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Mathematics of Computation, Volume 86
Volume 86, Number 303, 2017
- Serge Nicaise, Ismail Merabet
A mixed discontinuous finite element method for folded Naghdi's shell in Cartesian coordinates. 1-47 - Hengguang Li
The W1p stability of the Ritz projection on graded meshes. 49-74 - Erik Burman
A stabilized nonconforming finite element method for the elliptic Cauchy problem. 75-96 - Alessio Porretta, Enrique Zuazua
Numerical hypocoercivity for the Kolmogorov equation. 97-119 - Yingda Cheng, Ching-Shan Chou, Fengyan Li, Yulong Xing
L2 stable discontinuous Galerkin methods for one-dimensional two-way wave equations. 121-155 - Nina Aguillon, Frédéric Lagoutière, Nicolas Seguin
Convergence of finite volume schemes for the coupling between the inviscid Burgers equation and a particle. 157-196 - Francis J. Narcowich, Stephen T. Rowe, Joseph D. Ward:
A novel Galerkin method for solving PDES on the sphere using highly localized kernel bases. 197-231 - Ronald D. Haynes
, Felix Kwok
Discrete analysis of domain decomposition approaches for mesh generation via the equidistribution principle. 233-273 - Kanya Ishizaka:
A solution to the energy minimization problem constrained by a density function. 275-314 - Yuhong Dai, Deren Han, Xiaoming Yuan, Wenxing Zhang:
A sequential updating scheme of the Lagrange multiplier for separable convex programming. 315-343 - Tongke Wang, Zhifang Liu
, Zhiyue Zhang:
The modified composite Gauss type rules for singular integrals using Puiseux expansions. 345-373 - Nira Dyn, Nir Sharon
A global approach to the refinement of manifold data. 375-395 - Razvan Barbulescu, Armand Lachand:
Some mathematical remarks on the polynomial selection in NFS. 397-418 - Ali Kamalinejad, Mehrdad Shahshahani:
On computations with dessins d'enfants. 419-436 - Julio Fernández
, Josep González:
Functions and differentials on the non-split Cartan modular curve of level 11. 437-454 - Bogdan Ichim
, Lukas Katthän, Julio José Moyano-Fernández
How to compute the Stanley depth of a module. 455-472 - Matteo Gallet
, Christoph Koutschan
, Zijia Li
, Georg Regensburger
, Josef Schicho, Nelly Villamizar
Planar linkages following a prescribed motion. 473-506
Volume 86, Number 304, 2017
- Ossi Niemimäki
, Stefan Kurz, Lauri Kettunen:
Structure-preserving mesh coupling based on the Buffa-Christiansen complex. 507-524 - Diego Paredes
, Frédéric Valentin, Henrique M. Versieux:
On the robustness of multiscale hybrid-mixed methods. 525-548 - Assyr Abdulle, Patrick Henning:
Localized orthogonal decomposition method for the wave equation with a continuum of scales. 549-587 - Jessika Camaño
, Ricardo Oyarzúa
, Giordano Tierra
Analysis of an augmented mixed-FEM for the Navier-Stokes problem. 589-615 - Zhiqiang Cai, Cuiyu He
, Shun Zhang:
Residual-based a posteriori error estimate for interface problems: Nonconforming linear elements. 617-636 - Martin J. Gander
, Yingxiang Xu:
Optimized Schwarz methods with nonoverlapping circular domain decomposition. 637-660 - Holger Rauhut
, Christoph Schwab:
Compressive sensing Petrov-Galerkin approximation of high-dimensional parametric operator equations. 661-700 - Markus Bachmayr, Albert Cohen:
Kolmogorov widths and low-rank approximations of parametric elliptic PDEs. 701-724 - Jian-Guo Liu
, Rong Yang:
A random particle blob method for the Keller-Segel equation and convergence analysis. 725-745 - Christopher Bresten, Sigal Gottlieb, Zachary Grant
, Daniel Higgs, David I. Ketcheson
, Adrián Németh:
Explicit strong stability preserving multistep Runge-Kutta methods. 747-769 - Helmut Harbrecht, Michael Peters, Markus Siebenmorgen:
On the quasi-Monte Carlo method with Halton points for elliptic PDEs with log-normal diffusion. 771-797 - Raffaello Seri
Statistical properties of b-adic diaphonies. 799-828 - Frances Y. Kuo, Ian H. Sloan
