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Mathematics of Computation, Volume 91
Volume 91, Number 333, 2022
- Andrea Cangiani, Zhaonan Dong, Emmanuil H. Georgoulis:
hp-version discontinuous Galerkin methods on essentially arbitrarily-shaped elements. 1-35 - Théophile Chaumont-Frelet, Alexandre Ern, Martin Vohralík:
Stable broken H(curl) polynomial extensions and p-robust a posteriori error estimates by broken patchwise equilibration for the curl-curl problem. 37-74 - Jun Hu, Limin Ma:
Asymptotic expansions of eigenvalues by both the Crouzeix-Raviart and enriched Crouzeix-Raviart elements. 75-109 - Wenbo Li, Ricardo H. Nochetto:
Two-scale methods for convex envelopes. 111-139 - Xiaoli Li, Jie Shen
, Zhengguang Liu:
New SAV-pressure correction methods for the Navier-Stokes equations: stability and error analysis. 141-167 - Alexander Ostermann
, Frédéric Rousset, Katharina Schratz:
Error estimates at low regularity of splitting schemes for NLS. 169-182 - Thomas Führer:
Multilevel decompositions and norms for negative order Sobolev spaces. 183-218 - Chao Li, Xiaojun Chen:
Isotropic non-Lipschitz regularization for sparse representations of random fields on the sphere. 219-243 - Barbara Kaltenbacher
, William Rundell:
On an inverse problem of nonlinear imaging with fractional damping. 245-276 - Elchin Hasanalizade, Quanli Shen, Peng-Jie Wong:
Counting zeros of Dedekind zeta functions. 277-293 - Kathrin Bringmann, Ben Kane:
Class numbers and representations by ternary quadratic forms with congruence conditions. 295-329 - Jay Jorgenson
, Lejla Smajlovic
, Holger Then:
An approach for computing generators of class fields of imaginary quadratic number fields using the Schwarzian derivative. 331-379 - Christopher Frei
, Rodolphe Richard:
Constructing abelian extensions with prescribed norms. 381-399 - Markus Kirschmer, Fabien Narbonne, Christophe Ritzenthaler, Damien Robert:
Spanning the isogeny class of a power of an elliptic curve. 401-449 - Mohamed Barakat, Markus Lange-Hegermann
An algorithmic approach to Chevalley's Theorem on images of rational morphisms between affine varieties. 451-490 - Henry Cohn, Nicholas Triantafillou:
Dual linear programming bounds for sphere packing via modular forms. 491-508
Volume 91, Number 334, 2022
- Patrick Henning, Johan Wärnegård:
Superconvergence of time invariants for the Gross-Pitaevskii equation. 509-555 - Wolfgang Dahmen
, Rob P. Stevenson
, Jan Westerdiep
Accuracy controlled data assimilation for parabolic problems. 557-595 - Ingeborg G. Gjerde, L. Ridgway Scott:
Nitsche's method for Navier-Stokes equations with slip boundary conditions. 597-622 - Qigang Liang, Xuejun Xu:
A two-level preconditioned Helmholtz-Jacobi-Davidson method for the Maxwell eigenvalue problem. 623-657 - Patrick E. Farrell, Pablo Alexei Gazca-Orozco
, Endre Süli:
Finite element approximation and preconditioning for anisothermal flow of implicitly-constituted non-Newtonian fluids. 659-697 - Dow Drake, Jay Gopalakrishnan, Joachim Schöberl
, Christoph Wintersteiger:
Convergence analysis of some tent-based schemes for linear hyperbolic systems. 699-733 - Weifeng Zhao:
Strictly convex entropy and entropy stable schemes for reactive Euler equations. 735-760 - Jihong Wang, Jiwei Zhang, Chunxiong Zheng:
Stability and error analysis for a second-order approximation of 1D nonlocal Schrödinger equation under DtN-type boundary conditions. 761-783 - Dong Li, Chaoyu Quan
, Tao Tang:
Stability and convergence analysis for the implicit-explicit method to the Cahn-Hilliard equation. 785-809 - Weizhu Bao, Yue Feng, Chunmei Su:
Uniform error bounds of time-splitting spectral methods for the long-time dynamics of the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation with weak nonlinearity. 811-842 - Philippe Chartier, Mohammed Lemou, Léopold Trémant
A uniformly accurate numerical method for a class of dissipative systems. 843-869 - Swaine L. Chen, Nico M. Temme:
A distribution function from population genetics statistics using Stirling numbers of the first kind: Asymptotics, inversion and numerical evaluation. 871-885 - Lukas Sablica
, Kurt Hornik:
On bounds for Kummer's function ratio. 887-907 - Yannick Saouter:
New results for witnesses of Robin's criterion. 909-920 - Alan Lauder, Jan Vonk
Computing p-adic L-functions of totally real fields. 921-942 - Sualeh Asif, Francesc Fité, Dylan Pentland, A. V. Sutherland:
Computing L-polynomials of Picard curves from Cartier-Manin matrices. 943-971 - Elena Angelini
, Luca Chiantini
Minimality and uniqueness for decompositions of specific ternary forms. 973-1006 - Alexander Hulpke
The perfect groups of order up to two million. 1007-1017
Volume 91, Number 335, 2022
- Jianbo Cui
, Luca Dieci, Haomin Zhou:
Time discretizations of Wasserstein-Hamiltonian flows. 1019-1075 - Qingguo Hong, Yuwen Li, Jinchao Xu:
An extended Galerkin analysis in finite element exterior calculus. 1077-1106 - Long Chen, Xuehai Huang:
Finite elements for div div conforming symmetric tensors in three dimensions. 1107-1142 - Arbaz Khan
, Pietro Zanotti
A nonsymmetric approach and a quasi-optimal and robust discretization for the Biot's model. 1143-1170 - Antoine Benoit:
Stability of finite difference schemes approximation for hyperbolic boundary value problems in an interval. 1171-1212 - Yifei Wu, Fangyan Yao:
A first-order Fourier integrator for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation on T without loss of regularity. 1213-1235 - Carlos Beltrán
, Laurent Bétermin, Peter Grabner, Stefan Steinerberger
How well-conditioned can the eigenvector problem be? 1237-1245 - Neil K. Chada
, Xin T. Tong:
Convergence acceleration of ensemble Kalman inversion in nonlinear settings. 1247-1280 - Cécile Haberstich, Anthony Nouy, Guillaume Perrin
Boosted optimal weighted least-squares. 1281-1315 - Anne-Maria Ernvall-Hytönen, Neea Palojärvi
Explicit bound for the number of primes in arithmetic progressions assuming the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis. 1317-1365 - David Harvey, Markus Hittmeir
A log-log speedup for exponent one-fifth deterministic integer factorisation. 1367-1379 - Lassina Dembélé
On the existence of abelian surfaces with everywhere good reduction. 1381-1403 - Razvan Barbulescu, Sudarshan Shinde
A classification of ECM-friendly families of elliptic curves using modular curves. 1405-1436 - Lorenzo Pagani:
Greenberg's conjecture for real quadratic fields and the cyclotomic Z2-extensions. 1437-1467 - Özgür Akgün
, Martín Mereb, Leandro Vendramin
Enumeration of set-theoretic solutions to the Yang-Baxter equation. 1469-1481 - Gunnar Brinkmann, Jan Goedgebeur
, Brendan D. McKay
The minimality of the Georges-Kelmans graph. 1483-1500 - Eli Amzallag, Andrei Minchenko, Gleb Pogudin:
Degree bound for toric envelope of a linear algebraic group. 1501-1519 - Tamiru Jarso, Tim Trudgian:
Four consecutive primitive elementsin a finite field. 1521-1532
Volume 91, Number 336, 2022
- Buyang Li:
Maximum-norm stability of the finite element method for the Neumann problem in nonconvex polygons with locally refined mesh. 1533-1585 - Arnold Reusken:
Analysis of finite element methods for surface vector-Laplace eigenproblems. 1587-1623 - Rami Masri, Chen Liu
, Beatrice Riviere:
A discontinuous Galerkin pressure correction scheme for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations: Stability and convergence. 1625-1654 - Roland Maier
, Barbara Verfürth:
Multiscale scattering in nonlinear Kerr-type media. 1655-1685 - Benjamin Dörich
, Jan Leibold:
Full discretization error analysis of exponential integrators for semilinear wave equations. 1687-1709 - Lehel Banjai, Charalambos G. Makridakis:
A posteriori error analysis for approximations of time-fractional subdiffusion problems. 1711-1737 - Sergio Blanes, Fernando Casas
, Philippe Chartier, Alejandro Escorihuela-Tomàs
On symmetric-conjugate composition methods in the numerical integration of differential equations. 1739-1761 - Shuai Lu, Peter Mathé:
Stochastic gradient descent for linear inverse problems in Hilbert spaces. 1763-1788 - Olivier Zahm, Tiangang Cui
, Kody J. H. Law, Alessio Spantini, Youssef M. Marzouk:
Certified dimension reduction in nonlinear Bayesian inverse problems. 1789-1835 - Alexander D. Gilbert, Frances Y. Kuo, Ian H. Sloan
Equivalence between Sobolev spaces of first-order dominating mixed smoothness and unanchored ANOVA spaces on ℝd. 1837-1869 - Benjamin Doerr:
A sharp discrepancy bound for jittered sampling. 1871-1892 - Yinkun Wang, Shuhuang Xiang:
Fast and stable augmented Levin methods for highly oscillatory and singular integrals. 1893-1923 - Henrik Garde
, Nuutti Hyvönen
