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IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Volume 8
Volume 8, Number 1, January 1997
- Ju-wook Jang, Madhusudan Nigam, Viktor K. Prasanna, Sartaj Sahni:
Constant Time Algorithms for Computational Geometry on the Reconfigurable Mesh. 1-12 - Venkatavasu Bokka, Himabindu Gurla, Stephan Olariu, James L. Schwing, Larry Wilson:
Time-Optimal Domain-Specific Querying on Enhanced Meshes. 13-24 - Jennifer Rexford
, Wu-chang Feng, James W. Dolter, Kang G. Shin:
PP-MESS-SIM: A Flexible and Extensible Simulator for Evaluating Multicomputer Networks. 25-40 - Yih-jia Tsai, Philip K. McKinley:
An Extended Dominating Node Approach to Broadcast and Global Combine in Multiport Wormhole-Routed Mesh Networks. 41-58 - Ada Wai-Chee Fu:
Delay-Optimal Quorum Consensus for Distributed Systems. 59-69 - Yong Yan, Canming Jin, Xiaodong Zhang:
Adaptively Scheduling Parallel Loops in Distributed Shared-Memory Systems. 70-81 - Laxmi N. Bhuyan, Ravi R. Iyer, Tahsin Askar, Ashwini K. Nanda, Mohan Kumar:
Performance of Multistage Bus Networks for a Distributed Shared Memory Multiprocessor. 82-95
Volume 8, Number 2, February 1997
- Chunming Qiao, Rami G. Melhem:
Reducing Communication Latency with Path Multiplexing in Optically Interconnected Multiprocessor Systems. 97-108 - Khaled Day
, Abdel Elah Al-Ayyoub:
The Cross Product of Interconnection Networks. 109-118 - Cheol-Hoon Lee, Kang G. Shin:
Optimal Task Assignment in Homogeneous Networks. 119-129 - Ahmed El-Amawy, Priyalal Kulasinghe:
Algorithmic Mapping of Feedforward Neural Networks onto Multiple Bus Systems. 130-136 - Shalini Yajnik, Niraj K. Jha:
Graceful Degradation in Algorithm-Based Fault Tolerant Multiprocessor Systems. 137-153 - Hirotsugu Kakugawa, Masafumi Yamashita:
Uniform and Self-Stabilizing Token Rings Allowing Unfair Daemon. 154-163 - Martina Schollmeyer, Bruce M. McMillin
A General Method for Maximizing the Error-Detecting Ability of Distributed Algorithms. 164-172 - Min-You Wu:
On Runtime Parallel Scheduling for Processor Load Balancing. 173-186 - Ting-Yi Sung, Men-Yang Lin, Tung-Yang Ho:
Multiple-Edge-Fault Tolerance with Respect to Hypercubes. 187-192 - Naraig Manjikian, Tarek S. Abdelrahman:
Fusion of Loops for Parallelism and Locality. 193-209 - Samir Ranjan Das, Richard Fujimoto:
An Empirical Evaluation of Performance-Memory Trade-Offs in Time Warp. 210-224
Volume 8, Number 3, March 1997
- Jae H. Kim, Ziqiang Liu, Andrew A. Chien:
Compressionless Routing: A Framework for Adaptive and Fault-Tolerant Routing. 229-244 - Mahamed Adda:
A Scalable Multibus Configuration for Connecting Transputer Links. 245-253 - Ronald I. Greenberg, Hyeong-Cheol Oh:
Universal Wormhole Routing. 254-262 - Subbarayan Venkatesan, Tong-Ying Tony Juang, Sridhar Alagar:
Optimistic Crash Recovery without Changing Application Messages. 263-271 - Sunondo Ghosh, Rami G. Melhem, Daniel Mossé:
Fault-Tolerance Through Scheduling of Aperiodic Tasks in Hard Real-Time Multiprocessor Systems. 272-284 - Feng-Hsu Wang, Ferng-Ching Lin:
On Routing Maskable Messages in Hypercube-Derived Multistage Interconnection Networks. 285-291 - Suchendra M. Bhandarkar, Hamid R. Arabnia
Parallel Computer Vision on a Reconfigurable Multiprocessor Network. 292-309 - Ravi Jain, Kiran Somalwar, John Werth, James C. Browne:
Heuristics for Scheduling I/O Operations. 310-320
Volume 8, Number 4, April 1997
- Josep Torrellas, Zheng Zhang:
The Performance of the Cedar Multistage Switching Network. 321-336 - Paul F. Reynolds Jr., Craig Williams, Raymond R. Wagner Jr.:
Isotach Networks. 337-348 - Vishal Sharma, Emmanouel A. Varvarigos:
Circuit Switching with Input Queuing: An Analysis for the d-Dimensional Wraparound Mesh and the Hypercube. 349-366 - Ming-Yang Su, Gen-Huey Chen, Dyi-Rong Duh:
A Shortest-Path Routing Algorithm for Incomplete WK-Recursive Networks. 367-379 - Yu-Chee Tseng, Ting-Hsien Lin, Sandeep K. S. Gupta, Dhabaleswar K. Panda:
Bandwidth-Optimal Complete Exchange on Wormhole-Routed 2D/3D Torus Networks: A Diagonal-Propagation Approach. 380-396 - Alberto Negro
, Nicola Santoro
, Jorge Urrutia:
Efficient Distributed Selection with Bounded Messages. 397-401 - Yu-Chen Kuo, Shing-Tsaan Huang:
A Geometric Approach for Constructing Coteries and k-Coteries. 402-411 - Nael B. Abu-Ghazaleh
, Philip A. Wilsey, Xianzhi Fan, Debra A. Hensgen:
Synthesizing Variable Instruction Issue Interpreters for Implementing Functional Parallelism on SIMD Computers. 412-423 - Shlomi Dolev
, Amos Israeli, Shlomo Moran:
Uniform Dynamic Self-Stabilizing Leader Election. 424-440 - Mayez A. Al-Mouhamed, Steven S. Seiden:
A Heuristic Storage for Minimizing Access Time of Arbitrary Data Patterns. 441-447
Volume 8, Number 5, May 1997
- Adele A. Rescigno
Optimal Polling in Communication Networks. 449-461 - Lionel M. Ni, Yadong Gui, Sherry Moore:
Performance Evaluation of Switch-Based Wormhole Networks. 462-474 - Alan S. Wagner, Halsur V. Sreekantaswamy, Samuel T. Chanson:
Performance Models for the Processor Farm Paradigm. 475-489 - Robert Allen, Luigi Cinque, Steven L. Tanimoto, Linda G. Shapiro, Dean Yasuda:
A Parallel Algorithm for Graph Matching and Its MasPar Implementation. 490-501 - Anshul Gupta, George Karypis
, Vipin Kumar:
Highly Scalable Parallel Algorithms for Sparse Matrix Factorization. 502-520 - Ju-wook Jang, Heonchul Park, Viktor K. Prasanna:
An Optimal Multiplication Algorithm on Reconfigurable Mesh. 521-532 - Divyakant Agrawal, Ömer Egecioglu, Amr El Abbadi:
Analysis of Quorum-Based Protocols for Distributed (k+1)-Exclusion. 533-537 - Ho-fung Leung
, Hing-Fung Ting:
An Optimal Algorithm for Global Termination Detection in Shared-Memory Asynchronous Multiprocessor Systems. 538-543
Volume 8, Number 6, June 1997
- Rumen Andonov, Sanjay V. Rajopadhye:
Knapsack on VLSI: from Algorithm to Optimal Circuit. 545-561 - Ignacio Martín Llorente, Francisco Tirado
Relationships Between Efficiency and Execution Time of Full Multigrid Methods on Parallel Computers. 562-573 - Hung-Kuei Ku, John P. Hayes:
Connective Fault Tolerance in Multiple-Bus Systems. 574-586 - Allan Borodin, Yuval Rabani
, Baruch Schieber:
Deterministic Many-to-Many Hot Potato Routing. 587-596 - Hong Xu, Yadong Gui, Lionel M. Ni:
Optimal Software Multicast in Wormhole-Routed Multistage Networks. 597-607 - Tao Yang, Cong Fu:
Heuristic Algorithms for Scheduling Iterative Task Computations on Distributed Memory Machines. 608-622 - D. Manivannan
, Robert H. B. Netzer, Mukesh Singhal:
Finding Consistent Global Checkpoints in a Distributed Computation. 623-627 - Shiwa S. Fu, Nian-Feng Tzeng:
A Circular List-Based Mutual Exclusion Scheme for Large Shared-Memory Multiprocessors. 628-639 - Alexander Thomasian, Jai Menon:
RAID5 Performance with Distributed Sparing. 640-657 - Marc Abrams:
An Example of Deriving Performance Properties from a Visual Representation of Program Execution. 658-666 - Takashi Harada, Masafumi Yamashita:
Nondominated Coteries on Graphs. 667-672
Volume 8, Number 7, July 1997
- Wen-Jing Hsu, Moon-Jung Chung, Amitabha Das:
Linear Recursive Networks and Their Applications in Distributed Systems. 673-680 - Walter B. Ligon III, Umakishore Ramachandran:
Toward a More Realistic Performance Evaluation of Interconnection Networks. 681-694 - Asit Dan, Philip S. Yu, Anant Jhingran:
Recovery Analysis of Data Sharing Systems under Deferred Dirty Page Propagation Policies. 695-711 - Virginia Mary Lo, Kurt J. Windisch, Wanqian Liu, Bill Nitzberg:
Noncontiguous Processor Allocation Algorithms for Mesh-Connected Multicomputers. 712-726 - Feng-Shr Jiang, Shi-Jinn Horng, Tzong-Wann Kao:
Embedding of Generalized Fibonacci Cubes in Hypercubes with Faulty Nodes. 727-737 - Nihar R. Mahapatra, Shantanu Dutt:
Scalable Global and Local Hashing Strategies for Duplicate Pruning in Parallel A* Graph Search. 738-756 - Shalini Yajnik, Niraj K. Jha:
Analysis and Randomized Design of Algorithm-Based Fault Tolerant Multiprocessor Systems Under an Extended Model. 757-768
Volume 8, Number 8, August 1997
- Chih-Che Chou, Kang G. Shin:
Statistical Real-Time Channels on Multiaccess Bus Networks. 769-780 - Alan Roberts, Antonios Symvonis
A General Method for Deflection Worm Routing on Meshes Based on Packet Routing Algorithms. 781-789 - José Duato
A Theory of Fault-Tolerant Routing in Wormhole Networks. 790-802 - Abdel Elah Al-Ayyoub, Khaled Day
Matrix Decomposition on the Star Graph. 803-812 - Ibraheem Al-Furaih, Srinivas Aluru, Sanjay Goil, Sanjay Ranka
Practical Algorithms for Selection on Coarse-Grained Parallel Computers. 813-824 - PeiZong Lee:
Efficient Algorithms for Data Distribution on Distributed Memory Parallel Computers. 825-839 - Kumar N. Ganapathy, Benjamin W. Wah, Chien-Wei Li:
Designing a Scalable Processor Array for Recurrent Computations. 840-856 - Min Tan, Howard Jay Siegel, John K. Antonio, Yan Alexander Li:
Minimizing the Application Execution Time Through Scheduling of Subtasks and Communication Traffic in a Heterogeneous Computing System. 857-871 - Hui-I Hsiao, Ming-Syan Chen
, Philip S. Yu:
Parallel Execution of Hash Joins in Parallel Databases. 872-883 - Chao-Wei Ou, Sanjay Ranka
Parallel Incremental Graph Partitioning. 884-896
Volume 8, Number 9, September 1997
- Mounir Hamdi, Siang W. Song:
Embedding Hierarchical Hypercube Networks into the Hypercube. 897-902 - Khaled Day
, Abdel Elah Al-Ayyoub:
Fault Diameter of k-ary n-cube Networks. 903-907 - Chi-Chung Hui, Samuel T. Chanson:
Allocating Task Interaction Graphs to Processors in Heterogeneous Networks. 908-925 - Theodore Johnson, Krishna Harathi:
A Prioritized Multiprocessor Spin Lock. 926-933 - Seong-Moo Yoo, Hee Yong Youn, Behrooz A. Shirazi:
An Efficient Task Allocation Scheme for 2D Mesh Architectures. 934-942 - Guy E. Blelloch, Phillip B. Gibbons, Yossi Matias, Marco Zagha:
Accounting for Memory Bank Contention and Delay in High-Bandwidth Multiprocessors. 943-958 - Christine Morin, Isabelle Puaut:
A Survey of Recoverable Distributed Shared Virtual Memory Systems. 959-969 - Giulio Iannello
Efficient Algorithms for the Reduce-Scatter Operation in LogGP. 970-982 - Koji Nakano
, Stephan Olariu:
An Optimal Algorithm for the Angle-Restricted All Nearest Neighbor Problem on the Reconfigurable Mesh, with Applications. 983-990
Volume 8, Number 10, October 1997
- Robert L. Popp, Krishna R. Pattipati, Yaakov Bar-Shalom, Reda A. Ammar:
Shared-Memory Parallelization of the Data Association Problem in Multitarget Tracking. 993-1005 - Jamshed N. Patel, Ashfaq A. Khokhar, Leah H. Jamieson:
Scalable Parallel Implementations of List Ranking on Fine-Grained Machines. 1006-1018 - Venkatavasu Bokka, Himabindu Gurla, Stephan Olariu, James L. Schwing:
Podality-Based Time-Optimal Computations on Enhanced Meshes. 1019-1035 - Ivan Stojmenovic:
Honeycomb Networks: Topological Properties and Communication Algorithms. 1036-1042 - Charles M. Fiduccia, Paul J. Hedrick:
Edge Congestion of Shortest Path Systems for All-to-All Communication. 1043-1054 - D. Scott Wills, Huy Cat, José Cruz-Rivera, W. Stephen Lacy, James M. Baker Jr., John Eble, Abelardo López-Lagunas, Michael A. Hopper:
High-Throughput, Low-Memory Applications on the Pica Architecture. 1055-1067 - Manuel Ujaldon
, Emilio L. Zapata, Barbara M. Chapman, Hans P. Zima:
Vienna-Fortran/HPF Extensions for Sparse and Irregular Problems and Their Compilation. 1068-1083
- Shiuh-Pyng Shieh, Fu-Shen Ho:
A Comment on "A Total Ordering Multicast Protocol Using Propagation Trees". 1084 - Frédéric Guinand
, Christophe Rapine
, Denis Trystram:
Worst Case Analysis of Lawler's Algorithm for Scheduling Trees with Communication Delays. 1085-1086
Volume 8, Number 11, November 1997
- Stephen J. Fink, Craig Huston, Scott B. Baden, Karl Jansen:
Parallel Cluster Identification for Multidimensional Lattices. 1089-1097 - Shankar Ramaswamy, Sachin S. Sapatnekar
, Prithviraj Banerjee:
A Framework for Exploiting Task and Data Parallelism on Distributed Memory Multicomputers. 1098-1116 - Jason A. Moore, Michael J. Quinn:
Generating an Efficient Broadcast Sequence Using Reflected Gray Codes. 1117-1122 - Sanguthevar Rajasekaran, Sartaj Sahni:
Sorting, Selection, and Routing on the Array with Reconfigurable Optical Buses. 1123-1132 - Hossam A. ElGindy, Lachlan Wetherall:
A Simple Voronoi Diagram Algorithm for a Reconfigurable Mesh. 1133-1142 - Jehoshua Bruck
, Ching-Tien Ho, Shlomo Kipnis, Eli Upfal
, Derrick Weathersby:
Efficient Algorithms for All-to-All Communications in Multiport Message-Passing Systems. 1143-1156 - D. Frank Hsu, David S. L. Wei:
Efficient Routing and Sorting Schemes for de Bruijn Networks. 1157-1170 - Hsing-Lung Chen, Nian-Feng Tzeng:
A Boolean Expression-Based Approach for Maximum Incomplete Subcube Identification in Faulty Hypercubes. 1171-1183
Volume 8, Number 12, December 1997
- Yu-Chee Tseng, Shu-Hui Chang, Jang-Ping Sheu:
Fault-Tolerant Ring Embedding in a Star Graph with Both Link and Node Failures. 1185-1195 - Chi-Chang Chen, Jianer Chen:
Nearly Optimal One-to-Many Parallel Routing in Star Networks. 1196-1202 - Jie Wu:
Extended Fibonacci Cubes. 1203-1210 - Antonio Fernández, Kemal Efe
Generalized Algorithm for Parallel Sorting on Product Networks. 1211-1225 - Horng-Ren Tsai, Shi-Jinn Horng, Shun-Shan Tsai, Tzong-Wann Kao, Shung-Shing Lee:
Solving an Algebraic Path Problem and Some Related Graph Problems on a Hyper-Bus Broadcast Network. 1226-1235 - Yue-Li Wang, Hon-Chan Chen, Wei-Kai Liu:
A Parallel Algorithm for Constructing a Labeled Tree. 1236-1240 - Frank K. Hwang, Wenan Zang:
Detecting Corrupted Pages in M Replicated Large Files. 1241-1245 - Kelvin K. Yue, David J. Lilja:
An Effective Processor Allocation Strategy for Multiprogrammed Shared-Memory Multiprocessors. 1246-1258 - Liang-Fang Chao, Edwin Hsing-Mean Sha:
Scheduling Data-Flow Graphs via Retiming and Unfolding. 1259-1267 - Ben Kao, Hector Garcia-Molina:
Deadline Assignment in a Distributed Soft Real-Time System. 1268-1274 - Meenakshisundaram Gopi, Swami Manohar:
A Unified Architecture for the Computation of B-Spline Curves and Surfaces. 1275-1287 - Jian Song, Oliver W. W. Yang:
Backbone Networks Using Rotation Counters. 1288-1298
- Guihai Chen
, Francis C. M. Lau:
Comments on "A New Family of Cayley Graph Interconnection Networks of Constant Degree Four". 1299-1300
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