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VCIP 1990: Lausanne, Switzerland
- Murat Kunt:
Visual Communications and Image Processing '90: Fifth in a Series, Visual Communications and Image Processing '90, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2-4 October 1990. SPIE Proceedings 1360, SPIE 1990, ISBN 9780819404213
Human Visual System and Neural-Network-Based Processing
- Serge Comes, Benoît Macq:
Human visual quality criterion. - Marc Antonini, Michel Barlaud, Pierre Mathieu, Jean-Christophe Feauveau:
Multiscale image coding using the Kohonen neural network. - Howard M. McCauley:
Target cuing: a heterogeneous neural network approach. - Jae-Jeong Hwang, Moon-Ho Lee:
Bilevel quantization using dithering and Hopfield theory. - Shengwei Zhang, Anthony G. Constantinides, Li-He Zou:
New bidirectional neural network and application to binary image recognition. - Kicheol Park, Kugchan Cha, Jong Soo Choi:
NNE-CA: the implementation of neural network emulator board. - Jay I. Minnix, Eugene S. McVey, Rafael M. Inigo:
Multistaged neural network architecture for position invariant shape recognition. - Ryuji Kohno, Mitsuru Arai, Hideki Imai:
Image compression using a neural network with learning capability of variable function of a neural unit.
Massively Parallel Computer Architectures
- R. M. Lea:
ASP: a parallel computing technology. - Argy Krikelis:
Benchmarking the ASP for computer vision. - William J. Jacobi, William B. Kendall, Leo A. Wadsworth:
SCC-100 parallel processor for real-time imaging. - M. Bertrand Blum, Caroline Burrer:
MEGA Node: an implementation of a coarse-grain totally reconfigurable parallel machine.
Nonlinear Image Processing
- M. Bilge Alp, Petri Haavisto, Tiina Jarske, Kai Oistamo, Yrjö Neuvo:
Median-based algorithms for image sequence processing. - Arto H. T. Lehtonen, Markku Renfors:
Nonlinear quincunx interpolation filtering. - Moncef Gabbouj, Edward J. Coyle
Minimax optimization over the class of stack filters. - Lasse Koskinen, Jaakko T. Astola, Yrjö Neuvo:
Morphological filtering of noisy images. - Henk J. A. M. Heijmans:
Morphological filtering and iteration. - T. George Campbell, J. M. Hans du Buf:
Quantitative comparison of median-based filters. - María José Pérez-Luque, Carlos Muñoz, Narciso García:
Nonlinear spatial filtering of FLIR images.
Mathematical Morphology and Fractals
- Jean C. Serra:
Links: definition and properties. - Edward R. Dougherty:
Minimal search for the optimal mean-square digital gray-scale morphological filter. - Arnaud E. Jacquin:
Fractal image coding based on a theory of iterated contractive image transformations. - Pierre Soille
, Luc M. Vincent:
Determining watersheds in digital pictures via flooding simulations. - Fernand Meyer:
Digital Euclidean skeletons. - Jos B. T. M. Roerdink:
Mathematical morphology on the sphere. - Michel Schmitt:
Antiskeleton: some theoretical properties and application. - Soo-Chang Pei, Hann-Bao Tsai:
Image mosaic and interpolation by multiresolution morphological pyramids. - Soo-Chang Pei, Fei-Chin Chen:
Subband image decomposition by mathematical morphology.
VLSI Implementation and System Architectures I
- F. M. Hugen, Maarten J. Korsten, Zweitze Houkes:
Reconfigurable architecture for real-time 3-D parameter estimation from image sequences. - Min Zhao, Jean Gobert, Olivier Schirvanian, Nicolas Demassieux:
Real-time VLSI architecture for geometric image transformations. - Sayed I. Eid, Eric R. Fossum
CCD focal-plane real-time image processor. - Mohamed B. Abdelrazik:
Mapping technique for VLSI/WSI implementation of multidimensional systolic arrays. - Mani Soma, Thomas Alexander:
Mixed digital/analog VLSI array architectures for image processing. - Hughes Waldburger, Jean-Yves Dufour, Gilles Concordel:
Modular Image Processor: an efficient chip set for real-time image processing. - Taher Daud, Raoul Tawel, Harry Langenbacher, Silvio P. Eberhardt, Anilkumar P. Thakoor:
Analog parallel processor hardware for high-speed pattern recognition. - Yehoshua Y. Zeevi, Ran Ginosar:
Foveating vision systems architecture: image acquisition and display.
