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Neural Computation, Volume 10
Volume 10, Number 1, January 1998
- David Horn
, Nir Levy, Eytan Ruppin:
Memory Maintenance via Neuronal Regulation. 1-18
- Guang-Bin Huang
, Haroon A. Babri, Hua-Tian Li:
Ordering of Self-Organizing Maps in Multi-Dimensional Cases. 19-24
- Asohan Amarasingham, William B. Levy:
Predicting the Distribution of Synaptic Strengths in a Self-Organizing, Sequence Prediction Model. 25-58 - Ravi Kothari, Rohit Lotlikar, Marc Cathay:
State Dependent Weights for Neural Associative Memories. 59-72 - A. David Redish, David S. Touretzky
The Role of the Hippocampus in Solving the Morris Water Maze. 73-112 - Hiroyuki Nakahara
, Kenji Doya
Near Saddle-Node Bifurcation Behavior as Dynamics in Working Memory for Goal-Directed Behavior. 113-132 - Gérard Dreyfus, Yizhak Idan:
A Canonical Form of Nonlinear Discrete-Time Models. 133-165 - Andrew D. Back
, Ah Chung Tsoi
A Low Sensitivity Recurrent Neural Network. 165-188 - Jianfeng Feng, David Brown:
Fixed Point Attractor Analysis for a Class of Neurodynamics. 189-214 - Christopher M. Bishop, Markus Svensén, Christopher K. I. Williams:
GTM: The Generative Topographic Mapping. 215-234 - Michael Schmitt:
Identification Criteria and Lower Bounds for Perceptron-LikeLearning Rules. 235-250
Volume 10, Number 2, February 1998
- Shun-ichi Amari:
Natural Gradient Works Efficiently in Learning. 251-276
- Leslie S. Smith:
Adding Recurrence to a Simple Feedforward Network Can Enable it to Perform Exclusive-or. 277-280 - David J. Miller, Hasan S. Uyar:
Combined Learning and Use for a Mixture Model Equivalent to the RBF Classifier. 281-293
- Lin Liu, Marc M. Van Hulle
Modeling the Surround of MT Cells and Their Selectivity for Surface Orientation in Depth Specified by Motion. 295-312 - Seth Cameron, Stephen Grossberg, Frank H. Guenther:
A Self-Organizing Neural Network Architecture for Navigation Using Optic Flow. 313-352 - Paul Mineiro, David Zipser:
Analysis of Direction Selectivity Arising From Recurrent Cortical Interactions. 353-371 - Alexandre Pouget
, Kechen Zhang, Sophie Denève, Peter E. Latham:
Statistically Efficient Estimation Using Population Coding. 373-401 - Richard S. Zemel, Peter Dayan, Alexandre Pouget
Probabilistic Interpretation of Population Codes. 403-430 - Francesco P. Battaglia
, Alessandro Treves
Stable and Rapid Recurrent Processing in Realistic Autoassociative Memories. 431-450 - Asnat Greenstein-Messica, Eytan Ruppin:
Synaptic Runaway In Associative Networks And The Pathogenesis Of Schizophrenia. 451-465 - David Hansel, Germán Mato
, Claude Meunier, L. Neltner:
On Numerical Simulations of Integrate-and-Fire Neural Networks. 467-483 - Takashi Matsumoto, T. Sawaji, Takeyasu Sakai, H. Nagai:
A Floating Gate MOS Implementation of Resistive Fuse. 485-498
Volume 10, Number 3, April 1998
- Norberto M. Grzywacz, Pierre-Yves Burgi
Towards A Biophysically Plausible Bidirectional Hebbian Rule. 499-520
- Geoffrey J. Goodhill
, Herwig Baier
Axon Guidance: Stretching Gradients to the Limit. 521-527 - Kenneth D. Miller:
Equivalence of a Sprouting-And-Retraction Model and Correlation-Based Plasticity Models of Neural Development. 529-547 - Terry Elliott, C. I. Howarth, Nigel Shadbolt:
Axonal Processes and Neural Plasticity: A Reply. 549-554
- Harold Hüning, Helmut Glünder, Günther Palm:
Synaptic Delay Learning in Pulse-Coupled Neurons. 555-565 - Kiyohiko Nakamura:
Neural Processing of the Subsecond Time Range in the Temporal Cortex. 567-595 - Ehud Ahissar:
Temporal-to Rate-Code Conversion by Neuronal Phase-Locked Loops. 597-650 - Toru Aonishi, Koji Kurata:
Deformation Theory of the Dynamic Link Matching. 651-669 - Laurenz Wiskott
, Terrence J. Sejnowski:
Constrained Optimization for Neural Map Formation: A Unifying Framework for Weight Growth and Normalization. 671-716 - Maximilian Riesenhuber, Hans-Ulrich Bauer, Dirk Brockmann, Theo Geisel:
Breaking Rotational Symmetry in a Self-Organizing Map-Model for Orientation Map Development. 717-730 - Volker Tresp, Reimar Hofmann:
Nonlinear Time-Series Prediction with Missing and Noisy Data. 731-747 - Peter Müller, David Ríos Insua
Issues in Bayesian Analysis of Neural Network Models. 749-770
Volume 10, Number 4, May 1998
- Jean-Marc Fellous, Christiane Linster:
Computational Models of Neuromodulation. 771-805
- Siming Lin, Jennie Si
Weight Value Convergence of the SOM Algorithm for Discrete Input. 807-814 - Walter Senn
, Idan Segev
, Misha Tsodyks
Reading Neuronal Synchrony with Depressing Synapses. 815-819
- Misha Tsodyks
, Klaus Pawelzik, Henry Markram:
Neural Networks with Dynamic Synapses. 821-835 - Sharon M. Crook
, Bard Ermentrout, James M. Bower:
Spike Frequency Adaptation Affects the Synchronization Properties of Networks of Cortical Oscillator. 837-854 - Paul Bush, Nicholas Priebe:
GABAergic Inhibitory Control of the Transient and Sustained Components of Orientation Selectivity in a Model Microcolumn in Layer 4 of Cat Visual Cortex. 855-867 - Vikaas S. Sohal
, Michael E. Hasselmo:
Changes in GABAB Modulation During a Theta Cycle May Be Analogous to the Fall of Temperature During Annealing. 869-882 - Jean-Cédric Chappelier, Alain Grumbach:
RST: A Connectionist Architecture To Deal With Spatiotemporal Relationships. 883-902 - Zhaoping Li:
A Neural Model of Contour Integration in the Primary Visual Cortex. 903-940 - Klaus Prank, Clemens Jürgens, Alexander von zur Mühlen, Georg Brabant:
Predictive Neural Networks for Learning the Time Course of Blood Glucose Levels From the Complex Interaction of Counterregulartory Hormones. 941-953 - Massimiliano Pontil, Alessandro Verri:
Properties of Support Vector Machines. 955-974 - Eric T. Bax:
Validation of Voting Committees. 975-986 - Peter J. Edwards, Alan F. Murray:
Towards Optimally Distributed Computation. 987-1005 - Juan-Manuel Torres-Moreno
, Mirta B. Gordon:
Efficient Adaptive Learning for Classification Tasks with Binary Units. 1007-1030 - Guian Zhou, Jennie Si
A Systematic and Effective Supervised Learning Mechanism Based on Jacobian Rank Deficiency. 1031-1045
Volume 10, Number 5, July 1998
- Boris S. Gutkin
, Bard Ermentrout:
Dynamics of Membrane Excitability Determine Inter-Spike Interval Variability: A Link Between Spike Generation Mechanisms and Cortical Spike Train Statistics. 1047-1065
- Michael Casey:
Correction To Proof That Recurrent Neural Networks Can Robustly Recognize Only Regular Languages. 1067-1069
