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IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications, Volume 6
Volume 6, Number 1, January 1988
- K. Sam Shanmugan:
An update on software packages for simulation of communication systems (links). 5-12 - William H. Tranter, Carl R. Ryan:
Simulation of communication systems using personal computers. 13-23 - Kirt R. Matis, James W. Modestino:
Interactive communication system simulation on a high-speed PC workstation. 24-33 - Mario Pent, Letizia Lo Presti, Giovanna D'Aria, Giuseppe De Luca:
Semianalytic BER evaluation by simulation for noisy nonlinear bandpass channels. 34-41 - Ezio Biglieri, Sergio Barberis, Maurizio Catena:
Analysis and compensation of nonlinearities in digital transmission systems. 42-51 - Ernesto L. Pinto
, João C. Brandao:
On the efficient use of computer simulated digital signals to evaluate performance parameters. 52-57 - Rodney F. W. Coates, Gareth J. Janacek, Kenneth V. Lever:
Monte Carlo simulation and random number generation. 58-66 - Dingqing Lu, Kung Yao:
Improved importance sampling technique for efficient simulation of digital communication systems. 67-75 - Maurizio Guida
, Domenico Iovino, Maurizio Longo
Comparative performance analysis of some extrapolative estimators of probability tails. 76-84 - William Turin:
Simulation of error sources in digital channels. 85-93 - Aly F. Elrefaie, J. Keith Townsend, Malcolm B. Romeiser, K. Sam Shanmugan:
Computer simulation of digital lightwave links. 94-105 - Lars Erup, Robert A. Harris:
On numerical optimization of communications system design. 106-125 - James F. Kurose, Hussein T. Mouftah:
Computer-aided modeling, analysis, and design of communication networks. 130-145 - Victor S. Frost, William W. LaRue, K. Sam Shanmugan:
Efficient techniques for the simulation of computer communications networks. 146-157 - Christos G. Cassandras, Stephen G. Strickland:
Perturbation analytic methodologies for design and optimization of communication networks. 158-171 - John R. Doner:
GENESIM [generic network simulator]. 172-179 - Hussein T. Mouftah, Edward A. Krause:
Computer-aided design and performance evaluation of communications controllers with mixed traffic. 180-189 - Paul T. Brady:
Performance of an edge-to-edge protocol in a simulated X.25/X.75 packet network. 190-196 - Dennis J. Baker, James P. Hauser, William A. Thoet:
A distributed simulation and prototyping testbed for radio communication networks. 197-209 - Kuriacose Joseph, Dipankar Raychaudhuri:
Simulation models for performance evaluation of satellite multiple access protocols. 210-222
Volume 6, Number 2, February 1988
- Maurizio Decina, Giulio Modena:
CCITT standards on digital speech processing. 227-234 - Charles A. Dvorak, John R. Rosenberger:
Deriving a subjective testing methodology for digital circuit multiplication and packetized voice systems. 235-241 - Nobuhiko Kitawaki, Hiromi Nagabuchi, Kenzo Itoh:
Objective quality evaluation for low-bit-rate speech coding systems. 242-248 - Paul Yatrou, Paul Mermelstein:
Ensuring predictor tracking in ADPCM speech coders under noisy transmission conditions. 249-261 - Kenichiro Hosoda, Osamu Noguchi, Yohtaro Yatsuzuka:
A 32 kbit/s ADPCM algorithm having high performance for both voice and 9.6 kbit/s modem signals. 262-273 - Masahiro Taka, Rikio Maruta, Shigeyuki Unagami:
DSP implementations of sophisticated speech codecs. 274-282 - Xavier Maitre:
7 kHz audio coding within 64 kbit/s. 283-298 - Masahiro Taka, Shoji Shimada, Tomonori Aoyama:
Multimedia multipoint teleconference system using the 7 kHz audio coding standard at 64 kbit/s. 299-306 - Masahiro Iwadare, Takao Nishitani:
64 kbit/s audio signal transmission approaches using 32 kbit/s ADPCM channel banks. 307-313 - James D. Johnston:
Transform coding of audio signals using perceptual noise criteria. 314-323 - Jon Emil Natvig:
Evaluation of six medium bit-rate coders for the Pan-European digital mobile radio system. 324-331 - Michael J. McLaughlin, Phillip D. Rasky:
Speech and channel coding for digital land-mobile radio. 332-345 - Hirohito Suda, Toshio Miki:
An error protected 16 kbit/s voice transmission for land mobile radio channel. 346-352 - Peter Kroon, Ed F. Deprettere:
A class of analysis-by-synthesis predictive coders for high quality speech coding at rates between 4.8 and 16 kbit/s. 353-363 - Venkatasubbarao Ramamoorthy, Nikil S. Jayant, Richard V. Cox, Man Mohan Sondhi:
Enhancement of ADPCM speech coding with backward-adaptive algorithms for postfiltering and noise feedback. 364-382 - Kazunori Irie, Yasuhiko Tada, Kouichi Honma:
APC-AB codec modules operating at 16 and 8 kbit/s. 383-390 - Richard V. Cox, Steven L. Gay, Yair Shoham, Schuyler R. Quackenbush, Nambirajan Seshadri, Nikil S. Jayant:
New directions in subband coding. 391-409 - Tomohiko Taniguchi, Shigeyuki Unagami, Kohei Iseda, Shoji Tominaga:
ADPCM with a multiquantizer for speech coding. 410-424 - Takehiro Moriya, Masaaki Honda:
Transform coding of speech using a weighted vector quantizer. 425-431 - Noboru Sugamura, Nariman Farvardin:
Quantizer design in LSP speech analysis-synthesis. 432-440 - Rafid A. Sukkar, Joseph L. LoCicero, Joseph Picone:
Design and implementation of a robust pitch detector based on a parallel processing technique. 441-451
Volume 6, Number 3, April 1988
- Kazuo Yamaguchi, Hiroo Kitasagami, Masaaki Kawai, Izumi Amemiya, Takashi Touge, Haruo Tamada, Masayuki Kokado, Masahiro Sugimoto:
Gigabit receiver ICs for optical communications. 460-476 - Yasuyuki Okumura, Takashi Yamamoto:
Circuit design and transmission performance of ISDN basic interface. 468-475 - Misao Fukuda, Toshitaka Tsuda, Hirohisa Gambe, Youzi Hino:
A line terminating LSI using echo cancelling method for ISDN subscriber loop transition. 476-483 - Chin-Liang Wang, Che-Ho Wei, Sin-Horng Chen:
Efficient bit-level systolic array implementation of FIR and IIR digital filters. 484-483 - David E. Borth, Ira A. Gerson, John R. Haug, Charles D. Thompson:
A flexible adaptive FIR filter VLSI IC. 494-503 - Majid Taheri, Graham A. Jullien, William C. Miller:
High-speed signal processing using systolic arrays over finite rings. 504-512 - Hidenobu Harasaki, Ichiro Tamitani, Yukio Endo, Takao Nishitani, Masakatsu Yamashina, Tadayoshi Enomoto, Norio Suzuki:
A single-board video signal processor module employing newly developed LSI devices. 513-519 - Vladimir Friedman, Douglas M. Brinthaupt, De-Ping Chen, Timothy W. Deppa, John P. Elward Jr., Evelyn M. Fields, Hanafy Meleis:
A bit-slice architecture for sigma-delta analog-to-digital converters. 520-526 - P. Glenn Gulak, Thomas Kailath:
Locally connected VLSI architectures for the Viterbi algorithm. 527-537 - Stanley J. Simmons:
A nonsorting VLSI structure for implementing the (M, L ) algorithm. 538-546 - David Haccoun, Pierre Lavoie, Yvon Savaria:
New architectures for fast convolutional encoders and threshold decoders. 457 - Ayyoob D. Abbaszadeh, Craig K. Rushforth:
VLSI implementation of a maximum-likelihood decoder for the Golay (24, 12) code. 558-565 - Anthony Jayakumar, Kenneth C. Young Jr.:
A 16×16 crosspoint switch for ternary encoded signals. 566-571 - Yao Wang, Xuelong Zhu:
A fast algorithm for the Fourier transform over finite fields and its VLSI implementation. 572-577 - P. Andrew Scott, Stanley J. Simmons, Stafford E. Tavares, Lloyd E. Peppard:
Architectures for exponentiation in GF(2m). 578-585 - Stuart K. Tewksbury, Lawrence A. Hornak:
Communication network issues and high-density interconnects in large-scale distributed computing systems. 587-609 - Leslie Forth, Raymond S. Duley:
A coded data transceiver for the Star Local Area Network (StarLAN). 610-619
Volume 6, Number 4, May 1988
- Jacob J. Appel, M. J. Polosky:
Pacific Bell's network and systems concept of the 90s. 627-632 - J. S. Fleischman, P. E. Proctor:
Operations planning for the information age [telecommunication networks]. 633-640 - K. J. Lutz:
Operations planning strategies for new network services and technologies. 641-647 - Robert W. Vetter Jr.:
Integrated operations. 648-655 - William J. Hines, Edward L. Pinnes:
Trends in the automation of service provisioning. 656-661 - Manu Malek, Orlando Sotomayor-Diaz:
On-line provisioning of network services. 662-668 - Jesse A. Bayer, David J. Granfors, Robert T. Lewis:
A generic integrated maintenance interface for network elements. 669-676 - W. P. Arvidson:
A generic operations system interface to support the next generation of digital loop carrier systems. 677-684 - Veli Sahin, Cambyse Guy Omidyar, Timothy M. Bauman:
Telecommunications management network (TMN) architecture and interworking designs. 685-696 - Peter A. Birkwood, Salah E. Aidarous, Richard M. K. Tam:
Implementation of a distributed architecture for intelligent network operations. 697-705 - Jane R. Fox, Gary M. Slawsky:
The role of expert systems in switch maintenance operations and the generation of switch analysis requirements. 706-714 - Edward A. Jones Jr., Daniel S. Walsh:
Monitoring and analysis strategies for digital networks. 715-721 - Fumihiko Deguchi, Yoshiki Katsuyama, Masahiko Matsushita, Haruo Yamaguchi:
Data communication network and database implementation strategy for a transmission network operations system. 722-726 - Neal J. King:
Service provisioning data relationship model for ISDN network maintenance. 727-731 - Don M. Tow:
Network management-recent advances and future trends. 732-741 - Robert Warfield, David McMillan:
A linear program model for the automation of network management. 742-750 - Tatsuo Mikami, Tetsu Hirose:
Introduction of the International Network Management Center-Its activity and system. 751-759 - Stephen G. Eick:
Surveillance strategies for a class of adaptive-routing algorithms in circuit-switched DNHR communications networks: a simulation study. 760-765 - Barbara E. Shaneyfelt, Tsong-Ho Wu:
Statistical analysis of network traffic for class of service in packet-switched networks. 766-777
Volume 6, Number 5, June 1988
- Lawrence Bernstein, Christine M. Yuhas:
Expert systems in network management-the second revolution. 784-787 - Kalyan Ganesan, Murthy Ganti:
A multimedia front-end for an expert network management system. 788-791 - Nassem A. Khan, Paul H. Callahan, Rajesh Dube, Jason L. Tsay, William Van Dusen:
An engineering approach to model-based troubleshooting in communication networks. 792-799 - Da-Min D. Liu, Dennis A. Pelz:
I-Test: integrated testing expert system for trunks. 800-804 - Roman O. Yudkin:
On testing communications networks. 805-812 - Dick Peacocke, Sameh Rabie:
Knowledge-based maintenance in networks. 813-818 - Keith E. Brown, Colin F. N. Cowan, Tom M. Crawford, Peter M. Grant:
Knowledge-based techniques for fault detection in digital microwave radio communication equipment. 819-827 - Jeffrey J. P. Tsai:
A knowledge-based system for software design. 828-841 - Kaoru Takahashi, Norio Shiratori, Shoichi Noguchi:
An intelligent support system for protocol and communication software development. 842-849 - Tetsuo Kinoshita
, Kenji Sugawara, Norio Shiratori:
Knowledge-based design support system for computer communication system. 850-861 - Mehdi T. Harandi:
Building a knowledge-based software development environment. 862-868 - Kurudi H. Muralidhar, Bruce W. Irish:
MAPCON: an expert system for configuration of MAP networks. 869-873 - Yaoxue Zhang, Kaoru Takahashi, Norio Shiratori, Shoichi Noguchi:
A knowledge-based system for protocol synthesis (KSPS). 874-883 - Balakrishnan Chandrasekaran, William F. Punch III:
Hierarchical classification: its usefulness for diagnosis and sensor validation. 884-891 - Kenneth J. Macleish:
Mapping the integration of artificial intelligence into telecommunications. 892-898
Volume 6, Number 6, July 1988
- Imrich Chlamtac, Aura Ganz:
A multibus train communication (AMTRAC) architecture for high-speed fiber optic networks. 903-912 - Frederick W. Scholl, Michael H. Coden:
Passive optical star systems for fiber optic local area networks. 913-923 - Amit Bhargava, James F. Kurose, Don Towsley
A hybrid media access protocol for high-speed ring networks [fibre optic LAN]. 924-933 - Mario Gerla, Luigi Fratta:
Tree structured fiber optics MANs. 934-943 - Mohsen Kavehrad, Isam M. I. Habbab:
A simple high-speed optical local area network based on flooding. 944-949 - Jospeh L. Katz, Bruce D. Metcalf:
SURVNET: a survivable network implementation. 950-958 - Andres Albanese, Ronald C. Menendez:
Loop distribution using coherent detection [fiber optic networks]. 959-973 - Gerard J. Foschini:
Sharing of the optical band in local systems. 974-986 - Peter Martini, Otto Spaniol, Thomas Welzel:
File transfer in high-speed token ring networks: performance evaluation by approximate analysis and simulation. 987-996 - Doug Dykeman, Werner Bux:
Analysis of tuning of FDDI media access control protocol. 997-1010 - Mirjana Zafirovic-Vukotic, Ignas G. Niemegeers, Durk S. Valk:
Performance analysis of slotted ring protocols in HSLANs. 1011-1024 - E. Stewart Lee, Peter I. P. Boulton, Brian W. Thomson:
HUBNET performance measurement. 1025-1032
Volume 6, Number 7, August 1988
- Eric Nussbaum:
Communication network needs and technologies-a place for photonic switching? 1036-1043 - Stephen A. Cassidy, Peter Yennadhiou:
Optimum switching architectures using D-fiber optical space switches. 1044-1051 - Christopher J. Smyth:
Nonblocking photonic switch networks. 1052-1062 - Martin Eisenberg, Nader Mehravari:
Performance of the multichannel multihop lightwave network under nonuniform traffic. 1063-1078 - Ryozo Kishimoto, Kaoru Yoshino, Masahiro Ikeda:
Fiber-optic digital video distribution system for using high-definition television signals using laser-diode optical switch. 1079-1086 - Joseph D. Evankow Jr., Richard A. Thompson:
Photonic switching modules designed with laser-diode amplifiers. 1087-1095 - Richard A. Thompson:
Architectures with improved signal-to-noise ratio in photonic systems with fiber-loop delay lines. 1096-1106 - Kai Y. Eng:
A photonic knockout switch for high-speed packet networks. 1107-1116 - Rod C. Alferness:
Waveguide electrooptic switch arrays. 1117-1130 - Tetsuhiko Ikegami, Hitoshi Kawaguchi:
Semiconductor devices in photonic switching. 1131-1140 - R. Ian MacDonald:
Terminology for photonic matrix switches. 1141-1151 - H. A. Mackenzie, J. Young, A. K. Iltaif, Hameed A. Al-Attar
The switching dynamics and noise limitations of indium antimonide bistable elements. 1152-1159 - John V. Wright, Stephen R. Mallinson, Colin A. Millar:
A fiber-based crosspoint switch using high-refractive index interlay materials. 1160-1168 - Stuart N. Radcliffe, Terence P. Young:
New low-loss bend structures for high-density integrated optical switch arrays. 1169-1177 - J. Skinner, C. H. R. Lane:
A low crosstalk microoptic liquid crystal switch. 1178-1185 - Toshio Morioka
, Masatoshi Saruwatari:
Ultrafast all-optical switching utilizing the optical Kerr effect in polarization-maintaining single-mode fibers. 1186-1198 - Kiyohide Wakao, Kenya Nakai, Masaaki Kino, Shigenobu Yamakoshi:
InGaAsP/InP optical switches embedded with semi-insulating InP current blocking layers. 1199-1204 - Michel Belanger, S. Iraj Najafi, Romain Maciejko, John F. Currie
Fabrication and characterization of a linear mode confinement modulator on GaAs. 1205-1208 - H. Scott Hinton:
Architectural considerations for photonic switching networks. 1209-1226 - Anders Djupsjobacka:
Time division multiplexing using optical switches. 1227-1231 - D. Hoffman, H. Heidrich, H. Ahlers, M. K. Fluge:
Performance of rearrangeable nonblocking 4×4 switch matrices on LiNbO3. 1232-1240 - Helmut Bunning, Manfred Burmeister, Thomas Hermes, Friedrich Raub, Jürgen Saniter, Fred Schmidt, Wolfgang Werner:
LOCNET-an experimental communications system using optical routing. 1241-1247 - Ryozo Kishimoto, Masahiro Ikeda:
Optical self-routing switch using integrated laser diode optical switch. 1248-1254 - John R. Erickson, Gail A. Bogert, Roger F. Huisman, Ronald A. Spanke:
Performance of two 4×4 guided-wave photonic switching systems. 1255-1261 - Hiroaki Inoue, Hitoshi Nakamura, Kenichi Morosawa, Yoshimitsu Sasaki, Toshio Katsuyama, Naoki Chinone:
An 8 mm length nonblocking 4×4 optical switch array. 1262-1266 - Ippei Sawaki, Toshio Shimoe, Hiroshi Nakamoto, Takeo Iwama, Takashi Yamane, Horochika Nakajima:
Rectangularly configured 4×4 Ti: LiNbO3 matrix switch with low drive voltage. 1267-1272 - L. Zhang, R. Jin, Charles W. Stirk, G. Khitrova, Ravindra A. Athale, Hyatt M. Gibbs, H. M. Chou, Robert W. Sprague, H. Angus Macleod:
All-optical compare-and-exchange switches. 1273-1279
Volume 6, Number 8, October 1988
- Vyasaraj V. Murthy:
Quality and reliability in communications. 1284-1286 - Henry A. Malec:
Reliability growth from the customer perspective [telecommunications]. 1287-1293 - Ance W. Thatcher:
Quality after the scale: a marketing tool [telecommunication products]. 1294-1298 - Zenya Koono, Masakatsu Toiya, Tatsuo Matsuida, Masahiro Soga:
In-service quality improvement activities [telecommunication products]. 1299-1304 - Horst Neswadba, Rudolph Nitsch:
Quality of telecommunication systems after sales: evaluation of field data. 1305-1308 - Donald R. Cain, Burton S. Liebesman, W. E. Martin:
The quality improvement process in telecommunications. 1312-1321 - J. Walker, Samuel E. Hon III:
Supplier quality improvement-the key to long-term quality relationships. 1322-1325 - R. L. Chaddha, A. W. King, N. S. Pearson:
Providing buyer feedback on digital switch field performance. 1326-1329 - Kjell Strandberg:
Field dependability evaluation principles. 1330-1337 - Wilhelm Kremer, Charalampos I. Saraidaridis, Anekal B. Sripad:
Field tracking studies: theory and practice [electronic equipment population]. 1338-1349 - Leon A. Bowie, Melanie A. Hickox, Anekal B. Sripad:
An automated field repair tracking system [telecommunication products]. 1350-1358 - Roberto Broggi, Luciano Salari:
FREDA: a methodology and a tool for monitoring quality and reliability of equipment and systems in the field [telecommunications]. 1359-1363 - Gianni Pirovano, Giorgio Turconi:
Telecommunications reliability databank: from components to systems. 1364-1370 - Jean-Pierre Combot, Jean-Pierre Desbois, Dominique Treps:
SCOOP-switching centers operating observations processing. 1371-1377 - John G. Gruber:
Performance monitoring and surveillance in integrated services networks. 1378-1383 - Robert J. Parish:
Software maintenance during system testing: enhanced methods for the System X project. 1385-1392 - Anup Kumar, Suresh Rai, Dharma P. Agrawal:
On computer communication network reliability under program execution constraints. 1393-1400 - Syed Riffat Ali:
Implementation of firmware on SPC switching systems. 1401-1404 - Jean-Francois Bars, Bernard Loyer:
Reliability and evolvability: requirements for the design of ISDN communication software. 1405-1413 - Yukio Itoh, Hiroshi Kawashima, Yuichi Shimojo, Kenichiro Kawase:
Fault tolerance techniques in the NEAX61 digital switching system and its field performance. 1414-1421 - M. Hossein Sharifi, Lawrence J. Wolter:
Design and operational issues of VSAT application in ISDN-type networks. 1422-1430 - Hansali B. Bouanaka, John D. Healy:
The effect of infant mortality of spares on switching system maintenance and downtime. 1431-1439 - Frederick C. Hawley, Patricia L. Murphy:
Effect of DOA spares on predicted system reliability [switching system]. 1440-1443 - Clinton M. Hamilton, Barry R. Lewin:
An approach to developing an infant mortality requirement for fiber optic transport systems. 1444-1447
Volume 6, Number 9, December 1988
- Tony T. Lee:
Nonblocking copy networks for multicast packet switching. 1455-1467 - Peter Newman:
A fast packet switch for the integrated services backbone network. 1468-1479 - Gary J. Anido, Anthony W. Seeto:
Multipath interconnection: a technique for reducing congestion within fast packet switching fabrics. 1480-1488 - Achille Pattavina:
Multichannel bandwidth allocation in a broadband packet switch. 1489-1499 - Edward Arthurs, Matthew S. Goodman, Haim Kobrinski, Mario P. Vecchi:
HYPASS: an optoelectronic hybrid packet switching system. 1500-1510 - H. Jonathan Chao:
Design of transmission and multiplexing systems for broadband packet networks. 1511-1520 - Hitoshi Uematsu, Ryuichi Watanabe:
Architecture of a packet switch based on banyan switching network with feedback loops. 1521-1527 - Michel Devault, Jean-Yves Cochennec, Michel Servel:
The 'Prelude' ATD experiment: assessments and future prospects. 1528-1537 - Martin De Prycker:
Definition of network options for the Belgian ATM broadband experiment. 1538-1544 - Jan P. Vorstermans, Andre P. De Vleeschouwer:
Layered ATM systems and architectural concepts for subscribers' premises networks. 1545-1555 - Hiroshi Suzuki, Takao Takeuchi, F. Akashi, Takehiko Yamaguchi:
Very high speed and high capacity packet switching for broadband ISDN. 1556-1564 - Amit Bhargava, James F. Kurose, Don Towsley
, Guy Van Leemput:
Performance comparison of error control schemes in high-speed computer communication networks. 1565-1575 - Israel Cidon, Inder S. Gopal, George A. Grover, Moshe Sidi:
Real-time packet switching: a performance analysis. 1576-1586 - Michael G. Hluchyj, Mark J. Karol:
Queueing in high-performance packet switching. 1587-1597 - Joseph Y. Hui:
Resource allocation for broadband networks. 1598-1608 - Hirokazu Ohnishi, Tadanobu Okada, Kiyohiro Noguchi:
Flow control schemes and delay/loss tradeoff in ATM networks. 1609-1616 - Bernard M. Waxman:
Routing of multipoint connections. 1617-1622 - Willem Verbiest, Luc Pinnoo, Bart Voeten:
The impact of the ATM concept on video coding. 1623-1632
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