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Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, Volume 30
Volume 30, Number 1, January 2018
- Weizhen Xie, Weiwei Zhang
Familiarity Speeds Up Visual Short-term Memory Consolidation: Electrophysiological Evidence from Contralateral Delay Activities. - Jessica Slater, Richard Ashley
, Adam Tierney
, Nina Kraus:
Got Rhythm? Better Inhibitory Control Is Linked with More Consistent Drumming and Enhanced Neural Tracking of the Musical Beat in Adult Percussionists and Nonpercussionists. - Clara R. Grabitz, Katherine S. Button
, Marcus Munafò
, Dianne F. Newbury, Cyril R. Pernet, Paul A. Thompson
, Dorothy V. M. Bishop
Logical and Methodological Issues Affecting Genetic Studies of Humans Reported in Top Neuroscience Journals. - Rachel E. Rickard, Andrew M. J. Young, Todor V. Gerdjikov
Cortical Local Field Potential Power Is Associated with Behavioral Detection of Near-threshold Stimuli in the Rat Whisker System: Dissociation between Orbitofrontal and Somatosensory Cortices. - Francesco Rigoli, Benjamin Chew
, Peter Dayan, Raymond J. Dolan
Learning Contextual Reward Expectations for Value Adaptation. - Gabriela Meade
, Katherine J. Midgley, Ton Dijkstra, Phillip J. Holcomb:
Cross-language Neighborhood Effects in Learners Indicative of an Integrated Lexicon. - Giulia Dormal, Maxime Pelland
, Mohamed Rezk, Esther Yakobov, Franco Lepore, Olivier Collignon:
Functional Preference for Object Sounds and Voices in the Brain of Early Blind and Sighted Individuals. - Johanna Wagner
, Jan R. Wessel
, Ayda Ghahremani, Adam R. Aron:
Establishing a Right Frontal Beta Signature for Stopping Action in Scalp EEG: Implications for Testing Inhibitory Control in Other Task Contexts. - Tom R. Marshall
, Sebastiaan Den Boer, Roshan Cools
, Ole Jensen
, Sean James Fallon
, Johanna M. Zumer
Occipital Alpha and Gamma Oscillations Support Complementary Mechanisms for Processing Stimulus Value Associations.
Volume 30, Number 2, February 2018
- Johannes Rennig
, Sonja Cornelsen, Helmut Wilhelm, Marc Himmelbach
, Hans-Otto Karnath:
Preserved Expert Object Recognition in a Case of Visual Hemiagnosia. - Steve Majerus, Frédéric Peters, Marion Bouffier, Nelson Cowan, Christophe Phillips
The Dorsal Attention Network Reflects Both Encoding Load and Top-down Control during Working Memory. - Monica D. Rosenberg
, Wei-Ting Hsu
, Dustin Scheinost
, R. Todd Constable
, Marvin M. Chun
Connectome-based Models Predict Separable Components of Attention in Novel Individuals. - Erika Nyhus
Brain Networks Related to Beta Oscillatory Activity during Episodic Memory Retrieval. - Paola Marangolo
, Valentina Fiori
, Carlo Caltagirone, Francesca Pisano
, Alberto Priori
Transcranial Cerebellar Direct Current Stimulation Enhances Verb Generation but Not Verb Naming in Poststroke Aphasia. - Frank J. Kanayet
, Andrew Mattarella-Micke, Peter J. Kohler, Anthony M. Norcia, Bruce D. McCandliss, James L. McClelland:
Distinct Representations of Magnitude and Spatial Position within Parietal Cortex during Number-Space Mapping. - Masih Rahmati, Golbarg T. Saber, Clayton E. Curtis:
Population Dynamics of Early Visual Cortex during Working Memory. - Corianne Rogalsky, Arianna N. LaCroix
, Kuan-Hua Chen, Steven W. Anderson
, Hanna Damasio, Tracy Love
, Gregory Hickok:
The Neurobiology of Agrammatic Sentence Comprehension: A Lesion Study. - Dirk van Moorselaar
, Joshua J. Foster
, David W. Sutterer, Jan Theeuwes
, Christian N. L. Olivers
, Edward Awh
Spatially Selective Alpha Oscillations Reveal Moment-by-Moment Trade-offs between Working Memory and Attention.
