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Environmental Modelling and Software, Volume 20
Volume 20, Number 1, January 2005
- Anjali Srivastava, R. N. Singh:
Use of multimedia mass balance model to predict concentrations of benzene in microenvironment in air. 1-5 - Jonathan Cohen, James Richard Cook, Chad R. Bailey, Edward Carr:
Relationship between motor vehicle emissions of hazardous pollutants, roadway proximity, and ambient concentrations in Portland, Oregon. 7-12 - Jutta Geldermann
, Otto Rentz:
Techno-economic assessment of VOC-emission reduction strategies based on the ARGUS model. 13-17 - Stefan Uhlenbrook, Angela Sieber:
On the value of experimental data to reduce the prediction uncertainty of a process-oriented catchment model. 19-32 - Rehan Sadiq, Tahir Husain:
A fuzzy-based methodology for an aggregative environmental risk assessment: a case study of drilling waste. 33-46 - Prasada Rao:
A parallel RMA2 model for simulating large-scale free surface flows. 47-53 - Sherif Naoum, Ioannis K. Tsanis, M. Fullarton:
A GIS pre-processor for pollutant transport modelling. 55-68 - Saskia M. Visser
, Geert Sterk, Derek Karssenberg
Wind erosion modelling in a Sahelian environment. 69-84 - Rodrigo Ramos-Jiliberto
Resource-consumer models and the biomass conversion principle. 85-91
Volume 20, Number 2, February 2005
- Rebecca A. Letcher, Carlo Giupponi
Policies and tools for sustainable water management in the European Union. 93-98 - Mike Acreman:
Linking science and decision-making: features and experience from environmental river flow setting. 99-109 - Ângela Guimarães Pereira
, Serafin Corral Quintana
, Silvio Funtowicz:
GOUVERNe: new trends in decision support for groundwater governance issues. 111-118 - Joanne Tippett:
The value of combining a systems view of sustainability with a participatory protocol for ecologically informed design in river basins. 119-139 - Jan Jaap Bouma, Delphine François, Peter Troch
Risk assessment and water management. 141-151 - Guido Maria Bazzani:
An integrated decision support system for irrigation and water policy design: DSIRR. 153-163 - Guido Maria Bazzani, Sabrina Di Pasquale, Vittorio Gallerani, Sabina Morganti, Meri Raggi
, Davide Viaggi:
The sustainability of irrigated agricultural systems under the Water Framework Directive: first results. 165-175 - Ierotheos Zacharias
, Elias Dimitriou
, Theodoros Koussouris:
Integrated water management scenarios for wetland protection: application in Trichonis Lake. 177-185 - Nadine Turpin, Philippe Bontems, Gilles Rotillon, Ilona Bärlund, Minna Kaljonen
, Sirkka Tattari, Franz Feichtinger, Peter Strauss
, Randel Haverkamp, Monica Garnier, Antonio Lo Porto
, Giulia Benigni, Antonio Leone
, Maria Nicoletta Ripa
, Ole-Martin Eklo, Eirik Romstad, Thierry Bioteau
, François Birgand
, Paul Bordenave, Ramon Laplana, Jean-Marie Lescot, Laurent Piet, Frédéric Zahm
AgriBMPWater: systems approach to environmentally acceptable farming. 187-196 - Matthew G. R. Holmes, Andrew R. Young, Tracey H. Goodwin, Robert Grew:
A catchment-based water resource decision-support tool for the United Kingdom. 197-202 - Jaroslav Mysiak
, Carlo Giupponi
, Paolo Rosato
Towards the development of a decision support system for water resource management. 203-214 - Ron Janssen
, Hasse Goosen
, Mariken L. Verhoeven, Jos T. A. Verhoeven, A. Q. A. (Nancy) Omtzigt, Edward Maltby:
Decision support for integrated wetland management. 215-229 - John Bromley, Nick A. Jackson, O. J. Clymer, Anna Maria Giacomello, Finn Verner Jensen:
The use of Hugin® to develop Bayesian networks as an aid to integrated water resource planning. 231-242 - Alexander V. Lotov
, Lioubov V. Bourmistrova, Roman V. Efremov, Vladimir A. Bushenkov