, Henryk Wozniakowski:
Multivariate integration for analytic functions with Gaussian kernels. 829-853 - Walter Gautschi:
Monotonicity properties of the zeros of Freud and sub-range Freud polynomials: Analytic and empirical results. 855-864 - Javier Segura
The Schwarzian-Newton method for solving nonlinear equations, with applications. 865-879 - Claude-Pierre Jeannerod, Peter Kornerup, Nicolas Louvet, Jean-Michel Muller
Error bounds on complex floating-point multiplication with an FMA. 881-898 - John B. Cosgrave, Karl Dilcher:
A role for generalized Fermat numbers. 899-933 - Arturas Dubickas, Kevin G. Hare, Jonas Jankauskas
No two non-real conjugates of a Pisot number have the same imaginary part. 935-950 - Makoto Araya, Masaaki Harada, Sho Suda:
Quasi-unbiased Hadamard matrices and weakly unbiased Hadamard matrices: A coding-theoretic approach. 951-984 - Jonathan Sorenson
, Jonathan E. Webster:
Strong pseudoprimes to twelve prime bases. 985-1003
Volume 86, Number 305, 2017
- Daniel Peterseim
Eliminating the pollution effect in Helmholtz problems by local subscale correction. 1005-1036 - John W. Barrett
, Harald Garcke
, Robert Nürnberg
Finite element approximation for the dynamics of asymmetric fluidic biomembranes. 1037-1069 - Buyang Li
, Weiwei Sun
Maximal Lp analysis of finite element solutions for parabolic equations with nonsmooth coefficients in convex polyhedra. 1071-1102 - Sudipto Chowdhury, Thirupathi Gudi
, A. K. Nandakumaran:
Error bounds for a Dirichlet boundary control problem based on energy spaces. 1103-1126 - Dmitriy Leykekhman
, Michael Pruitt:
On the positivity of discrete harmonic functions and the discrete Harnack inequality for piecewise linear finite elements. 1127-1145 - Christophe Buet, Bruno Després, Emmanuel Franck
, Thomas Leroy:
Proof of uniform convergence for a cell-centered AP discretization of the hyperbolic heat equation on general meshes. 1147-1202 - Christian Klingenberg
, Gero Schnücke, Yinhua Xia
Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian discontinuous Galerkin method for conservation laws: Analysis and application in one dimension. 1203-1232 - Yao Cheng
, Xiong Meng, Qiang Zhang:
Application of generalized Gauss-Radau projections for the local discontinuous Galerkin method for linear convection-diffusion equations. 1233-1267 - Qin Li
, Jianfeng Lu
, Weiran Sun:
Half-space kinetic equations with general boundary conditions. 1269-1301 - Alexandre Benoît, Mioara Joldes, Marc Mezzarobba:
Rigorous uniform approximation of D-finite functions using Chebyshev expansions. 1303-1341 - Carlo Garoni
, Carla Manni
, Stefano Serra-Capizzano
, Debora Sesana, Hendrik Speleers
Spectral analysis and spectral symbol of matrices in isogeometric Galerkin methods. 1343-1373 - Michael A. Bennett, Nicolas Billerey:
Sums of two S-units via Frey-Hellegouarch curves. 1375-1401 - Jennifer S. Balakrishnan
, Amnon Besser
, Jan Steffen Müller:
Computing integral points on hyperelliptic curves using quadratic Chabauty. 1403-1434 - Dohyeong Kim:
A modular approach to cubic Thue-Mahler equations. 1435-1471 - Joachim König
Computation of Hurwitz spaces and new explicit polynomials for almost simple Galois groups. 1473-1498 - Vladimir Yu. Protasov
The Euler binary partition function and subdivision schemes. 1499-1524 - Fernando D. Gaspoz, Pedro Morin:
Errata to "Approximation classes for adaptive higher order finite element approximation". 1525-1526
Volume 86, Number 306, 2017
- Georgios Akrivis, Buyang Li
, Christian Lubich:
Combining maximal regularity and energy estimates for time discretizations of quasilinear parabolic equations. 1527-1552 - Peipei Lu, Huangxin Chen, Weifeng Qiu
An absolutely stable hp-HDG method for the time-harmonic Maxwell equations with high wave number. 1553-1577 - Buyang Li
, Zhimin Zhang:
Mathematical and numerical analysis of the time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau equations in nonconvex polygons based on Hodge decomposition. 1579-1608 - Bernardo Cockburn
, Guosheng Fu
, Francisco-Javier Sayas:
Superconvergence by M-decompositions. Part I: General theory for HDG methods for diffusion. 1609-1641 - Ayçil Çesmelioglu
, Bernardo Cockburn
, Weifeng Qiu
Analysis of a hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin method for the steady-state incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. 1643-1670 - Hailong Guo
, Zhimin Zhang, Ren Zhao
Hessian recovery for finite element methods. 1671-1692 - Wen-ming He, Zhimin Zhang:
2k superconvergence of Qk finite elements by anisotropic mesh approximation in weighted Sobolev spaces. 1693-1718 - Hiroki Kojima, Takayasu Matsuo, Daisuke Furihata:
Some discrete inequalities for central-difference type operators. 1719-1739 - Vanni Noferini
, Javier Pérez
Chebyshev rootfinding via computing eigenvalues of colleague matrices: when is it stable? 1741-1767 - Benjamin Berkels
, Alexander Effland
, Martin Rumpf
A posteriori error control for the binary Mumford-Shah model. 1769-1791 - Xiao Wang, Shiqian Ma
, Ya-Xiang Yuan:
Penalty methods with stochastic approximation for stochastic nonlinear programming. 1793-1820 - Min Tao, Xiaoming Yuan:
Accelerated Uzawa methods for convex optimization. 1821-1845 - Michael Griebel, Frances Y. Kuo, Ian H. Sloan
Note on "The smoothing effect of integration in ℝd and the ANOVA decomposition". 1847-1854 - Michael Griebel, Frances Y. Kuo, Ian H. Sloan
The ANOVA decomposition of a non-smooth function of infinitely many variables can have every term smooth. 1855-1876 - Miodrag M. Spalevic:
On generalized averaged Gaussian formulas. II. 1877-1885 - Jonathan Jaquette
, Miroslav Kramár
On 휖 approximations of persistence diagrams. 1887-1912 - Akil Narayan, John D. Jakeman
, Tao Zhou:
A Christoffel function weighted least squares algorithm for collocation approximations. 1913-1947 - José Ignacio Burgos Gil
, Ariel Pacetti
Hecke and Sturm bounds for Hilbert modular forms over real quadratic fields. 1949-1978 - Steve Nugent, John Voight
On the arithmetic dimension of triangle groups. 1979-2004 - Ivan Marin, Götz Pfeiffer
The BMR freeness conjecture for the 2-reflection groups. 2005-2023
Volume 86, Number 307, 2017
- Xiaobing Feng, Lauren Hennings, Michael Neilan
Finite element methods for second order linear elliptic partial differential equations in non-divergence form. 2025-2051 - Wenbin Chen
, Yanqiu Wang
Minimal degree H(curl) and H(div) conforming finite elements on polytopal meshes. 2053-2087 - Ivan G. Graham, Euan A. Spence
, Eero Vainikko:
Domain decomposition preconditioning for high-frequency Helmholtz problems with absorption. 2089-2127 - Hélène Barucq
, Théophile Chaumont-Frelet
, Christian Gout
Stability analysis of heterogeneous Helmholtz problems and finite element solution based on propagation media approximation. 2129-2157 - Daniele A. Di Pietro
, Jérôme Droniou:
A Hybrid High-Order method for Leray-Lions elliptic equations on general meshes. 2159-2191 - Douglas N. Arnold
, Lizao Li
Finite element exterior calculus with lower-order terms. 2193-2212 - Daniele Boffi, Dietmar Gallistl
, Francesca Gardini, Lucia Gastaldi
Optimal convergence of adaptive FEM for eigenvalue clusters in mixed form. 2213-2237 - Bangti Jin, Raytcho D. Lazarov
, Vidar Thomée, Zhi Zhou
On nonnegativity preservation in finite element methods for subdiffusion equations. 2239-2260 - Thomas Führer
, Norbert Heuer
, Michael Karkulik
On the coupling of DPG and BEM. 2261-2284 - Zhong-Qing Wang
, Yu-ling Guo, Lijun Yi
An hp-version Legendre-Jacobi spectral collocation method for Volterra integro-differential equations with smooth and weakly singular kernels. 2285-2324 - Robert I. McLachlan
, Klas Modin
, Olivier Verdier:
A minimal-variable symplectic integrator on spheres. 2325-2344 - Lin Lin:
Localized spectrum slicing. 2345-2371 - Máté Gerencsér, István Gyöngy:
Localization errors in solving stochastic partial differential equations in the whole space. 2373-2397 - José L. López
, Pedro J. Pagola
Analytic formulas for the evaluation of the Pearcey integral. 2399-2407 - Przemyslaw Rutka
, Ryszard Smarzewski
Explicit barycentric formulae for osculatory interpolation at roots of classical orthogonal polynomials. 2409-2427 - Thomas Barron, Christopher O'Neill, Roberto Pelayo:
On dynamic algorithms for factorization invariants in numerical monoids. 2429-2447 - David J. Platt
Isolating some non-trivial zeros of zeta. 2449-2467 - Jan H. Dumke:
p-adic zeros of quintic forms. 2469-2478 - José A. Adell, Alberto Lekuona:
Fast computation of the Stieltjes constants. 2479-2492 - Tom Fisher
Higher descents on an elliptic curve with a rational 2-torsion point. 2493-2518 - L. Guarnieri, Leandro Vendramin
Skew braces and the Yang-Baxter equation. 2519-2534 - Pierre Lezowski, Kevin J. McGown:
The Euclidean algorithm in quintic and septic cyclic fields. 2535-2549 - Youness Lamzouri, Xiannan Li, Kannan Soundararajan
Corrigendum to "Conditional bounds for the least quadratic non-residue and related problems". 2551-2554
Volume 86, Number 308, 2017
- Dietmar Gallistl
Stable splitting of polyharmonic operators by generalized Stokes systems. 2555-2577 - Weikun Shan, Huiyuan Li:
The triangular spectral element method for Stokes eigenvalues. 2579-2611 - Karl Larsson
, Mats G. Larson:
A continuous/discontinuous Galerkin method and a priori error estimates for the biharmonic problem on surfaces. 2613-2649 - Markus Aurada, Michael Feischl
, Thomas Führer
, Michael Karkulik
, Jens Markus Melenk, Dirk Praetorius
Local inverse estimates for non-local boundary integral operators. 2651-2686 - Danping Yang:
Non-iterative parallel Schwarz algorithms based on overlapping domain decomposition for parabolic partial differential equations. 2687-2718 - Hui Huang
, Jian-Guo Liu
Error estimate of a random particle blob method for the Keller-Segel equation. 2719-2744 - David M. Ambrose, Yang Liu, Michael Siegel:
Convergence of a boundary integral method for 3D interfacial Darcy flow with surface tension. 2745-2775 - M. N. Spijker:
Stability and boundedness in the numerical solution of initial value problems. 2777-2798 - Victor Y. Pan:
Fast approximate computations with Cauchy matrices and polynomials. 2799-2826 - Frances Y. Kuo, Robert Scheichl
, Christoph Schwab, Ian H. Sloan
, Elisabeth Ullmann
Multilevel Quasi-Monte Carlo methods for lognormal diffusion problems. 2827-2860 - J. Rafael Sendra
, David Sevilla
, Carlos Villarino:
Covering rational ruled surfaces. 2861-2875 - Anton Leykin
, Daniel Plaumann
Determinantal representations of hyperbolic curves via polynomial homotopy continuation. 2877-2888 - Jens Franke, Thorsten Kleinjung, Jan Büthe, Alexander Jost:
A practical analytic method for calculating 휋(x). 2889-2909 - Adrian-Maria Scheerer:
Computable absolutely normal numbers and discrepancies. 2911-2926 - Nicolás Alvarez, Verónica Becher
M. Levin's construction of absolutely normal numbers with very low discrepancy. 2927-2946 - Markus Hittmeir
Deterministic factorization of sums and differences of powers. 2947-2954 - Jürgen Hausen, Simon Keicher, Rüdiger Wolf:
Computing automorphisms of Mori dream spaces. 2955-2974 - Kevin Atighehchi, Stéphane Ballet, Alexis Bonnecaze, Robert Rolland
Arithmetic in finite fields based on the Chudnovsky-Chudnovsky multiplication algorithm. 2975-3000 - Luis Felipe Tabera
A parametric version of the Hilbert-Hurwitz theorem using hypercircles. 3001-3018 - Elliot Wells:
Computing canonical heights on the projective line with no factorization. 3019-3029 - William Hart, David Harvey
, Wilson Ong:
Irregular primes to two billion. 3031-3049
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