Volume 30, Number 3, March 2018
- Xin Xie
, Emily B. Myers:
Left Inferior Frontal Gyrus Sensitivity to Phonetic Competition in Receptive Language Processing: A Comparison of Clear and Conversational Speech. - Ethan M. McCormick, Eva H. Telzer
Not Doomed to Repeat: Enhanced Medial Prefrontal Cortex Tracking of Errors Promotes Adaptive Behavior during Adolescence. - Floris Tijmen van Vugt, David J. Ostry:
The Structure and Acquisition of Sensorimotor Maps. - Juri Fujiwara, Nobuo Usui, Satoshi Eifuku, Toshio Iijima, Masato Taira, Ken-Ichiro Tsutsui
, Philippe N. Tobler:
Ventrolateral Prefrontal Cortex Updates Chosen Value According to Choice Set Size. - David M. Simon, Mark T. Wallace:
Integration and Temporal Processing of Asynchronous Audiovisual Speech. - Elaine Foley
, Gina Rippon
, Carl Senior
Modulation of Neural Oscillatory Activity during Dynamic Face Processing. - Robert S. Blumenfeld, Daniel P. Bliss, Mark D'Esposito
Quantitative Anatomical Evidence for a Dorsoventral and Rostrocaudal Segregation within the Nonhuman Primate Frontal Cortex. - Maya L. Rosen, Margaret A. Sheridan
, Kelly A. Sambrook, Matthew Peverill
, Andrew N. Meltzoff
, Katie A. McLaughlin:
The Role of Visual Association Cortex in Associative Memory Formation across Development. - Marijn van Vliet
, Marc M. Van Hulle, Riitta Salmelin
Exploring the Organization of Semantic Memory through Unsupervised Analysis of Event-related Potentials. - Genevieve Quek
, Dan Nemrodov
, Bruno Rossion
, Joan Liu-Shuang:
Selective Attention to Faces in a Rapid Visual Stream: Hemispheric Differences in Enhancement and Suppression of Category-selective Neural Activity. - Edward F. Chang, Garret Kurteff, Stephen M. Wilson
Selective Interference with Syntactic Encoding during Sentence Production by Direct Electrocortical Stimulation of the Inferior Frontal Gyrus. - Sarah M. Pope, Jared P. Taglialatela, Sara A. Skiba
, William D. Hopkins:
Changes in Frontoparietotemporal Connectivity following Do-As-I-Do Imitation Training in Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). - Lin Wang
, Peter Hagoort, Ole Jensen
Language Prediction Is Reflected by Coupling between Frontal Gamma and Posterior Alpha Oscillations.
Volume 30, Number 4, April 2018
- Aliette Lochy
, Friederike G. S. Zimmermann, Renaud Laguesse, Verena Willenbockel, Bruno Rossion
, Quoc C. Vuong:
Does Extensive Training at Individuating Novel Objects in Adulthood Lead to Visual Expertise? The Role of Facelikeness. - Marlies E. Vissers, K. Richard Ridderinkhof, Michael X. Cohen, Heleen A. Slagter
Oscillatory Mechanisms of Response Conflict Elicited by Color and Motion Direction: An Individual Differences Approach. - Iris Wiegand
, Natan Napiórkowski, Thomas Töllner, Anders Petersen
, Thomas Habekost
, Hermann J. Müller, Kathrin Finke
Event-related Electroencephalographic Lateralizations Mark Individual Differences in Spatial and Nonspatial Visual Selection. - Christian Graulty
, Orestis Papaioannou, Phoebe Bauer, Michael A. Pitts, Enriqueta Canseco-Gonzalez:
Hearing Shapes: Event-related Potentials Reveal the Time Course of Auditory-Visual Sensory Substitution. - Sara B. Pillay
, William L. Gross
, William W. Graves
, Colin Humphries
, Diane S. Book, Jeffrey R. Binder:
The Neural Basis of Successful Word Reading in Aphasia. - Michael M. Craig, Anne E. Manktelow, Barbara J. Sahakian
, David K. Menon, Emmanuel A. Stamatakis
Spectral Diversity in Default Mode Network Connectivity Reflects Behavioral State. - Daniel R. Lametti, Harriet J. Smith
, Phoebe F. Freidin, Kate E. Watkins
Cortico-cerebellar Networks Drive Sensorimotor Learning in Speech. - Marc André Wittenberg, Thomas J. Baumgarten
, Alfons Schnitzler
, Joachim Lange:
U-shaped Relation between Prestimulus Alpha-band and Poststimulus Gamma-band Power in Temporal Tactile Perception in the Human Somatosensory Cortex. - Andrea N. Goldstein-Piekarski, Stephanie M. Greer, Jared M. Saletin, Allison G. Harvey, Leanne M. Williams, Matthew P. Walker:
Sex, Sleep Deprivation, and the Anxious Brain. - Wei Zhang
, Vanessa A. van Ast, Floris Klumpers
, Karin Roelofs
, Erno J. Hermans:
Memory Contextualization: The Role of Prefrontal Cortex in Functional Integration across Item and Context Representational Regions. - Giovanni Mento, Duncan E. Astle
, Gaia Scerif
Cross-frequency Phase-Amplitude Coupling as a Mechanism for Temporal Orienting of Attention in Childhood. - Wen Wen
, Patrick Haggard
Control Changes the Way We Look at the World.
Volume 30, Number 5, May 2018
- Iske Bakker-Marshall, Atsuko Takashima, Jan-Mathijs Schoffelen
, Janet G. van Hell, Gabriele Janzen, James M. McQueen:
Theta-band Oscillations in the Middle Temporal Gyrus Reflect Novel Word Consolidation. - Jessica Ross
, John R. Iversen
, Ramesh Balasubramaniam:
The Role of Posterior Parietal Cortex in Beat-based Timing Perception: A Continuous Theta Burst Stimulation Study. - Tobias Katus
, Martin Eimer
Independent Attention Mechanisms Control the Activation of Tactile and Visual Working Memory Representations. - Sarah C. Tyler, Federica Contò, Lorella Battelli:
Rapid Improvement on a Temporal Attention Task within a Single Session of High-frequency Transcranial Random Noise Stimulation. - David A. Vogelsang, Matthias J. Gruber
, Zara M. Bergström
, Charan Ranganath, Jon S. Simons:
Alpha Oscillations during Incidental Encoding Predict Subsequent Memory for New "Foil" Information. - Natalie V. Covington
, Sarah Brown-Schmidt, Melissa C. Duff
The Necessity of the Hippocampus for Statistical Learning. - Stephen D. Auger
, Eleanor A. Maguire:
Dissociating Landmark Stability from Orienting Value Using Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. - Meghan L. Meyer, Matthew D. Lieberman:
Why People Are Always Thinking about Themselves: Medial Prefrontal Cortex Activity during Rest Primes Self-referential Processing. - Eun Young Choi
, Garrett K. Drayna, David Badre:
Evidence for a Functional Hierarchy of Association Networks. - Lucia M. Sacheli
, Gaetano Tieri
, Salvatore Maria Aglioti
, Matteo Candidi
Transitory Inhibition of the Left Anterior Intraparietal Sulcus Impairs Joint Actions: A Continuous Theta-Burst Stimulation Study. - Benjamin L. Chernoff, Alex Teghipco, Frank Garcea, Max H. Sims, David A. Paul, Madalina E. Tivarus
, Susan O. Smith, Webster H. Pilcher, Bradford Z. Mahon:
A Role for the Frontal Aslant Tract in Speech Planning: A Neurosurgical Case Study. - Torben Ott
, Stephanie Westendorff, Andreas Nieder:
Dopamine Receptors Influence Internally Generated Oscillations during Rule Processing in Primate Prefrontal Cortex.