VLSI Implementation and System Architectures II
- Luís Vieira de Sá, Vítor Manuel Mendes da Silva, Fernando Perdigão, Sérgio M. M. de Faria
, Pedro Assuncao
Parallel architecture for real-time video communications. - Klaus Grüger, Peter Pirsch, Josef Kraus, Jochen Reimers:
VLSI components for a 560-Mbit/s HDTV codec. - Luc P. L. De Vos:
VLSI architectures for the hierarchical block-matching algorithm for HDTV applications. - Masanori Maruyama, H. Uwabu, I. Iwasaki, Hiroshi Fujiwara, Toshifumi Sakaguchi, Ming-Ting Sun, Ming Lei Liou:
VLSI architecture and implementation of a multifunction, forward/inverse discrete cosine transform processor.
3-D Image Processing
- Evelyne Lutton, Henri Maître, Jaime López-Krahe:
Determining vanishing points using Hough transform. - G. Vilmar, Philipp W. Besslich:
Monocular correspondence detection for symmetrical objects by template matching. - Catherine Klija, Blandine Lavayssiere:
3-D reconstruction using a limited number of projections. - Isabelle Bloch-Boulanger, Henri Maître, Francis J. M. Schmitt:
Mathematical morphology for 3-D object segmentation and partial matching.
Image Sequence Coding I
- Christoph Stiller:
Motion estimation for coding of moving video at 8 kbit/s with Gibbs-modeled vectorfield smoothing. - Takahiro Saito, Ryuji Abe, Takashi Komatsu, Hiroshi Harashima:
Some variants of universal pattern-matching interframe coding. - Touradj Ebrahimi, Todd Randall Reed, Murat Kunt:
Video coding using a pyramidal Gabor expansion. - Peter J. Cordell, Roger John Clarke:
Block testing in a variable resolution spatially interpolative moving image sequence coder. - Wolfgang Guse, Michael Gilge, Bernd Hürtgen:
Effective exploitation of background memory for coding of moving video using object mask generation. - Sang-Mi Lee, Nam Chul Kim, Hyon Son:
Very low rate coding of motion video using 3-D segmentation with two change-detection masks. - Peter L. Silsbee, Alan Conrad Bovik, Dapang Chen:
Visual pattern image sequence coding.
Hierarchical Video Coding
- John Håkon Husøy, Hakon Gronning, Tor A. Ramstad:
Subband coding of video employing efficient recursive filter banks and advanced motion compensation. - Nasser M. Nasrabadi:
Interframe hierarchical address-vector quantization. - Frank Bosveld, Reginald L. Lagendijk, Jan Biemond:
Refinement system for hierarchical video coding. - Ulrike Pestel-Schiller, Bernd Schmale:
Design of an HDTV subband codec considering CMOS-VLSI constraints.
Hierarchical Image Coding
- Hakon Gronning, John Håkon Husøy, Tor A. Ramstad:
Image subband coding using an efficient recursive filter bank with complex signals. - Ali Naci Akansu, Richard A. Haddad, Hakan Caglar:
Perfect reconstruction binomial QMF-wavelet transform. - Roland Wilson, Martin Todd, Andrew D. Calway:
Generalized quad-trees: a unified approach to multiresolution image analysis and coding. - Sebastià Sallent, Luis Torres, L. Gils:
Three-dimensional adaptive Laplacian pyramid image coding.
Digital Image Processing in Medicine I
- Tullio Tommasi, Bruno Bianco, Vittorio Murino, Alessandra Oneto, Alberto Diaspro:
Three-dimensional reconstruction and lateral views in optical microscopy. - Christophe Odet, Gilles Jacquemod, Françoise Peyrin
, Robert Goutte:
Improved resolution of medical 3-D x-ray computed-tomographic images. - Tamas Sandor, Ferenc A. Jolesz, J. Tieman, Ron Kikinis, Marjorie LeMay, Marilyn S. Albert:
Extraction of morphometric information from dual echo magnetic resonance brain images. - Barry R. Masters:
Diagnostic digital image processing of human corneal endothelial cell patterns. - Til Aach, Herbert Dawid:
Region-oriented 3-D segmentation of NMR datasets: a statistical model-based approach. - Guang-Zhong Yang, Peter Burger:
Enhancement and segmentation for NMR images of blood flow in arteries.
