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Computers & Operations Research, Volume 30
Volume 30, Number 1, January 2003
- Chih-Hsiung Wang, Shey-Huei Sheu:
Determining the optimal production-maintenance policy with inspection errors: using a Markov chain. 1-17 - Wenbin Wang, Anthony H. Christer:
Solution algorithms for a nonhomogeneous multi-component inspection model. 19-34 - Seong Whan Shinn, Hark Hwang:
Optimal pricing and ordering policies for retailers under order-size-dependent delay in payments. 35-50 - T. C. Edwin Cheng
, Qing Ding:
Scheduling start time dependent tasks with deadlines and identical initial processing times on a single machine. 51-62 - Prakash L. Abad:
Optimal price and lot size when the supplier offers a temporary price reduction over an interval. 63-74 - Mélanie Bourgeois, Gilbert Laporte, Frédéric Semet
Heuristics for the black and white traveling salesman problem. 75-85 - Fernando Y. Chiyoshi, Roberto D. Galvão, Reinaldo Morabito
A note on solutions to the maximal expected covering location problem. 87-96 - Raymond A. Patterson
, Erik Rolland
The cardinality constrained covering traveling salesman problem. 97-116 - Kyu-Yeul Lee, Seong-Nam Han, Myung-Il Roh
An improved genetic algorithm for facility layout problems having inner structure walls and passages. 117-138 - Dieter Fiems, Bart Steyaert, Herwig Bruneel:
Analysis of a discrete-time GI-G-1 queueing model subjected to bursty interruptions. 139-153 - Kim Fung Lam
, Jane W. Moy:
A simple weighting scheme for classification in two-group discriminant problems. 155-164
Volume 30, Number 2, February 2003
- Luis Gonzalo Acosta Espejo, Roberto D. Galvão, Brian Boffey:
Dual-based heuristics for a hierarchical covering location problem. 165-180 - John J. Glen:
An iterative mixed integer programming method for classification accuracy maximizing discriminant analysis. 181-198 - Parag C. Pendharkar:
Characterization of aggregate fuzzy membership functions using Saaty's eigenvalue approach. 199-212 - W. H. Ip
, Min Huang, Kai-Leung Yung
, Dingwei Wang:
Genetic algorithm solution for a risk-based partner selection problem in a virtual enterprise. 213-231 - Chuen-Lung Chen, Rong-Ho Lin, Jianping Zhang:
Genetic algorithms for MD-optimal follow-up designs. 233-252 - Antoine Kreidi, Brunilde Sansò:
Optimization of an internationally distributed air-ground airline telecommunication system. 253-277 - Shouhong Wang:
Adaptive non-parametric efficiency frontier analysis: a neural-network-based model. 279-295 - Kefeng Xu, Philip T. Evers:
Managing single echelon inventories through demand aggregation and the feasibility of a correlation matrix. 297-308 - Ali Tozkapan, Ömer Kirca, Chia-Shin Chung:
A branch and bound algorithm to minimize the total weighted flowtime for the two-stage assembly scheduling problem. 309-320
Volume 30, Number 3, March 2003
- Barrie M. Baker, Carlos A. C. Carreto
A visual interactive approach to vehicle routing. 321-337 - Peter Xiaoping Liu
, Ming Jian Zuo, Max Q.-H. Meng:
Using neural network function approximation for optimal design of continuous-state parallel-series systems. 339-352 - Nam K. Kim, Kyung C. Chae:
Transform-free analysis of the GI/G/1/K queue through the decomposed Little's formula. 353-365 - Kevin R. Gue:
A dynamic distribution model for combat logistics. 367-381 - Jose Gutiérrez, Antonio Sedeño-Noda
, Marcos Colebrook
, Joaquin Sicilia
A new characterization for the dynamic lot size problem with bounded inventory. 383-395 - Gregory Levitin, R. Abezgaouz:
Optimal routing of multiple-load AGV subject to LIFO loading constraints. 397-410 - Esmail Mohebbi:
Supply interruptions in a lost-sales inventory system with random lead time. 411-426 - Hiroyuki Kubotani, Kazuyuki Yoshimura:
Performance evaluation of acceptance probability functions for multi-objective SA. 427-442 - Patrick R. McMullen, Mark Clark, M. David Albritton, John E. Bell:
A correlation and heuristic approach for obtaining production sequences requiring a minimum of tool replacements. 443-462 - Rosangela Helena Loschi, Frederico R. B. Cruz
, Pilar Loreto Iglesias, Reinaldo Boris Arellano-Valle:
A Gibbs sampling scheme to the product partition model: an application to change-point problems. 463-482
Volume 30, Number 4, April 2003
- Kun-Jen Chung, Kuo-Lung Hou
An optimal production run time with imperfect production processes and allowable shortages. 483-490 - Fayez F. Boctor, Gilbert Laporte, Jacques Renaud
Heuristics for the traveling purchaser problem. 491-504 - Vincent T'kindt
, Jatinder N. D. Gupta
, Jean-Charles Billaut:
Two-machine flowshop scheduling with a secondary criterion. 505-526 - Elkafi Hassini
, Raymond G. Vickson:
A two-carousel storage location problem. 527-539 - Chiang Kao, Chang-Chung Li, Shih-Pin Chen
Simulation response optimization via direct conjugate direction method. 541-552 - Joy Bhadury, Horst A. Eiselt, Jorge H. Jaramillo:
An alternating heuristic for medianoid and centroid problems in the plane. 553-565 - Yi-Kuei Lin:
Extend the quickest path problem to the system reliability evaluation for a stochastic-flow network. 567-575 - Donald E. K. Martin:
An algorithm to compute the probability of a run in binary fourth-order Markovian trials. 577-588 - Kuo-Hwa Chang, Wen-Fang Chen:
Admission control policies for two-stage tandem queues with no waiting spaces. 589-601 - Gloria Galán Marín
, Enrique Mérida Casermeiro, José Muñoz-Pérez:
Modelling competitive Hopfield networks for the maximum clique problem. 603-624 - Dennis C. Dietz, Amie J. Elcan, Daphne E. Skipper:
Optimization models for ATM network planning. 625-641
Volume 30, Number 5, April 2003
- John W. Chinneck, Vitória Pureza, Rafik A. Goubran, Gerald M. Karam, Marco Lavoie:
A fast task-to-processor assignment heuristic for real-time multiprocessor DSP applications. 643-670 - Po-Chung Yang, Hui-Ming Wee:
An integrated multi-lot-size production inventory model for deteriorating item. 671-682 - Muhammad El-Taha:
Allocation of service time in a two-server system. 683-693 - N. Hemachandra, Sarat Kumar Eedupuganti:
Performance analysis and buffer allocations in some open assembly systems. 695-704 - José-Manuel Belenguer, Enrique Benavent:
A cutting plane algorithm for the capacitated arc routing problem. 705-728 - Celik Parkan:
Measuring the effect of a new point of sale system on the performance of drugstore operations. 729-744 - Jonathan F. Bard, Canan Binici, Anura H. deSilva:
Staff scheduling at the United States Postal Service. 745-771 - In-Chan Choi, Seong-In Kim, Hak-Soo Kim:
A genetic algorithm with a mixed region search for the asymmetric traveling salesman problem. 773-786 - Barrie M. Baker, M. A. Ayechew:
A genetic algorithm for the vehicle routing problem. 787-800 - Hongyi Sun
, Guoqing Wang:
Parallel machine earliness and tardiness scheduling with proportional weights. 801-808
Volume 30, Number 6, May 2003
- Sohail S. Chaudhry, Huaizu Li, Hong Zhang, Li Da Xu:
Computers and operations research in emerging economies. 809-810 - Zhili Zhou, Ling Li:
Single hoist cyclic scheduling with multiple tanks: a material handling solution. 811-819 - Feng Shan, Ling Li, Ling Cen, Jingping Huang:
Using MLP networks to design a production scheduling system. 821-832 - Vasile Bostan, Ling Li:
A decision model for reducing active power losses during electric power dispatching. 833-849 - Zongbin Li, Lida Xu:
Polychromatic sets and its application in simulating complex objects and systems. 851-860 - Kin Keung Lai, J. Xue, B. Xu:
A cross-border transportation system under supply and demand constraints. 861-875 - Shiying Xu, Li Da Xu, Xiufang Chen:
Determining optimum edible films for kiwifruits using an analytical hierarchy process. 877-886 - An-Sing Chen, Mark T. Leung:
A Bayesian vector error correction model for forecasting exchange rates. 887-900 - An-Sing Chen, Mark T. Leung, Hazem Daouk:
Application of neural networks to an emerging financial market: forecasting and trading the Taiwan Stock Index. 901-923 - Yi Xu, Bhaba R. Sarker:
Models for a family of products with shelf life, and production and shortage costs in emerging markets. 925-938
Volume 30, Number 7, June 2003
- Shiwei He, Rui Song, Sohail S. Chaudhry
An integrated dispatching model for rail yards operations. 939-966 - Boris Goldengorin
, Diptesh Ghosh
, Gerard Sierksma:
Branch and peg algorithms for the simple plant location problem. 967-981 - Vladimir Marianov
, Daniel Serra
Location models for airline hubs behaving as M/D/c queues. 983-1003 - Juan A. Carrasco:
Computation of bounds for transient measures of large rewarded Markov models using regenerative randomization. 1005-1035 - Yen-Liang Chen, Li-Jen Hsiao:
Shipping problems with body clock constraints. 1037-1049 - Hsi-Mei Chen:
An optimal control problem in determining the optimal reinforcement schedules for the Lanchester equations. 1051-1066 - Patrick P. A. Storms, Frits C. R. Spieksma:
An LP-based algorithm for the data association problem in multitarget tracking. 1067-1085 - Jeffery K. Cochran, Shwu-Min Horng
, John W. Fowler
A multi-population genetic algorithm to solve multi-objective scheduling problems for parallel machines. 1087-1102
Volume 30, Number 8, July 2003
- Chung-Chi Hsieh, Yi-Che Hsieh:
Reliability and cost optimization in distributed computing systems. 1103-1119 - Jukka K. Nurminen
Using software complexity measures to analyze algorithms - an experiment with the shortest-paths algorithms. 1121-1134 - G. Viswanathkumar, G. Srinivasan:
A branch and bound algorithm to minimize completion time variance on a single processor. 1135-1150 - Yeo Keun Kim, Kitae Park, Jesuk Ko
A symbiotic evolutionary algorithm for the integration of process planning and job shop scheduling. 1151-1171 - C. T. Daniel Ng
, T. C. Edwin Cheng
, Mikhail Y. Kovalyov
, Sze Sing Lam:
Single machine scheduling with a variable common due date and resource-dependent processing times. 1173-1185 - Monica Gentili:
Visiting a network of services with time constraints. 1187-1217 - Tariq A. Aldowaisan, Ali Allahverdi:
New heuristics for no-wait flowshops to minimize makespan. 1219-1231 - Madhu Jain
, Poonam Singh:
Performance prediction of loss and delay Markovian queueing model with nopassing and removable additional servers. 1233-1253 - Bruce J. Chaderjian, Tangan Gao:
Comments on "An efficient search direction for linear programming problems" by H. Luh and R. Tsaih. 1255-1258
Volume 30, Number 9, August 2003
- Surabhi Sinha:
Fuzzy mathematical programming applied to multi-level programming problems. 1259-1268 - Roberto Wolfler Calvo
, Roberto Cordone:
A heuristic approach to the overnight security service problem. 1269-1287 - Bong Dae Choi, Bara Kim, Sung Ho Choi:
An M/G/1 queue with multiple types of feedback, gated vacations and FCFS policy. 1289-1309 - Kun-Jen Chung:
An algorithm for an inventory model with inventory-level-dependent demand rate. 1311-1317 - Fang-Chuan Lee, Ming-Jong Yao:
A global optimum search algorithm for the joint replenishment problem under power-of-two policy. 1319-1333 - Ching-Jong Liao, W. J. Chen:
Single-machine scheduling with periodic maintenance and nonresumable jobs. 1335-1347 - Bülent Çatay, S. Selçuk Erengüç, Asoo J. Vakharia:
Tool capacity planning in semiconductor manufacturing. 1349-1366 - Nikolaos F. Giannelos, Michael C. Georgiadis
Efficient scheduling of consumer goods manufacturing processes in the continuous time domain. 1367-1381 - Konstantinos Paparrizos, Nikolaos Samaras, George Stephanides:
A new efficient primal dual simplex algorithm. 1383-1399 - Bong-Ryong Jung, Byung-Geun Sun, Jong-Soo Kim, Sun-Eung Ahn:
Modeling lateral transshipments in multiechelon repairable-item inventory systems with finite repair channels. 1401-1417
Volume 30, Number 10, September 2003
- Edward A. Wasil, Bruce L. Golden:
Celebrating 25 years of AHP-based decision making. 1419-1420 - Matthew J. Liberatore, Ronald E. Myers
, Robert L. Nydick, Michael Steinberg
, Earl R. Brown, Roy Gay, Thomas Powell, Roberta Lee Powell:
Decision counseling for men considering prostate cancer screening. 1421-1434 - Edward M. Condon, Bruce L. Golden, Edward A. Wasil:
Visualizing group decisions in the analytic hierarchy process. 1435-1445 - Elliot B. Sloane
, Matthew J. Liberatore, Robert L. Nydick, Wenhong Luo, Q. B. Chung:
Using the analytic hierarchy process as a clinical engineering tool to facilitate an iterative, multidisciplinary, microeconomic health technology assessment. 1447-1465 - Qing Li, Hanif D. Sherali:
An approach for analyzing foreign direct investment projects with application to China's Tumen River Area development. 1467-1485 - Lawrence Bodin, Saul I. Gass:
On teaching the analytic hierarchy process. 1487-1497 - Kun-Jen Chung:
Approximations to production lot sizing with machine breakdowns. 1499-1507 - Dirk Biskup, Dirk Simons, Hermann Jahnke:
The effect of capital lockup and customer trade credits on the optimal lot size - a confirmation of the EPQ. 1509-1524 - Alexander Simampo, Sarah M. Ryan
Capacity expansion for a loss system with exponential demand growth. 1525-1537 - Zelda B. Zabinsky, Robert L. Smith, Birna P. Kristinsdottir:
Optimal estimation of univariate black-box Lipschitz functions with upper and lower error bounds. 1539-1553 - Christos Valouxis, Efthymios Housos
Constraint programming approach for school timetabling. 1555-1572
Volume 30, Number 11, September 2003
- Evelyn C. Brown, Robert T. Sumichrast:
Impact of the replacement heuristic in a grouping genetic algorithm. 1575-1593 - Yi-Kuei Lin:
Using minimal cuts to study the system capacity for a stochastic-flow network in two-commodity case. 1595-1607 - Moh Danil Hendry Gamal
, Saïd Salhi
A cellular heuristic for the multisource Weber problem. 1609-1624 - Jaydeep Balakrishnan, Chun Hung Cheng
, Kam-Fai Wong
FACOPT: a user friendly FACility layout OPTimization system. 1625-1641 - Ekaterina M. Gratcheva, James E. Falk:
Optimal deviations from an asset allocation. 1643-1659 - Mak A. Kaboudan:
Forecasting with computer-evolved model specifications: a genetic programming application. 1661-1681 - Oded Berman, Zvi Drezner, George O. Wesolowsky:
Locating service facilities whose reliability is distance dependent. 1683-1695 - Min-Sheng Lin:
Linear-time algorithms for computing the reliability of bipartite and (#<=2) star distributed computing systems. 1697-1712 - Erwin Kalvelagen:
On solving the progressive party problem as a MIP. 1713-1726 - P. Patrick Wang, Minqing Gong, Tanyu Lee:
Waiting time in a combined first-come-first-served and shortest-time-first queue. 1727-1743 - Avital Lann, Gur Mosheiov:
A note on the maximum number of on-time jobs on parallel identical machines. 1745-1749
Volume 30, Number 12, October 2003
- Yong-Wu Zhou, Hon-Shiang Lau, Shanlin Yang:
A new variable production scheduling strategy for deteriorating items with time-varying demand and partial lost sale. 1753-1776 - Ching-Fang Liaw, Yang-Kuei Lin, Chun-Yuan Cheng, Mingchih Chen:
Scheduling unrelated parallel machines to minimize total weighted tardiness. 1777-1789 - Hani I. Mesak:
On deriving and validating comparative statics of a symmetric model of advertising competition. 1791-1806 - Joris Walraevens
, Bart Steyaert, Herwig Bruneel:
Performance analysis of a single-server ATM queue with a priority scheduling. 1807-1829 - Masao Yokoyama, Harold W. Lewis III:
Optimization of the stochastic dynamic production cycling problem by a genetic algorithm. 1831-1849 - Dong Hwan Han, Chul Geun Park, Kwang Hyun Baik:
Performance analysis of an AAL multiplexer with dynamic bandwidth allocation in an IP/ATM environment. 1851-1864 - M. Eugénia V. Captivo
, João C. N. Clímaco
, José Rui Figueira
, Ernesto Martins, José Luís Santos:
Solving bicriteria 0-1 knapsack problems using a labeling algorithm. 1865-1886 - Robert L. Bulfin Jr., Rym M'Hallah
Minimizing the weighted number of tardy jobs on a two-machine flow shop. 1887-1900 - Sudhansu Khanra, K. S. Chaudhuri:
A note on an order-level inventory model for a deteriorating item with time-dependent quadratic demand. 1901-1916
Volume 30, Number 13, November 2003
- Koo-Min Ahn, Sehun Kim:
Optimal bandwidth allocation for bandwidth adaptation in wireless multimedia networks. 1917-1929 - Tetsuya Fujie:
An exact algorithm for the maximum leaf spanning tree problem. 1931-1944 - Jose A. Ventura, Daecheol Kim:
Parallel machine scheduling with earliness-tardiness penalties and additional resource constraints. 1945-1958 - David C. Novak
, Daniel Rowland, Luiz A. DaSilva:
Modeling dialup internet access: an examination of user-to-modem ratios, blocking probability, and capacity planning in a modem pool. 1959-1976 - Joana Dias
, M. Eugénia V. Captivo
, João C. N. Clímaco
An interactive procedure dedicated to a bicriteria plant location model. 1977-2002 - Thomas Yew Sing Lee:
Analysis of random polling system with an infinite number of coupled servers and correlated input process. 2003-2020 - Ho Woo Lee, No Ik Park, Jongwoo Jeon:
A new approach to the queue length and waiting time of BMAP/G/1 queues. 2021-2045 - Qian Wang, Rajan Batta, Joyendu Bhadury
, Christopher M. Rump:
Budget constrained location problem with opening and closing of facilities. 2047-2069 - Philippe Baptiste:
A note on scheduling multiprocessor tasks with identical processing times. 2071-2078 - Sigurdur Ólafsson:
Focused issue on operations research and data mining. Comput. Oper. Res. 30(13): 2079-2080 (2003)
Volume 30, Number 14, December 2003
- Ching-Fang Liaw:
An efficient tabu search approach for the two-machine preemptive open shop scheduling problem. 2081-2095 - Adel A. Ghobbar
, Chris H. Friend:
Evaluation of forecasting methods for intermittent parts demand in the field of aviation: a predictive model. 2097-2114 - Yong-Wu Zhou:
A multi-warehouse inventory model for items with time-varying demand and shortages. 2115-2134 - Hong Yan
, Zhenxin Yu, T. C. Edwin Cheng
A strategic model for supply chain design with logical constraints: formulation and solution. 2135-2155 - Kathleen Steinhöfel
, Andreas Alexander Albrecht, C. K. Wong:
An experimental analysis of local minima to improve neighbourhood search. 2157-2173 - William Ho
, Ping Ji
Component scheduling for chip shooter machines: a hybrid genetic algorithm approach. 2175-2189 - Emanuel Melachrinoudis, Zaharias Xanthopulos:
Semi-obnoxious single facility location in Euclidean space. 2191-2209 - Jihong Ou, B. Madhu Rao:
Benefits of providing amenities to impatient waiting customers. 2211-2225 - Nam K. Kim, Kyung C. Chae:
Erratum to "Transform-free analysis of the GI/G/1/K queue through the decomposed Little's formula" [Comput. Oper. Res. 30(3) 353-365]. 2227
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