsin Pashkovich, Laura Sanità:
On the Circuit Diameter of Some Combinatorial Polytopes. 1-25 - Kevin Grace
, Stefan H. M. van Zwam:
The Highly Connected Even-Cycle and Even-Cut Matroids. 26-67 - Robert Hancock:
The Maker-Breaker Rado Game on a Random Set of Integers. 68-94 - Thomas Kalinowski
, Nina Kamcev
, Benny Sudakov:
The Zero Forcing Number of Graphs. 95-115 - Stephen Alstrup, Haim Kaplan, Mikkel Thorup
, Uri Zwick:
Adjacency Labeling Schemes and Induced-Universal Graphs. 116-137 - James G. Oxley:
A Matroid Extension Result. 138-152 - Robert Hancock, Katherine Staden, Andrew Treglown:
Independent Sets in Hypergraphs and Ramsey Properties of Graphs and the Integers. 153-188 - Neil J. Y. Fan, Peter L. Guo, Sophie C. C. Sun:
Proof of a Conjecture of Reiner-Tenner-Yong on Barely Set-Valued Tableaux. 189-196 - Guilherme Oliveira Mota
Three-Color Bipartite Ramsey Number for Graphs with Small Bandwidth. 197-208 - Yeow Meng Chee
, Fei Gao, Han Mao Kiah
, Alan Chi Hung Ling, Hui Zhang, Xiande Zhang
Decompositions of Edge-Colored Digraphs: A New Technique in the Construction of Constant-Weight Codes and Related Families. 209-229 - Hao Huang, Jie Ma:
On Tight Cycles in Hypergraphs. 230-237 - Deng Tang
, Selçuk Kavut
, Bimal Mandal, Subhamoy Maitra:
Modifying Maiorana-McFarland Type Bent Functions for Good Cryptographic Properties and Efficient Implementation. 238-256 - Shiping Liu
, Florentin Münch, Norbert Peyerimhoff:
Curvature and Higher Order Buser Inequalities for the Graph Connection Laplacian. 257-305 - Carolina Medina, Jorge L. Ramírez Alfonsín, Gelasio Salazar:
On the Number of Unknot Diagrams. 306-326 - Fedor V. Fomin
, Petteri Kaski, Daniel Lokshtanov, Fahad Panolan
, Saket Saurabh:
Parameterized Single-Exponential Time Polynomial Space Algorithm for Steiner Tree. 327-345 - Daniel Weißauer
On the Block Number of Graphs. 346-357 - Nick Brettell
, Rutger Campbell, Deborah Chun, Kevin Grace
, Geoff Whittle:
On a Generalization of Spikes. 358-372 - Peter Nelson
, Jorn G. van der Pol:
On the Number of Biased Graphs. 373-382 - András Gyárfás:
The Turán Number of Berge K_4 in Triple Systems. 383-392 - Guantao Chen
, Xing Feng, Fuliang Lu, Lianzhu Zhang:
Disjoint Odd Cycles in Cubic Solid Bricks. 393-397 - Nathan Keller, Noam Lifshitz
A Note on Large H-Intersecting Families. 398-401 - Ishay Haviv:
Sum-Free Sets of Integers with a Forbidden Sum. 402-424 - Giacomo Micheli
, Violetta Weger
On Rectangular Unimodular Matrices over the Algebraic Integers. 425-437 - Carlos Hoppen
, Roberto F. Parente, Cristiane M. Sato:
Packing Arborescences in Random Digraphs. 438-453 - Anastasios Sidiropoulos, Mihai Badoiu, Kedar Dhamdhere, Anupam Gupta, Piotr Indyk, Yuri Rabinovich, Harald Räcke, R. Ravi:
Approximation Algorithms for Low-Distortion Embeddings into Low-Dimensional Spaces. 454-473 - Béla Csaba
, Judit Nagy-György:
Embedding Graphs Having Ore-Degree at Most Five. 474-508 - Roee David, Karthik C. S.