Image Sequence Coding III
- Fang Zhou, Hongbo Zhou, Xiang-Qi Wu, Lijin He:
Enhancement and delineation of lung tumors in local x-ray chest images.
Digital Image Processing in Medicine II
- Joan Serrat
, Jordi M. Vitria, Juan José Villanueva:
Analysis of x-ray hand images for bone age assessment. - Tianhu Lei, Wilfred Sewchand:
ITS: a practical picture archiving and communication system. - Alessandro Bellini, Giacomo Bucci:
Open system architecture for distributed image-reference database in radiological applications.
- Tero Koivunen, Ari Nieminen:
Motion field restoration using vector median filtering on high-definition television sequences. - Günter Schamel:
Motion-adaptive four-channel HDTV subband/DCT coding. - Luciano Alparone, Giuliano Benelli, A. F. Fabbri:
Compression and channel-coding algorithms for high-definition television signals. - Marcel M. Breeuwer, Peter H. N. de With:
Source coding of HDTV with compatibility to TV.
Parallel Processing
- Reiner W. Hartenstein, Alexander G. Hirschbiel, Karin Lemmert, Michael Riedmüller, Karin Schmidt, Michael Weber:
Xputer use in image processing and digital signal processing. - Luciano Alparone, Federico Boragine, Stefano Fini, Filippo de Stefani:
Parallel architectures for the postprocessing of SAR images. - Menno H. J. B. Versteeg, R. A. Hogendoorn, A. Monkel:
Transputer-based embedded system for METEOSAT image data compression.
Image Coding and Transmission I
- Mitsuru Nomura, Tetsuro Fujii, Naohisa Ohta:
Source coding of super high definition images with discrete cosine transform. - Yushu Feng, Ker Zhang:
New variable-rate VQ coding scheme apply in HDTV. - Weiler A. Finamore, Diego Pinto de Garrido, William A. Pearlman:
Clustering algorithm for entropy-constrained vector-quantizer design. - Jerrold L. Boxerman, Ho John Lee:
Variable block-sized vector quantization of gray-scale images with unconstrained tiling.
Image Coding and Transmission II
- Joon-Hyeon Jeon, Jae-Kyoon Kim:
New technique of linear-phase QMF filter design for subband coding. - Dongyoun Kim, William A. Pearlman:
Gain-adaptive trained transform trellis code for images. - Defu Cai, Yan-Ping Chen:
DS-DCT: the double-shift DCT image coding for low-bit-rate image transmission. - Niann Tsyk Cheng, Nick G. Kingsbury:
Efficient error-resilient codes for sparse image coefficients. - Luc Vandendorpe, Benoît Macq:
Optimum quantization for subband coders. - Bernhard Wegmann, Christoph Zetzsche:
Statistical dependence between orientation filter outputs used in a human-vision-based image code. - Seop Hyeong Park, Sang Uk Lee:
Coding gains of pyramid structures in progressive image transmission. - Ching-Long Lee, Rong-Hauh Ju, Tsann-Shyong Liu, Bor-Shenn Jeng, Jei-Shyong Huang, Kou-Sou Kan:
Image data compression using hybrid POLA-VQ technique.
Edge/Boundary Detection
- Rémi Ronfard:
Object contours and boundaries in color images. - Zheng Ren, Walter Ameling, Peter Jensch:
Attributed tree data structure for representing the descriptions of object contours in images. - Pierre Siohan, Danielle Pelé, Valéry Ouvrard:
Two design techiques for 2-D FIR LoG filters. - Robin N. Strickland, Dunkai K. Chang:
Adaptable edge quality metric.
Neuromorphology of Biological Vision I
- Madan M. Gupta:
Neuromorphology of biological vision: a basis for machine vision. - Jussi Parkkinen, Jarmo Hallikainen, Timo Jääskeläinen:
Color-subspace-based color-coordinate system. - Scott Thomas Acton, Alan Conrad Bovik:
GRUPO: a 3-D structure recognition system.
Neuromorphology of Biological Vision II
- Gerard F. McLean, M. Ed Jernigan:
Global stability in nonlinear lateral inhibition. - Madan M. Gupta, George K. Knopf:
Dynamic neural network for visual memory. - Norman C. Griswold, Nasser Kehtarnavaz:
Binocular fusion inferences in a log-polar decision space. - John Raymond Jordan, Alan Conrad Bovik:
Dense color stereo. - Eli Peli, Jian Yang, Robert B. Goldstein:
Image invariance with changes in distance: the effect of a nonuniform visual system.