- Wolfgang Maass, Pekka Orponen
On the Effect of Analog Noise in Discrete-Time Analog Computations. 1071-1095 - Virginia R. de Sa, Dana H. Ballard:
Category Learning Through Multi-Modality Sensing. 1097-1117 - Peter Dayan:
A Hierarchical Model of Binocular Rivalry. 1119-1135 - Hilbert J. Kappen, Francisco de Borja Rodríguez Ortiz
Efficient Learning in Boltzmann Machines Using Linear Response Theory. 1137-1156 - Javier R. Movellan:
A Learning Theorem for Networks at Detailed Stochastic Equilibrium. 1157-1178 - Michael Robert DeWeese, Anthony M. Zador:
Asymmetric Dynamics in Optimal Variance Adaptation. 1179-1202 - Christopher K. I. Williams:
Computation with Infinite Neural Networks. 1203-1216 - Christopher C. Holmes, Bani K. Mallick:
Bayesian Radial Basis Functions of Variable Dimension. 1217-1233 - Xin Wang, Arun K. Jagota, Fernanda Botelho, Max H. Garzon:
Absence of Cycles in Symmetric Neural Networks. 1235-1249 - Walter Senn
, Thierry Wannier, J. Kleinle, Hans-Rudolf Lüscher, L. Müller, Jürg Streit, Kuno Wyler:
Pattern Generation by Two Coupled Time-Discrete Neural Networks with Synaptic Depression. 1251-1275 - James A. Reggia, Sharon Goodall
, Yuri Shkuro
Computational Studies of Lateralization of Phoneme Sequence Generation. 1277-1297 - Bernhard Schölkopf, Alexander J. Smola, Klaus-Robert Müller
Nonlinear Component Analysis as a Kernel Eigenvalue Problem. 1299-1319
Volume 10, Number 6, August 1998
- Carl van Vreeswijk, Haim Sompolinsky:
Chaotic Balanced State in a Model Of Cortical Circuits. 1321-1371 - Hagai Attias, Christoph E. Schreiner:
Blind Source Separation and Deconvolution: the Dynamic Component Analysis Algorithm. 1373-1424
- Tom Heskes
Bias/Variance Decompositions for Likelihood-Based Estimators. 1425-1433 - Isao Higuchi, Shinto Eguchi
The Influence Function of Principal Component Analysis by Self-Organizing Rule. 1435-1444 - Tomaso A. Poggio, Federico Girosi
A Sparse Representation For Function Approximation. 1445-1454
- Federico Girosi
An Equivalence Between Sparse Approximation And Support Vector Machines. 1455-1480 - John Sum, Lai-Wan Chan, Andrew Chi-Sing Leung, Gilbert H. Young:
Extended Kalman Filter-Based Pruning Method for Recurrent Neural Networks. 1481-1505 - Néstor Parga, Edmund T. Rolls
Transform Invariant Recognition by Association in a Recurrent Network. 1507-1525 - Toshio Aoyagi
, Katsunori Kitano
Retrieval Dynamics in Oscillator Neural Networks. 1527-1546 - Ralf Opara, Florentin Wörgötter:
A Fast And Robust Cluster Update Algorithm For Image Segmentation In Spin-Lattice Models Without Annealing - Visual Latencies Revisited. 1547-1566 - Terence D. Sanger:
Probability Density Methods for Smooth Function Approximation and Learning in Populations of Tuned Spiking Neurons. 1567-1586 - Jari Häkkinen
, Martin Lagerholm, Carsten Peterson, Bo Söderberg:
A Potts Neuron Approach To Communication Routing. 1587-1599
Volume 10, Number 7, October 1998
- Rahul Sarpeshkar:
Analog Versus Digital: Extrapolating from Electronics to Neurobiology. 1601-1638
- J. Köhn, Florentin Wörgötter:
Employing The -Transform to Optimize the Calculation of the Synaptic Conductance of NMDA-and Other Synaptic Channels in Network Simulations. 1639-1651