, Bundit Laekhanukit:
On the Complexity of Closest Pair via Polar-Pair of Point-Sets. 509-527 - Michael Anastos, Alan M. Frieze:
Pattern Colored Hamilton Cycles in Random Graphs. 528-545 - David G. Harris:
Some Results on Chromatic Number as a Function of Triangle Count. 546-563 - Jaehoon Kim, Younjin Kim, Hong Liu
Two Conjectures in Ramsey-Turán Theory. 564-586
Volume 33, Number 2, 2019
- Alessio Conte
, Roberto Grossi, Andrea Marino, Luca Versari:
Listing Maximal Subgraphs Satisfying Strongly Accessible Properties. 587-613 - Daniel W. Cranston
Acyclic Edge-Coloring of Planar Graphs: Δ Colors Suffice When Δ is Large. 614-628 - Noga Alon, Nadav Sherman:
Induced Universal Hypergraphs. 629-642 - Václav Rozhon
A Local Approach to the Erdös-Sós Conjecture. 643-664 - Nir Weinberger
, Ofer Shayevitz:
Self-Predicting Boolean Functions. 665-693 - Zihan Tan
, Liwei Zeng
On the Inequalities of Projected Volumes and the Constructible Region. 694-711 - Mahya Ghandehari
, Jeannette C. M. Janssen
An Optimization Parameter for Seriation of Noisy Data. 712-730 - Yury Polyanskiy:
Hypercontractivity of Spherical Averages in Hamming Space. 731-754 - Amitabh Basu
, Santanu S. Dey
, Joseph Paat:
Nonunique Lifting of Integer Variables in Minimal Inequalities. 755-783 - Boris Bukh
, Xavier Goaoc:
Shatter Functions with Polynomial Growth Rates. 784-794 - Fedor V. Fomin
, Petr A. Golovach, Fahad Panolan
, Saket Saurabh:
Editing to Connected F-Degree Graph. 795-836 - Tomasz Schoen
, Ilya D. Shkredov
An Upper Bound for Weak Bk-Sets. 837-844 - Therese Biedl, Ahmad Biniaz, Robert Cummings, Anna Lubiw, Florin Manea, Dirk Nowotka
, Jeffrey O. Shallit:
Rollercoasters: Long Sequences without Short Runs. 845-861 - Zoltán Füredi, Tao Jiang, Alexandr V. Kostochka, Dhruv Mubayi, Jacques Verstraëte:
Hypergraphs Not Containing a Tight Tree with a Bounded Trunk. 862-873 - T. Karthick
, Frédéric Maffray:
Square-Free Graphs with No Six-Vertex Induced Path. 874-909 - Hunter Spink:
Orthogonal Symmetric Chain Decompositions of Hypercubes. 910-932 - Edita Mácajová, Edita Rollová, Martin Skoviera:
Circuit Covers of Signed Eulerian Graphs. 933-957 - Paul Horn
A Spacial Gradient Estimate for Solutions to the Heat Equation on Graphs. 958-975 - Janko Gravner, Jan Ernest Paguyo
, Erik Slivken
Maximal Spanning Time for Neighborhood Growth on the Hamming Plane. 976-993 - Mikhail Lavrov, Po-Shen Loh
, Arnau Messegué
Distance-Uniform Graphs with Large Diameter. 994-1005 - Jacob Focke, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Stanislav Zivný:
The Complexity of Counting Surjective Homomorphisms and Compactions. 1006-1043 - Abdul Basit
, Ben Lund:
An Improved Sum-Product Bound for Quaternions. 1044-1060 - Matthias Walter
Complete Description of Matching Polytopes with One Linearized Quadratic Term for Bipartite Graphs. 1061-1094 - Serge Gaspers, Shenwei Huang:
(2P2, K4)-Free Graphs are 4-Colorable. 1095-1120
Volume 33, Number 3, 2019
- Yasushi Kawase, Hanna Sumita, Takuro Fukunaga
Submodular Maximization with Uncertain Knapsack Capacity. 1121-1145 - Martin E. Dyer