Volume 30, Number 6, June 2018
- Jessica de Boer, Katrin Krumbholz
Auditory Attention Causes Gain Enhancement and Frequency Sharpening at Successive Stages of Cortical Processing - Evidence from Human Electroencephalography. - Marcus Paul
, Marie-Christin Fellner
, Gerd T. Waldhauser
, John Paul Minda
, Nikolai Axmacher
, Boris Suchan
, Oliver T. Wolf
Stress Elevates Frontal Midline Theta in Feedback-based Category Learning of Exceptions. - Jean-Paul Noel
, David Simon, Antonia Thelen, Alexander Maier
, Randolph Blake, Mark T. Wallace:
Probing Electrophysiological Indices of Perceptual Awareness across Unisensory and Multisensory Modalities. - Joshua D. Koen
, Erin D. Horne, Nedra Hauck, Michael D. Rugg:
Age-related Differences in Prestimulus Subsequent Memory Effects Assessed with Event-related Potentials. - Magdalena Chechlacz
, Peter C. Hansen
, Joy J. Geng, Dario Cazzoli
Polarity-dependent Effects of Biparietal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on the Interplay between Target Location and Distractor Saliency in Visual Attention. - Edward Rhodes
, William C. Gaetz, Jonathan Marsden, Stephen D. Hall
Transient Alpha and Beta Synchrony Underlies Preparatory Recruitment of Directional Motor Networks. - Friederike Leimbach, Dejan Georgiev, Vladimir Litvak, Chrystalina Antoniades
, Patricia Limousin, Marjan Jahanshahi, Rafal Bogacz
Deep Brain Stimulation of the Subthalamic Nucleus Does Not Affect the Decrease of Decision Threshold during the Choice Process When There Is No Conflict, Time Pressure, or Reward. - Shuo Wang, Virginia Falvello, Jenny Porter, Christopher P. Said, Alexander Todorov:
Behavioral and Neural Adaptation in Approach Behavior. - Seng Bum Michael Yoo, Brianna J. Sleezer
, Benjamin Y. Hayden:
Robust Encoding of Spatial Information in Orbitofrontal Cortex and Striatum. - Kohinoor M. Darda, Emily E. Butler, Richard Ramsey
Functional Specificity and Sex Differences in the Neural Circuits Supporting the Inhibition of Automatic Imitation.
Volume 30, Number 7, July 2018
- Zoran Tiganj, Jason A. Cromer, Jefferson E. Roy
, Earl K. Miller, Marc W. Howard:
Compressed Timeline of Recent Experience in Monkey Lateral Prefrontal Cortex. - Sharon Gilad-Gutnick, Elia Samuel Harmatz, Kleovoulos Tsourides, Galit Yovel
, Pawan Sinha:
Recognizing Facial Slivers. - Andrew D. Engell
, Na Yeon Kim
, Gregory McCarthy:
Sensitivity to Faces with Typical and Atypical Part Configurations within Regions of the Face-processing Network: An fMRI Study. - David A. Ross, Benjamin J. Tamber-Rosenau
, Thomas J. Palmeri, JieDong Zhang, Yaoda Xu, Isabel Gauthier
High-resolution Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Reveals Configural Processing of Cars in Right Anterior Fusiform Face Area of Car Experts. - Bernhard Pastötter
, Christian Frings:
It's the Other Way Around! Early Modulation of Sensory Distractor Processing Induced by Late Response Conflict. - Lina Teichmann
, Tijl Grootswagers
, Thomas A. Carlson
, Anina N. Rich
Decoding Digits and Dice with Magnetoencephalography: Evidence for a Shared Representation of Magnitude. - Oshin Vartanian, Erin L. Beatty
, Ingrid Smith, Kristen Blackler
, Quan Lam, Sarah Forbes, Wim De Neys:
The Reflective Mind: Examining Individual Differences in Susceptibility to Base Rate Neglect with fMRI. - Johannes C. Ziegler
, Marie Montant, Benny B. Briesemeister, Tila T. Brink, Bruno Wicker, Aurélie Ponz, Mireille Bonnard, Arthur M. Jacobs
, Mario Braun:
Do Words Stink? Neural Reuse as a Principle for Understanding Emotions in Reading. - Alexander V. Lebedev
, Jonna Nilsson, Martin Lövdén:
Working Memory and Reasoning Benefit from Different Modes of Large-scale Brain Dynamics in Healthy Older Adults. - Erez Freud, Amanda K. Robinson
, Marlene Behrmann:
More than Action: The Dorsal Pathway Contributes to the Perception of 3-D Structure.