- Christopher J. Coomber:
Site-Selective Autophosphorylation of Ca2+/Calmodulin-Dependent Protein Kinase II as a Synaptic Encoding Mechanism. 1653-1678 - Elad Schneidman
, Barry Freedman, Idan Segev
Channel Stochasticity May Be Critical in Determining the Reliability and Precision of Spike Timing. 1679-1703 - David Horn
, Sharon Levanda:
Fast Temporal Encoding and Decoding with Spiking Neurons. 1705-1720 - Bard Ermentrout:
Linearization of F-I Curves by Adaptation. 1721-1729 - Nicolas Brunel
, Jean-Pierre Nadal
Mutual Information, Fisher Information and Population Coding. 1731-1757 - Gal Chechik, Isaac Meilijson, Eytan Ruppin:
Synaptic Pruning In Development: A Computational Account. 1759-1777 - Alexander Dimitrov
, Jack D. Cowan:
Spatial Decorrelation in Orientation-Selective Cortical Cells. 1779-1795 - Brian S. Blais, Nathan Intrator, Harel Z. Shouval, Leon N. Cooper:
Receptive Field Formation in Natural Scene Environments: Comparison of Single Cell Learning Rules. 1797-1813 - Michael D. Lee
Neural Feature Abstraction from Judgements of Similarity. 1815-1830 - Patrick D. Roberts:
Classification Of Temporal Patterns In Dynamic Biological Networks. 1831-1846 - Marc M. Van Hulle:
Kernel-Based Equiprobable Topographic Map Formation. 1847-1871 - Andrew M. Finch, Richard C. Wilson, Edwin R. Hancock
An Energy Function and Continuous Edit Process for Graph Matching. 1873-1894 - Thomas G. Dietterich:
Approximate Statistical Tests for Comparing Supervised Classification Learning Algorithms. 1895-1923 - Gad Miller, David Horn
Probability Density Estimation Using Entropy Maximization. 1925-1938
Volume 10, Number 8, November 1998
- Terry Elliott, Nigel Shadbolt:
Competition for Neurotrophic Factors: Mathematical Analysis. 1939-1981
- Martha J. Farah:
Why Does the Somatosensory Homunculus Have Hand Next to Face and Feet Next to Genitals?: An Hypothesis. 1983-1985
- Richard Kempter, Wulfram Gerstner
, J. Leo van Hemmen, Hermann Wagner
Extracting Oscillations: Neuronal Coincidence Detection with Noisy Periodic Spike Input. 1987-2017 - Viktor K. Jirsa
, Armin Fuchs, J. A. Scott Kelso:
Connecting Cortical And Behavioral Dynamics: Bimanual Coordination. 2019-2045 - Stefan Schaal, Christopher G. Atkeson:
Constructive Incremental Learning from Only Local Information. 2047-2084 - Dragan Obradovic, Gustavo Deco:
Information Maximization and Independent Component Analysis: Is There a Difference? 2085-2101 - Mark A. Girolami
An Alternative Perspective on Adaptive Independent Component Analysis Algorithms. 2103-2114 - Akio Utsugi:
Density Estimation by Mixture Models with Smoothing Priors. 2115-2135 - Howard Hua Yang, Shun-ichi Amari:
Complexity Issues in Natural Gradient Descent Method for Training Multi-Layer Perceptrons. 2137-2157 - Peter L. Bartlett, Vitaly Maiorov, Ron Meir:
Almost Linear VC-Dimension Bounds for Piecewise Polynomial Networks. 2159-2173 - Holger Schwenk:
The Diabolo Classifier. 2175-2200 - Peter Sollich
, David Barber:
Online Learning from Finite Training Sets and Robustness to Input Bias. 2201-2217 - Huaiyu Zhu, Wolfgang Kinzel:
Anti-Predictable Sequences: Harder to Predict Than Random Sequences. 2219-2230
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