Image Sequence Coding II
- Bernd Hürtgen, Michael Gilge, Wolfgang Guse:
Coding of moving video at 1 mbit/s: movies on CD. - Choon Lee, Morton Nadler:
Vector quantization with 3-D gradient motion compensation. - Fernando Manuel Ber Pereira, Lorenzo Masera:
Two-layers constant-quality video coding for ATM environments. - T. George Campbell, Todd Randall Reed, Murat Kunt:
Image sequence representation using polar-separable filters.
Image Sequence Coding III
- Luis Salgado
, Alberto Sanz:
Pyramidal encoding for packet video transmission.
Image Sequence Coding II
- Fabio Lavagetto, Sandro Zappatore:
Visual model weighted DCT vector quantization for variable bit-rate video coding. - Chang-Lin Huang, Chih Hung Wu:
Encoding of sign language image sequences at very low rate. - Shigeo Morishima, Kiyoharu Aizawa, Hiroshi Harashima:
Real-time facial action image synthesis system driven by speech and text. - Jean-Pierre Leduc:
Image modeling for digital TV codecs. - Kai Oistamo, Yrjö A. Neuvo:
Video signal processing using vector median. - Hiroshi Agawa, Gang Xu, Yoshio Nagashima, Fumio Kishino:
Image analysis for face modeling and facial image reconstruction. - Siu-Fan Wu, Josef Kittler:
General motion estimation and segmentation. - Lilla Böröczky, Johannes N. Driessen, Jan Biemond:
Adaptive algorithms for pel-recursive displacement estimation. - Serafim N. Efstratiadis, Aggelos K. Katsaggelos:
Distributed detection methods for displacement estimation.
- Philippe Salembier:
Surface defect detection using adaptive image modeling. - Yujin Zhang, Jan J. Gerbrands, Eric Backer:
Thresholding three-dimensional image. - Patrick J. Bonnin, Bertrand Zavidovique:
Edge point/region cooperative segmentation specific to 3-D scene reconstruction application. - Nicholas A. Nechval:
Sequential classification into m multivariate populations using the information based on small samples.
- Levon Sukissian, Andreas Tirakis, Stefanos D. Kollias:
Adaptive classification of textured images using moments and autoregressive models. - Gérard Brunet, Jean Devars:
Classification of textures in aerial images. - Josef Bigün
Frequency and orientation selective texture measures using linear symmetry and Laplacian pyramid. - Gerard F. McLean:
Texture classification using transform vector quantization.
Image Restoration
- M. Ibrahim Sezan, A. Murat Tekalp:
Tutorial review of recent developments in digital image restoration. - Reginald L. Lagendijk, Jan Biemond:
Maximum-likelihood blur identification. - Stanley J. Reeves, Russell M. Mersereau:
Optimal constraint parameter estimation for constrained image restoration. - Aggelos K. Katsaggelos:
Multiple input adaptive image restoration algorithms. - Roland Wilson, Simon Clippingdale, Abhir H. Bhalerao:
Robust estimation of local orientations in images using a multiresolution approach. - Jean-Michel Bruneau, Michel Barlaud, Pierre Mathieu:
Image restoration using biorthogonal wavelet transform. - Chukka Srinivas, Mandayam D. Srinath:
Stochastic model-based approach for simultaneous restoration of multiple misregistered images. - Aggelos K. Katsaggelos, Tomas E. DeRoux, Michel E. Marhic:
Optical methods for iterative image restoration.
Digital Image Processing
- Yusuf Ozturk, Hüseyin Abut:
Stability analysis of multichannel linear-predictive systems. - Fleur T. Tehrani, Robert E. Ford:
Group delay equalization of multidimensional recursive filters. - Rob A. Beuker, Fokke W. Hoeksema:
Perceptually relevant model for aliasing in the triplet-stripe filter CCD image sensor. - Moshe Porat, Yehoshua Y. Zeevi:
Gram-Gabor approach to optimal image representation. - Tomio Kurokawa, Takanari Mizukoshi:
Fast method of geometric picture transformation using logarithmic number systems and its applications for computer graphics. - Consuelo Gonzalo:
Space-variant filtering of images through a hybrid implementation of the Wigner distribution function. - Alade Tokuta:
Curved shadow generation by ray tracing in the plane. - Hung-Chang Hsieh, WenThong Chang:
Computation network for visible surface reconstruction.