, Alexander L. Buber, N. A. Brainin:
Experience of model integration and Pareto frontier visualization in the search for preferable water quality strategies. 243-260 - Horst Gömann, Peter Kreins, Ralf Kunkel
, Frank Wendland
Model based impact analysis of policy options aiming at reducing diffuse pollution by agriculture--a case study for the river Ems and a sub-catchment of the Rhine. 261-271
Volume 20, Number 3, March 2005
- A. K. M. Chu, Ron Chi-Wai Kwok, K. N. Yu
Study of pollution dispersion in urban areas using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Geographic Information System (GIS). 273-277 - Xiaoyong Zhan:
Parallel Fortran-MPI software for numerical inversion of the Laplace transform and its application to oscillatory water levels in groundwater environments. 279-284 - Jonas C. Carvalho, Ézio R. Nichimura, Marco Túllio M. B. de Vilhena, Davidson Martins Moreira, Gervásio Annes Degrazia
An iterative Langevin solution for contaminant dispersion simulation using the Gram-Charlier PDF. 285-289 - Reimund P. Roetter
, Chu Thai Hoanh, Alice G. Laborte, Herman Van Keulen, Martin K. van Ittersum
, Christoph Dreiser, Cees A. Van Diepen, Nico de Ridder, H. H. Van Laar:
Integration of Systems Network (SysNet) tools for regional land use scenario analysis in Asia. 291-307 - Wen-Cheng Liu, Jan-Tai Kuo, Albert Y. Kuo:
Modelling hydrodynamics and water quality in the separation waterway of the Yulin offshore industrial park, Taiwan. 309-328 - Roberto Bellasio
, Roberto Bianconi:
On line simulation system for industrial accidents. 329-342 - Sayoko Kawano, Van-Nam Huynh
, Mina Ryoke, Yoshiteru Nakamori:
A context-dependent knowledge model for evaluation of regional environment. 343-352 - Ying Ge, Doug MacDonald, Sébastien Sauvé
, William Hendershot:
Modeling of Cd and Pb speciation in soil solutions by WinHumicV and NICA-Donnan model. 353-359 - Terhi Helmiö:
Unsteady 1D flow model of a river with partly vegetated floodplains - application to the Rhine River. 361-375 - H. S. Lee, C. J. Matthews, Roger D. Braddock, Graham C. Sander
, F. Gandola:
Corrigendum to "A MATLAB method of lines template for transport equations" [Environ. Model. Softw. 19(2004) 603-614]. 377
Volume 20, Number 4, April 2005
- M. Bruce Beck:
Vulnerability of water quality in intensively developing urban watersheds. 379-380 - M. Bruce Beck:
Vulnerability of water quality in intensively developing urban watersheds. 381-400 - Martin Pleau, Hubert Colas, Pierre Lavallée, Geneviéve Pelletier
, Richard Bonin:
Global optimal real-time control of the Quebec urban drainage system. 401-413 - David Butler
, Manfred Schütze
Integrating simulation models with a view to optimal control of urban wastewater systems. 415-426 - Peter A. Vanrolleghem
, Lorenzo Benedetti, Jurgen Meirlaen:
Modelling and real-time control of the integrated urban wastewater system. 427-442 - Alain N. Rousseau, Alain Mailhot, Renaud Quilbé, Jean-Pierre Villeneuve:
Information technologies in a wider perspective: integrating management functions across the urban-rural interface. 443-455 - Claudia Pahl-Wostl:
Information, public empowerment, and the management of urban watersheds. 457-467 - Gail M. Cowie, Stuart R. Borrett
Institutional perspectives on participation and information in water management. 469-483 - Brian D. Fath, M. Bruce Beck:
Elucidating public perceptions of environmental behavior: a case study of Lake Lanier. 485-498
Volume 20, Number 5, May 2005
- Dietmar Oettl, Peter-Johann Sturm, Raimund Almbauer:
Evaluation of GRAL for the pollutant dispersion from a city street tunnel portal at depressed level. 499-504 - Fabio Monforti
, A. Pederzoli:
THOSCANE: a tool to detail CORINAIR emission inventories. 505-508 - Raymond R. Tan:
Rule-based life cycle impact assessment using modified rough set induction methodology. 509-513 - Bellie Sivakumar:
Hydrologic modeling and forecasting: role of thresholds. 515-519 - Jesper Mazanti Aaslyng
, Niels Ehler, Lene Jakobsen:
Climate control software integration with a greenhouse environmental control computer. 521-527 - Maja Schlüter, Andre G. Savitsky, Daene C. McKinney, Helmut Lieth:
Optimizing long-term water allocation in the Amudarya River delta: a water management model for ecological impact assessment. 529-545 - Joaquín B. Ordieres Meré
, Eliseo P. Vergara González
, R. S. Capuz, R. E. Salaza:
Neural network prediction model for fine particulate matter (PM2.5) on the US-Mexico border in El Paso (Texas) and Ciudad Juárez (Chihuahua). 547-559 - Jingjie Zhang
, Sven Erik Jørgensen:
Modelling of point and non-point nutrient loadings from a watershed. 561-574 - Alexander G. Murray
, Michael O'Callaghan:
The numerical and programming methods used to implement models of the spread and impact of a major epidemic disease: pilchard herpesvirus, Australia 1995 and 1998/1999. 575-585 - Roberto San José García, Andreas Stohl
, Kostas D. Karatzas
, Trond Bohler, Paul James, Juan Luis Pérez Camaño:
A modelling study of an extraordinary night time ozone episode over Madrid domain. 587-593 - D. R. Peel, Andrew J. Pitman
, Lesley A. Hughes
, Gemma T. Narisma, Roger A. Pielke:
The impact of realistic biophysical parameters for eucalypts on the simulation of the January climate of Australia. 595-612 - Lazaros S. Iliadis:
A decision support system applying an integrated fuzzy model for long-term forest fire risk estimation. 613-621 - Zhengen Ren, John Stewart:
Prediction of personal exposure to contaminant sources in industrial buildings using a sub-zonal model. 623-638 - Belarmino Adenso-Díaz
, Javier Tuya
, M. Goitia:
EDSS for the evaluation of alternatives in waste water collecting systems design. 639-649
Volume 20, Number 6, August 2005
- M. Bruce Beck:
Environmental foresight and structural change. 651-670 - William G. Booty, Oskar Resler, Craig McCrimmon:
Mass balance modelling of priority toxic chemicals within the great lakes toxic chemical decision support system: RateCon model results for Lake Ontario and Lake Erie. 671-688 - Daniel S. Kaster
, Claudia Bauzer Medeiros
, Heloisa Vieira da Rocha:
Supporting modeling and problem solving from precedent experiences: the role of workflows and case-based reasoning. 689-704 - Dragutin T. Mihailovic, S. Trivikrama Rao, Kiran Alapaty, Jia-Yeong Ku, Ilija Arsenic
, Branislava Lalic:
A study on the effects of subgrid-scale representation of land use on the boundary layer evolution using a 1-D model. 705-714 - Graciela Metternicht
, Sergio Gonzalez:
FUERO: foundations of a fuzzy exploratory model for soil erosion hazard prediction. 715-728 - Andreas Gyllenhammar, Thomas Gumbricht:
WASUBI: a GIS tool for subbasin identification in topographically complex waterscapes. 729-736 - Peter J. Hurley, William L. Physick, Ashok K. Luhar:
TAPM: a practical approach to prognostic meteorological and air pollution modelling. 737-752 - Llanos Mora López
, Juan Mora
, Rafael Morales Bueno, Mariano Sidrach de Cardona
Modeling time series of climatic parameters with probabilistic finite automata. 753-760 - Hui Liu, Gabriel Rodríguez
Human activities and global warming: a cointegration analysis. 761-773 - Gerhard Smiatek
SOAP-based web services in GIS/RDBMS environment. 775-782 - Joshua B. Fisher
, Terry A. DeBiase, Ye Qi, Ming Xu, Allen H. Goldstein
Evapotranspiration models compared on a Sierra Nevada forest ecosystem. 783-796 - Raúl Periáñez:
GISPART: a numerical model to simulate the dispersion of contaminants in the Strait of Gibraltar. 797-802 - David P. B. T. B. Strik, Alexander M. Domnanovich, Loredana Zani, Rudolf Braun, Peter Holubar