, Haiko Müller
Counting Perfect Matchings and the Switch Chain. 1146-1174 - Martin Babka
, Jan Bulánek, Vladimír Cunát, Michal Koucký
, Michael E. Saks:
On Online Labeling with Large Label Set. 1175-1193 - Daniel Lokshtanov, Amer E. Mouawad, Saket Saurabh, Meirav Zehavi:
Packing Cycles Faster Than Erdos-Posa. 1194-1215 - Andrzej Dudek, Sean English
, Alan M. Frieze:
A Random Variant of the Game of Plates and Olives. 1216-1227 - Daniel W. Cranston
, Landon Rabern:
The Hilton-Zhao Conjecture is True for Graphs with Maximum Degree 4. 1228-1241 - Eimear Byrne, Alberto Ravagnani:
An Assmus-Mattson Theorem for Rank Metric Codes. 1242-1260 - József Balogh, Bernard Lidický
, Gelasio Salazar:
Closing in on Hill's Conjecture. 1261-1276 - Syed Mohammad Meesum
, Fahad Panolan
, Saket Saurabh, Meirav Zehavi:
Rank Vertex Cover as a Natural Problem for Algebraic Compression. 1277-1296 - Wei Dong, Baogang Xu:
2-Distance Coloring of Planar Graphs without 4-Cycles and 5-Cycles. 1297-1312 - Stephen D. Miller
, Noah Stephens-Davidowitz:
Kissing Numbers and Transference Theorems from Generalized Tail Bounds. 1313-1325 - Shiliang Gao, Shira Zerbib
The (2, 2) and (4, 3) Properties in Families of Fat Sets in the Plane. 1326-1337 - Naman Agarwal, Karthekeyan Chandrasekaran, Alexandra Kolla, Vivek Madan:
On the Expansion of Group-Based Lifts. 1338-1373 - Colin Cooper, Alan M. Frieze, Wesley Pegden
On the Cover Time of Dense Graphs. 1374-1389 - Atsuhiro Nakamoto, Kenta Noguchi
, Kenta Ozeki
Extension to 3-Colorable Triangulations. 1390-1414 - John Gimbel, André Kündgen
, Binlong Li, Carsten Thomassen
Fractional Coloring Methods with Applications to Degenerate Graphs and Graphs on Surfaces. 1415-1430 - Naoyuki Kamiyama:
Pareto Stable Matchings under One-Sided Matroid Constraints. 1431-1451 - Yuichi Yoshida:
Maximizing a Monotone Submodular Function with a Bounded Curvature under a Knapsack Constraint. 1452-1471 - Zhiyang He
, Michael Tait
Hypergraphs with Few Berge Paths of Fixed Length between Vertices. 1472-1481 - Guangyue Han:
On Mergings in Acyclic Directed Graphs. 1482-1502 - Louis DeBiasio
, Allan Lo:
Spanning Trees with Few Branch Vertices. 1503-1520 - Guido Besomi, Matías Pavez-Signé
, Maya Stein
Degree Conditions for Embedding Trees. 1521-1555 - Steven Kelk, Simone Linz
A Tight Kernel for Computing the Tree Bisection and Reconnection Distance between Two Phylogenetic Trees. 1556-1574 - Peter J. Ayre, Catherine S. Greenhill:
Rigid Colorings of Hypergraphs and Contiguity. 1575-1606 - Aaron Bernstein, Karl Däubel, Yann Disser, Max Klimm, Torsten Mütze, Frieder Smolny:
Distance-Preserving Graph Contractions. 1607-1636 - João Gouveia
, Antonio Macchia
, Rekha R. Thomas, Amy Wiebe:
The Slack Realization Space of a Polytope. 1637-1653 - Joshua Erde
, Daniel Weißauer
A Short Derivation of the Structure Theorem for Graphs with Excluded Topological Minors. 1654-1661 - Gérard D. Cohen, Emanuela Fachini, János Körner:
Interlocked Permutations. 1662-1668 - Domingos Dellamonica Jr.