Volume 30, Number 8, August 2018
- William H. Alexander, Joshua W. Brown, Anne G. E. Collins, Benjamin Y. Hayden, Eliana Vassena
Prefrontal Cortex in Control: Broadening the Scope to Identify Mechanisms. - Lars Meyer
, Matthias Gumbert:
Synchronization of Electrophysiological Responses with Speech Benefits Syntactic Information Processing. - Lin Wang
, Peter Hagoort, Ole Jensen
Gamma Oscillatory Activity Related to Language Prediction. - Linda Drijvers
, Asli Özyürek, Ole Jensen
Alpha and Beta Oscillations Index Semantic Congruency between Speech and Gestures in Clear and Degraded Speech. - Elisabetta Ambron, Nicole White, Olufunsho Faseyitan
, Sudha K. Kessler
, Jared Medina, H. Branch Coslett:
Magnifying the View of the Hand Changes Its Cortical Representation. A Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Study. - Armand Mensen, William Marshall, Shuntaro Sasai
, Giulio Tononi:
Differentiation Analysis of Continuous Electroencephalographic Activity Triggered by Video Clip Contents. - Cooper A. Smout
, Jason B. Mattingley
Spatial Attention Enhances the Neural Representation of Invisible Signals Embedded in Noise. - Simon Nougaret
, Sabrina Ravel:
Dynamic Encoding of Effort and Reward throughout the Execution of Action by External Globus Pallidus Neurons in Monkeys. - Ruth B. Elijah, Mike E. Le Pelley
, Thomas J. Whitford:
Act Now, Play Later: Temporal Expectations Regarding the Onset of Self-initiated Sensations Can Be Modified with Behavioral Training. - Rodolfo Solís-Vivanco, Ole Jensen
, Mathilde Bonnefond
Top-Down Control of Alpha Phase Adjustment in Anticipation of Temporally Predictable Visual Stimuli. - Nicolas J. Bourguignon
, Senne Braem
, Egbert Hartstra
, Jan De Houwer, Marcel Brass:
Encoding of Novel Verbal Instructions for Prospective Action in the Lateral Prefrontal Cortex: Evidence from Univariate and Multivariate Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Analysis. - Tobias Feldmann-Wüstefeld, Edward K. Vogel, Edward Awh
Contralateral Delay Activity Indexes Working Memory Storage, Not the Current Focus of Spatial Attention. - Feng-Kuei Chiang
, Joni D. Wallis:
Neuronal Encoding in Prefrontal Cortex during Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning.
Volume 30, Number 9, September 2018
- David Rothlein, Joe DeGutis, Michael Esterman:
Attentional Fluctuations Influence the Neural Fidelity and Connectivity of Stimulus Representations. - Kirsten C. S. Adam
, Matthew K. Robison, Edward K. Vogel:
Contralateral Delay Activity Tracks Fluctuations in Working Memory Performance. - Nash Unsworth, Matthew K. Robison, Ashley L. Miller
Pupillary Correlates of Fluctuations in Sustained Attention. - Rüdiger J. Seitz, Raymond F. Paloutzian, Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
From Believing to Belief: A General Theoretical Model. - Nicholas Gaspelin, Steven J. Luck:
Combined Electrophysiological and Behavioral Evidence for the Suppression of Salient Distractors. - Alexa Tompary, Naseem Al-Aidroos
, Nicholas B. Turk-Browne:
Attending to What and Where: Background Connectivity Integrates Categorical and Spatial Attention. - Ye Yuan, Judy Major-Girardin, Steven Brown
Storytelling Is Intrinsically Mentalistic: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study of Narrative Production across Modalities. - Sori Baek, Amy Daitch, Pedro Pinheiro Chagas, Josef Parvizi:
Neuronal Population Responses in the Human Ventral Temporal and Lateral Parietal Cortex during Arithmetic Processing with Digits and Number Words. - Katherine W. Turk, Ala'a A. Elshaar, Rebecca G. Deason, Nadine C. Heyworth, Corrine Nagle, Bruno Frustace, Sean Flannery, Ann Zumwalt, Andrew E. Budson:
Late Positive Component Event-related Potential Amplitude Predicts Long-term Classroom-based Learning. - Anne S. Berry, Vyoma D. Shah, William J. Jagust:
The Influence of Dopamine on Cognitive Flexibility Is Mediated by Functional Connectivity in Young but Not Older Adults. - Mariam Aly
, Janice Chen, Nicholas B. Turk-Browne, Uri Hasson
Learning Naturalistic Temporal Structure in the Posterior Medial Network. - Mariya E. Manahova, Pim Mostert, Peter Kok
, Jan-Mathijs Schoffelen
, Floris P. de Lange:
Stimulus Familiarity and Expectation Jointly Modulate Neural Activity in the Visual Ventral Stream.