Prediction of trace compounds in biogas from anaerobic digestion using the MATLAB Neural Network Toolbox. 803-810 - J. Q. Guo, L. Zheng:
A modified simulated annealing algorithm for estimating solute transport parameters in streams from tracer experiment data. 811-815
Volume 20, Number 7, July 2005
- Behzad Ataie-Ashtiani
, Seyed Abbas Hosseini
Numerical errors of explicit finite difference approximation for two-dimensional solute transport equation with linear sorption. 817-826 - Alexandre Muzy, Eric Innocenti, Antoine Aïello, Jean François Santucci, Paul-Antoine Santoni, David R. C. Hill:
Modelling and simulation of ecological propagation processes: application to fire spread. 827-842 - Güleda Önkal-Engin
, Ibrahim Demir
, Seref Naci Engin:
Determination of the relationship between sewage odour and BOD by neural networks. 843-850 - Mohammad N. Almasri, Jagath J. Kaluarachchi:
Modular neural networks to predict the nitrate distribution in ground water using the on-ground nitrogen loading and recharge data. 851-871 - William Matt Jolly, Jonathan M. Graham, Andrew R. Michaelis, Ramakrishna R. Nemani, Steven W. Running:
A flexible, integrated system for generating meteorological surfaces derived from point sources across multiple geographic scales. 873-882 - Carlos E. N. Gatts, Alvaro R. C. Ovalle, Cleide F. Silva:
Neural pattern recognition and multivariate data: water typology of the Paraiba do Sul River, Brazil. 883-889 - María del Carmen Bueso
, José Miguel Angulo
, Francisco Javier Alonso
, María Dolores Ruiz-Medina
A study on sensitivity of spatial sampling designs to a priori discretization schemes. 891-902 - Sushil Kumar Kamra, Bernd Lennartz
Quantitative indices to characterize the extent of preferential flow in soils. 903-915 - Enrico Brizio, Giuseppe Genon:
The influence of different mixing heights on the ECOSENSE model results at a local scale. 917-933 - Li Zhang, William J. Mitsch:
Modelling hydrological processes in created freshwater wetlands: an integrated system approach. 935-946 - Ling L. Lim
, Susan J. Hughes, Emma E. Hellawell
Integrated decision support system for urban air quality assessment. 947-954 - Michael J. Hill
, Robert Braaten, Simon M. Veitch, Brian G. Lees, Sunil Sharma:
Multi-criteria decision analysis in spatial decision support: the ASSESS analytic hierarchy process and the role of quantitative methods and spatially explicit analysis. 955-976 - Barry F. W. Croke, Anthony J. Jakeman
Corrigendum to "A Catchment Moisture Deficit module for the IHACRES rainfall-runoff model" [Environ. Model. Softw. 19(1) (2004) 1-5]. 977
Volume 20, Number 8, August 2005
- Ari Jolma, John P. Norton:
Methods of uncertainty treatment in environmental models. 979-980 - Roberto Pastres
, Stefano Ciavatta
A comparison between the uncertainties in model parameters and in forcing functions: its application to a 3D water-quality model. 981-989 - Peter Reichert
, Mark E. Borsuk
Does high forecast uncertainty preclude effective decision support? 991-1001 - Marco Zaffalon
Credible classification for environmental problems. 1003-1012 - Wendy S. Merritt
, Barry F. W. Croke, Anthony J. Jakeman
Sensitivity testing of a model for exploring water resources utilisation and management options. 1013-1030 - Stefano Pallottino, Giovanni M. Sechi
, Paola Zuddas:
A DSS for water resources management under uncertainty by scenario analysis. 1031-1042 - Justin E. Babendreier, Karl J. Castleton:
Investigating uncertainty and sensitivity in integrated, multimedia environmental models: tools for FRAMES-3MRA. 1043-1055 - Arkadii V. Kryazhimskii, Vyacheslav Maksimov