, Vojtech Rödl:
Packing Paths in Steiner Triple Systems. 1669-1690 - István Kovács, Daniel Soltész:
On k-Neighbor Separated Permutations. 1691-1711 - Yu Yokoi:
Matroidal Choice Functions. 1712-1724 - Daniel Irving Bernstein, Robert Krone
The Tropical Cayley-Menger Variety. 1725-1742 - Eduard Eiben, Mithilesh Kumar
, Amer E. Mouawad, Fahad Panolan
, Sebastian Siebertz
Lossy Kernels for Connected Dominating Set on Sparse Graphs. 1743-1771 - Gweneth McKinley:
Superlogarithmic Cliques in Dense Inhomogeneous Random Graphs. 1772-1800
Volume 33, Number 4, 2019
- Kenta Ozeki
, Atsuhiro Nakamoto, Takayuki Nozawa:
Book Embedding of Graphs on the Projective Plane. 1801-1836 - Alberto Espuny Díaz
, Felix Joos, Daniela Kühn, Deryk Osthus:
Edge Correlations in Random Regular Hypergraphs and Applications to Subgraph Testing. 1837-1863 - Thao Do:
Representation Complexities of SemiAlgebraic Graphs. 1864-1877 - Daniel Lokshtanov, Saket Saurabh, Roohani Sharma, Meirav Zehavi:
Balanced Judicious Bipartition is Fixed-Parameter Tractable. 1878-1911 - Roy Oursler, Andrzej Czygrinow:
Tight Minimum Degree Condition for the Existence of Loose Cycle Tilings in 3-Graphs. 1912-1931 - Tobias Harks
, Anja Schedel, Manuel Surek:
A Characterization of Undirected Graphs Admitting Optimal Cost Shares. 1932-1996 - Guantao Chen
, Songling Shan
Dirac's Condition for Spanning Halin Subgraphs. 1997-2022 - Lucas de Oliveira Contiero, Carlos Hoppen
, Hanno Lefmann, Knut Odermann:
Stability Results for Two Classes of Hypergraphs. 2023-2040 - Joseph Hyde, Hong Liu
, Andrew Treglown:
A Degree Sequence Komlós Theorem. 2041-2061 - Klaus Jansen, Kim-Manuel Klein:
A Robust AFPTAS for Online Bin Packing with Polynomial Migration. 2062-2091 - Benjamin A. Burton
, Sergio Cabello
, Stefan Kratsch, William Pettersson
The Parameterized Complexity of Finding a 2-Sphere in a Simplicial Complex. 2092-2110 - Elena Grigorescu
, Akash Kumar, Karl Wimmer:
Flipping Out with Many Flips: Hardness of Testing k-Monotonicity. 2111-2125 - Sam Mattheus:
Trace of Products in Finite Fields from a Combinatorial Point of View. 2126-2139 - Stephen Melczer
, Mark C. Wilson:
Higher Dimensional Lattice Walks: Connecting Combinatorial and Analytic Behavior. 2140-2174 - Elad Aigner-Horev
, Yury Person
Monochromatic Schur Triples in Randomly Perturbed Dense Sets of Integers. 2175-2180 - Alexandre Rok, Bartosz Walczak:
Outerstring Graphs are χ-Bounded. 2181-2199 - Marcos A. Kiwi
, Dieter Mitsche:
On the Second Largest Component of Random Hyperbolic Graphs. 2200-2217 - Claude Tardif, Marcin Wrochna
Hedetniemi's Conjecture and Strongly Multiplicative Graphs. 2218-2250 - Tomasz Luczak
, Joanna Polcyn
Paths in Hypergraphs: A Rescaling Phenomenon. 2251-2266 - Talya Eden, Dana Ron
, C. Seshadhri:
Sublinear Time Estimation of Degree Distribution Moments: The Arboricity Connection. 2267-2285 - Soojin Cho, JiSun Huh:
On e-Positivity and e-Unimodality of Chromatic Quasi-symmetric Functions. 2286-2315 - Pratik Misra
, Seth Sullivant
Bounds on the Expected Size of the Maximum Agreement Subtree for a Given Tree Shape. 2316-2325 - Ivona Bezáková, Radu Curticapean, Holger Dell
, Fedor V. Fomin
Finding Detours is Fixed-Parameter Tractable. 2326-2345 - António Girão, Teeradej Kittipassorn
, Kamil Popielarz:
Partite Saturation of Complete Graphs. 2346-2359 - Shoham Letzter
Many H-Copies in Graphs with a Forbidden Tree. 2360-2368 - Swee Hong Chan
Rotor Walks on Transient Graphs and the Wired Spanning Forest. 2369-2393 - Ricky Ini Liu
, Karola Mészáros, Avery St. Dizier:
Gelfand-Tsetlin Polytopes: A Story of Flow and Order Polytopes. 2394-2415 - József Balogh, Lina Li
The Typical Structure of Gallai Colorings and Their Extremal Graphs. 2416-2443 - Yandong Bai
, Yannis Manoussakis:
On the Number of Vertex-Disjoint Cycles in Digraphs. 2444-2451 - Samuel C. Gutekunst, David P. Williamson:
Characterizing the Integrality Gap of the Subtour LP for the Circulant Traveling Salesman Problem. 2452-2478 - Emily J. King
, Xiaoxian Tang:
New Upper Bounds for Equiangular Lines by Pillar Decomposition. 2479-2508 - Jingxue Ma, Gennian Ge:
Optimal Binary Linear Locally Repairable Codes with Disjoint Repair Groups. 2509-2529
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