Volume 30, Number 10, October 2018
- Alexander J. Millner, Samuel J. Gershman, Matthew K. Nock, Hanneke E. M. den Ouden:
Pavlovian Control of Escape and Avoidance. - Wouter Kool, Samuel J. Gershman, Fiery Cushman:
Planning Complexity Registers as a Cost in Metacontrol. - Harrison Ritz
, Matthew R. Nassar
, Michael Joshua Frank, Amitai Shenhav:
A Control Theoretic Model of Adaptive Learning in Dynamic Environments. - Anne G. E. Collins:
The Tortoise and the Hare: Interactions between Reinforcement Learning and Working Memory. - David St-Amand
, Signy Sheldon, A. Ross Otto
Modulating Episodic Memory Alters Risk Preference during Decision-making. - Richard Ramsey
Neural Integration in Body Perception. - Arielle Tambini
, Derek Evan Nee, Mark D'Esposito
Hippocampal-targeted Theta-burst Stimulation Enhances Associative Memory Formation. - Apoorva Bhandari
, Christopher Gagne, David Badre:
Just above Chance: Is It Harder to Decode Information from Prefrontal Cortex Hemodynamic Activity Patterns? - Valentinos Zachariou
, Zaid N. Safiullah, Leslie G. Ungerleider:
The Fusiform and Occipital Face Areas Can Process a Nonface Category Equivalently to Faces. - Paolo A. Grasso
, Elisabetta Làdavas, Caterina Bertini, Serena Caltabiano, Gregor Thut
, Stéphanie Morand
Decoupling of Early V5 Motion Processing from Visual Awareness: A Matter of Velocity as Revealed by Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. - Matthew C. Costello, Aaron T. Buss:
Age-related Decline of Visual Working Memory: Behavioral Results Simulated with a Dynamic Neural Field Model. - Kayoko Okada, William Matchin
, Gregory Hickok:
Phonological Feature Repetition Suppression in the Left Inferior Frontal Gyrus.