On identification of nonobservable contamination inputs. 1057-1061 - Gustavo Belforte, Fabrizio Dabbene, Paolo Gay
LPV approximation of distributed parameter systems in environmental modelling. 1063-1070
Volume 20, Number 9, September 2005
- Vladimir I. Priklonsky, Danny D. Reible
, John M. Tyler:
Consistent unconfined contaminated disposal facilities dike tidal flow and transport model. 1071-1079 - Elaine Wenderholm:
Eclpss: a Java-based framework for parallel ecosystem simulation and modeling. 1081-1100 - Adrian Doicu, Franz Schreier
, Michael Hess:
An iterative regularization method with B-spline approximation for atmospheric temperature and concentration retrievals. 1101-1109 - Annamaria Carissimo
, Italia De Feis
, Carmine Serio
The physical retrieval methodology for IASI: the delta-IASI code. 1111-1126 - Jian Shen, Andrew F. W. Parker, John Riverson:
A new approach for a Windows-based watershed modeling system based on a database-supporting architecture. 1127-1138 - Russell Wise, Oscar J. Cacho
Tree-crop interactions and their environmental and economic implications in the presence of carbon-sequestration payments. 1139-1148 - Scott A. Condie, Jason Waring, Jim V. Mansbridge, Madeleine L. Cahill:
Marine connectivity patterns around the Australian continent. 1149-1157 - Davidson Martins Moreira
, Paulo de Vilhena Ferreira Neto, Jonas da Costa Carvalho:
Analytical solution of the Eulerian dispersion equation for nonstationary conditions: development and evaluation. 1159-1165 - Shafiqah A. Al-Awadhi
Change in regime and transfer function models of global solar radiation in Kuwait. 1167-1174 - Liping Xia, Yaping Shao
Modelling of traffic flow and air pollution emission with application to Hong Kong Island. 1175-1188 - Michael Ball, Bernd Calaminus, Pierre Kerdoncuff, Otto Rentz:
Techno-economic databases in the context of integrated assessment modelling. 1189-1193 - Ahmet Kurunç
, Kadri Yürekli, Osman Çevik:
Performance of two stochastic approaches for forecasting water quality and streamflow data from Yesilrmak River, Turkey. 1195-1200
Volume 20, Number 10, October 2005
- Jens Christian Refsgaard
, Hans Jørgen Henriksen
, William G. Harrar, Huub Scholten
, Ayalew Kassahun
Quality assurance in model based water management - review of existing practice and outline of new approaches. 1201-1215 - Ralf Denzer:
Generic integration of environmental decision support systems - state-of-the-art. 1217-1223 - Don C. Bragg:
Behavior and sensitivity of an optimal tree diameter growth model under data uncertainty. 1225-1238 - Luis E. Olcese
, Beatriz M. Toselli:
Development of a model for reactive emissions from industrial stacks. 1239-1250 - Stefan Hajkowicz, Jean Michel Perraud, Warrick Dawes, Ronald DeRose:
The strategic landscape investment model: a tool for mapping optimal environmental expenditure. 1251-1262 - Sabah A. Abdul-Wahab, Charles S. Bakheit, Saleh M. Al-Alawi:
Principal component and multiple regression analysis in modelling of ground-level ozone and factors affecting its concentrations. 1263-1271 - Kuoying Wang, Panos Hadjinicolaou, Glenn D. Carver, Dudley E. Shallcross, Simon M. Hall:
Generation of low particle numbers at the edge of the polar vortex. 1273-1287 - Suhejla Hoti, Michael McAleer, Laurent L. Pauwels
Modelling environmental risk. 1289-1298 - Kuoying Wang, Dudley E. Shallcross, Simon M. Hall, Y.-H. Lo, C. Chou, D. Chen:
DOBSON: a Pentium-based SMP Linux PC Beowulf for distributed-memory high resolution environment modelling. 1299-1306 - Asher Brenner
, Mordechai Shacham
, Michael B. Cutlip:
Applications of mathematical software packages for modelling and simulations in environmental engineering education. 1307-1313 - Alexander Moffett, Justin Garson, Sahotra Sarkar:
MultCSync: a software package for incorporating multiple criteria in conservation planning. 1315-1322 - Ioannis K. Tsanis, D. Hurdowar-Castro:
A wind driven three-dimensional pollutant transport model. 1323-1333 - Donald W. McCann:
NNICE - a neural network aircraft icing algorithm. 1335-1342 - Raymond R. Tan:
Application of symmetric fuzzy linear programming in life cycle assessment. 1343-1346 - Davidson Martins Moreira
, Marco Túllio M. B. de Vilhena, Jonas C. Carvalho, Gervásio Annes Degrazia
Analytical solution of the advection-diffusion equation with nonlocal closure of the turbulent diffusion. 1347-1351 - Petraq Papajorgji
A plug and play approach for developing environmental models. 1353-1357 - Tony Prato:
Modeling ecological impacts of landscape change. 1359-1363
Volume 20, Number 11, November 2005
- Michael McAleer:
Modelling economic and environmental systems. 1365-1367 - Felix Chan
, Dora Vasileva Marinova
, Michael McAleer:
Modelling thresholds and volatility in US ecological patents. 1369-1378 - Marzio Galeotti, Alessandro Lanza:
Desperately seeking environmental Kuznets. 1379-1388 - Matteo Manera
, Angelo Marzullo:
Modelling the load curve of aggregate electricity consumption using principal components. 1389-1400 - Haoran Pan:
The cost efficiency of Kyoto flexible mechanisms: a top-down study with the GEM-E3 world model. 1401-1411 - Felix Chan
, Dora Vasileva Marinova
, Michael McAleer:
Rolling regressions and conditional correlations of foreign patents in the USA. 1413-1422 - Alessandro Lanza, Matteo Manera
, Margherita Grasso, Massimo Giovannini:
Long-run models of oil stock prices. 1423-1430 - Christine Lim, Michael McAleer:
Ecologically sustainable tourism management. 1431-1438 - Frank Scrimgeour, Les Oxley
, Koli Fatai:
Reducing carbon emissions? The relative effectiveness of different types of environmental tax: the case of New Zealand. 1439-1448 - Timothy J. Vogelsang, Philip Hans Franses
Are winters getting warmer? 1449-1455
Volume 20, Number 12, December 2005
- Gerald Schimak:
Environmental Knowledge and Information Systems. 1457-1458 - Ian D. Bishop
, R. Bruce Hull IV, Christian Stock:
Supporting personal world-views in an envisioning system. 1459-1468 - Wilfried Winiwarter
, Gerald Schimak:
Environmental software systems for emission inventories. 1469-1477 - Ralf Denzer, Carlo Riparbelli, Matteo Villa, Reiner Güttler:
GIMMI: Geographic Information and Mathematical Models Inter-operability. 1478-1485 - Nektarios Chrysoulakis
, Nektaria Adaktylou, Constantinos Cartalis:
Detecting and monitoring plumes caused by major industrial accidents with JPLUME, a new software tool for low-resolution image analysis. 1486-1494 - Nigel W. T. Quinn, Karl C. Jacobs, Carl W. Chen, William T. Stringfellow
Elements of a decision support system for real-time management of dissolved oxygen in the San Joaquin River Deep Water Ship Channel. 1495-1504 - David A. Swayne, David C.-L. Lam, Murray MacKay, Wayne Rouse, William Schertzer:
Assessment of the interaction between the Canadian Regional Climate Model and lake thermal-hydrodynamic models. 1505-1513 - Robert M. Argent
A case study of environmental modelling and simulation using transplantable components. 1514-1523 - Stefan Reis
, Steffen Nitter, Rainer Friedrich:
Innovative approaches in integrated assessment modelling of European air pollution control strategies - Implications of dealing with multi-pollutant multi-effect problems. 1524-1531 - Thomas Usländer
Trends of environmental information systems in the context of the European Water Framework Directive. 1532-1542
- Ralf Seppelt
, Otto Richter
"It was an artefact not the result": A note on systems dynamic model development tools. 1543-1548
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