JPEG/MPEG Algorithms and Implementation
- Hiroyuki Hasegawa, Masashi Sugiura, Hideyuki Ono, Naoki Kurakami, Takao Omachi:
Color image transmission system for prepress with ADCT compression algorithm. - Kun-Min Yang, Sharad Singhal, Didier J. LeGall:
Design of a multifunction video decoder based on a motion-compensated predictive-interpolative coder. - Kazuto Kamikura, Hiroshi Watanabe:
Video coding for digital storage media using hierarchical intraframe scheme. - Makiko Konoshima, Osamu Kawai, Kiichi Matsuda:
Principal devices and hardware volume estimation for moving picture decoder for digital storage media.
Vision Science and Technology for Space
- Stephen K. Park, Stephen E. Reichenbach:
Digital image gathering and minimum mean-square error restoration. - Friedrich O. Huck, Sarah John, Stephen E. Reichenbach:
Information theoretical assessment of image gathering and coding for digital restoration. - Rachel Alter-Gartenberg, Ramkumar Narayanswamy:
Image coding by edge primitives. - Darryl D. Coon, A. G. Unil Perera:
Photon detection with parallel-asynchronous processing. - Brian H. Wilcox:
Vision-based planetary rover navigation. - George B. Westrom:
Expert imaging system. - Richard D. Juday:
Hybrid image processing.
Pattern Recognition
- J. Christophe Salome, Manuel Leroux, Herve Oiry, Ali Saad:
Retrieval of script information appearing on bank checks for automatic reading purposes. - Bor-Shenn Jeng, Chun-Hsi Shih, San-Wei Sun, Tieh-Min Wu, Bing-Shan Chien, Ming-Wen Chang:
Use of discrete-state Markov process for Chinese-character recognition. - Yuji Nagashima, Jun-ichi Masuda, Ryosuke Arioka, Sadao Kouno, Yosikazu Sudoh:
Underground radar system utilizing pattern-recognition technique in the frequency domain. - Jürgen Möschen, Bedrich J. Hosticka:
Rotation- and translation-invariant pattern recognition based on distance transformations. - Kazushige Takahashi, Tsuyoshi Sakaguchi, Toshi Minami, Osamu Nakamura:
Description and matching of density variation for personal identification through facial images. - Yasuyuki Hattori, Toshi Minami, Osamu Nakamura:
Footprint image processing expert system with friendly user interface. - Tomoharu Nagao, Takeshi Agui, Masayuki Nakajima:
Extraction of arbitrary shapes from a noisy binary image using pseudo view field tracer. - Soo-Chang Pei, Min-Jor Hsu:
2-D invariant color pattern recognition using complex log-mapping transform.
Image Sequence Coding III
- José Manuel Menéndez
, Carlos Munoz:
Asynchronous conditional-replenishment video codec for 64-kbits/s channels. - Jordi Huguet, Luis Torres:
Fast codebook search algorithm in vector quantization. - Hsueh-Ming Hang, Riccardo Leonardi
, Barry G. Haskell, Robert L. Schmidt, Hemant Bheda, Joseph H. Othmer:
Digital HDTV compression at 44 Mbps using parallel motion-compensated transform coders. - Narciso García, José Ignacio Ronda, Fernando Jaureguizar:
Hybrid DCT encoding of TV and HDTV: a comparative study. - Yoshiaki Kobayashi, Kentaro Toudo:
Development of video teleconference system. - Kan Xie, Luc Van Eycken, André Oosterlinck:
Motion-compensated adaptive interframe/intraframe prediction. - Romualdo Picco, Fabio Luigi Bellifemine, Antonio Chimienti:
Analysis of a 2-D DCT image coding scheme with motion compensation and vector quantization.
Image Sequence Coding II
- Duan-Shin Lee, Kou-Hu Tzou, San-Qi Li:
Control analysis of video packet loss in ATM networks.
Pattern Recognition
- Izidor Gertner, Yehoshua Y. Zeevi:
Zak-Gabor representation of images.
JPEG/MPEG Algorithms and Implementation
- Atul Puri, R. Aravind:
Comparing motion-interpolation structures for video coding.
Hierarchical Image Coding
- Hayder Radha, Riccardo Leonardi
, Bruce Naylor, Martin Vetterli
Image representation using binary space partitioning trees.
JPEG/MPEG Algorithms and Implementation
- Eric Viscito, Cesar A. Gonzales:
Encoding of motion video sequences for the MPEG environment using arithmetic coding.
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