Volume 30, Number 11, November 2018
- Seyed-Mahdi Khaligh-Razavi, Radoslaw Martin Cichy
, Dimitrios Pantazis, Aude Oliva:
Tracking the Spatiotemporal Neural Dynamics of Real-world Object Size and Animacy in the Human Brain. - Sebastian Michelmann, Howard Bowman, Simon Hanslmayr
Replay of Stimulus-specific Temporal Patterns during Associative Memory Formation. - Alex Clarke
, Barry J. Devereux, Lorraine K. Tyler
Oscillatory Dynamics of Perceptual to Conceptual Transformations in the Ventral Visual Pathway. - Andrea Olguin, Tristan A. Bekinschtein, Mirjana Bozic
Neural Encoding of Attended Continuous Speech under Different Types of Interference. - Michele Scaltritti, Francois-Xavier Alario
, Marieke Longcamp
The Scope of Planning Serial Actions during Typing. - Méadhbh B. Brosnan
, Mahnaz Arvaneh, Siobhán Harty
, Tara Maguire, Redmond G. O'Connell, Ian H. Robertson, Paul M. Dockree
Prefrontal Modulation of Visual Processing and Sustained Attention in Aging, a tDCS-EEG Coregistration Approach. - Matthias J. Gruber
, Liang-Tien Hsieh, Bernhard P. Staresina
, Christian Erich Elger, Jürgen Fell, Nikolai Axmacher
, Charan Ranganath:
Theta Phase Synchronization between the Human Hippocampus and Prefrontal Cortex Increases during Encoding of Unexpected Information: A Case Study. - Rachel M. Brown
, Virginia B. Penhune:
Efficacy of Auditory versus Motor Learning for Skilled and Novice Performers. - Gavin Buckingham
, Desiree Holler, Elizabeth E. Michelakakis, Jacqueline C. Snow:
Preserved Object Weight Processing after Bilateral Lateral Occipital Complex Lesions. - Ekaterina Denkova, Emily G. Brudner
, Kristen Zayan, Joseph Dunn, Amishi P. Jha:
Attenuated Face Processing during Mind Wandering. - Anna Maria Alexandrou, Timo Saarinen
, Jan Kujala
, Riitta Salmelin
Cortical Tracking of Global and Local Variations of Speech Rhythm during Connected Natural Speech Perception. - Suzanne Hoogeveen
, Uffe Schjoedt, Michiel van Elk:
Did I Do That? Expectancy Effects of Brain Stimulation on Error-related Negativity and Sense of Agency. - Julia Wertheim, Marco Ragni
The Neural Correlates of Relational Reasoning: A Meta-analysis of 47 Functional Magnetic Resonance Studies.
Volume 30, Number 12, December 2018
- Rachel Wu
, Andria Shimi
, Michael Solis
, Gaia Scerif:
Learning What to Attend to: From the Lab to the Classroom. - Pedro Pinheiro Chagas, Amy Daitch, Josef Parvizi, Stanislas Dehaene:
Brain Mechanisms of Arithmetic: A Crucial Role for Ventral Temporal Cortex. - Jeongmi Lee
, Carly J. Leonard, Steven J. Luck, Joy J. Geng:
Dynamics of Feature-based Attentional Selection during Color-Shape Conjunction Search. - Michele Fornaciai
, Joonkoo Park:
Early Numerosity Encoding in Visual Cortex Is Not Sufficient for the Representation of Numerical Magnitude. - Marieke Jepma, Stephen B. R. E. Brown, Peter R. Murphy
, Stephany C. Koelewijn, Boukje de Vries, Arn M. J. M. van den Maagdenberg, Sander Nieuwenhuis:
Noradrenergic and Cholinergic Modulation of Belief Updating. - Ian A. Clark
, Misun Kim
, Eleanor A. Maguire:
Verbal Paired Associates and the Hippocampus: The Role of Scenes. - Daniel Baldauf
Visual Selection of the Future Reach Path in Obstacle Avoidance. - Guannan Shen, Nathan Smyk, Andrew N. Meltzoff
, Peter J. Marshall:
Neuropsychology of Human Body Parts: Exploring Categorical Boundaries of Tactile Perception Using Somatosensory Mismatch Responses. - Rachel Rac-Lubashevsky
, Yoav Kessler
Oscillatory Correlates of Control over Working Memory Gating and Updating: An EEG Study Using the Reference-back Paradigm. - Nicolò F. Bernardi, Floris Tijmen van Vugt, Ricardo Ruy Valle-Mena, Shahabeddin Vahdat, David J. Ostry:
Error-related Persistence of Motor Activity in Resting-state Networks. - Nick Berggren, Martin Eimer
Visual Working Memory Load Disrupts Template-guided Attentional Selection during Visual Search. - Tal Ness
, Aya Meltzer-Asscher:
Predictive Pre-updating and Working Memory Capacity: Evidence from Event-related Potentials. - Roger E. Beaty
, Preston P. Thakral, Kevin P. Madore, Mathias Benedek, Daniel L. Schacter:
Core Network Contributions to Remembering the Past, Imagining the Future, and Thinking Creatively.
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