Series reversion in Calderón's problem. 1925-1953 - Michaela Cully-Hugill, Ethan S. Lee:
Explicit interval estimates for prime numbers. 1955-1970 - Alex Abreu, Sally Andria, Marco Pacini:
Abel maps for nodal curves via tropical geometry. 1971-2025 - Christian Bingane
, Charles Audet:
The equilateral small octagon of maximal width. 2027-2040
Volume 91, Number 337, 2022
- Carsten Carstensen, Stefan A. Sauter:
Crouzeix-Raviart triangular elements are inf-sup stable. 2041-2057 - Michael Feischl:
Inf-sup stability implies quasi-orthogonality. 2059-2094 - Long Chen, Xuehai Huang:
A finite element elasticity complex in three dimensions. 2095-2127 - Eduard Feireisl, Mária Lukácová-Medvid'ová, Simon Schneider, Bangwei She:
Approximating viscosity solutions of the Euler system. 2129-2164 - Alexander Rieder
, Francisco-Javier Sayas, Jens Markus Melenk:
Time domain boundary integral equations and convolution quadrature for scattering by composite media. 2165-2195 - María Cabrera Calvo, Frédéric Rousset, Katharina Schratz:
Time integrators for dispersive equations in the long wave regime. 2197-2214 - Yan Wang, Xiaofei Zhao:
A symmetric low-regularity integrator for nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation. 2215-2245 - Timon S. Gutleb
, José A. Carrillo, Sheehan Olver:
Computing equilibrium measures with power law kernels. 2247-2281 - Jianbo Cui
, Jialin Hong, Derui Sheng:
Density function of numerical solution of splitting AVF scheme for stochastic Langevin equation. 2283-2333 - Diego Marques, Pavel Trojovský:
Error estimates for a class of continuous Bonse-type inequalities. 2335-2345 - Oscar E. Quesada-Herrera:
On the q-analogue of the Pair Correlation Conjecture via Fourier optimization. 2347-2365 - Enis Kaya
Explicit Vologodsky integration for hyperelliptic curves. 2367-2396 - Matías R. Bender
, Simon Telen
Toric eigenvalue methods for solving sparse polynomial systems. 2397-2429 - Akinari Hoshi
, Kazuki Kanai
, Aiichi Yamasaki:
Norm one Tori and Hasse norm principle. 2431-2458 - Evelyne Hubert, Erick Rodríguez Bazan:
Algorithms for fundamental invariants and equivariants of finite groups. 2459-2488 - Matthieu Rosenfeld:
Avoiding squares over words with lists of size three amongst four symbols. 2489-2500
Volume 91, Number 338, 2022
- Dong Li:
Why large time-stepping methods for the Cahn-Hilliard equation is stable. 2501-2515 - Bo Gong, Jiguang Sun, Tiara Turner, Chunxiong Zheng:
Finite element/holomorphic operator function method for the transmission eigenvalue problem. 2517-2537 - Chupeng Ma, Robert Scheichl
Error estimates for discrete generalized FEMs with locally optimal spectral approximations. 2539-2569 - Johnny Guzmán, Anna Lischke, Michael Neilan
Exact sequences on Worsey-Farin splits. 2571-2608 - Wansheng Wang, Lijun Yi:
Delay-dependent elliptic reconstruction and optimal L∞ (L2) a posteriori error estimates for fully discrete delay parabolic problems. 2609-2643 - Bruno Després, Maria El Ghaoui, Toni Sayah
A Trefftz method with reconstruction of the normal derivative applied to elliptic equations. 2645-2679 - Assyr Abdulle, Marcus J. Grote, Giacomo Rosilho de Souza:
Explicit stabilized multirate method for stiff differential equations. 2681-2714 - David Krieg
, Erich Novak, Mathias Sonnleitner
Recovery of Sobolev functions restricted to iid sampling. 2715-2738 - Elisenda Feliu
, AmirHosein Sadeghimanesh
Kac-Rice formulas and the number of solutions of parametrized systems of polynomial equations. 2739-2769 - Josef Dick, Takashi Goda
, Kosuke Suzuki:
Component-by-component construction of randomized rank-1 lattice rules achieving almost the optimal randomized error rate. 2771-2801 - Sotirios E. Notaris:
Anti-Gaussian quadrature formulae of Chebyshev type. 2803-2816 - Ariel Pacetti
, Lucas Villagra Torcomian
$\mathbb {Q}$-Curves, Hecke characters and some Diophantine equations. 2817-2865 - Thomas Rüd:
Explicit Tamagawa numbers for certain algebraic tori over number fields. 2867-2904 - Colin Faverjon, Marina Poulet:
An algorithm to recognize regular singular Mahler systems. 2905-2928 - James Rickards
Improved computation of fundamental domains for arithmetic Fuchsian groups. 2929-2954 - Guillem Blanco:
An algorithm for Hodge ideals. 2955-2967 - Sandra Di Rocco, David Eklund, Oliver Gäfvert:
Sampling and homology via bottlenecks. 2969-2995
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